Hi Earthbu,
I think its a really nice recording. There is a a hesitancy in the voice which is calming. I think there could be better background music which matches the voice recording.
I hope this helps,
I fully agree on the “no strings attached” line. Slightly sarcastic with a bit of a wink lol Thanks for the feedback. Are you working on anything ? Looking forward to it 🙂
Nice Erik, I think your sound definitely has marketability! I like your thick sound and my only real criticism would be to do more face and mouth stretching, I can hear some binding up at the end of some of those thick phrases, but really nice job! Please feel free to critique me, thanks!
Hello fellow Voice artists! My name is Eric and I would appreciate some honest criticism about this recording. I would be happy to evaluate you as well, thank you for taking the time. One Vanderbilt Observation Deck Audio Simulation. Hello, and welcome to the audio simulation of the One Vanderbilt Observation Deck. Please adjust your audio volume to a level that best represents my voice at a normal speaking volume to a person standing next to you. This will calibrate your headphone level. Please do not adjust your audio volume again over the course of the simulation. Thank you.
Hi Eric- This is my first time on this forum providing feedback, so please bear with me if this comment is not in the right place. It’s intended to be feedback on the practice file of One Vanderbilt OB deck. I really enjoyed your read and find your voice very pleasant to listen to, and also very professional-sounding (if that’s a thing- ha). Aside from the micro-pauses someone else mentioned, the only other thing that caught my attention was the “Hello!” at the beginning of the piece. It sounded a touch like “Hullo” and I thought the pronunciation might be tweaked a bit more in the “Hello” (like in chelo) direction. Not sure if that’s a subjective thing, or a correct/incorrect thing, so disregard my comment if it’s just a personal taste issue. Nice sound!!
Hi Eric – Overall I think this is a good read, but gets a little “pause-y” in the middle. You do: “a level that best represents my voice (pause) at a normal speaking volume (pause) to a person standing next to you”. Personally I’d go straight through that, no micropauses. I often find that blowing through commas in a script makes it sound less choppy. Conversely adding the pause sounds hesitant and less conversational.
A good match for your sound though…friendly, enthusiastic and clear, all very applicable to instructional reads. Nice job !
Hello Leana,
I’m pretty new to this but I like the sound of your voice! you have a very clear and soothing sound the only negative I would have might be I hear to many mouth noises, I’m sure its just a de click kind of thing, Otherwise I would hire you, good luck!
Hello Earthbul,
nice work. I think your voice has real authenticity and I imagined you being apart of the railway industry! The only criticism would be to maybe hydrate a little more, your mouth sounds a little cottony, other than that I’m sure I’ll be hearing you about, good luck!
Hi everybody, here is a commercial practice read. I would appreciate any feedback in regards to technique and sound quality. Thank you.
If you floss you know what a two-handed tug of war feels like. Which is why we at Waterpik are introducing the Flosser. At a speed of 10,000 gentle strokes per minute, its nylon tip effectively removes plaque above and below the gumline. Making it a fast, easy and more convenient way to keep gums their healthiest, and teeth their cleanest. With no strings attached.
I like your take on this although I feel your delivery is a tad too harsh.
I also hear a bit of mouth noise. All that being said I really like the sound of your voice.
Look forward to hearing a bit more from you.
Hi, very first foray into the VO world. Any feedback on this bank internet audio piece would be appreciated
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Hi e4gaa, the authoritative tone in your voice is solid, but perhaps add a smile in the last line. Just because the tone for a read is authoritative, it doesn’t mean it cannot be friendly at certain sections. Also the pacing of your read was very good. Good job.