Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #83115

    Comments and critiques are welcomed and appreciated.

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  • #83112

    Any Feedback to my first 2 practice scripts would be appreciated!

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  • #83063

    Any and all feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
    Thanks !!

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  • #83061

    Good Evening!

    I have another recording for practice. I’m repairing my soundproofing panels, so apologies for the sound quality.

    As usual, my goal is for a conversational piece, and I’m looking for proper diction and pacing. I want to make sure that ‘PRIME DAY’ is given as much recognition as it deserves, and that ‘change’ is varied enough, while trying my best to sound close to somewhat natural, lol.

    Feedback and criticism is always appreciated. Thanks for your time!

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    • #83118

      I felt the enthusiasm could have been dialed down just a bit. That being said I enjoy your voice and like your pauses. Just breathe a little bit and relax.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Earthbul.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Earthbul.
      • #83162

        I think that you should take a deep breath before you read the copy, aka “The big breath”. It will give you time to fill your diaphragm with air and remember to relax when performing the copy. I feel like you need to breathe more/ have more breath support when performing this copy. Other than that, it was nice.

  • #83057

    Hello! I would really appreciate some feedback on my reads for these two practice scripts. Thanks so much!

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    • #90164

      I would have to agree with RGK3. the 0% benefit would have been great to have that pause. But both of your reads were superb! regardless of not pausing, it sounded legit!

    • #83125


      I liked both of these reads. The Coors one was most successful. I found it conversational and you told the story well. I think you missed a couple of opportunities in the AmEx. The 0% benefit could probably have been emphasized more than the fact that it’s introductory, for example.

  • #83045
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hi VO friends! Here another attempt at the jiff peanut butter commercial.
    Thank you in advance for your thoughts with regard to my tone and conversational style. Please no technical comments.

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    • #83056
      Declan Waters


      I like your style, and I think you got the -talking to other Moms- tone down, well done
      I think you could use more inflexion on your question phrases, it was just a tad flat. Examples: “My kids? / You know?” Maybe inflect higher up on the word ‘kids’ and try both down and up for ‘know’

      Hope that helps!

  • #83042

    Audition piece.
    Any and all feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

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  • #83016

    Been awhile. Thought I’d dip my toe back in the pool 🙂 I’m aware of the down swing on some of the words. I’m working on it.
    All comments welcomed and appreciated.
    In 1819, the 238 ton Essex set sail from Nantucket on a routine voyage to hunt whales.
    Fifteen months later, the unthinkable happened: In the farthest reaches of the South Pacific,
    the Essex was rammed and sunk by an enraged s***m whale. Fearing cannibals on the islands to the west,
    the twenty-man crew set out in three small boats for South America, almost 3,000 miles away.
    Three months later, only eight were left alive, the survivors having been forced to eat the bodies of their dead shipmates.
    The ordeal of the Essex was as well-known in it’s time as the story of the Titanic is today.
    Steeped in the lore of whaling, with deep resonance in American literature and history.

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  • #83005

    Character with SFX
    When dining formally, in order to avoid an embarrassing utensil faux pas, observe the following protocol: Begin by locating your seafood fork. Grasping this fork between thumb and forefinger, proceed to shove it into the ear of the person directly to your left. SFX: Yeouch!! Next, to impress business associates, stick your soup spoon up your nose and exclaim, “Look at me, I’m a bowl of soup.” When the entree arrives, use the butter spreader to catapult particularly juicy portions onto the balding heads of nearby diners. SFX: Splat! And finally, quietly finish with your dessert utensils, all the while, of course, making odd gurgling noises SFX: Gurgling! and clucking like a chicken. SFX: Clucking Chicken! This lesson in table etiquette has been brought to you by Linguini and Bob, who invite you to enjoy serious Italian food in a not-so-serious atmosphere. Linguini and Bob, now open at Butler Square in Minneapolis.

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  • #82997

    Hi everyone!
    Both my recordings are done on an Iphone so the sound quality is not good.
    I mostly want your feedback on my delivery. Like did I emphasize the right words? How’s my inflection on these reads; is it Flat? Rising? Falling? Also did I ended my thoughts well after a sentence. Or anything that you like about it or you think I can work on to be better. Thank you, let’s stay motivated!

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    • #83124


      Nice job. I think you told the story well in the Burt’s Bees spot and your inflections matched the text appropriately. I think you could have gotten more out of the end of the thought on “so you can be a force” if you slowed it down and emphasized the benefit more strongly (being a force).

      The AmEx spot felt less conversational. The inflections made sense, but the pacing felt a little flat and it was less clear you were communicating directly to someone.

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