Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #81773
    Benn Pharr IV

    G’evening all. Here’s a couple uploads for my homework assignment. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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    • #81833

      These are really nice confident reads. I recommend talking to someone. Really talk to them, to avoid the times when it sounds like you’re reading. And also smiling to show you have confidence in the information you’re saying.

      • #81837

        Your delivery is nice and clear, but it seems kind of careful-sounding. I agree with Grace17; imagining yourself saying the words to another person will definitely make it flow like a conversation with the listener.

  • #81769

    Appreciate all your feedback! Thank you!

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    • #81839

      I agree with nettipo1. This was a very engaging read and perfect for young listeners! As well as clear and nicely paced.

    • #81838

      Hi RoxyMel, I enjoyed your read! I don’t think I heard any extraneous pauses, and the delivery was upbeat and easy to follow. This script are your voice are perfect for the young listener audience. Well done.

  • #81761

    Hi, Everyone! I’m submitting a couple of practice reads for a homework assignment I’m working on. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thank you!

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    • #81771

      Great reads Jeff, on the second one I thought maybe it was just a touch fast in tempo…and maybe could use just a slight bit more intonation towards the end – to emphasize the humor. The fist one was nice and smooth. 😉

  • #81755

    Where is everyone else’s posts?! Always feel self conscious when my homework starts monopolizing a page! LOL…just obsessively practicing commercial option reads. Sometimes it’s subtle and sometimes I push it further to flex this muscle. TV VO’s can trip me up as the visuals are there so I don’t want to go overboard, but then I feel it sounds flat so will have to work on that…it’s still helpful to know it all comes across to other ears. Feedback welcome. Thank you for listening!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Hazaro. Reason: File didn't attach
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    • #81779

      Hi again! Okay, now that I listened to the last All-State one I noticed that you did add the expression at the beginning, and I like that!

    • #81777

      Hi Hazaro. On the first All-State, once again I Love the quality of your voice. I really liked when you added in just a little more expression towards the end, and I would just say I think it would sound nice of you added some of that kind of expression towards the beginning as well. Great job 😉

    • #81760

      So the first Loews TV file wouldn’t upload for some reason and couldn’t delete the post so nothing to compare that one to. Ohhh…technology! :/

  • #81747

    Appreciate any feedback!

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    • #81772

      Hi Hazaro. On the Lowes read, I love the texture and style of your voice, I would just say perhaps you can vary the first several items on the “becomes” list a little more. 😉

    • #81751

      I thought this was a lovely read RoxyMel!

  • #81741

    More commercial reads practicing options.

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    • #81855

      For all of your recordings, you sounded pretty clear throughout. I preferred the tone and pacing for each of the second reads, though, over the first reads. Great work.

  • #81699
    Luke V

    Hey, fellow aspiring voice actors!

    If it’s not too much trouble, I would really appreciate any and all feedback even if it’s harsh. I’m not very happy with how these turned out, but I figured I’d never post and learn anything if I try to be happy. That, or I’d strain my voice. Thank you in advance.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Luke V.
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    • #81750

      We’re all learning Luke! These reads were pleasantly conversational and the tones felt appropriate. As some of the words sounded muffled, I would say to be just mindful of keeping the clarity throughout when speeding up or stringing together words. You’re on your way!

      • #81766
        Luke V

        Thank you for the feedback. In addition to the words sounding muffled and keeping clarity, I was recently told that I should work on my consonants (i.e. b, f, t) as well to make them more more precise. I’ll definitely be mindful of your comment for my next recordings.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Luke V.
  • #81688
    Lyle Blaker

    Hello Edge Friends!

    Long time listener, First time caller! Working mostly commercial scripts. The battle is always sounding conversational and taking out pauses that just don’t need to be there. Thanks for listening! Any and all feedback is appreciated! Much love! Keep up the good work everyone!

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    • #81720

      I agree with jadethevo! the only thing i can note is that your tone and pacing is really similar in all 3 scripts. although you start with a different energy for each, i wanted to point it out because you land in the same place at the end. carrying your script analysis and choices through to the end will show your range!

    • #81705

      Not much criticism to offer here, these are all very clean and well-paced. Great work!

  • #81676

    In practicing options for commercial reads, decided to give this character read a try (and had fun). Realize they might be a bit fast, was trying to get it down to a minute and noticed I had a little more wiggle room after I finished editing. Have my own constructive criticism of what I could work more on but would be helpful to get feedback from other ears.

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    • #81749

      Like these both very much, love your tempo, intonation and expression and the quality of your voice, don’t have much constructive to give;-)

    • #81722

      these are both great! i love the variations, i picked up on a few differences in spite of your speeding it up. the second is a little more guileless and rolling through and the first is more explanatory. i think the script asks for a more serious fairy, (i work for a living!) but i like that you brought that sense of fun to both.

  • #81669

    Practicing options/variations for commercial reads.

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