Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #82008

    Hey guys,

    Here are two quick VO’s for some homework. One is for a wine company, the other for JC Penny. By all means, comment on whatever comes to mind. Thanks!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Mike_Control.
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  • #82006

    Didn’t realize in my prior post that the file sizes would exceed the max allowed per post. I will attempt to post each file separately.

  • #82005

    Hello All,

    As part of my HW assignment I have uploaded two Narration files, one Corp and the other Documentary.

    All feedback is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

  • #81991

    Hey guys! Getting some more practice before my first demo record. Any and all feedback is appreciated, thank you!

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    • #82045

      really liked the medmal read. Trusting and serious. Enough urgency without being salesy. Well done!

    • #81996

      And a few more for practice. I tried to challenge myself to go a little outside my wheelhouse to see if I could strike different tones and get a sense of what my vocal range can be.

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  • #81987

    I have some more hw, but loving the opportunity to just read through a bunch of copy and get your feedback. I’ve worked on slowing down and smoothing my breathing out. Would love feedback on my tone, inflection, energy, etc. Thank you!

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    • #82044
      Steve Z-A

      These are both great Lauryn. Good inflection made them interesting to listen to, and I would say they have the appropriate energy for the subjects.

      • #82051

        Thank you so much! I appreciate your feedback!

  • #81964

    good evening lovelies
    I’m starting my coaching sessions for commercial so here’s my first go at some scripts for homework. Looking for all the usual: diction, pace, inflection, conversational tone, etc. Give me what you’ve got! And thanks in advance.

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    • #82022
      Declan Waters

      Your delivery is great, you’re confident in the product and the listener knows it. The only thing I can think of for sure is that the tones sound similar to me – while they’re both very good I wonder if the Purina One read could be a bit more playful. Great work

      • #82025

        Thank you for the feedback! I often want to go bigger but worry about it being too much. I appreciate the permission to play and see where it takes me 🙂

    • #81984

      You have a really lovely tone. Very smooth and comforting. I would pay attention to your breaths in between each phrase. Focus a bit more on fluidity between the phrases you are placing a breath in between, for example, “…home theater// it’s so sophisticated…” and “…fingertips// now if he could…” and watch “Home Theater from Harvey,” that’s the brand, and it sounded like you pulled back on that phrase a little, but overall this is great and very sellable! Great work!

      Definitely watch your breathing between each phrase in Purina One, you tend to breath and pause, as opposed to pause and then breath into the next phrase. Your tone on each phrase is cute, I love hearing a smile on each one, even if you’re not actually smiling, your tone seems to smile through. Great job! I hope this was helpful 🙂

  • #81960
    Benn Pharr IV

    G’evening all. Two more readings for my homework assignment. Thanks in advance.

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  • #81955
    Declan Waters

    Hello all – some practice scripts for homework. Welcoming all feedback. Thanks!

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    • #82007

      I also think your voice sounds great in these reads. I especially like the tone in the Kerry Gold ad; the light gravel fits nicely. In the Home Depot ad, my only note would be to try to adjust the pace in the lists. The line that begins “you can find it” sounds a bit stilted, almost questioning, to begin but then evens out. Overall a very good job to my beginner ear!

    • #81970

      I like how differently your voice sounds in each read and the deliberate “energy” choices you made for each. My coach has been giving me this note a lot lately (so you’d think I’d learn to incorporate it by now…) and I think could enhance your reads as well: Find places to vary the pace in your sentences/clauses. It’ll make your reads sound more natural and add some auditorial interest.

      • #82021
        Declan Waters

        Thank you both! I appreciate you taking the time

  • #81949

    Hi There,

    I am working with a coach and need some feedback for my next session. I am in the process of preparing for my first Narration demo. Although, I recorded these on the voice recorder app on my phone, I am looking for feedback regarding my actual reading of the copy. How I phrase or emphasize, etc. Would love any help I can get! Thank you!

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    • #81967

      You have a very pleasant tone and your diction is quite nice. I’d suggest slowing down a bit and find the parts in each section that you personally find really interesting, then lean into them. Really pinpoint who that focal person or audience is and focus on the goal to entertain and draw them into your story. Currently everything seems to have the same weight and emphasis (not monotone or dull by any means, but doesn’t feel conversational).

      • #81983

        Thank you for this wonderful feedback! Wow! I definitely find that the conversational mindset and speed are my most challenging areas. I am definitely working on that more and more. I tend to sound like a reporter when I slow down. Any advice on slowing down without pausing too much? I feel like I run out of breath and/or have to breathe more often when I do. Anywho, thank you so much for this! I really appreciate it.

  • #81930

    Hello all! Away from my normal set up as I finish up a trip. Sound quality isn’t great, but any feedback on my reading is greatly appreciated!

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    • #81969

      Lots of great technical stuff here (vocally I mean, I understand you’re away from your equipment 🙂 ). I’d challenge you go go bigger with conveying tone and specific audience. Both reads sounded like they could come from the same book, but are two very different topics. Perhaps play with making your voice more warm and tender for the healthcare one and more playful and enthusiastic for the educational b****r one. This isn’t meant so much as a criticism as it is an invitation to play and see what you can find to push yourself.

      • #82107

        Thank you for taking the time to listen and the feedback!

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