Hey everyone, I am going to be recording my demo soon so I want to upload more. I’m still wondering about my recording accousitcs, do you think it works great? I’m pretty pleased with how the recordings turn out, but I wonder if my computer’s humming is messing with the recording… Also, if you have advice on my performance, I’d appreciate it.
Toddler Town Zoo
When was the last time you brought your kids to the zoo? Now you can bring the zoo home to them. Toddler Town has a brand new collection of zoo characters, designed to put a smile on every toddler’s face. A lovable herd of hippos, a dangerous den of lions, plus monkeys, giraffes, and big burly bears. It’ll keep the little ones happy for hours. So introduce your kids to the ZOO … from TODDLER TOWN.
You have a distinctive voice – which is a great thing. This script seems targeted at the parents and some of the read seems aimed at children e.g. the phrase “…dangerous den of lions”. Also, “put [uh] smile..” may work better than “put [AY] smile..”. That may make it more conversational…
– touzet –
“Listen. Your period comes every month. But it changes every day. That’s why ALWAYS designed new MULTIPAX. Three levels of protection in one smart box. So no matter what, you’ve got the right protection. ALWAYS MULTIPAX.”
Your performance is very fitting and well played out. My only thought is the ending: “Always Multipax.” I think it should have a different tone than the one you have. You don’t sound happy or confident enough in the product…
Pitch and tone were good. I would recommend a longer pause after “Listen.” … It sounds like it’s part of your second sentence. Emphasizing ALWAYS and MULTIPAX a little more will highlight the brand and product.
Happy Thanksgiving all! Here is my daily recording for any and all feedback (recorded on phone for practice). Let me know what you think. Thank you!
Select Quote Insurance
Hi. I’d like to tell you the three golden rules for saving money when buying life insurance.
– First, buy “term life” insurance, so you get the most protection for the least possible cost.
– Second, buy sooner rather than later. Every birthday your cost of insurance goes up.
– And third, call Select Quote. They search the top-rated life insurance firms like Traveler, Kemper, and CNA, to find the best rates and benefits for you. Then they send you a free price comparison with your five best quotes.
– Just call 1-800-335-7200 for your free price comparison. That’s 1-800-335-7200.
Your pace, pitch, and pauses were good here. When it comes to the number, I know it’s common for some to say “Oh”, as opposed to “Zero”, although, I don’t think I hear many commercials read this way. Something to be mindful of, and double check.
Hi Kathy, thanks for the feedback! I debated as to say “0” vs. “zero” and the shorter “0” won, but good point in checking on protocol for that. It seems like so many things that are said in commercials are getting shorter these days, like the companies expect us to figure it out with just a tiny bit of information. Now I’ll be listening for that! Thanks again,
Hi everyone. Happy Thanksgiving. My coach wants me to perform this dog character with a scratchy texture and a higher-pitched voice, maintaining the voice and texture together. I rehearsed this character in three different takes. Which one sounds more like what my coach wants us to use for my demo?
In my demo rehearsal, I’m trying to make all my characters consistent and sounding different enough from each other. I even spent time speeding up my performances. How do I sound in the performance and with recording quality? I got a new microphone and headset. There shouldn’t be any hiss or hum in the background anymore.
Hi SuperLuke! In the first recording, the second version was my choice for the dog character.
For the second recording, the sound was very low at the beginning but got increasingly louder. I liked the character voice variation. Some of the words were not very clear to me, like they were a little smushed together. I could not understand the name of the restaurant – is it McCholesterol’s? I listened 4 times but could not figure it out. I hope that helps!
Thank you for your comments about my recordings and for liking my character variations. I probably spoke very fast, smushing some words together in the second recording. Yes, McCholesterole’s is the name of the restaurant in my demo practice.
You are welcome SuperLuke! Thanks for clearing up the name for me. So I’m thinking McCholesterole’s is possibly a jab at McDonald’s, not sure about that 🙂
Hello all! I’m looking for any and all feedback to this script (it was recorded on my phone, just fyi). Thank you for your comments!
Shelton Savings Bank
It’s taken you months to find the right house at the right price. Your problem is that the seller wants to move fast…if you can’t get a quick answer on your loan application, you’re probably not going to get this house. Well, Shelton Savings can solve your problem. Just fill out a loan application, and within 24 hours, we’ll let you know if it’s been approved. Call 800-233-3551, and apply today. Shelton Savings Bank…Your hometown bank.
I heard a background sound as you performed the read. Might want to consider eliminating it. I liked your performance, good voice, and sounding like a commercial. To make it better, I would suggest following Robert’s advice, loosen up the performance, and try not to sound like you just read it off the paper. Other than that, I enjoyed it
Thanks SuperLuke! Yes, I think the background noise you are hearing is the computer fan – it’s almost level with the desk instead of below it, so I will probably have to rearrange things once I’ve set up my home studio (has not happened yet). Will also work on loosening up. I wanted to sound helpful and not like I am reading. Thanks again!
Hi Brian! I like the tone and raspiness of your voice! It is unique
Script 1 – Advil – Good inflection and pace, your voice is well-suited for this.
Script 2 – History Channel – Good tone and pacing on this one, but it seemed just a tiny bit rushed. You may be able to do a slight pause after the parts that ask questions to allow the listener to think for a beat before moving on to the next thought.
Script 3 – Dublin – Good energy in the read, it felt like you were interested in the topic
My first go at a commercial script! Thanks for your feedback!
Okay moms, if you’re like me, your kids…well, drive you crazy! “I’m bored,” “Can we go to the movies?” “When’s dad comin’ home?” Well thank goodness Lego introduced CREATIVE BUILDER. It keeps kids occupied for hours, plus helps them gain creativity while teaching them to develop their skills. Lego, thank goodness.
Hi Burdahgirl! Great read! Great inflection at the kid’s voice parts, very believable and with good variation in the 3 quoted parts of the script. The emphasis on Creative Builder is good too, lets people know what the product is that is being sold. Good pacing in the read. Great job!
You have a great voice for this type of script. It was a nice read. You didn’t rush through it, and your words were clear. What I did notice, is that maybe the pauses between sentences could of been a tad longer. I especially noticed this between the first and second sentences. Just my opinion.
Hi RYoung! Great read and production. Very good pacing and the script flowed really well with the micro pauses at the appropriate times. Your voice has a very nice warm and welcoming tone, and is very good for this sort of commercial.
You seem to start off well and describing the illness it sounded somewhat realistic. However on a PSA you could milk it even more I don’t mean cry but you could have sounded ev
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by RYoung.
I redid this one from the old feedback forum I believe trying to be a little more relaxed and realistic. Any of your thoughts are welcome!
Think Different – Apple Commercial (1997)
Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Hi RYoung! Well done and well produced. Good tone in your voice and well-suited for this type of read. There were a few lines where you finished the statement as if it were a question – “the troublemakers” and “status quo” and “they change things”. Just based on the script it would seem like these should be read more as definitive statements, just my take on things. Very well done!