Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #84861

    Hello, everyone! I’d really appreciate some feedback on these two reads! As always, thanks so much!!

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    • #85019

      Hello! You have such a unique voice with a youthful quality. Im hearing in both an unnatural emphasis on several “ands” – maybe soften that to make it less forced.great job on the reads.

    • #84917
      Steve Z-A

      I liked both of these reads. You have good clarity and pace and I thought you did a good job emphasizing key words throughout both.

  • #84845

    Hi, is it possible to create a new topic if you’re new?

    • #85126

      Hi Mary – You’ve likely done what I just did – poked around but can’t find a way to do so. Since all the topics are tied to David’s name, it looks like reaching out to an Edge staff member may be the best way to go. BJ

  • #84836

    Hello Forum,
    I hope everyone here is doing there best and working towards their goals of being a fabulous voice actor! I submitted this to the contest this month, any thoughts from folks in here will be very appreciated! Sketchers Fitness AppWelcome to Walk Away the Pounds. I’m <your first name> and I’ll be your audio guide.

    I’m so glad you’re walking with me today. You know, this one mile walk is the perfect way to get started and be introduced to what this walking system is all about. It’s also a nice short workout for you.

    Now, are you ready? Let’s walk! The warmup is very gentle and it really does prepare for the brisk walking that’s coming later on.

    First of all, I’d like to review the four basic steps in our walk system.

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    • #85024

      Great read! Only comment is that I you transposed two words “later” and “coming” – but sounds great!

    • #84918
      Steve Z-A

      I liked your tone and enthusiasm in this. The pace is good and excellent clarity. My only thought was that in a couple of spots I thought you inflected up with your voice, where I expected more of a downward choice. Good work.

  • #84825

    Hello friends,

    The time has come for my fourth and final record-two-clips-and-upload-em assignment from my Narration course. You have all been a kind and helpful audience!

    This time I chose an intro from another corporate video, and an excerpt from a brief Jerry Seinfeld biography. As always, I would be thrilled to hear any critique.

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    • #85021

      clearly you have a handle on the content and several techniques! for me, your voice is suited well for IDI-type reads. There was nothing wrong with the other, but your business-like tone, articulation and quality worked best for me in the IDI clip. nice work!

    • #84965

      Hi Jmacdotorg,

      I thought the distributors reading had a good tone to it. It was a little fast for me, but I may be wrong with that perspective. It might be good to go fast. I am not sure.
      I liked how relaxed, yet emphasized the poem reading was.

      I hope these help,

  • #84819

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m working on my Commercial reads and would love any and all feedback! Thank you!

    Both scripts below are from the EDGE library

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    • #85026

      My favorite line “Nike Dunk High Up” with your low register and falling intonation – irony and subtle humor at its best. I would slow down both reads to accentuate and give credit to your voice and also give you time to articulate beginnings and ends of words. that was a pleasure to hear.

    • #84919
      Steve Z-A

      Nice commercial reads. Good pace and enunciation.

    • #84822

      (Oops, this wasn’t supposed to be a threaded reply. And I don’t know how to delete posts. Sorry!!)

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  • #84778

    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Elena and I’m new to this. I’ve recorded a couple of samples, so any feedback would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you

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    • #84817

      Hi Elena! Great reads. I’m actually a bit jealous of your diction and pronunciation. You have a great voice for healthcare advertising.

      I would second solin232 on the recording feedback. It just sounded a bit “airy” which is most likely do room you’re recording in. It didn’t distract too much, but I’m sure it’s making your voice sound slightly different.

      • #84842

        Hi Thomas,
        your sound definitely sounds authentic in the nike ad and your delivery had good tempo, pretty good man. Negative thoughts had a solid authoritative sound with little affect, my only critique would be to add a little more empathy in your opening phrase, but I liked it. Good luck

    • #84815

      Hi Elena, Great job! I liked both of your reads! I enjoyed your tone, the pacing, your diction! The only things I hear are issues with the recorings, like sibilance and you may need a treated space to get a better quality recording (Volume was fine) I’m far from an engineer but these things jumped right out at me! Thanks for encluding copys of the scripts! Hope to hear you again soon!
      Best of luck!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by solin232.
  • #84761

    Hey everyone!

    Finally getting a chance to upload a read for my Coaching Homework. I’m focusing on Narration and this is called “Cosmos” from the edge studio script library. I’ve been trying to work on pacing, conversational style and glottal stops but any feedback at all is welcome!

    Let me know what you think!

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    • #85057

      I was engaged an interested in the material. I liked the elongated connection bt “izzforthe moment;” the articulation of “cosmic perspective;” and the subtle and gentle “soft meadow.”
      a few words I thought might need attention (perhaps slowed down?) – “nitrogen,” “certainty” and “accumulated”. lovely voice

    • #84818

      Hey Alexcharles! I thought your tone sounded very conversational and less like you’re reading from a script. I aslo appreciated the technique in which you’re approaching the read (almost like a documentary narrator)

      There were two things I noticed as I was listening:
      1) the word “nitrogen” seemed very rushed (or it could’ve been clipped in the recording
      2) The read sounded very even keel through the entire script. Try playing with giving a few phrases different emotions or slightly changing the pace based on a certain phrase

  • #84742
    Michele Martin

    Hello All,
    This is my first submission and I do not yet have a home studio set up, so please forgive the audio quality (or lack thereof). I appreciate any feedback on this read of the NASDAQ script. Thank you!

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    • #85123

      Hi Michele – Your voice is very easy to listen to. I really like the warmth of your read. It may be just the recording quality, so I’m not sure if I’m hearing sibilant “s”s. Also, consider tightening up the read by eliminating pauses, which in some cases are being dictated by punctuation. Looking forward to hearing more from you, BJ.

      • #85181
        Michele Martin

        Thank you, BJ! I appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback and will practice this with fewer pauses! I wondered myself if it was a bit choppy sounding.

  • #84720
    Terry Davis

    Hello everyone! I’m looking for feedback on a couple of reads. Any and all feedback is welcome from pace, pronunciation, style, or anything else you can think of. Thanks in advance.

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    • #84921
      Steve Z-A

      You have a great voice and I like your accent as well. Good diction, pace and style. There were a couple of words I would have liked to hear in full rather than hearing “competing” rather than “competin'”

  • #84619
    Stephen Winburn

    Hello everyone! I am Steph, and this is my first real attempt at recording something for the forum after a long wait but I hope you won’t go too easy on me!
    I’m looking into narration for my demo and I’m trying my hand at the Inspiration/Meditation scripts today.
    I’ve uploaded 3 reads of the “Awaken Mental Freedom” found here in the script library.
    The first is my neutral read: how I read it without too much self-direction or second guessing.
    The second is focusing on slowing the tempo since that is something I was critiqued on in my coaching session.
    And the third is shifting the tone of the piece to something a bit more actionable, we’ll say.

    My only disclaimer is that I know for myself that I wasn’t sitting comfortably in my “signature voice” today, so if at any point you find yourselves thinking maybe a glass of water is what this reading needed, I think so too😂

    Looking forward to the critiques🖤

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Stephen Winburn. Reason: wrong file type
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    • #84723
      Terry Davis

      Steph, good job on your reads. I think the best one was your second read. I could hear that you were taking your time with it, which is what this scripts calls for. On your third read I think you punched a couple of words too hard. For instance, “bones” kind of jolted me out of my relaxation listening to you. Overall, you did a great and keep up the good work.

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