Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #81033

    Hi everyone it’s nice to meet you! I’d appreciate some feedback regarding pacing and whether these commercial samples are engaging. Don’t have a home recording studio yet, working on the technical aspects. Thank you

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    • #81035

      Going to try attaching the other one again

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      • #81075

        Very nice read of peas and carrots. It sounds like you felt it and I especially like the bit of magic you create at the end with “let your adventure begin.” Just a few minor critiques. You fade a bit at the end and I think instead you should emphasize the last words. The words “games” and “activities” run together for me. I think you could make a tiny pause in between them and also differentiate how they sound. Finally – you emphasize “your” and I don’t think you need to. I think that rhythmically it would sound better to put the emphasis on “account.” I would much appreciate any feedback you can give me on my Cool-Jazz read above. Thanks!

      • #81039
        Silver Wit

        I like your peas and carrots read. Had a very nurturing quality that really came across

  • #81030

    Hello! I’m working on a more conversational read, so any feedback is welcome. Thanks! Courtney

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    • #81318

      I loved this read Courtney. It was clear, sweet, engaging and playful.

    • #81076

      I like the attitude in this read a lot – it gets my attention. Your clarity and diction is great, but there are a few little spots I’d like to point out. The “x” in complex and the “ss” in boss get a little lost. Maybe your tone is dropping here at the end of the phrase? The only other note I have is that Burts Bees should probably get a bit more oomph, since they’re paying for the spot. I would much appreciate any feedback you can give me on my Cool-Jazz read above. Thank you!

    • #81040
      Silver Wit

      You’re clearly having fun with the material. great pacing too

  • #81024

    Hey community! I’m trying to narrow down some texts for my demo. Any feedback is appreciated. These were not recorded with professional equipment, so I realize the quality isn’t up to standard.

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    • #81317

      My apologies as I couldn’t decipher if Toddle 1 and 2 was the same text or not but all of these sounded good to me and very appropriate for your voice. i think you posted them before and could hear the improvement. Great job!

  • #81018

    Hello – I’d appreciate reviews and comments on these items and how the home studio comes across. No need to be gentle. One is a Narration and two are commercials. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

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    • #81115

      Hey Joekett,
      Just listened to Merceded-C class. I really like your full voice for this ad. It matches the subject very nicely. Here are just a few minor notes:
      1. I hear you differentiating these features: “blue tooth,” “sirius satellite radio” and “surround sound system”. But – I think you could embellish even more. It’s like this car is designed to go to the moon.
      2. I think when you finish saying “surround sound system,” you should still have a question mark in your tone (you go down in tone on “system”, so it sounds more declarative than inquisitive).
      3. You do a similar thing on “speeds” – you abandon the questioning tone, which is part of what is driving this VO
      I really like your ending line. You deliver that so nicely, with just a hint of humor. Makes me want a Benz.
      I would very much appreciate your comments on my Costa Rica VO, posted 10-27 at 7:57, or my Cool Jazz VO, posted on 10-25.
      Thanks very much and all the best,

  • #81010

    I’d love some feedback on this travelogue copy for my narration demo. Thanks!

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    • #81325

      Lovely read Lindsay. And well suited for you!

  • #81007

    Hi, Everyone! I’m submitting a couple of practice reads for a homework assignment where I’m working on. I’d definitely appreciate feedback. Thanks

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    • #81041
      Silver Wit

      Your Amtrak read is great, but I feel like you could slow it down just a little bit.

    • #81023

      Your voice/accent seem well suited for the Amtrak read. I heard more of the content with the second listen, so maybe either slow down a bit or emphasize the key words a bit more. I enjoyed it!

  • #80990

    Hello Everyone,
    Im working on my narration reads and would appreciate some feedback. Ive been working on my pacing by slowing down in my reads without adding global stops as well as my diction. How did i do?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Alli. Reason: adding another file
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Alli. Reason: adding another file
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    • #81321

      You have such an interesting voice Alli! Your pacing sounded great. There does seem to be a bit of over emphasizing here and there but I get that you’re practicing and working stuff out. Your read is naturally dynamic and soon that will be all that shines through. Great job!

    • #80998

      For some reason my uploading got a bit weird and i couldnt delete the extra uploads. There should only be 2 files, there are no differences with the multiple uploads

  • #80988
    Ran S.

    Hey everybody! I’m looking for some feedback on this recording as part of my first homework assignment with Edge. I’m new at this, so any criticism is desired. Thank you!

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    • #80999

      Hey! I would say you had a pretty good and clear read.. My only suggestion would be to slow down your pace so that your listener would have time to absorb the information

  • #80975

    Hi All! Looking for any feedback on this copy. Anything that sticks out to you about the read is helpful. Not in a treated space, so not as concerned about tech notes at the moment. Thank you!

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    • #81124
      Silver Wit

      Great pacing, and you really nailed the tone. My only little, itty-bitty nit pick is the way you ended the read sounded like you were going to say more but got cut off.

    • #80986

      Sounds good to me. Nothing is jumping out as noticeably problematic. One minor thing is that you might want to annunciate a bit better the words “meal planning”, but that’s minor.

  • #80952

    I will take any and all feedback. Particularly working on my pacing and diction. I struggle with vowel glottal stops and am trying to keep my mixture of southern and midwestern accent (thanks mom and dad lol) out of my readings. I’m also curious of thoughts on tone appropriateness for the nature of each piece. Thanks in advance.

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    • #81079
      Declan Waters

      Loved the HomeTour read. I think the tone you chose for each was just what they needed to be, I am very impressed! My chief feedback is to be careful of vocal fry on the last word of some of your sentences, I think I heard it most in the College-tour read. Well done

      • #81170

        Thank you for the feedback. 🙂

    • #81000

      Although I think you had a great read and tone for the scrips you have chosen, I would be careful to make sure you are pronouncing the “d” at the end of your words (I get this feedback from my coach a lot too and do understand the awkwardness of it). Otherwise, I hear nothing wrong with your accents and thinks it gives it more character in your reads!

      • #81002

        Thank you for taking the time to have a listen! That is very helpful feedback.

    • #80956

      These were great Shelly. The pacing and diction felt right-wasn’t really aware of the glottal stops and any pauses I noticed were mostly between sentences which could just be edited tighter. The tone also felt appropriate for each. Thought you did a great job!

      • #80978

        Much appreciated! And thank you for giving me both your time and feedback 🙂

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