Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #86661

    Would love to get feedback on this. Here’s the script – “The Julia” –
    You’re listening to the actual recording of “the Julia”. A subsonic moan that doesn’t match the sound of any marine creature ever recorded.
    Many biologists will tell you it’s a deep-sea distress call. And when you listen, it’s easy to see why. The mysterious howling was captured by deep-sea hydrophones off the coast of Cape Adare. The same place Nasa captured photographs of a huge, unexplained shadow moving through the water.
    It may well be a coincidence, but if the Julia really is a distress call from the deep, perhaps it’s time we answered. Ninety-five per cent of our oceans remain unexplored. Are we killing what we’ve yet to discover?

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    • #86677

      It is a good read and the pacing was spot on. The only thing I could say about it is that you should lower your volume for this one due to the echoing and reflecting of sound. Other than that everything was great. Keep at it!

      • #86678

        Thanks. I appreciate it.

  • #86597
    Seth Jackson

    Focusing on the conversational aspect of my read. Any feedback would be awesome. Please and thank you.

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    • #86826
      Michele Martin

      Love your sound, Seth. Sounds like a voice I’d hear on a real commercial. My only offering is to pick up the pace just a touch. Sounded super!!

      • #86895
        Seth Jackson

        I do enjoy much more while picking the pace, for sure. Thanks you two.

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    • #86607
      D B

      Hi Seth, I think you absolutely have a conversational tone from beginning to end in your read, and your voice has a knowledgeable, reassuring tone that it is perfect for the script. I think you could experiment doing this one at maybe a slightly quicker pace without losing any of the friendly, warm delivery you have here. Awesome all around!

  • #86590
    D B

    Hi all. These are practice reads for my narration demo. I would really appreciate your listen and feedback. Thank you.

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    • #87182

      Hi DB,

      Your reads were great! Smooth, informative and good tone. I think you need a little bit more emphasis on certain words/phrases, such as the last line in Tough Mudders. I also really like the pacing in The Ravens. Wonderful job!

      – Veronica

    • #86820
      Michele Martin

      I haven’t taken any narration classes or narration specific coaching sessions, but thought this sounded great! Nothing jumped out at me or gave me that little twitch of “not quite right”. It was easy to listen to and I liked the pacing and tone variation!

      • #86882
        D B

        Hi Michele, thank you for listening and for your encouraging feedback. I appreciate it a ton!

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by D B.
      • #86821
        Michele Martin

        P.S. I listened to Raven

  • #86562

    Hi Everyone,

    Here are two recordings for my narration homework:-) Would love your feedback!

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    • #86606
      D B

      Hi Veronica, I loved your reads: the variation between them in tone, and your knowledgeable delivery! Your voice has such a lovely balance of upbeat and informative. I think you could try both at a slightly slower pace without losing any of the vibrancy of your read—-it’s interesting, and your voice is awesome for it. Nice work!

      • #87181

        Hi DB,

        Thank you for taking the time to provide me feedback! I will slow down the pace, which is challenge for me! Thank you again for the encouraging comments!!!:-)


  • #86536
    Talia Hankin

    Hello! I would greatly appreciate any feedback on these two narration recordings (one corporate explainer, one documentary). Thank you so much!

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    • #86553
      D B

      Hi Talia, I think both reads are fantastic. I love the quality of your voice and the energy it has. In the first read, you’re informative but also warm and friendly, and your diction is so clear and precise. In the second, your voice is very engaging and draws the listener in, even though the subject is serious—I wanted to keep listening. I think if you tried both reads ever so slightly slower, you would still have a very energetic delivery, because your voice is compelling. Loved listening to your reads!

  • #86521

    Hi – I’m working on some additional tracks for my narration demo. I’d greatly appreciate you listening to these two reads and giving me some feedback. The first is a non-profit read and the second is an education (pet adoption) read. Thanks in advance:)!

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    • #86946

      Hi, BJ- I enjoyed listening to both reads! Really liked the guinea pig read. One minor item on the AAFA read…the word “triggering” almost sounds like “twiggering.” Aside from that, very nice work!

    • #86535
      Erika S

      Hi- I enjoyed both of your reads. I especially love how you said the word “cute” about the guinea pigs! I can picture it and hear your smile! Sounds warm and friendly. So Nice!

      • #86548

        Erika – Appreciate your listen and feedback

  • #86503
    Erika S

    Good morning! Here is a commercial read. I would love to get some feedback on. Thank you!!

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    • #86565

      Hi Erika, What a great read! Your voice is smooth, informative and reassuring. I agree with BJ about playing up “beta what?” and turning up the performance there:-)

    • #86520

      Hi Erika – Nice. Consider playing up “beta what?” and playing with your timing a bit on this. Try backing up a bit from the mic to avoid some of the mouth noises. Looking forward to your next post.

      • #86527
        Erika S

        Thank you! I was thinking that as well! Trying it a few different ways. I really appreciate your feedback!

  • #86484
    Michele Martin

    Hi Friends-
    Here are two commercial reads for my homework. Any feedback appreciated 🙂
    Thank you,

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    • #86596
      Seth Jackson

      I think it sounds great! I’ve been learning from my coach that the bookable auditions are conversational, and that sounds a bit more airable. Like the finished product. I was a bit confused by this, but now it’s starting to make sense.

      • #87095

        Just felt that the inflection on the word canary could have been just a tad more sarcastic and hit just a little harder to make it a little more humorous. Despite that I really enjoyed your voice and your delivery.

      • #86825
        Michele Martin

        Hi Seth-
        Ha- me too. I had to read it again to get the part about the canary and deduced it was a reference to the cat not eating him because he (the cat) had a full belly from the Purina cat food :). Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback!

    • #86554
      D B

      Hi Michele, I love both reads, and especially the warm sincerity you bring to both—-they are ads that don’t feel like ads! Just a friend telling me about two products. The Ziplock tagline delivery is *awesome*. I think your pacing is exactly right for these reads, too. It made me wonder if you also work in narration or if you’re considering it, because your reads are so smooth. I loved listening!

      • #86822
        Michele Martin

        Thank you so much, DB! It felt so good to read your feedback. I haven’t done narration but would like to work on that with a coach in the future. Saving up to hopefully dive into that next :).

    • #86519

      Hi Michele – Always enjoy listening to you! Love your tone and can hear your smile and feel your energy. Purina One – Consider playing up the “great news for your canary” line. Ziploc – I feel that when you say “When it comes out this fresh …” is when you’re really hitting your stride in this spot. All around – well done!

  • #86452

    Practicing for narration demo. I appreciate your listen and your feedback.

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    • #86491
      Michele Martin

      P.S. And by mature I mean trustworthy and adult, not “too mature”. I’ve noticed on V.O. sites that anything over about age 30 (or perhaps it was 35, I’m not positive) is considered mature.

    • #86488
      Michele Martin

      Hi Kathryn-
      Love your voice! You are fun to listen to. I especially enjoyed the poodle haircut instructions. I can also envision you voicing something in the upscale fashion world, or travel. Your sound strikes me as mature, hip, and in the know :). If I had to offer a critique, it would be that the guided relaxation felt a touch choppy to me- perhaps a smoother style read would sound even more relaxing. Nice work!

  • #86448

    Hi Artist 7 – Thanks so much for the listen and the feedback:)!

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