Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #59485

    A true force of nature is undeniable. Makes waves. Can’t be tamed. Begs to be heard. And inspired a true original. Responsibly sourced. Sustainably made. With natural ingredients. For a moisture that’s relentless. A true force of nature. Just like you. Burt’s Bees.

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    • #59551

      Hi SFish – good read! Your voice sounds well-suited for Burt’s Bees. Good pauses and emphasis on the appropriate words. Very good!


    • #59527

      SFish I love this read. The script suits your tone, pacing was on point and you sound like a Burt’s Bee user sharing your love for the product with a friend.

    • #59491
      Robert Broussard

      Sfish, good effort. Your voice is well suited for this. The pace and tone are good too. But your read could sound more natural.

  • #59479

    Ford F Series Pickups

    It’s easy to see why Ford has the top sellin’ pickup truck in America. Because, when you look into a Ford, you’ll find innovation, attention to details, and exceptional value – qualities that have made the Ford F Series America’s best sellin’ truck for 43 straight years. With this kind of success, the next thing you’ll see when you look into a Ford pickup might just be yourself. Have you driven a Ford lately?

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    • #59552

      Hi Bill – This is great! Very professional read and production. I agree with others, this sounds like a commercial that’s already out there – I can’t think of anything to critique on this one. It sounds very natural and friendly and makes me want to think about trying a Ford! Great!


    • #59528

      This isn’t really a practice spot?! Sounds like something I’d hear on radio or TV… in other words it’s great!

    • #59517

      For a second I thought I left my radio on… Great read, Bill!


    • #59507

      Magnificent read! You’re take on the list is an inspiration for me. I can’t find anything wrong with your performance, except the ending… I think you should include a longer pause between the last and second to last sentence.

    • #59481

      Nice work Bill! Good to hear you back again.

  • #59461

    Hi all! Here is my daily recording (done on my phone) for your feedback. Thank you!


    First State Bank
    In today’s world, everyone needs a bank they can rely on. But, unfortunately, most modern banks are just too big to provide the kind of attention and service you need. First State Bank is the exception. At First State, you’ll discover that banking can be personal and friendly, as well as modern and efficient. FIRST STATE BANK. Today’s bank.

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    • #59508

      You’re on the right track. The tempo, pitch and volume you utilized is well performed, though I think you should work on your tone because it makes the script sound more like a narration. Think about who would be listening to this and why, that will help you determine the tone.

      • #59533

        Thanks for the feedback Tim! I will work on the tone to avoid a narration-like sound for the read and think about the specific listener. Thanks!


    • #59492
      Robert Broussard

      I like it Mary, just keep working on putting more personality into you reads.

      • #59534

        Thanks for the feedback Robert! I will work on injecting more personality, thanks for the tip!


    • #59478

      Nice job on the intro to this commercial which states the problem with big Banks! The solution which is first state Bank should have a more enthusiastic tone and pace also may be highlight the name a little more if that makes sense?

      • #59537

        Thanks for the feedback RYoung! I will work on portraying a more enthusiastic tone towards the bank, that does make sense. Thanks again!


    • #59477

      It’s all coming together, Mary!

      I felt like this was the best script you have connected with so far. It flowed well, and you sounded more natural throughout the script.

      One suggestion: Perhaps flip the emphasis from “Today’s bank.” to “FIRST STATE BANK”., since this is the product you are selling.

      Good job! Keep it up!


      • #59542

        Hi Kathy, thanks for the feedback! Great, I’m glad you can see some improvement – yeah! You are right about the emphasis on FIRST STATE BANK, especially noting the way it is written in all caps. I will work on that. Thanks again!


  • #59448
    Robert Broussard

    Two short reads.

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    • #59476

      Great delivery, Robert! Your voice fits these scripts well! Audio feedback: ditto what Mary mentioned!


    • #59457

      Hi Robert! Good reads! It sounded a little quiet / muffled on my end; I have not heard that before on your reads. Both were good and sounded really good for you. Good work!


  • #59440

    Sorry can’t provide script for script library. This audition I did recently was two recording, I just combined them together. Thanks for any comments.

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    • #59514

      Thanks all appreciate all the comments!

    • #59510

      Magnificent read, you’re really pulling off the kind and encouraging tone that Nationwide is known for. Only problem I have is your tempo, I think you may be speaking too fast and it’s causing you to say certain words incorrectly like “to” and “ease.” Unless it says in your audition that the read HAS to be less than 30 seconds, don’t fret about saying everything so quickly.

    • #59475

      Delivery was good, R! Minor comment: I thought “ease” trailed off a bit, but maybe it was me.


    • #59443

      Hi RYoung! This sounds great! Very good sound and well produced. Good flow and pacing, very professional.


      • #59483
        Robert Broussard

        Thanks for point that out. I am going to redo and re-submit.

  • #59429

    Hi guys. So i’m working really hard practicing different types of narration to find out where I fit naturally with my voice. This is an explainer piece (took me a while to figure out what an “Explainer” even is…) Anyways. I loved this copy and really connected with it – being a songwriter, arts and craft person and what not. I hope this works with my voice. Thanks in advance! (I’m leaving my breaths in on purpose)

    “Creativity is not the same as hard work or effort, it requires genuine inspiration. It’s the product of a mind thoroughly intrigued by a question, a situation or a possibility, therefore creativity does not come in exchange for money or rewards, but when we focus our attention on something because we want to.”

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    • #59498

      So helpful thank you for all the positive encouragement. I think eLearning and Explainer could be a good route but I will keep practicing with many different things 🙂

    • #59474

      Hi Katelyn! Really good! I think your voice suits Explainer narration very well. I could tell that you connected to this copy as a creative person!


    • #59444

      Hi Katelyn! This sounds really good, very friendly and well done. I think this is a good fit for you! Good job!


    • #59436
      Robert Broussard

      That was really good. Your voice is easy to listen to, as well as, your tone and pace.

    • #59435

      Your voice is really delightful with this! You sound very friendly, approachable…relatable. I haven’t heard anything else of yours, but if you can find a way to channel this genuine connection into everything you read, your voice will work well in lots of places!

  • #59422

    Hello Edge Forum!
    This is my first submission…I’m quite new to Voice Over, very new to editing with Audacity, and have not yet recorded my Demo. Just looking to get some feedback on this file from the Edge Script library, whether about interpretation, sound quality, etc. I have a lot to learn 😉

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    • #59473

      Welcome Beckolin!

      You have a warm and welcoming voice for voiceover! Your pacing, pitch, clarity, and tone were all very good for this read.

      I did not have an issue listening to your file, and I did not notice anything distracting in regards to your audio quality.

      I am still learning Audacity myself, and use it mainly for minor edits, but you will gradually get the hang of it.

      Very nice first entry!


    • #59452
      Robert Broussard

      Beckolin, very good read. Good pace, tone, etc. Good piece of voice acting too, believable!

    • #59445

      Hi Beckolin! First of all, welcome! I really liked this – nice pace and flow of the script. You have a nice warm voice. Good job!


    • #59433
      [email protected]

      Hi Beckolin, I liked your pace and tone of your voice!

    • #59424

      By the way…I chose to upload a WAV file, but if a different format is preferable on this forum, please let me know and I’ll use it in the future.

  • #59414

    Another script for performance feedback, let me have it!
    By mid-1940, the German Army had conquered all of western Europe. H****r was tightening the noose around Britain. In the Atlantic, German U-boats were decimating Allied convoys, threatening to cut off Britain’s only lifeline. But Churchill had a secret weapon, the strangest military establishment in the world. Crossword fanatics, chess champions, mathematicians, students and professors, Americans and British, all came here with one common aim: to unlock the secrets of the Enigma, a machine that concealed Germany’s war plans in seemingly unbreakable code. If Enigma could be penetrated, everything H****r plotted would be known in advance. At Bletchley Park, there unfolded one of the most astonishing exploits of the Second World War.

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    • #59656

      Thanks everybody, very constructive criticism.

    • #59446

      Hi Damian! Really good read, and your voice seems very good for this genre. Good energy and pacing throughout and your voice is very clear.

      I heard a few added and deleted words and phrases here and there – you said “and H****r began to tighten the noose…” instead of the way it was written “H****r was tightening the noose…” “unusual” added before secret weapon, etc. I realize this is practice, but I’ve been told to practice the scripts exactly as written, complete with commas, periods, exclamation points and so on. It’s good practice to be as exact as possible. That being said, it was really well read, I enjoyed it!


    • #59442

      Good narration work Damian. I would suggest dialing the tone down slightly, it sounds a little announcery, (sorry I hate that word), It’s been pinned on me as well. I do enjoy your informative style though very believable.

    • #59427

      Hi Damien, nice work with this piece. I thoroughly enjoy learning about WW2 so this read is a treat. I could imagine a little animation going on with this so great job connecting to the copy! I think the list ” Crossword fanatics, chess champions, mathematicians, students and professors, Americans and British” is challenging. Long lists like this are SO HARD, but I think taking it a tad bit slower and using tone, inflection and pitch to vary it a little more so people can comprehend what you are saying would be helpful. I think I mentioned I could hear your noise gate from a previous comment, and I think it is still at a setting that is too intense and obvious – specifically at “If Enigma could be penetrated, (breath fluttering) everything H****r” I could hear it cut in and out. You will need to work on sound treating your space more instead of relying on the noise gate. Try uploading a few reads without the noise gate at all I would be curious to hear it. Just my 2 cents. Nice work though I really enjoyed this read and I think your voice fits very well with this genre.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by katelyndawnvo.
  • #59406

    Hi, friends! See attached for a couple of auditions I recently submitted for commercial reads. Please let me know what you think! All constructive feedback is welcome and encouraged!

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    • #59509

      I agree that the second was more effective because of the emotion you brought to it via the persona you assumed and by effectively varying pitch and tempo. This also made the tag line stand out strongly throughout the entire script.

      I’ll be a little picky about the first. It seemed a little flat to me, starting with the tone of your initial “Hello”. I can envision a read of this copy being a little more energetic overall and especially when you get to the part that delivers the solution and its benefits after defining the problem. I also heard uptalk twice to (maybe) emphasize words that in context, didn’t need the uptalk – one was “disengaged” (@9 secs) and the other was “ease” (@19 secs).
      Your voice was clear in both and the copy was nicely articulated.


    • #59493
      Robert Broussard

      Both reads were good but the second was definitely better fitted for the content. I think you could pick up the pace on your first read a little and place some emphasis on words that you think should stand out to get your point accross.

    • #59472

      Good reads overall, with clarity and pacing, and varying your tone in each read.

      I felt you connected to the second script the best.

      The first script, I agree with others, that there needed to be more enthusiasm. The plosives were a bit distracting in this read, too. Are you using a pop filter? Too close to the mic?

      Keep at it!


    • #59447

      Hi Sabpierotti! Good reads here. I liked the variation in tone and energy between the scripts. Both were good reads for you, but you sound more invested in the cancer piece. Keep up the good work!


    • #59431

      Hi there! Really nice work on these. I think the cancer one fit best, the first one I think could have used more of a friendly/happy/upbeat tone and agree with the previous comment that a smile can help. I think you sound very genuine, caring and warm for the cancer read. Maybe with posting auditions though it would be great to know what the audition directions were to better help us with discerning how your delivery fulfills the direction. Just an idea 🙂 really nice work!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by katelyndawnvo.
    • #59413

      For the first one try smiling for a more friendly “Hello” since it is a commercial. For both reads there are some plosives and mouth noise from possibly being too close to the mic. Otherwise both reads are very conversational and good job varying the tone and attitude between both scripts.

  • #59394

    OK, more commercial demo feedback requested!

    Worked with Jen this week on two more potentials for my commercial demo: a board game, and a restaurant. Here are the scripts, looking for feedback on pacing, delivery, and if I sound like I’m connecting with the material and speaking with intention. Thanks in advance!

    Script 1: Thornwatch
    Deep in the Eyrewood, dark creatures would spread their corruption to the people of the forest. Thankfully, the citizens are protected by the Thornwatch. The Thornwatch: Eyrewood Adventures Board Game is available at Lone Shark Games.

    Script 2: Sweet Lucy’s Smokehouse:
    Why do we sometimes run out of food? It’s the result of cooking with wood in a closed pit Smoking is a low-and-slow process—that means sometimes our meats take all-night to cook until they’re perfect! It’s just how we do it at Sweet Lucy’s Smokehouse.

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    • #59456

      Hi Brian! These are good reads. You have a really nice warm voice and are emphasizing the appropriate words.
      For script 1: I realize this is a practice read but the read was not per the script in the last sentence – instead of ” … Board Game is available at Lone Shark Games.” I heard ” … visit”
      For script 2: You have a nice friendly tone here, good energy. Being picky, but I heard “That’s” vs. “It’s” as typed.

      Really good reads overall! Keep it up!


      • #59752

        Thanks! The first one I was purposely slowing down, as during my coaching session Jen said I wasn’t giving it enough emphasis, so this may have been too much course correction. Definitely will work on it more.

    • #59412

      The second one is fantastic, well done! The first one is a little too forced. I agree with the other commentator that the pauses are distracting and the drama is coming off as fake. Keep at it!

    • #59398

      Hey, Brian! Great reads! You have a GREAT voice over voice! My suggestion for both reads would be to pick up the pace, especially in the board game read, specifically the first two sentences. I get the drama you’re trying to portray in those two sentences, but keep the drama while picking up the tempo. It sounds like there’s a little pause between each word which chops up the read. Other than that — keep up the good work!

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