Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #57973
    [email protected]

    This is a practice script for my coaching sessions. Voice and recording setup notes are both great!

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    • #57988

      Same notes as above…great tone, maybe a tad slower, especially at the end when you’re giving the website address. Who are you working with, if you don’t mind me asking?

  • #57964
    [email protected]

    Hey y’all! Been working on this commercial a bit. Let me know notes on performance!

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    • #58034

      The last line, the call to action, is super rushed. Slow that down so that we can hear it. But your tone is great, and for the rest, I loved the pacing and your inflections.

      Just to offer a contrast point to Kathy above, as she’s not wrong about “to” versus “ta”, my coach told me that sometimes, “ta” is OK, depending on the tone of the script, and as long as it isn’t being completely lost. In this case, it didn’t bother me, so here you would have a case of two different “casting directors” looking for different things.

    • #58025

      I like your tone in all your reads. In this particular one, I will give feedback — slow it down slightly (I have struggled with this in my narration reads), and enunciate clearer on “to”. It sounded like “ta” — I have to catch myself with this also. I hope this helps.


  • #57956

    Hi, just going back on some auditions for clean-up and add to my demo reels, your thoughts are welcome!

    Are some people just “naturals”? Child prodigies miraculously gifted in ways we aren’t? Once in a lifetime talents? We see their performance and assume we could never achieve that. Because they must have something we don’t. Or they’re simply better than us. Or smarter. Or faster.
    Or could it be that they are just like us-except they know a secret. The secret to unleashing an untapped but limitless power. Greatest of all time power. World changing power.
    It’s a power that is in fact already in you-just waiting to be ignited. A power to become exceptional in whatever you dare to dream.

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    • #57992

      I agree with previous comments. You do have a nice quality to your voice for a read like this, however I don’t believe you are connecting to the copy. Who are you speaking to here and why are you talking about it? If you can put yourself into a situation where this makes sense. Maybe you are talking to your child/neice who feels like they are not as good as their friends at ______. Find someone you can speak to on a gut level about such an important message. There were a few pauses within your sentences as well: “Child prodigies (pause) miraculously.” “they must have something (pause) we don’t. You can work on smoothing out those thoughts as well. It is good to emphasize the word “something” but you can do it with your emotion. Just some thoughts however random they are lol! Hope this was helpful.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by katelyndawnvo.
    • #57989

      Love your tone and texture, definitely has some natural gravitas to it. To that end, though, I don’t feel your connection to the script; it feels “read” as opposed to “delivered”, it that makes any sense. Given the material, this should have weight to it, right? That’s where you have to use your natural tools (that voice of yours) and bring some more performance to it. Let it breath a bit, give it more variety in emphasis.

      Also, is this a bit long for a demo? I don’t know what yours will be like when it’s complete, but the one I had produced through Edge for narration was 6 scripts, each at about 18 seconds long to offer a variety of tone and delivery. But if you are making this as a stand-alone piece, than having multiple reads doesn’t matter, I suppose.

  • #57947

    Hi all, I’m practicing for my commercial demo, and would appreciate your feedback! Thanks in advance, Carla

    Honey Bunches of Oats
    It’s amazing! I never thought one cereal would make my whole family stay for breakfast. HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS. There’s never been a cereal like it. With big corn flakes and crunchy bunches of oats. Finally … a cereal my whole family loves.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by carlakissane. Reason: Forgot to include the script!
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    • #58026

      Hi Carla! Great pace and overall tone. I would suggest emphasizing “HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS” a little more. It does jump out on the script (as the product), so perhaps vary your pitch and tone, and make your audience know why you are excited! I hope this helps. Nice read!

    • #57958

      Great read and enthusiasm on this. I think you delivery sounded believable as well. only critique would be the last sentence, which is important, your inflection went down on “loves”, though easy fix, I would just highlight family and keep loves even, if that makes sense.

    • #57952

      Hi Carla! I really liked this read! The energy and flow was great, and the emphasis on several words was very appropriate. It sounded like you were smiling during the script too, which works very well for this type of script and for your voice. Good job!


  • #57943

    Hello all! Looking for feedback to this read, on one of my favorite subjects! Any and all feedback would be great. Thank you!

    Sam Adams Beer
    No matter how hard you try, you can not twist off the bottle cap of a Sam Adams. All that Sam Adams flavor is locked beneath a twenty one crimp bottle cap. So you’ll need a bottle cap opener to get at it…at the very least. Sam Adams, a better glass of beer.

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    • #57945

      Hi there, I love your wry tone, and obvious love for the subject matter! I would say keep it moving as much as you can, there’s no need to slow down to make sure we understand the twenty one crimp bottle cap- because you help us out on the very next line! I think you could experiment going even further with a kind of ‘no-nonsense’ read, and find out who this character is, that really loves sam adams beer! Great work.

      • #57953

        Hi Carla, thanks for the feedback! I don’t think I’ve ever thought about how many crimps are on a bottle cap, but now I know, so I think I was just making sure others knew too 🙂 I will experiment with an even more no-nonsense read; great suggestion. All of the beer people I know are characters, so that should not be too difficult. Thanks again!


  • #57932

    Hi all! Here’s another commercial read as I prep for my upcoming demo (this is not on the demo but just practicing nonetheless) Thanks for any feedback! 🙂

    True Car
    I’m ready to buy a car. And you know what? I’m excited about it.
    When I use True Car, I can find the car I want and see what other people paid for it.
    Then, I can connect with a true car certified dealer.
    So by the time I get to the lot, we have the same information and we’re on the same page.
    It really is that easy.
    This is how car buying was meant to be.
    This is True Car.

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    • #57934

      Hi Katelyn! I really liked this read! Great pacing, enunciation and emphasis on the appropriate words. Your voice is very believable for this script. Great job!


      • #57998

        I love your energy and enunciation! Very believable.

      • #57936

        Thanks Mary! 🙂 <3

        • #57946

          You are welcome Katelyn! Now go buy that car! 🙂


        • #57991

          Lol I wish… Mini Cooper… Maybe in 10 years!

        • #58019

          Hey, dreaming is free!!! 🙂

  • #57930
    [email protected]

    Ad Script Practice. Let me know about performance notes. Thank you all so mcuh!

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    • #57937

      Hi Chase, I liked the read and pace of the script. Your voice is well-suited to this type of script. It sounded like the word “guide” was really stretched out to me; I think it could have been phrased “guide and protect” vs.”guiiiide”. I don’t know if that helps or makes sense; just being a little nitpicky with what sounded out of place to my ear after listening 4 times. Otherwise a good read!


    • #57935

      Hey there! Nice tone of voice for this kind of read, and your recording quality is great! I found the read a little one dimensional. Perhaps you are not connecting to the copy? You could think about who you are talking to, and why you are excited about this particular insurance company. Is it life insurance for yourself so your family will be taken care of? Try to think of who you are in this copy and who you are talking to! I think this will help you naturally vary your tone and your emotion will come out more. Keep working on it! 🙂

  • #57922

    These two uploads are for my next coaching session with Art. That said, any feedback is certainly welcome and appreciated!


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    • #57938

      Hi Brian! I liked both of these reads. Your voice has a nice warmth and huskiness to it. I loved learning about Seinfeld too in the first script!!! Very pleasant listen for this type of read. I liked the second read for Butterball too, but it sounded a little too light / soft for an add to make you want to buy a turkey for me. Just my opinion, your voice is very unique.


  • #57919

    Hi all, I have been renovating my home studio. Been getting used to my new tech as well. Anyway, I made a recording of me as Super Mario and a character featured in my demo. Let me know what you think. All feedback welcome!

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    • #57959

      Superluke, I like your enthusiasm and characters. You may want to extend the Mario character a little longer so we can hear more of it. Be sure to edit or fix your explosives lol before you submit, nice work and thanks for sharing!

    • #57939

      Hi Super Luke – fun reads! I really like the character voices. For the first script there was a crack / pop when Super Mario starts laughing, but the voice was great! For the second voice, the character was great as well, very interesting. In the last line, “…leave while you still have the chance” “still” sounded slurred to me, did not hear the “s” in that word. Otherwise very good!


  • #57916
    [email protected]

    Ad Practice! Woop! Performance notes appreciated!

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    • #57940

      Hi Chase! Very good read. I had to listen twice to hear the word “Jeep”; it got quiet at the end and I think you would want to emphasize that word a little more. Otherwise very clear and good read!


    • #57925

      very good. I would use more of the emotional inflection you use when saying, “we don’t make these, you do”, throughout the ad. It will add more heart to your performance and could potentially help out your performance when making your demo.

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