Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #59216

    Hey all, here’s some narration practice for tonight. Still breathy and poppy, but I’m working on it 🙂


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    • #59263

      Hi Briane, you have a lovely voice for this kind of copy! I notice the breath and popping you mentioned, what is your set up? are you by chance using a noise gate? These can cause problems if the settings are not set to have a more natural setting. Noise gate is similar to noise reduction. Anyways, I’m a bit of a tech/editing geek so I’m just curious 🙂

      • #59281

        Hey Katelyn! I live on the first floor of an urban apartment building, so background noise is a constant battle. I have some presets set up in Reaper, including a gate, but am still fiddling around with them to figure out what works for me. Any tips would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    • #59225

      Hi Brianne! I really like this for your voice! I did not notice breathiness on my end. It was well-paced and you have a nice clear tone which made for a pleasant-sounding read. Good job!


      • #59282

        Aw, thanks Mary! I’m learning to trust my instincts and not try to sound like anyone but me.

        • #59309

          Totally understand that Brianne as I’m working on that too! I think that every voice I’ve heard here is unique in its own way; there really is amazing variety and subtle textures in everyone’s voice. There is only one you, so be you! 🙂


    • #59222
      Robert Broussard

      Hello, I thought is was good and fit your voice. Not bad.

      • #59283

        Thanks Robert!

  • #59212

    Would you please listen and let me know what you think?

    Peet’s coffee
    characters like Marie. She’s a character. She does ballet. Professionally. Because character. That’s what we’re about. Alfred Peet. Now, there was a character. He brought us craft roasted. Us, as in America. You. Me. Diane. Diane’s friend. At Peet’s, we source the best beans. We roast them. We brew them. We make great coffee. We’re Peet’s.

    Sesame Place®
    Sesame Place is the theme park where Sesame Street comes to life! New in 2018 is our biggest, most exciting roller coaster ever – Oscar’s Wacky Taxi™! Bring the entire family to whirl on rides, splash down slides and hug everyone’s favorite furry friends. So before little kids become big kids, bring them to meet their Sesame Street friends at Sesame Place® theme park!

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    • #59226

      Hi Mary! These were good reads for your tone of voice! I noticed a few extra “ands” thrown in on the first script – You and Me and Diane and Diane’s friend. I realize this is for practice, but just something to watch if this was a paying gig. I liked Sesame Street better for you – you sounded more excited about it and more decisive overall. I did hear some echoey sounds for both scripts too. Keep it up!


      • #59603

        Thank you very much Mary!

  • #59210

    Hello all!

    I decided to do something different for today’s practice. Like others have mentioned today, I too took the Science of Speaking Like a Pro webinar last week.

    Here’s a little script I put together for a commercial/promo. The recording quality is not the best tonight, so any other feedback is appreciated.



    You like romance. He’s into action. And then there are the kids.

    Watch unlimited movies, TV shows, and more on all your devices for one low price.

    Netflix. Choose your plan.

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    • #59227

      Hi Kathy! I really like this for your voice! It sounds really clear and straightforward and very professional! This would be great for your demo, Really good job!


      • #59243

        Thanks, Mary! The second line could use some more work, but overall, I got the pitch variation I was going for. I’ll file this one away for the next (commercial or promo) demo. Thanks again!


        • #59304

          You are welcome Kathy! It sounded really good.


  • #59205

    Hey everyone! I’m just looking for some feedback on how I performed in these. I had a lot of trouble with these scripts. Any constructive criticism is appreciated!

    It began with the seed of an idea. In 1902, the heartland needed folks to embrace new advances in agriculture. But leaders with open minds, strong hearts and willing hands weren’t in abundance.Luckily, kids were.By empowering the next generation to lead, 4/H took root.And grew.Grew kids who are confident and strong.Who are curious enough to question. And capable enough to find the answer. True leaders aren’t born.They’re grown. 4/H GROWS HERE

    The b****r builds its lodge out of intertangled twigs and sticks; as freezing weather nears, they plaster their lodge with mud, making a concrete layer that no predator can break through. During the early nineteenth century, the b****r pelt was the single most valuable commodity; the pelt being used for robes, coats, clothing trims, and top hats.

    The b****r builds its lodge out of intertangled twigs and sticks; as freezing weather nears, they plaster their lodge with mud, making a concrete layer that no predator can break through. During the early nineteenth century, the b****r pelt was the single most valuable commodity; the pelt being used for robes, coats, clothing trims, and top hats.

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    • #59242

      Hi Isa!

      Script 1: Nice pace, and tone. I could hear slight changes in pitch; try playing around with that, but overall, it flowed well.
      Script 2: Vary the inflections in your list, so it doesn’t sound so flat (“… robes, coats, clothing trims, and top hats.”)
      Script 3: More pitch variation, and watch for micro-pauses not intended.

      We all have trouble with scripts, so don’t get discouraged. Keep at it!


      • #59381

        Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me feedback! I will do my best to make those changes!

    • #59228

      Hi IsaBrandon! These were good reads for you.
      Script 1 4H: Good pacing and flow of the script
      Script 2 Beavers: This read sounded more like you were reading a book vs. actively explaining
      Script 3 Creativity: This read sounded good as well, but it may need a little more variation in pitch or emphasis on certain words to match the text
      I hope that helps a little. Keep it up!


      • #59383

        Thank you so much for the feedback! I definitely agree with what you’re saying and will do my best to make those changes! I really appreciate it!

    • #59209

      Sorry I posted the wrong script for Creativity! XD

      Creativity is not the same as hard work or effort, it requires genuine inspiration. It is the product of a mind thoroughly intrigued by a question a situation or a possibility, therefore creativity does not come in exchange for money or rewards but when we focus our attention on something because we want to.

  • #59200
    Robert Broussard

    My version of Paul Harveys “So g*d made a farmer”. Long read and took a while. I appreciate and feedback you may have. Thanks

    And on the 8th day, G*d looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need a caretaker”
    — so G*d made a Farmer.

    G*d said, “I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board”
    — so G*d made a Farmer.

    “I need somebody with arms strong enough to rustle a calf and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild; somebody to call hogs, tame cantankerous machinery, come home hungry, have to wait lunch until his wife’s done feeding visiting ladies, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon — and mean it”
    — so G*d made a Farmer.

    G*d said, “I need somebody willing to sit up all night with a newborn colt, and watch it die, then dry his eyes and say, ‘Maybe next year.’ I need somebody who can shape an ax handle from a persimmon sprout, shoe a horse with a hunk of car tire, who can make harness out of haywire, feed sacks and shoe scraps; who, planting time and harvest season, will finish his forty-hour week by Tuesday noon, and then pain’n from tractor back, put in another seventy-two hours”
    — so G*d made a Farmer.

    G*d had to have somebody willing to ride the ruts at double speed to get the hay in ahead of the rain clouds, and yet stop in mid-field and race to help when he sees the first smoke from a neighbor’s place
    — so G*d made a Farmer.

    G*d said, “I need somebody strong enough to clear trees and heave bails, yet gentle enough to tame lambs and wean pigs and tend the pink-combed pullets, who will stop his mower for an hour to splint the broken leg of a meadow lark.”
    It had to be somebody who’d plow deep and straight and not cut corners; somebody to seed, w**d, feed, breed and rake and disc and plow and plant and tie the fleece and strain the milk and replenish the self-feeder and finish a hard week’s work with a five-mile drive to church; somebody who would bale a family together with the soft strong bonds of sharing, who would laugh, and then sigh, and then reply, with smiling eyes, when his son says that he wants to spend his life “doing what dad does”
    — so G*d made a Farmer.

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    • #59241

      Hi Robert!

      Wow! This was a really good script for your voice. I have heard Paul Harvey’s “So G*d Made a Farmer” before, so kudos to you for one, tackling it, and two, giving it your own spin! Great job on varying your inflections with the lists in the last paragraph.

      I will mention, audio wise, that the “And” in the opening line was faint, and the first line (before “so G*d made a Farmer“) was low in volume compared to the rest of your read.

      Overall, terrific job!


      • #59253
        Robert Broussard

        Thanks KFvoice, I will work on that. I have me a new desk coming for this setup and try to figure out what is going on with that. Appreciate it!

        • #59310

          You are welcome, Robert! I, too, am in the process of setting up my recording space with my equipment. — Kathy

    • #59229

      Hi Robert – really nice! I was smiling and then tearing up all in the same script. This is really good for you and your voice and it sounds very authentic for you. I think the pacing and tempo was very good. I liked the way you emphasized and even sped up just a little bit to read in the last paragraph the long list of items: to seed, w**d, feed, breed and rake and disc and plow and plant and tie the fleece and strain the milk and…” which added extra effect to the read overall. Excellent!


      • #59233
        Robert Broussard

        Mary, I appreciate you taking the time to read that. I was long winded and difficult to do because Paul Harvey wrote it the way he spoke. It took a little while to make that one. I am trying to do more challenging reads. Once again thanks.

        • #59237

          You are welcome Robert! I’m guessing it was hard to do and keep up the pace, but your pace was consistent throughout; really sounded good. Paul Harvey was such an iconic speaker too, so being able to emulate him while keeping your own identity is a good goal to stretch for.


  • #59195

    Hi All – Two more practice reads from the Edge library for my Commercial journey. There’s some background noise from a landscaper working in the neighborhood I can’t eliminate – I mean the noise, not the landscaper. I’m primarily working today on a conversational tone but all feedback about any aspect of these two reads is welcomed.

    Thanks, Chas

    Apple Ipod
    Presenting iPod. The first MP3 player to pack a mind-blowing 1,000 songs and a 10-hour battery into a stunning 6.5-ounce package you can literally take everywhere. But iPod isn’t just a revolution in portability, it’s also a revolution in simplicity. Just plug into your Mac and all of your iTunes songs and playlists are automatically downloaded into iPod at blazing FireWire speed. With iPod, it’s that easy to take your entire music collection with you wherever you go, in the pocket of your choice. Get your iPod at The Wiz, Circuit City, or Best Buy

    Harvey Home Theatre
    He has a 160 IQ, performs cardiac surgery for a living. And now, he can even operate his home entertainment system. Introducing Harvey Home Theater. It’s so sophisticated, it’s simple. Dimensions of sight and sound unheard of, until now. All at your fingertips. Now, if he could only operate the microwave. Home Theater from Harvey, not your ordinary electronics store. Call for the Harvey near you.

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    • #59240

      Hi Chas!

      Nice job! I love your tone. I echo previous comments, although I will add to be mindful of slight micro-pauses not intended in the script — in the first copy between “playlists are“. The second script was my favorite. Really well done, and flowed well. Keep it up!


    • #59230

      Hi Chas! These are really good reads for you! You have a really nice deep clear tone that is very well-suited for this type of commercial. Good pace and flow of the script. Good job all around!


    • #59215

      Hi Chas! I really love your tone, and your pacing and pitch are great on both. I think you could relish the microwave line at the end even more, maybe with a slightly longer pause after “now.” Nice job! Also does that Circuit City reference make anyone else feel way old??


  • #59186

    Good morning everyone. I’m trying to apply what I learned in speaking with a pro and all that I have been learning for narration. It is a LOT to think about while still trying to sound natural 🙂 I’m naturally a very enthusiastic and friendly reader, so I’m not sure how this fits with a “documentary read”. I know this might not be something I actually book in the real world. Any feedback is appreciated. Take care!


    “For more than three decades, mankind has explored the mysteries of the universe from
    a vantage point in space. Now we‘re turning space into a practical place to work. By the year 2020, NASA‘s space station is scheduled to give science a permanent platform in orbit. A place where researchers can examine our world from a unique perspective, and experiment under conditions of extreme temperature and weightlessness. In zero gravity, compounds can react in ways not possible here on Earth. Scientists can create better med- icines, more durable plastics, and stronger alloys made of metals that resist mixing under gravity‘s pull.”

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    • #59231

      Hi Katelyn! I think this sounded really good for your voice. You have a very nice clear tone, and it would seem to be fine for a documentary. Your friendly tone makes it more accessible to the listener. Keep it up!


      • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by mkell755.
    • #59204

      Hey! I thought your read sounded very good! Oh man I know what you mean in terms of keeping everything you learn in mind. It’s definitely a lot. Some things I did notice was there were a couple breaths that weren’t edited out. One was between sentence one and two, before the word: “Now.” The other I heard was in the fourth sentence after the word “perspective.” I think you could also add more energy into your read to make it sound even better. Like Robert said, the flow needs to be a bit smoother. Maybe cutting some of the space between your sentences could help with that. Overall I think you’re well on your way to being great! And who knows? Maybe you will be booked for a job like this down the line.

      • #59221

        Hey! Thanks for the feedback you guys. Listening back I hear the choppiness and I think it is that I did not cut out the breaks between sentences enough (this is where I stop and breathe haha!) Although, my coach mentioned that it is really more of a big deal to edit breaths out in commercial reads vs narration as narration is supposed to sound more natural and people do breathe. Although if the breath is insanely distracting it should be brought down in volume. Just thought I’d mention that as well. Thanks you guys!

    • #59199
      Robert Broussard

      Hello, I liked the read. But it needs to flow a little better. You voice and tone are good for this as well as your pace.

  • #59179

    Hello all! I’m looking for feedback on a few Edge library scripts. I took the Science of Speaking like a Pro webinar last week – WOW – great stuff – and I’m trying to incorporate what I learned. Thank you in advance for taking the time to listen and comment on both my delivery and sound quality – so much talent on here!

    History of LSD
    In 1938, a Swiss chemist named Albert Hofmann synthesized LSD for the first time while studying ergots, a type of fungus. Though the pharmaceutical company that he worked for, Sandoz, didn’t have any interest in the compound, Hofmann found himself inexplicably drawn to it. Five years later, in the spring of 1943, he synthesized it again, noticing that it seemed to have unusual properties: After accidentally absorbing small amounts through his fingertips one day in the lab, Hofmann had to leave work early, under the effects of what he called “a not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition.” A few days later, he experimented with taking what he thought was a small dose of LSD, about 250 micrograms (a common dose now is more on the order of 100 micrograms), and proceeded to trip out of his mind, an experience he describes in his book LSD: My Problem Child

    Nero – Intro
    He was a perverse cross-dressing exhibitionist who had an incestuous relationship with his mother and married his step sister. He murdered members of his own family in fits of jealous rage. His cruelty, violence, and grotesque appetite for self-indulgence brought the Roman empire to the brink of financial and political ruin. And he viscously persecuted the Christians. They would remember him as the ultimate embodiment of evil … the anti-Christ.

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    • #59234

      Hi Amanda! Really good reads for both! You are super-clear in your delivery and you enunciate very well throughout both scripts. The LSD read had great variation in pitch and sounded very conversational. The read on Nero really painted a picture for me and set the tone and an image of who he was – very good for both! I wish I could have made that webinar now! I’m hearing so many great things about it. Great job here!


    • #59219
      Robert Broussard

      Good reads. I really like your description of Nero. You made me not like him. lol . Your pace was just right and tone good as well for this read.

    • #59203

      Hey great read! I took a listen of the LSD copy. I thought it was well paced and sounded very clear. Your inflections also made the read really interesting and engaging. Maybe some things to look at: I think the beginning of the second sentence of the script you read a little fast. About midway through the copy I sounded like you said “in a lab” instead of “in the lab.” And lastly on the line: “trip out of his mind,” I think you were trying to emphasis every word. It sounds a bit choppy but I love the energy and care you put into it. You’re doing a fantastic job! Keep pushing forward!

    • #59188

      Hi there! I like your passion and zest for this copy. I can feel your emotion and how you want the viewer to feel. I listened to the Nero read. And yes – what a great class the science of speaking like a pro was! I think you really sped through the read and it would be great to hear a version where you slow down and take your time. Allow us to absorb each statement you are making. My coach was saying with narration you need to see what the viewer is seeing while you are speaking as they will be watching something on screen. So I think pace it out a little slower and breathe, but your emotion and passion is awesome!! Keep up the great work! 🙂

  • #59176

    Hi There, this is a test post for the feedback forum!

  • #59164

    Hello all! I’m posting my daily recording here (recorded on my phone) for any and all feedback. Thank you!


    Hallmark Fresh Ink
    You probably don’t want to hear this commercial. Heck, we’re not living in a fantasy land. As soon as that music stops and the commercials start, you turn the dial faster than the bathroom door k**b after three cups of coffee. That’s just the way it is. And we know it. But it’s that same uncanny ability to grasp reality that helped us develop our new line of greeting cards. Fresh Ink from Hallmark. Hallmark Fresh Ink is as real, funny and quirky as life itself. So, pick up a few Hallmark Fresh Ink cards for friends at your nearest Dominick’s, and say something real. That is, if you haven’t already changed the station.

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    • #59218

      Hi Mary! I like your wry tone in this read. Maybe the humor could be beefed up a bit more by varying your pitch, really leaning into that last line especially. Nice work!


      • #59223

        Thanks for the feedback Brianne! Thanks for the tip too, I will try varying my pitch in a read like this. Not sure how far to push it, but I will keep trying until someone says, not that’s too much. Thanks again!


    • #59172

      Hi Mary!

      Your read was clear; the pacing was good, and nice job on varying your pitch. I noticed you did the opposite of what I did with my read the other night with “But”, however, there is no comma here. I think it sounds better with it, personally. Not sure if it was intentional, but I liked the little “sound effect” when you stopped your recording. It made me chuckle. Keep it up!


      • #59224

        Hi Kathy – thanks for your feedback! You are totally right too in that I just added a comma-sounding pause when I probably should have moved on past it, not even sure why I did that, so thanks for noticing! Unfortunately the little sound effect at the end of the recording was unintentional, in fact I almost pointed out that I did not mean to do it, but now that you mention it it sounds funny for this particular script. Thanks again for your feedback!


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