Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #59671

    Hello, commercial read homework read #2, for your feedback on performance only. Thanks so much!! It’s the #1 shopping site for top name brands at up to 75% off. Great style, great value and everything ships free. Everything you love, for less.

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    • #59721

      Hi Voiceofkarale! Good read. Your voice is very clear and flows well. For “Great style, great value and everything ships free” you might try various inflections to help emphasize those 3 points a little differently from each other to help them stand out. Good work!


    • #59703

      Hi Kara! I will add to the previous comments, and mention to be mindful of micro pauses mid sentence, not intended in the script. Keep it up!


    • #59696

      Good work! A little more emphasis on first and “everything” with ships free would make read pop a bit.

  • #59669

    Hello! I’d love to get your performance only feedback on my commercial read homework (recorded on iPad). Thanks so much for listening.

    Peet’s Coffee
    Characters like Marie. She’s a character. She does ballet. Professionally. Because character. That’s what we’re about. Alfred Peet. Now, there’s a character. He brought us craft roasted. Us, as in America. You. Me. Diane. Diane’s friend. At Peet’s, we source the best beans. We roast them. We brew them. We make great coffee. We’re Peet’s.

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    • #59722

      Hi VoiceofKarale! Nice read here, your voice sounds really good for this genre. “Because character” raised in pitch at the end like “Because character?”, minor point. Overall good tempo and pace! Mary

    • #59702

      Hi Kara! Good read! Try varying your tone more in the lists, and be sure you read the copy as written (Now, there’s a character.).

      I hope this helps!


    • #59695

      Nice job! You were articulate and had a good rhythm. I do think it could have had a little bit faster tempo.

  • #59657

    Another script for review, thanks for listening.
    Truth is most motorcycle insurance costs about the same. What’s not the same, is the coverage. Now you can get the AllState protection you need.. for a price you can afford. Talk to an All State agent today. Are you in good hands?

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    • #59723

      Hi Damian! Great read and genre for your voice. Your voice is very clear, warm and friendly, all things we want in an insurance agent. Very good!


    • #59660

      Your voice is great for this type of copy! I would maybe shorten the pauses to make it flow a bit more and you also missed the word “most” in the beginning. Other than that, your tone was spot on. Keep up the good work!

  • #59641

    Practicing corporate narration. Here are a couple of samples I recorded on my iPhone, so please only feedback on performance and not quality. Thank you in advance!

    Script 1: Congratulations, you just bought Allstate Homeowners Insurance. And now, if your home or property suffers a covered loss or is damaged, you’ll be covered, and that’s a good feeling. However there are some things that can’t be replaced, so that’s why it’s is important to prevent these damages from occurring in the first place. Here, you’ll learn what steps you can take to make your home safe and secure.

    Script 2: Welcome to advance technology incorporated and to the excitement and challenges of a growing business. As a new employee, your job is important to us. Your success is an important factor in the success of this company. This software is designed to offer you accurate information about company policies and procedures, benefit packages, performance reviews, training and education opportunities.

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    • #59731
      Robert Broussard


    • #59701

      Hello! Nice pacing in both scripts. Good job on varying your pitch, too. In script one “these” was read as “the”.


    • #59654

      Awesome! I think both scripts are really well done. Your voice is friendly and conversational. You sound like a great fit for corporate narration and E-learning.

      • #59668

        Hi! You did a great job varying inflection on the lists, not a lot of glottal stops either. Maybe just watch out for turning “and” into “n” (I do this all the time, and wish I had a solid strategy to offer, but I’m working on it.) Your tone and delivery sound really natural and polished. Great work!!

  • #59632

    Jack Daniels ‘’Giving The Right Gift’’

    Givin’ the right gift is easy. Just follow these simple steps.
    First, pick up a bottle of Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey.
    Now, the size ya choose depends on who it’s for. Say a
    “boss”, a “friend”, or a “brother”. Second, get some wrappin’
    paper and ribbon. It’s kinda like wrappin’ a tennis racquet.
    they’re gonna know what it is. but that’s part of the charm.
    And last…and most important! Step 3. Be there when they
    open it!

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    • #59700

      Hi Bill!

      I really like the tone in your delivery. Of course your voice fits the script, but I like the enthusiasm and cheer for the read. Nice music selection for the time of year, too. My feedback is to perhaps slow the read down a tad, or pause more between sentences. I hope this helps.


    • #59681

      Oh my goodness…this is wonderful! Your voice is perfect for this script, and it’s got a wonderful balance of cozy, warm, and fun going on. I’d like to be there when that bottle gets opened as well 😉

  • #59626

    Hello all! Here is a recording for any and all of your feedback (recorded on my phone). Thanks all!


    Walgreen’s Specialty Pharmacy
    At Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, we provide the convenience of a one-stop approach for all your prescription needs. Using Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy enables our clinical pharmacists to review your entire patient profile, so we can identify potential harmful drug interactions and other conflicts that may result from using multiple pharmacies. The Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy care team—from pharmacists and nurses to insurance advocates—is ready to provide the personalized, supportive, and dependable care that meets your unique needs.

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    • #59682

      You have a lovely voice for this…I’d just watch how long you make your phrases to make it even more natural. It feels a little bit choppy. For example, your pitch drops after “Specialty Pharmacy” like it was the end of a sentence. Need to keep your flow going and not have more phrase or sentence breaks than necessary.

      • #59707

        Thanks for the feedback Beckolin! Good points. I need to work on my breath control, I can hear the pitch drop after the second “Specialty Pharmacy” very clearly, I will work on that. Thanks again! Very helpful.


    • #59638

      Sounds authentic , natural , love the inflections.

      • #59708

        Thanks for the feedback MrTripo9! I’m working to sound authentic and natural, so glad that others can hear it. Thanks!


    • #59631

      Good job, Mary! Overall, a nice natural tone in this read. Keep it up! — Kathy

      • #59709

        Thanks as always for the feedback Kathy! Glad that you can hear the naturalness. Thanks again!


  • #59620

    Hello all! A little recent narration homework posted here. I appreciate you all listening so much.

    9 Planets

    About 12 billion years ago, scientists think, from a singular explosion, the universe was born. In those first moments, intensely hot hydrogen and helium raced outward – thinning, cooling, and clumping into vast, organized structures.

    Within a few billion years, countless galaxies had emerged. Each one containing hundreds of billions of stars – constantly changing in cycles of birth, death and rebirth. In one of these galaxies, about 5 billions years ago, one average-sized star, our sun, captured in its gravitational field the gas and dust that would become 9 planets.


    The benefits and services available to you as a member of the Select Choice plan have been designed with your personal health in mind. Our goal is to provide you and your family with convenient, comprehensive health services, and to protect you from the high cost of both routine preventive care and major illness. Please keep your Select Choice Member Card with you. The number on the card is your member number. You may be asked this number when seeking services from Select Choice providers, and when calling Aetna Health Plans with questions relating to your coverage.

    Making Candy

    What exactly goes into candy to make it so sweet and yummy? Join Professor Hoody on a fantastic journey to find out how candy is really made. In Making Candy, the professor’s quantum transporter sends him to a real chocolate factory to explore the candy world. You can just taste the excitement in this candy-coated adventure.

    All the best,


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    • #59683

      1) I love the “wonder” in your voice for the space narration.
      2) Good tone, but you have a tendency to “end” a sentence at the comma…make sure the momentum carries through the “and.”
      3) Also wonderful tone…and I actually like the higher pitch. It may not be your usual speaking range, but if this is a script targeted at kids, I think it would be quite appropriate to do something a little less “natural.”

    • #59628

      Hi John, good reads! They all flowed well and were very clear.
      Script 1 – I liked this one for your voice. It had a sense of mystery about it.
      Script 2 – This topic was good also for your voice.
      Script 3 – I liked the enthusiasm for this read, but it sounded like you raised your voice in pitch more for this one, which did not sound as natural to me as for the other 2 scripts. There was a longer than needed pause right after “…how candy is really made.” Overall very good!


  • #59611

    Hello everyone!

    Began training with Art Bruder last week, and here are my homework assignment recordings for Commercials.

    I would greatly appreciate the feedback and look forward to hearing any replies!

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    • #59629

      Hi Aaron! I liked these reads! You have a nice tone that flows well and is very clear, and each one sounded unique for the script which is great
      Script 1: Good casual attitude, sounded very friendly and your voice had a nice smile in it
      Script 2: Good smooth rich tone in this one. There were some pauses that did not make sense to me “we prefer a glass” vs. how you read it as “we…prefer a glass”, minor point
      Script 3: Great energy! I could hear the smile in your voice and you had a great sense of enthusiasm. I think this was my favorite for you. Great job!


  • #59591

    Hello all! Here is my recording for tonight (recorded on my phone). Thanks for any and all feedback!


    Birds Eye: Cheddar Broccoli Bake
    Introducing the Cheddar Broccoli Bake from Birds Eye. A creamy, gooey, melty, deliciously decadent way to eat broccoli….Yes Please! Birds Eye – a new twist on veggies.

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    • #59598

      Good job, Mary! Suggestion: try keeping the inflections in your list, but tighten the pauses between words. See how it sounds.


      • #59624

        Thanks for the feedback Kathy! I will try that and let you know how it goes. Thanks!


    • #59593
      Robert Broussard

      Very good Mary!

  • #59580

    New commercial homework! Kinda outside my comfort zone, so I’d love feedback on how I can improve this – sounding enthusiastic without sounding fake.

    We all deserve more summer. So DQ is bringing you two summer favorites in one with the new Drumstick Blizzard with peanuts. A Drumstick, the original sundae cone, and our world-famous vanilla soft-serve. Let’s fit more summer into every bite. DQ. Happy tastes good.

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    • #59645

      Great job! Your voice fit very well to this copy and I loved your enthusiasm and positivity throughout the read. Keep it up!

    • #59597

      Everything in this read was good! Enthusiastic tone, clear, with varying pitch. Keep it up!


    • #59589

      Hi Sfish! This was great. I too struggle to sound enthusiastic without sounding fake, but I think you did a great job of projecting energy into this read and making it sound authentic and upbeat. I could sense the smile in your voice. Great job!


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