Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #85118

    Hi – Would you please give these reads a listen? The first narration is for a Non-Profit and the second is an Announcement. The copy is attached. What do you think is working and what’s not? I’m new to this Forum of Truth (as participant Provocaleric aptly named it) and I’m looking forward to hearing the truth from you. Grateful for your time and input! BJ

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    • #85268

      Hi BJ. Professional reads on both as far as this novice can tell! Very confident. Appropriate tone. Engaging. Not a ton to critique, so these comments might fall into the category of personal preference and/or nit picky. Regarding Asthma: I felt a longer pause between the end of the sentence containing “health” and the start of the following sentence beginning with “They’ll…” would give it a bit more space. Also, I heard some breaths that interrupted the flow of the sentence (e.g., “learn more about asthma (breath) is to…” “Visit the allergy (breath) and asthma foundation” and “AAF (breath) dot o r g.” Regarding TJ: great energy. I thought you easily have the skill to maintain that crucial energy while slowing it down just a tad. Impressive!

    • #85197
      Luke V

      I really like both reads. Clear enunciation and emphasis on key words all on top of a consistent flow. I’m learning much about what to strive for my recordings simply by listening to yours. Your TJ read sounds exactly like something I’d expect to hear while shopping or on the radio.

      • #85220

        Hi Luke – Thanks so much for the cheers! What’s so great about this Forum is that we get to learn from one another! BJ

  • #85094

    Oops I’m having some tech trouble getting the 2nd sample to upload, not sure why. So I guess it’s just the one sample then!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by annellakaine.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by annellakaine.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by annellakaine.
  • #85092

    Hi all! Working on narration and would happily take any feedback you can spare. The first is a corporate explain and the second doc. Thanks!

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    • #85124

      Hi – Thanks for sharing your read. For your consideration, think of slowing down a bit and creating a picture in your mind of who you’re speaking to. Looking forward to hearing more from you, BJ

  • #85089
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hi! I’d love some feedback on the attached commercial record. Conversational sound? I’m working on choosing a specific audience and speaking to them. Does that come through? Also, any and all comments on vocal quality and glottal stops. Thank you so much!

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    • #85100

      Great job! Engaging, energetic but still natural. Nice variety of intonations. To me the word “camera” has a different accent than the rest of the piece. Along those lines but having more to do with the rising intonation, “seven” and the final “Google” could be spoken perhaps with more solid confidence. Excellent read! Look forward to hearing the other.

  • #85086

    This is a commercial practice piece. I would greatly appreciate some feedback on it.
    Thanks for your help!

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    • #85099

      Nice. Good energy. Good tone. Maybe consider mixing up the rhythm and intonation in the middle; the emphasis on “never” “been” “cereal” and “like” feels to me a little too predictable, but that could be just a personal preference for me and is definitely minor.

      • #85127

        Interesting. I hadn’t thought of it like that. I’ll definitely play with this! Thank you!

    • #85091
      Nikka Kowidge

      Great read, Steven! Your voice quality fits this read very well. I like the way you slow down a little bit when describing the cereal, I can see the flakes and bunches in the bowl. I think you can vary your tone a little bit on the last sentence to indicate a little more excitement. The tone with the first sentence great and the last mirror each other, which makes sense because they are very similar sentiments. A difference on the end could help really hit home the idea.

      • #85128

        Thanks for the feedback! I see what you mean, and I can hear it, now. Thanks!

  • #85022

    Hello. Considering options for a narration reel (down the road a piece) and this one is a possibility. Any feedback/fresh ideas are welcome! no need to sugar coat! thanks people!

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    • #85062
      T Hayes

      I thought this sounded very good! I liked your tone and the pace was appropriate. My one suggestion for improvement is the introduction sounded a little choppy and a tad bit too slow.

      • #85098

        I completely agree! Thanks so much!

    • #85058


  • #85020

    Mary, thank you I appreciate your comments

  • #84988

    Hello forum of truth!
    Please take a listen and offer a little of your insight and I will be happy to read yours and give feedback plus on 6 other people thank you. signed keeping it moving. The read is a well known one from the Edge script library. Cosmos

    Welcome to the planet earth. A place of blue nitrogen skies, oceans of liquid water, cool forests, soft meadows; A world positively rippling with life. From the cosmic perspective, it is, for the moment, unique. The only world on which we know with certainty that the matter of the cosmos has become alive, and aware. There must be many such worlds scattered through space, but our search for them begins here, with the accumulated wisdom of the men and women of our species, acquired at great cost, over a million years.

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    • #85254

      Hi Provocaleric,

      I realize you posted several weeks ago, but since you took the time to offer me feedback, I thought the least I could do would be to return the favor.

      You really bring this copy to life with your warm voice, pitch variety and delivery. If this is to be a video documentary narration, you’d likely want to slow down a bit for the visuals. Doing so will also allow you to further “play up” your open and close.

      Looking forward to your next post,


    • #85015

      Also, posting the content was really helpful! thanks

    • #85014

      Hi! What a soothing, pleasant voice; it must sound entrancing in a meditation read. My initial response is to remove the punctuation and give it a read without the pauses – maybe just see what it sounds like when you are not guided by assigned commas and stops that slow down the flow of your lovely pitch and delivery.

  • #84960

    Hi there,
    I have three new recordings. I am hoping to receive feedback to see if these are conversational.

    Thank you,

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    • #85009

      Hello Andrew! Lovely tone in all 3. Your voice us soothing and articulate. I am hearing a similar rising intonation at the beginning (“Design,” “At the close,” “sustainable”), and a similar falling intonation at the end (“stagnant” “workshop” “food”) in all 3. Maybe fiddle with changing the inflections and even the pace within each selection to mix it up a bit and keep the listener engaged. “Authentic” although accurately articulated, loses the conversational feel, but nice job – your delivery is solid.

  • #84923
    Steve Z-A

    Hi folks. I am enjoying hearing all of your work and would appreciate any feedback on these few commercial reads from the library. Done on a phone so I know the recording quality is not great, but comments in any other direction would be great! Thanks!

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    • #85088

      Hi, Steve.
      I think a little more energy and inflection would really elevate the delivery on Honey Bunches. Try smiling through the copy, and see how that sounds.
      On Spotify, the pacing of the syllables in the last bit, “…or anyone else, who tries to interrupt your music”, was more lilting than the rest of the read. The sudden shift made it sound a little out of place. Try matching the pieces of that last portion, one way or the other, with the parts proceeding.
      Your performance on Guild Guitars was nice! I really liked your tone on that one.
      All-in-all, great work!

    • #85017

      So sorry for the earlier 2 replies which were attached to the wrong participant; however you did a great job, Steve with y our 3 reads. Consider using a few key words as instruction on how to deliver (e.g. “It’s AMAZING!” “FINALLY!” and “crunchy” – as if it were an onomatopoeia). I find that moving around and gesturing, if you’re not already, helps me with a more emotional delivery which I don’t normally do when stationary. just a few thoughts! great job. so much to work with there!

    • #85012

      Also, posting the content was really helpful! thanks

    • #85010

      Hi! What a soothing, pleasant voice; it must sound entrancing in a meditation read. My initial response is to remove the punctuation and give it a read without the pauses – maybe just see what it sounds like when you are not guided by assigned commas and stops that slow down the flow of your lovely pitch and delivery.

    • #84964

      Hi Steve,

      I liked how you said “finally” in the Honey Bunches of Oats reading.
      I think the “I didn’t think so” had a good attitude to it in the Spotify reading.
      “The people you shared your music with” sounded authentic in the last reading.

      I hope these help,

      • #85045
        Steve Z-A

        Thanks so much. Very helpful.

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