Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #85936

    Hello VO artists,
    I would love some feedback on this VO about an erupting volcano. Welcome any of your thoughts about pacing, whether or not it’s conversational enough…and any other critiques (or even praise) that might occur to you. Thank you!

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    • #85957

      Hey RCampos! You have a very captivating voice! I think what would help the read is a bit more connection with the material. The tone was a little flat through out, I would try picking a tone such as “mysterious” and then trying to incorporate that into the read. I would also say that the read needs a bit more smoothness. Think of speaking to a person when reading the script rather than just reading should help. The only way to get smoother with reading is to just read more lol! You have a great voice I could seriously watch a documentary narrated by you! Keep up the hard work!

      • #85962

        Hi Graceson, Thanks very much for your thoughts! I do think I tend to detach from the material at times and appreciate your note about picking a tone and incorporating that. It’s also helpful to be reminded to speak to a person. I’ll work on those that, too. Thank you!

      • #85959
        Michele Martin

        Hi Graceson- I enjoyed listening to your read and appreciated your tone, including how it was serious when discussing destruction and economic impact. It sounded respectful while not too flat or conversely, overly emotional. Pacing felt like it could be smoothed out a touch, but it sounds like that would come naturally with familiarity with the script. Nice job!

        • #85963

          Hi Michele, Thanks very much for listening to my read, and your thought about pacing is helpful. I sometimes like to incorporate pauses, but I suspect I overdo them. I’ll aim to smooth out the read on the next one. Thank you!

    • #85956

      Very well done. I like your voice in this type of read. Pacing and tone seems spot on to me.

      • #85964

        Thanks very much for taking time to listen to my read, MLewis. I appreciate the feedback.

    • #85954

      Hi! Good read overall! I seem to be picking up on some breath sounds. Would work on controlling them during the read and also editing them from future recordings.

      • #85965

        Hi Artist7,
        Thanks very much for your feedback. My coach suggested leaving in a hint of the breaths, rather than taking them out completely. She said that if they’re entirely removed, you sound like an automaton rather than a human. Is that your understanding of it? Or, do you think the breaths should be taken out completely? Curious about your take on that. All the best,

        • #86007

          I agree with your coach. Perhaps it’s the breath sounds at .040 and .048 respectively that distract from the read for me.

  • #85933

    I’d love a little help on my homework/some feedback if anyone has a few moments to spare!

    Thanks all!


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    • #85938

      Hi Anella, I think you capture very effectively the tone of a corporate in-house read. (I’ve listened to tons of those). I have just a few notes:
      1. :08 future “together” – the “er” sounds like it’s coming from he back of your mouth, which skews a little younger than I would expect from a company voice over. So, I’d say practice and listen to this word ending and try saying it more from the front of your mouth and see if you prefer that difference.
      2. I think you start with a good sense of the company’s conviction – and you end on a strong note. But in the middle between about :31 and :42, you seem to lose that focus a bit. I think this is where the VO is really building, and you need to sustain the sense of mission. This is a challenge, because they’re talking about being the greatest company in history.

      That’s it, and if you have a moment, please take a listen and send me your thoughts on my Volcano VO – just posted. Wishing you all the best,

  • #85928

    Hi guys! Just dropping this here asking what tone you guys are getting from this. Thank you!

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    • #85941

      Hey Graceson,
      I like this read a lot. Selling me on the intuition (even though I use razor blades). Couple of notes: Soap opera is obviously an important play on words here. I hear an ever so slight glottal stop between soap and opera, and I think this would sound better if you ran those words together. Your inflection is great throughout, like at :12 “You’ll never” – and at the end, “shaving’s never been so simple.” If you have a moment, I would welcome your comments on the Volcano VO I just posted. Thank you!

      • #85955

        Thank you for the help!

  • #85888
    Michele Martin

    Hi Friends-
    Here are two commercial scripts. Open to feedback- thank you!

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    • #86733

      Love your tone Michele! Both reads captivated my attention.

    • #85944

      Hi Michele,
      I think the Tilex VO is very nice. I have one suggestion. Sometimes you can look at these VO’s like a piece of music. In your Tilex VO, you hit very close to the same note at :14 – “reach” – and at about :24 “roots.” If you vary the pitch of these, I think the VO will sound more varied overall. On the Jack Daniels, I agree with Graceson that you may have slowed down a little too much. The script is going for a slower country feel, and in fact, if there was music and imagery, your pace might fit perfectly – but without those, you probably want to pause a little less. If you have a moment, I’d be very grateful for your thoughts on my Volcano VO – just posted today. Thank you!

      • #85960
        Michele Martin

        Thank you Robert! I appreciated your tip to think of the script as a piece of music and the specifics you provided in your feedback. I think visualizing scripts in that way is going to be a nice help to me! If I were to re-submit these reads, I’d definitely pick up the pace on them and decrease the pauses. Really appreciate the time you took to listen and provide your thoughts. I commented on volcano, but my apologies, I think I wrote to Graceon instead of replying directly to you. I tried to edit it but am not seeing my edited version appearing.

    • #85930

      Good work overall! I would pick up the pace on both just a bit. There were a few long pauses in between sentences that could be shortened a bit. The tilex script needed a bit more variation with each sentence. For example the “u**y nasty mold stain” sentence could really get that “Yuck!” tone in your voice to spice up the read. You have a wonderful voice though. Keep up the good work!

      • #85932
        Michele Martin

        Thank you Graceson! I totally agree! Am going to try to infuse more “life” and tone variations into the Tilex script and speed them both up a bit. I mean, alcohol may be a depressant, but I don’t want it putting the listener to sleep 🙂

  • #85834

    Hi all! I am just getting started on my journey and need some honest feedback to help me improve.

    Thank you in advance!

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    • #85931

      Hi! Welcome to the forum! Just my 2 cents: your reads need to be smoothed out. There was a lot of pauses throughout the read. You’ll definitely want to smooth those out to sound nice and natural. Make sure you sound like you are talking rather than reading as it will make your script sound much better. I would try reading some books or articles and just focus on reading smoothly without those long pauses. Good luck on your journey I wish you well!

  • #85825
    Nikka Kowidge

    Hello! Thank you so much for previous feedback! I’m working towards my commercial demo. Here are two sample reads. I appreciate any feedback you would like to provide. Thanks again!

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    • #85958

      Nikka, Great voice and tone. In the Dupixent ad, I felt your pronunciation of “Dupixent” was a bit harsh. A smoother pronunciation to make it more appealing would be my suggestion. Of course, the advertiser will be listening for that too. The second ad for Loreal seemed more natural. The tone and pace are good. In the phase, “the original brush separates every lash,” I would read “lash” more smoothly. I might also emphasize a bit more the phrase “American’s number one masacara.” Overall, I hear your voice and delivery as very good, but would be even better by smoothing out words that you emphasize.

    • #85837

      I work in pharma and we have such a difficult time with audio ads. I thought the Dupixent ad was great because you sound like someone a person would really be talking to.

  • #85806

    Hi All,

    Here’s two more commercial practice reads. I welcome any and all feedback! Thanks in advance.

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    • #85884
      Michele Martin

      Hi Thomas- I really liked your pitch variations and tone in Chow. Sounds great!

    • #85838

      Love your voice! It seems a little fast, but I speak that way, so it resonates with me.

  • #85762
    Talia Hankin

    Hi! I would love some feedback on these two narration reads: one is corporate explainer and one is documentary. Thanks so much!

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    • #85839

      Oh – loved this. Now, I wanna know what T-Rex was!

    • #85805

      Hey Talia, loved your voice on both reads, as they both sound very welcoming and engaging throughout. I was expecting the documentary to sound a little more low energy than the explainer, but the way you read it also sounded phenomenal.

      The only thing that stood out to me as odd was in the explainer read. Toward the end, it sounded like there was an awkward pause between “Select the” and “Add a new account…”

  • #85726

    Okay, about to have my last coaching session so wanted to see how these turned out after getting some earlier feedback.

  • #85722

    It has been some time but I finally got done editing the latest reads. Both Narration and Commercial. Please listen and give feedback please, Thank you.

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    • #85885
      Michele Martin

      I like your voice Dillon- clear and easy to listen to. I agree with the other commenter to just slow down a touch on “ESPN” so that each letter is clearly enunciated. Sounds great!

      • #86638

        Hi Dillon. Slow down a bit and be a little more enthusiastic. Didn’t hear any background noise. Your heading in the right direction.

    • #85770

      Hi! I think you sounded great on your reads. As for the ESPN read I would slow down when you say the word “ESPN.” It was a little rushed and crammed together as you read over it, remember the brand name should be all nice and pretty when you go through the read. I would also say the same for your Creativity read. Overall it was a good read with a nice pace, but the word “creativity” was ran through too fast. Slow down just a bit and I think you’ll do great!

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