Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #86937

    Greetings Feedback Forum! Here for the practice and looking forward to your feedback.

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  • #86932

    Had an issue with my files so trying again. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

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    • #86936

      Hey Jeff! Great voice! For the TN Valley: There were a lot of mouth clicks throughout. I’d suggest to try a de-clicker or edit those out. It was a very fast read. It felt like this would be a documentary, so imagine the images that would appear with the copy you are reading and how long they may appear on the screen during your VO (most likely a couple of seconds or so) hopefully this will help you pace a little slower so your audience can more easily absorb the message. For the Church Attack: It lacked emotion behind the subject matter. The church attack is a horrible thing and the images that would be show with it are also…try putting your hand over your heart or something like that when you read to connect with the script (you don’t have to pour out tears but you would want to connect with the gravity of the situation). Doing that hopefully will help you with slowing your pace also. Hope this helps. Keep going…your voice is great for narration.

      • #86940

        Really appreciate the honest feedback. The emotion part is something I am working on. Thanks for your input!

  • #86930

    Hello everyone! Did some narration reads and any feedback is appreciated! Thanks!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by VoicesByJeff.
  • #86913

    Hi Everyone,
    I’m submitting my two scripts for practice. Let me know what you think. I need all the help I can get.
    Elena R.

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    • #86944

      Hi Elena – Very easy to listen to your tone and pace. Great pronunciation. Neuroendocrine – there’s a slight hesitation between “electron” and “microscopy.” Social Security – I think you can go a bit warmer here – more conversational. Both recordings sound echoey.

  • #86897
    Seth Jackson

    Removed breaths only because there was one. Looking for feedback on delivery and quality of recording. Thank you much.

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    • #86906
      Michele Martin

      Seth, I thought this sounded so nice! Only thing I can think of is maybe in the second line, smooth out “the all new Acura” just a smidge. Or are those slight pauses intentional for drama? (I don’t mean where you say, “Luxury. Performance. Etc. I can tell those pauses are right on.) Love your voice and tone: Great for a luxury ad!

  • #86857

    Hey hey, second recording of Midzipper telephony. Sorry for technical issue on first reeording

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    • #86943

      Hi Atperry – I must admit. I’m a sucker for deep voices – yours is beautiful! Overall – nice job! Just a couple of thoughts – trying reading this with a bit of a smile so that the read is warmer but still professional. Also, try backing up from the mic a bit to avoid mouth sounds.

  • #86853

    Hi Folks, working on telephony. Would love feedback of any kind.

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  • #86795

    Just a little commercial homework. Feel free to give me some feedback!

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    • #86908
      Michele Martin

      I just listened to Amex and thought you sounded really believable. When you said “and American Express keeps it that way” I wanted to cheer “Yeah!” for privacy. Thought you nailed that line. Your tone seemed very fitting and appropriately authoritative for the serious content.

    • #86891
      Seth Jackson

      One thing my teacher is drilling into me, is to make it more conversational.

  • #86775

    Hi, everyone- I’ve uploaded two practice reads that I’d appreciate some feedback on. Thanks so much!

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    • #86942

      Hi Artist 7 – Friendly, inviting tone and good energy for both records – nice! Good differentiation between the two, too. Just a quick note that on Spotify the ”p” in partying is popped also the record volume is low for both.

      • #86945

        Hi, BJ- Thanks for the feedback! OK. Looks like I’ll need to look into the sound issues and make some sound adjustments.

  • #86674

    I have a new Commercial read and an old Narration I had done. This time I used my newest microphone to record. please give me feedback that can help with my recording and if my new microphone would work better or not.

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    • #86892
      Seth Jackson

      What if you gave the MTV ad a bit more enthusiasm? Mic sounds great BTW.

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