There is a growing concern that students who online exam service are not achieving the same level of understanding and mastery of the material as those who complete the assignments themselves. This is because when students outsource their work to someone else, they are not engaging with the material in the same way as they would if they completed the work themselves. They are also missing out on the opportunity to receive feedback from their instructors and improve their understanding of the subject matter.
Hi – I’m working away at building my narration demo. Would you please listen to these short reads and giving me some feedback? The first two are for a government agency and the second two are for a museum. What works? What doesn’t? Which versions of each do you prefer? Appreciate you!
Hi BJ. Really enjoyed your natural tone in Jury version 2. It flowed for such an important topic. (May I ask what type of mic you’re using. It’s very clear. Thanks!)
Hello there! Overall, nice work on your narration. You have a very warm tone and a nice smooth voice that is enjoyable to listen to. All of your recordings are good, so my comments are just minor observations that hopefully help you refine things.
Just a few things that caught my attention when listening to your recordings:
– JuryServiceV1 – It felt a little rushed, so you should be able to slow your pace a little without feeling like it is dragging. It also comes across as stereotypical uncaring government info. Not sure if that is good or bad, depending on what you were going for, it might read better with a more sympathetic conversational approach.
– JuryServiceV2 – Much better pace. Still the unemotional government info tone. Again, depending on what client wants, that may be fine but if you weren’t going for it, you should be aware.
– STAXV1 – Pace and rhythm feel off on this one. Tone and diction is good but some sentences feel like they are rushed together where there should be a pause and others have a pause where it feels like it should flow together.
-STAXV2 – Pacing is much better on this one, it doesn’t feel quite a rushed, but the rhythm still feels a little off in one or two places.
Hi John – Thanks for your kind words and in-depth feedback. Yes, I am going for a more detached approach for Jury Service. Perhaps, I took it too far? Also, is there any chance you could tell me specifically where you feel my rhythm is off in Stax V2?
No problem. Specifically in STAXV2, the flow from the welcome into the first stop comes across as one sentence, when the words indicate it should be two or possibly three distinct sections.
I’ve had a lot of personal things going on in my background, but I finally have some time to get back to practicing.
I feel a little rusty, but overall I like what I did here. Criticism and feedback of any kind is much appreciated! It’s overall a conversational piece, and I’m also working with a new mic stand. The stand is helping me make more space in my studio, and I hearing a lot less breathing now.
Next time, I plan to practice something with a little more variation.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TimberTykes.
A practice read to get some feedback on how my voice and copy read is developing. My home studio is still very basic, so please ignore tech aspects. I am looking more for feedback on pace, acting, technique, etc. Appreciate the feedback in advance!
Pleasant voice, good pace and pitch. Your voice faded at “Shakespeare and company,” and the break seemed slightly long between “possible” and “in ways.”
Hi – Of the two, I think Pete’s is stronger. You sound more conversational. I do think you can really play up the first couple of lines where you talk about Marie – have fun with it. In the Corolla spot, it may be just me but I think the beginning was cut off. If it helps, think of having a conversation with a friend about this car – you’re excited and energized when talking about this car. I think you can pick up your pace, especially in the beginning. I’m not a techie, so I can’t offer remedies, but I did notice that your recordings sound cavernous (hoping someone on the Forum can offer some guidance). Looking forward to hearing your next records.
thanks for the feedback! I don’t have a studio set up yet, so this was recorded in just a regular room, hence the cavernous effect. I didn’t use a lead in, I think that might help with the beginning pace. Thanks again!
Hi all! I’d be grateful for any feedback on the attached audition; creative, performance, and technical. I’m working on speeding up my audition process.
Love your voice and delivery. A little tightening up on some of the pauses maybe but great read ! Sound quality is A+ as well.
Love to hear more of your work.
Thanks so much! That encouragement means a lot 🙂 would you mind sharing where in the script the pauses needed tightening? I’ve received similar feedback before but haven’t asked for the examples. Thanks!
I would love some creative feedback on this little snippets. I have a terrible habit of being a speedy talker, so hopefully these aren’t too fast. I’m working my way towards a narration demo, with hopes of audiobook demo shortly after. So, I’ve got a snippet of museum/walking tour audio guide, a snippet of documentary, and a snippet of an original short story.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Thank you both! I’ll have to work on reading through things a bit more before recording, to hopefully help with getting it more relaxed and free flowing. 🙂
Halloween sounded conversational and with lots of inflection inviting the listener to stay connected. Davies and some of Trinity sounded like you were reading from a paper more, with the exception of the transition “walk ahead & meet me at ___”.
I thought they were all good reads. Sound quality nit so much but thst’s just technical and easily remedied. Don’t know much about the guided tour styleof read so I can’t really comment on it. Slow down a tad on the doc read and let the listener live in it a little. I really enjoyed the Halloween read. Nice inflections. It never felt like you were just reading words on a page. Take all this with a grain of salt though. I’m by no means a pro at this.
Hello, Feedback Forum. I’ve got 2 uploads I’d like some feedback on. I’d especially like feedback on 3 areas.
1. How conversational do I sound?
2. How is my diction?
3. How is my pace?
Thanks a bunch!
Hello Feedback Forum! In preparation for my VO coaching session, attached are two recordings for feedback. The Lipitor recording was a challenge because it’s written like a Webster’s definition, not a normal paragraph. Would love to hear your thoughts!
I know that these types of reads lean towards the serious. While I think the pace was adequate I felt there should have been a little more inflection in your delivery. I’d love to hear version 2 of these reads.
I created the script using ChatGPT. A great resource for tailoring reads that fit your style
Highly recommend it !! Any and all comments welcomed and appreciated.
This is great! I can picture a fantastic 70s Old Spice style video going along with this!
I was tempted to test chatGPT and was also pretty shocked at what it came up with with just a few sparse descriptions! Can’t quite bring myself to use it though… 🙂