Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #57904

    any one wants to shoot a voice over in a commercial restaurant in Miami florida ? I am In.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by CleanCityLLc.
  • #57901

    Hi all! A documentary read for cats. Here I was practicing varying my tone and pitch. I did stretch out some words for emphasis, but did notice afterwards that the word “time” was a little too long, and I didn’t intend to read it that way. Any and all feedback is appreciated! Thanks!


    They are hunters, with muscles taut, and eyes fixed on their intended prey. They are gentle, with fluid movement and a sensitive touch. They are regal, with a lineage that goes back to worshiped ancestors during the time of the Pharaohs. They are introspective, aloof, unpredictable, affectionate, comical and mischievous. They are cats.

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    • #57941

      Hi Kathy! Good read! I liked the pace and flow of the read, and the choice of which words were emphasized and stretched a little. I agree with the previous comment about enunciating the word “hunters” at the beginning, it sounded like “hunners”. Very good read and well-suited for your voice!


      • #57960

        Thanks Mary! I can hear where you and Luke say it sounds like “hunners”. Interestingly, I did this read many times, and on this one I heard the “t” (or maybe it’s my teeth making that sound?) — I thought I had captured it enough. Where I am from, we are known for not pronouncing our “t’s, so I can understand on some words it’s not coming through — working (frustratingly) on it! Thanks again! – Kathy

        • #58115

          You are welcome Kathy! I tend to say “n” vs. “and” or “fer” vs. “for” for example, and I don’t realize it has happened unless or until I listen for it very specifically afterwords. I think we all have some unique things to improve in our voices, which makes it interesting at least! We will get there!


    • #57926

      very nice voice for a documentary on cats. I’m not sure what kind of feedback you want about the performance. But I would eliminate the humming sound from your recorder in the background. Also, you may want to say “hunters”, as opposed to “h*n’ners” in the beginning.

      • #57928

        Thanks, SuperLuke! Any feedback was appreciated! Here I was practicing pitch and tone. I actually didn’t notice that noise in my playback before now. I’m still getting used to my mic (no pop filter at the moment) and recording software —- I may have adjusted something without realizing it! Noted!

  • #57892

    Good evening all! I’m looking for feedback on my read. I’m trying to work on keeping the diction clear without sounding weird – “and” instead of “n”. Any and all feedback would be great. Thanks!

    So much beauty in one place! America is a great country, and we’ve got the best way to see it. Amtrak “Explore America” fares. Round trips from one hundred and seventy nine dollars all across America. It’s a great country at a great price. Call 1-800-USA-RAIL now about Amtrak “Explore America” fares.

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    • #57900

      Hi Mary!

      Your dictation was clear in your read, although try a little longer micro-pause after your first sentence. I listened a couple of times, and you sounded rushed leading into the second sentence compared to the others. I could tell there were certain words you were trying to vary your tone and pitch with — just a little more oomph and enthusiasm, and you’ve got it! I could hear a noise in the background — are you recording with a mic yet?


      • #57911

        Hi Kathy! Thanks for your feedback. A pause after the first sentence makes sense. I had to do several re-takes before I got it to a point that I wanted to upload. At that point I probably was rushing a little more than I should have. More oomph, and enthusiasm, got it! I struggle with this as I want to sound authentic, and not too over the top; it sounds like it comes out differently than in my head! 🙂 No, I don’t have a mic yet; hope to be getting one soon. So far these have been recordings on my phone. Thanks again!


        • #57929

          Hi Mary!

          Totally understand wanting to sound authentic without the read sounding over the top. I literally have to remember to “smile” when reading; being a little more animated (talking with my hands!), or sometimes standing up for longer reads works better for me.


        • #57942

          Thanks for the tips Kathy! Yes, I forget that standing and even moving my hands during a read can help me. Smiling too if the script is meant to be enthusiastic like this one. Thanks!


    • #57895

      Hi Mary,
      I think your reading was clear and understandable and also sounded smooth and natural. For this particular script, I might suggest putting some more emphasis on the first mention of “Amtrak,” but overall, nice read!

      • #57912

        Hi Sarah, thanks for the feedback! I’m glad that it sounded understandable and smooth. More emphasis on Amtrack, the product I’m trying to sell makes sense, I will work on hitting important words with more emphasis. Thanks again!


  • #57884

    Good evening everyone! I’m posting a quick practice reading to get ready for my next coaching session. Any performance feedback is greatly appreciated. Oh and I am aware of any background noise, I could not use my booth at the moment. Thank you very much and have a nice day!

    Litter Robot

    Meet the Litter Robot. Yes, the litter robot. The highest rated self cleaning automatic litter box in the world. It does all the d***y work for you.

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    • #57887

      Hi Svenbot5000! I liked the read. It had a good pace and was catchy, it almost felt like a rhyme by the time the third “litter” was said. It seems like a good type of read for your voice. Good job!

      • #57927

        I enjoy it. Your coach might ask for more. But it’s coming along good so far

  • #57875

    Real Stories; narration sample. Appreciate any feedback or suggestions

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    • #57888

      Hi Aprildawn! I liked the read. It sounds like there is a slight hum in the background, but it had a good flow and pace and variation in pitch. Good read!

  • #57872
    Jacob Szachta

    Uploading my first samples for Demo release. Please let me know what you think?

    How To – Magnify Text, Windows 10

    Here’s how to change the size of text, images, and apps in Windows 10.

    To change your display in Windows 10, select Start, go to Settings, then Ease of Access and then to Display. To make only the text on your screen larger, adjust the slider under Make Text Bigger. To make everything larger, including images and apps, choose an option from the drop-down menu under Make Everything Bigger.

    To zoom in or zoom out on parts of your screen in Windows 10, use Magnifier. To turn on Magnifier, press the Windows logo key and Plus (+). Zoom in by continuing to press the Windows logo key and Plus (+). Zoom out by pressing the Windows logo key and Minus (-). To turn off Magnifier, press the Windows logo key and Esc.

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    • #57889

      Hi Jacob! I liked the read and your voice seems well suited for this. It did seem a little rushed in places, like you were trying to get to the end of the read quickly. It might sound too slow to you as you are reading it, but since it is a tutorial, I think a little slower pace with a few more pauses at the end of a thought would work well. It was also very quiet on my end; I had to turn my volume way up to hear it. Good read!

  • #57868

    Trying out a few sample BIOs for my Narration demo. I welcome feedback and/or suggestions

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by aprildawn. Reason: 2nd bio sample
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    • #57913

      Hi April Dawn! I liked both of these reads. For the first script, I heard a few extra inhaled breaths (after the first sentence in particular, and also after “stratosphere”). I liked the second script as well too, your voice seems very well-suited for these types of reads. Good job!

    • #57896

      Hi aprildawn,
      I think your Whitney Houston read was very strong. Good pace and pitch variation. In general, I really like the quality of your voice and find it well-suited for these documentary reads. I might suggest practicing the flow for the Marie Antoinette script. It almost sounded like you were starting a new sentence at “accused of crimes,” when it was still the middle of the thought. Also, maybe less emphasis on “there” and more on “remained” in the next sentence. Nice tone and style though. Thanks for bringing these!

  • #57857

    Hi there! I tried posting this one but I don’t think it took! lol Here is a new read. any feedback is appreciated! Trying to consistently post in my “wheelhouse” of friendly, youthful, energetic. This is a read for Spotify.

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    • #57890

      Hi Katelyndawn! I liked the pace and variation of pitch throughout, made it interesting to listen to. Good read!

  • #57845

    Hello everybody! I’m looking for feedback on this read for enunciation and pacing. It’s a commercial read; not my normal narration. Thanks again!

    Almond Breeze

    At Almond Breeze, we only use California grown Blue Diamond almonds in our almond milk. And we’re proud of that. But the whole caring and nurturing part? That idea we borrowed from nature. Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, the best almonds make the best almond milk.

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    • #57894

      Hi Kathy! I liked this read. I think your enunciation and pace of the read were good. There seemed to be a lot of emphasis on drawing out the word “almond” many times (like “aaalmond”), and I guess for an almond commercial that’s good, but it was noticeable since almond is mentioned 6 times. I like how you stretched out “whole” to make the caring and nurturing part stand out. These are nitpicky things on my part. Great read!

      • #57897

        Thanks Mary! I was definitely trying to enunciate almonds and not slur, but the word does get drawn out a little too much!

  • #57839

    Hello everyone here are my 2 readings that I uploaded.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by kungfu23.
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    • #57891

      Hi Kungfu23! I was having trouble understanding all of the words, I think it needs a little crisper enunciation. The third script for Dodge Charger was a little easier to understand all of the words that were spoken. Your tone is nice, I would just slow down the read a little and take time to read each word; some of the words sounded a little smushed together. I hope that helps!

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