Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #84122

    Re-Uploading. I cleaned up the audio and added a music bed.
    Any thoughts ?

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    • #84136

      Hey –
      Listened through a couple of times. My ears only caught little ticky tacky things. I think it is a really good read. The music is good…maybe mix it in a little earlier. No big deal either way. Great job

  • #84067
    Dan Pyuen

    Hi everyone!

    First time posting material; I just changed spaces and wondered if I could get some feedback on these auditions I recorded. Commercial/advertisement style.

    Thank you!

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    • #84084

      Well well my friend, you’ve got quite the voice in you lol Seriously good work. The words “shine” and “up” in the enthusiasm spot, were they cut together ? Just wondering because editing is the bane of my existence at times and I know the hassle of getting it just right. Blah, blah, blah that’s neither here nor there. Really nice work man I look forward to hearing more of your reads.

      • #84109
        Dan Pyuen

        IIRC I only ran normalize and noise floor, otherwise I think it was one take. Thanks!

  • #84062

    Hi Everyone,
    I’d appreciate your feedback on my delivery here. Trying to find the sweet spot between conversational and interesting. Also working on pacing. Recorded on a cell phone, so not ready for tech notes. Thank you!

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    • #84137

      Gothic was more conversational than Congaree. Both were interesting.

      • #84256

        Thanks very much for the feedback.

    • #84107

      You sound much more relaxed and conversational in these reads. Other then some
      sound treatment issues I think these really flowed. Plus,
      I could only hear you through one channel which didn’t help.

      • #84119

        Thanks very much for the feedback. I’ll work on my recording setup soon and will also make sure to put the narration on both channels. all best, Robert

  • #83995

    Hi Everyone,
    I’d welcome your feedback on my second version of this VO: AIG. I’m working on reflecting the tone of the story about people abandoning their homes. Also working on more inflection and on being conversational. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Best, Robert

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    • #84015

      I felt you connected to the copy in a more believable way in this one. Could be a little more relaxed in your delivery. The audio could be cleaned up a bit more. I liked your inflections as well. I’m going to take a crack at this one as well.

      • #84061

        Appreciate the feedback. Yes – need to beef up my setup and get cleaner audio to start. Will work on relaxing too.

        • #84108

          I hear you. Fine tuning your recording gear and space can be exhausting.
          What mic and daw are you using currently ?

        • #84127

          My background is in film and videography (writer/producer and sometimes 2nd camera) so I’ve been using a pretty rustic field setup: a Sony ECM-77B lavalier microphone which I pin to my collar – and a Tascam DR-100 recorder. I’m just starting to look at the gear I will need to do voice over work. Open to any recommendations. What are you using?

        • #84120

          My background is in film and videography (writer/producer and sometimes 2nd camera) so I’ve been using a pretty rustic field setup: a Sony ECM-77B lavalier microphone which I pin to my collar – and a Tascam DR-100 recorder. I’m just starting to look at the gear I will need to do voice over work. Open to any recommendations. What are you using?

  • #83810
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hey Friends! Here’a a quick commercial read about Crayola markers. I’m looking for feedback on how conversational it sounds…
    I don’t need feedback on the tech bc my studio is not set up yet.
    Thank you!!!

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    • #84013

      Hi Nikka,
      Your voice sounds great here. A few minor notes:
      I would like to hear a little some variation in the first few words: Crayola Color Wonder Markers.
      Also – you have a pause after this phrase which might be a touch too long. To me it sounds to me like you’re starting a new sentence rather than continuing the first one.
      I agree with punching ONLY more.
      Great job. I just posted a VO called AIG (version 2). Would love your feedback.

    • #84005

      lovely voice! My suggestions: color “ONLY” on special paper (not on table, walls etc…)

  • #83777

    Hey there,
    I have been on hiatus for a while due to… life.
    So anyway, these are for my upcoming session.
    If you have time, take a listen. I still have a lot of work to do within Audacity.
    I appreciate any suggestions and comments! – I edited my post and now have doubled my attached files. There should only be three! whoops 😀
    Thanks lots! 🙂 Leann

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Leann.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Leann.
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    • #84065

      Hi Leann,
      Nice voice! I think you could relax a bit more here and give this a more human touch. Also, check your diction on the word, “add.” I think you move to the next word too quickly and the “d” in add is a little lost.

      Sunlife2 is better! I think I would be great to warm this up even more. You might try slowing down and think about the person you’re speaking too. Hope that helps. And if you have a moment, I would welcome your feedback on 2 VO’s I just posted today: Congaree and American Gothic. Thank you!

    • #83788

      I listened to the Amex and SunLife. Thought they were both warm and friendly. Subtle intonation kept me listening.

  • #83760

    Hello! Looking for feedback on these two practice reads. Thanks so much!

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    • #83819

      Great job.
      RB thoughts: the connection gets lost by “omega 3”and the song-song of “flax seeds” – I was expecting a list after “seeds”. Loved the emphasis on “plump” and “juicy” – two great words to “taste” when you say them.
      CJ thoughts: great choices on pace and tone! Wonderful delivery suited for your soothing, yet playful, voice. Really nice work!

    • #83789

      I thought the cool-jazz reading was great. Seductive voice and enticing read. Very jazzy.

    • #83769

      I enjoyed both reads. I felt biggest and news should’ve flowed a little better. Plus a slight pause between flaxseed & plump juicy raisins. With a slight emphasis on the latter would really bump it up. Heck, now you have wanting to take a shot it lol
      Great job on both. I look forward to hearing your next one.

  • #83698

    American Tire Supply practice read
    Put a little more pep in my step.
    I was in a b****r of a Monday mood but I had fun with recording and editing this one.
    Any thoughts on how to improve upon it are welcomed.

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    • #84006

      Lots to compliment here: the burst of “free” at the top, the chuckle, and the “hey” – all nice touches that make this very effective. I would suggest a couple of minor tweaks:
      An ever so slight pause after: a while right? At the moment, the “well” feels like it comes too soon. You’ve got listener hooked and a little pause can build suspense.
      And – “one all weather radial” runs together for me. Just a little differentiation here would help clarify the details of the deal. By the by, I listened to your comments on my AIG VO and made changes – just reloaded today. Would appreciate your take on it. Thanks!

  • #83685

    Hello everyone!
    I’m working on being conversational and my glottal stops, so wanted to practice on copy that has key words starting with vowels.
    I’m a little congested so you may be able to hear it. No tech notes please, all other feedback welcome!

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    • #84007

      Hi Debbie, very nice job on this VO. I just have a few suggestions:
      It feels like you tightened your throat on the word “scenes.”
      You could enunciate “definitely” more – sounds like you gobble up a syllable in the middle.
      Other than that, I think a little slower would be better, and a touch more of the resonance in your voice. It sounds like most of this is in your “head” voice, rather than from the diaphragm.
      Finally, if you have a moment, I’d appreciate your comments on a VO I just loaded today: AIG. Thanks! Robert

    • #83826

      very nice. Keep it going/connected with “this is definitely the place for cross country…etc…”
      maybe mark breaths on the script so you don’t get bogged down with an unnatural inhale.

    • #83754

      I liked your read very much. I felt it was very conversational, laid back and I could hear the smile in your voice. Great enunciation as well. Lovely voice. I’d love to hear you even more relaxed in the read if that makes sense. I feel it would be even better than it is now.

  • #83630

    Hey, folks –
    A couple of lightly edited commercial reads. I value your comments.
    Be well…

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    • #83820

      Deluth: great match for your voice: deep, hint of south, confident, outdoorsy with a hint of a “commanding general” to it. Bravo.
      Acura: seemed less of a fit but perhaps taking out some of the accent, deepening the tone and slowing down could elevate to a more luxurious level.

    • #83696

      I could hear ‘money’ in your voice for Acura. Your voice would do good for an even more expensive car. The copy for Duluth distracted me from ‘hearing’ you. Buck n***d for a trading company. Clever.

    • #83654

      I enjoyed listeng to your delivery on the Deluth read. Perfect fit. Didn’t feel the same about Acura. You didn’t sound comfortable and it didn’t flow. Also a bit of mouth noise in that one as well. That being said I’d love to hear you do a food or travel piece. You have an awesome folksy delivery. Great work.

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