Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #80629

    Hello friends,

    Here are two more practice reads (Jaguar, and Jack Daniels) for my narration/commercial practice. I’ll be scheduling my first demo soon, so want to make sure I’m progressing in the right direction. Any and all feedback will be helpful. Thanks in advance

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    • #80649

      Hi Thomas, you have a nice voice, perhaps just a bit more emotion in your reads, the biggest takeaway is Jaguar, your recording got cut off perhaps in editing about 1/3 in, also check the correct pronunciation of Jaguar although there seems to be a differing of opinions but I would check an ad to try and match the pronunciation as done on ads, good luck!

      • #80674

        Thanks marioh5! I tell ya…I searched three different ads for the correct pronunciation, mostly leaning towards the European way of saying it, but I’ll do a few more searches to see if there’s a common thread.

        Will check the edit again as well, as I may need to reduce some audio peaks in certain places.

  • #80616

    Another batch for comments.

    Maybe I’m trying too hard, but i like to submit more than one.

    Trying to vary the reads.

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    • #80627

      Hey Cheechman, 2-2 sounds the best to me of the three. Sounds like you gave it more energy while still retaining your natural voice. Take #3 sounds like you want to give more energy but at the cost of maybe losing your natural voice. However, I do like the attention of detail you give to each word, in all 3 takes. That’s something that I struggle with for sure.

      • #80698

        Thanks for the comments

  • #80613

    Here is my latest from coaching.

    I tried to sound 2 different ways in my reads.

    What do you think?

    Comments are more than welcome

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    • #80692

      Wow, what a great voice! The first read has a seriously great vibe but I think I prefer the second read. It has a more varied pitch range which gave it some extra intrigue.

      • #81123

        Thank you very much!

        It’s hard for me to vary, i get into a mode and every read sounds somewhat the same.

  • #80605

    Greetings, I have 2 recordings that I would love some feedback on as I continue my journey to my demo. Thanks for the help!

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    • #80628

      Hey Marioh5,both were interesting reads, and I like how clear your diction is in each. For “Motivation-meditation”, the biggest take away for me is sounding like you sympathize, with the scared listener. So maybe using a bit more emotion to convey the feeling of sympathizing with being scared

      • #80633

        Hey Thomas, thanks for the feedback, super helpful!

  • #80600

    Hi. I’ve been asked to submit voice samples from my home studio with no music production for a possible vo job. They asked for a relaxed, sincere tone. Thanks for input.

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  • #80591

    Hi Everyone! This is my first time using the forum. I’m working on recording my commercial demo reel. I’m open to any comments on my delivery, tone, pacing, or any general voice notes! No need to comment on the sound quality though, these were very much recorded on an iPhone and I’m aware a professional setup would be different haha. Thanks!

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  • #80581

    Hoping to do my narration demo very soon. Just started in on commercial, so I’m trying to bring a little of the oomph from that area into narration. Hoping I’m not losing any of the basics whilst focusing on that part. How’s it sound? Thanks for the input. I do read it and take it to heart.

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    • #80583

      Great read! Audio sounds good, real nice inflections and above all it was engaging. Only piece was the last two seconds at :38 came a little garbled and unsure if you said “killing”. Overall the whole read was easy to understand and flowed well.

  • #80569

    Hi everyone! Got some more Narration homework for you. As always, any feedback is welcome and appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Apollo 16: The year was 1967, and the astronauts of Apollo 16 were going to the moon. This is Charlie Duke, Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 16. This amazing little capsule went by the call-sign CASPER, and it was the heart of an immense system of rocket engineering that got the astronauts safely to the moon and back.

    Recycling: I don’t know about you, but I like our planet a lot! And one of the easiest ways we can help protect the Earth is by recycling. That’s where instead of throwing things like plastic in the trash, you put them in a special bin so they go to a kind of factory to be reused. You’ve probably recycled things like plastic bottles before. There might even be a recycling bin in the room you’re in right now!

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  • #80550

    Mornin friends –

    Here are three reads for an upcoming narration coaching session
    Brevard College Admission video
    JFK and Vanderbilt are tours

    All lightly edited. Thanks for your comments

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    • #80564

      Hello All! This is my 1st time posting here!
      This is 2 reads about cereal! One is Happy/Energetic and the other is Angry (lol!

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      • #80567

        Great Voice!! I like your sound and your tone!

  • #80541

    Hello everyone,

    Here are 3 narration audios. I would love feedback on any of them. Blue Angels and Covideo are sales videos, and Space Camp is a children’s museum exhibit. Thank you!

    • #80543

      Hello everyone,

      Here are my 3 narration audios in mp3 this time. I would love feedback on any of them. Blue Angels and Covideo are sales videos, and Space Camp is a children’s museum exhibit. Thank you!

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      • #80549

        Hi, Grace

        All great reads
        Blue Angels could use more excitement and drive
        Covideo is good as a conversational instruction piece. Very relatable
        Space Camp is the best of the three for me. Grabs the listener and pulls them in.
        Good work

        • #80580

          Thank you for the feedback Jaljr!

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