Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

Viewing 3,148 reply threads
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  • #59981

    Hi everyone! Here is a recording (recorded on my phone, please bear with me) for any and all feedback. This is a very different sort of read for me, not sure if it is a good fit. I’ve heard it read a couple of different ways so far by others who had a different take on it. The script itself really drew me in and really gave me an interesting visual during the read. I don’t know how to edit yet, so please excuse the loud click at the end. Let me know what you think!


    I Am Anxiety
    I’ve been expecting you. Why? Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me? Oh! You still don’t know who I am. Let me try to help you with that. I am the ill ease that you feel when you walk into a crowded room. You know. The hot and cold flushes that confuse you when you are already confused enough. I am the one that raises the whip to your already racing heart. I am the tightening of your chest. The s*********g worries that feel like they might become an avalanche and they can just bury you in an instant. My friend I am the obsessive and the compulsive. I’m the voice. You know the one. Always questioning, questioning, questioning, everything you do, everything you think. I am every, single staring eye that watches you. So, now that we have become acquainted, what are you going to do about it?

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    • #60016

      Hi Mary!

      You defiantly did a great job varying your tone and pitch! I can see why you went for a teasing/taunting delivery. It makes sense, however, to echo Alexis, try adding a little more meanness and sarcastic tone to your delivery. Make sense?


      • #60036

        Hi Kathy, thanks for the feedback. Yes, totally makes sense to try for more meanness and a more sarcastic tone: I will try again soon. For some reason I can sound sarcastic easier than sounding mean. Thanks again!


        • #60049

          You’re welcome, Mary! (edit: definitely)

    • #59999
      Robert Broussard

      Mary, that was pretty good. I like the way you varied up your pitch and tone. Keep it up!

      • #60003

        Thanks for the feedback Robert! Definitely trying to vary things up. Appreciate it!


    • #59992

      Hi Mary, Good job with your pace and clarity. You had some nice pitch variation to keep things interesting. One comment that I have might sound a bit weird, but, you sound almost too friendly 🙂 In the script these are stressful, awful feelings like tight chest and racing heart and as the voice of the anxiety that is causing all these symptoms, I might expect you to sound more mean about being the one who is causing them. It could be a fun take to try to be more mean-spirited and have that kind of tension in the read, just an idea.

      • #60004

        Thanks for the feedback Alexis! I was wondering how it came off (friendly vs. menacing / mean). I will work on this one again. I was visualizing anxiety in this case as a teasing taunting sort of vibe, like a voice that you can’t get out of your head and what would that sound like. Thanks again! Very helpful.


  • #59970

    Hello everyone! Wow, pretty slick new interface on the Feedback Forum! Just getting back into the saddle after a bit of a hiatus and what better subject than a little spiel for Jack Daniels whiskey:


    Here in Lynchburg, Tennessee you can still pause on a Sunday walk to talk to your
    neighbors about the lack of rain in the mountains and lack of sense in Washington.

    You can still pick enough wild blueberries to fill a bucket on a lazy summer afternoon,
    —though I’ll wager more of ’em end up in your belly than in your bucket.

    And when the sun hits it just right, you can still see the old tin roof of the distillery
    where Jack Daniel made his world-renowned whiskey.

    Like everything here, we still make our whiskey in a slow and unhurried fashion, just like ole Jack did back in 1866.

    One sip and you’ll be glad to know we still take our time when we make our whiskey.

    Jack Daniels…smooth sipping Tennessee whiskey.

    Raw, at-home recording. Trying for a natural, folksy read leaning into my natural accent (which I usually try to squelch!) All feedback is welcome, thanks for taking the time to listen!

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    • #60015

      Ooooo, very well done! Your natural accent fits the script, Rogue! Nice choice!


      • #60973

        Hi Kathy, thank you for your flattering feedback! Much appreciated!

    • #59998

      Hi rogue1, sounds great! Your accent is a great fit for the copy!

      • #60974

        Hi Alexis, thanks for taking the time to listen! Glad my accent seems to fit the bill.

    • #59983

      Hi Rogue 1 – Really nice! I really love your smooth easy-flowing drawl – it really suits this script! I like how you stretched out certain words out like “pause”, “lazy”, “just”, and “smooth”. Nice and unhurried and painted a nice visual of the commercial. Really nice read!


      • #60975

        Hi Mary, thank you so much! Was trying hard to be relaxed–which seems contradictory! Glad you found it to be a successful read!

    • #59979

      That was awesome! Sounded very authentic your accent made it sound very folksy. Two thumbs up!

      • #60976

        Hi Official81, thank for your kind critique! Though I’m not from Tennessee, I’m glad I still managed to sound authentic!

  • #59964

    Hi Everyone!

    I’ve recently started exploring VO and heading down the path of narration. Hoping for some feedback on my first assignment as I continue working toward a demo. I appreciate any tips, advice, thoughts!

    History Channel – Ancient Aliens Script
    Is the U.S. Government covering up the truth about alien contact…and if so, why.
    Could the government have a secret agenda… one known to only a select few… and perhaps dating back hundreds of years.
    On Dec 16, 2017….The New York Times ran an explosive story…. entitled “Glowing Auras and Black Money: ….The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program…. It was the first time the American public learned of a top-secret US government project… the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program otherwise known as AATIP.

    Laser Dentistry
    Lasers are changing the way fearful patients feel about dentistry. Our doctor uses state-of-the-art soft touch lasers for gentle, effective treatments in all facets of our care. From deep cleanings to root canal therapy, lasers offer a virtually pain free dental experience. We also use lasers to gently numb teeth, eliminate decay, and fill cavities without the need for numbing shots or drilling. And when you experience 21st-Century laser technology, combined with our gentle touch and compassionate care, you’ll see dentistry in a whole new light! Schedule your appointment today.

    Tax Fundamentals
    On this episode, we’re talking about: Deductions
    So let’s say you’re single with a job as a lion tamer. You live alone, have no dependents, and your yearly income is eighty eight thousand dollars.
    You have two choices when it comes to deductions: You can itemize your deductions, or take the standard deduction.
    The lion food is an example of an itemized deduction. You can claim multiple itemized deductions but there are limits for each tax bracket and rules around each deduction.
    The standard deduction is a fixed amount associated with your filing status and tax bracket. If you don’t want to add up all your expenses, the IRS allows you to just take the standard deduction. If your itemized deductions don’t add up to a lot, taking the standard deduction instead can often save you more money on your taxes.
    So that’s the skinny of Tax Deductions. Want to learn more, CTA. Thanks for watching Tax Fundamentals.

    • #60014

      These sound like they could be out there right now! You defiantly have the voice for narration, so you are going down the right road. I ditto what Mary said, the Tax reading sounded authentic, but all three were very good first posts! Keep it up!


    • #59989

      Hi BBaranek! Welcome! All three of these scripts were very nice and clear with good pacing and enunciation. Your voice seems really well-suited for narration – not too over the top but with a nice variation in emphasized words throughout all of the reads which made for interesting listening. All 3 were good, but I feel like the one on taxes was the best of these 3. That read sounded the most natural and authentic to you. Very good!


    • #59980

      I am also new and on my journey into the land of VO! Your recordings sounded polished and clear to my brand new ears. You sound like a professional.

    • #59965

      Selecting the wrong files will get you every time… Lets try this again.

      Hoping for feedback.

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  • #59950

    Hello friends! Here is a recording (done on my phone) for any and all feedback. Enough energy? not enough energy? Authentic? Let me hear what you think. Thanks!


    Duluth – Pullover Logo Hoodie
    You’ve busted your backside to get where you’re at – and now it’s high time you eased up some. Here’s the way to do it – in plush Duluth Trading Sweats that feel laid-back, even when you pull a double-shift. Two hand-warmer pockets fend off frostnip, and ribbed cuffs bounce back from rough treatment. And that Duluth logo shows you know quality construction when you see it. Get yours at

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    • #60013

      Hi Mary! Have you tried lowering your tone, but still keeping the energy? Does that make sense? Overall, it was a good read.


      • #60037

        Hi Kathy! That does make sense, and I don’t think I’ve tried that, will try that soon. Thanks, very helpful!


    • #59974
      Robert Broussard

      Mary, That was good, but I think a little more energy would be even better. Hope this helps.

      • #59984

        Thanks for the feedback Robert! I will work on that.


    • #59962

      It’s a good read Mary! You definitely sound authentic to me. I have one comment I’d like to put out there for you and others that is not so much about your read as it is about commercial reads in general and how to approach them. I keep hearing that “conversational”, “person next door” reads are the way to go. But I listened to a number of actual commercials yesterday on the ispottv website, and noticed that, to me anyway, there appear to be a number that really don’t sound all that “conversational”. Car commercials especially stood out, but there were others, like a “scrubbing bubbles” toilet cleaner commercial, that sounds very “charactery” (sorry if that’s not a great descriptive). So it just leaves me struggling a bit as to when we should be going “natural”, versus maybe a bit charactery/over-the-top? I guess it all depends on what the piece’s/client’s direction is? Would love to hear what others think. T

      • #60012

        This is a great point, Toque. While I am not doing commercial at the moment, I don’t hear the conversational/natural sound in many commercials I hear, either. It’s all pretty announcer-y and energetic (character, as you say). The only exceptions I can think of is the Sam Elliott (Coors, Dodge, etc.) style commercials.

        I am in narration at the moment, and I hear the conversational approach, as well. It makes more sense, but I do struggle with “vision your audience”.

      • #59985

        Hi Toque, thanks for the feedback. Yeah for sounding more authentic! I’ve been working on that.

        I too keep hearing about how we should sound more and more conversational, and to have a very specific listener in mind. I agree that there are so many quirky commercials with characters out there lately. I do think it depends on your audience, like who are you trying to convince to buy or do something? Is it a friend? A mentee? a Co-worker? A family member? Good questions. Thanks again!


      • #59963

        This is a great question! Definitely, something to discuss with my coach.

        • #59986

          Agreed Katelyn! I think we have the same coach too 🙂 Tell her hello for me!


  • #59943

    Hi there! Here is a piece I will be working on with my coach for my narration demo. This piece is EXTREMELY important to me and thought I would practice it and post it. I’m really trying to sound more spontaneous and conversational so I have a specific listener in mind and I want to help listeners of this “women’s history” documentary understand how they should FEEL about what they are hearing. Some excitement, some frustration over the limitations women had to live with. ANYWAYS any feedback is appreciated. I hope I”m able to convey what I want to.

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    • #59973
      Robert Broussard

      Ketelyn, your voice is well suited for what you are doing. I feel you are meeting your objective. Good work.

    • #59961

      I think it sounds great Katelyn, well done! T

    • #59952

      Hi Katelyn! Nice work, this is definitely in your wheelhouse. You sound genuinely interested in the topic, and your voice is clear and the message strong. Good work!


  • #59934

    I promise, this is the last car commercial for a while then it’s onto different Commercial sub-genres. In general, the more I practice these, the more connected I feel to the copy – funny how that works out! However, there is what I hear and feel that may be different than what you as the audience hears. Thanks in advance for your feedback.


    The all new Silverado HD adds to the legendary capability of the strongest, most advanced Silverados ever. With best in-class camera technology and larger, more functional beds than any competitor, the only truck that can compare to a Silverado, is another Silverado.

    Truck month is the right time to get behind the wheel of a Chevy Silverado. Get zero percent financing for 72 months, plus five hundred dollars cash allowance on all Silverado 1500 crew cab pickups. Montclair NJ drives Chevy. Find new roads.

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    • #59954

      Hi Chas! I really like car commercials for your voice, great genre. Great pacing, emphasized words and pauses throughout. The “Find new roads” had an uncertain-sound to it, my take on the commercial is that you are encouraging people to explore and try new things (allegedly, a Silverado!), so that should sound more decisive / authoritative, which would also match the rest of the tone of the script. Very good!


    • #59948

      Hi Chas!

      Nice pacing with the read, and your tone and pitch, I felt, were good.

      Audio quality: The read sounded like it didn’t flow together; not natural in some spots — like the sentences were spliced together, as opposed to the extra length between sentences cut out. What am I hearing?


  • #59927

    Ok, I originally nested this under another user’s post and I’m afraid it may get buried (and many apologies for Bil-Bo for hijacking his thread). At any rate, I’m snowed in in the Hudson Valley and decided that today I would practice PSAs. One of the things that I am working on in VO technique in general is trying to make sure that I don’t record every piece in the same cadence (no one likes monotony) and also trying to keep my voice from dipping down at the end of sentences so I don’t lose words or sound grumpy. Any feedback to that effect would be appreciated, though of course I’m open to all types of feedback! Caveat: still soundproofing my office so if you hear weird room noise or wind (the storm is still a-stormin’) please forgive me. 🙂

    American Cancer Society
    It’s tough to quit smoking. Just ask any of the 50 million Americans who continue to puff away, even though they know the toll it takes on health and longevity. When it comes to breaking this lethal habit, the most effective tool is willpower. The American Cancer Society now offers a free video for those smokers who feel they can’t quit alone. Call the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY today, at 1-800-575-2424.

    As we enjoy the beauty of the winter season, and the snow gently falls. Something else happens. Temperatures drastically drop. And so do the chances for survival, for an animal who’s trapped without protection. The unlucky ones won’t make it until spring. These abused and neglected animals are shivering in the cold and desperately trying to stay alive, but for many of them, time is running out. And that’s why we urgently need your help today.

    I Am Anxiety
    I’ve been expecting you. Why? Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me? Oh! You still don’t know who I am. Let me try and help you with that. I am the ill ease that you feel when you walk into a crowded room. You know. The hot and cold flushes that confuse you when you are already confused enough. I am the one that raises the whip to your already raising heart. I am the tightening of your chest. The s*********g worries that feel like they might become an avalanche and they can just bury you in an instant. My friend I am the obsessive and the compulsive. I’m the voice. You know the one. Always questioning, questioning, questioning, everything you do, everything you think. And I am every, single staring eye that watches you. So, now that we have become acquainted, what are you going to do about it?

    1 in 4 people experience anxiety. And most don’t know about it. You need to know anxiety to be free from it.
    Visit or call 1300 22 4636.

    National MS Society
    One of the few times we are aware of movement is when it suddenly stops. Multiple Sclerosis stops people from moving. We exist to make sure it doesn’t. With the help of people like you, the National MS Society addresses the challenges of each person whose life is affected by MS…and helps them stay connected to the great big moving world. Join the movement at

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    • #59987

      Hello again Reeyab! You have inspired me to try the “I am Anxiety” read. I would love to know what you think about it! There seem to be so many ways to read this one. Thank you!


      • #60025

        It’s a tricky one! Many different avenues to take with it. I liked your read of it up above a lot!

        • #60038

          Thanks Reeyab! It is very tricky, more so than I would have thought. I will try again one of these days. Your take on it was definitely more accusatory than mine, just so many ways to interpret. Really somewhat mind-bending

    • #59955

      Hi Reeyab, very nice reads! They all sounded well-paced and very clear. I like how you were able to vary your tone depending on the reads and the mood of the piece for each one. I did not hear dipping down at the end of sentences.

      Script 1: Good conversational tone, felt like I was talking with a friend who wanted to help me quit smoking.
      Script 2: Very good tone and emotion, softer and appropriate for the topic.
      Script 3: Good read. The tone sounded a little on the angry side vs. the “anxiety / crazy” tone, just my opinion on how anxiety sounds, and I believe it could sound different to everyone. I like your direct interpretation.
      Script 4: Good read

      Overall really good job!


    • #59947

      Hi reeyab!

      Really good job in changing your tone in each read!

      Script 1: Perhaps raise your tone and pitch on American Cancer Society?

      Script 2: I noticed you dipped in tone at the end of “Something else happens.” Just a tad. It was still clear, to me. Be mindful of pausing mid-sentence, not in the script. (These abused and neglected animals are shivering in the cold and desperately trying to stay alive, but for many of them, time is running out. And that’s why we urgently need your help today.)

      Script 3: Nice work!

      Script 4: Slight micro pause in first sentence. Minor.

      Tried my best to give feedback since your recordings are only coming through on the left side.

      On the snow front, the mid to southern Green Mountains got walloped as well! I am more north, but we’ll get it soon enough. Good day to stay in!

      Keep it up!


  • #59924

    One more PSA today for the heck of it!

    USPS Identity Theft PSA
    The US Postal Service wants to remind everyone this year to protect themselves from becoming victims of identity theft. Promptly remove incoming mail from your mailbox–and don’t give out passwords, pin numbers,or account numbers. To learn more, visit

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    • #59956

      Hi Reeyab! Nice work. It sounded clear and well-paced and appropriately authoritative. Very good!


    • #59946

      Nice job, reeyab!

      My comment is to be mindful of sounding “breathy” between words or sentences. I am not sure if I commented on one of your other posts about this before.

      On an audio note, I could only hear your recording in my left earpiece. At first I thought is was on my end, but I can hear others on here just fine. Thought I would mention it.


      • #60021

        Oh, interesting. Something must be going on with my mic. Thanks for the heads up Kathy, I’ll try to see what’s going on there.

  • #59894

    ‘’Tractor Supply Company’’

    It’s the season to add a little warmth to life out here.
    And though the past year’s been an unexpected one,
    all 38,000 of us are ready to help you make the most of
    this…all with everything you need at everyday low prices, so
    you can take care of the ones that count on you…prepare
    for those shorter days and cooler nights and sit back and warm
    up to more family time. Prepare together. Enjoy together.
    Stronger together. Tractor Supply.

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    • #59957

      Hi Bil-Bo – loved it! Your voice is really warm and approachable and very well-suited to this genre. This sounds like it is already on the radio – very good!


    • #59945

      I don’t have anything to critique, Bil-Bo, as I agree with what everyone else has said. This sounds like I could hear it right now! Nice job!


    • #59915

      Gah, I submitted a post a little while ago and then edited it and it seems to have vanished. Many apologies if this turns out to be a double-post. At any rate, I’m snowed in in the Hudson Valley and decided that today I would practice PSAs. One of the things that I am working on in VO technique in general is trying to make sure that I don’t record every piece in the same cadence (no one likes monotony) and also trying to keep my voice from dipping down at the end of sentences so I don’t lose words or sound grumpy. Any feedback to that effect would be appreciated, though of course I’m open to all types of feedback! Caveat: still soundproofing my office so if you hear weird room noise or wind (the storm is still a-stormin’) please forgive me. 🙂

      American Cancer Society
      It’s tough to quit smoking. Just ask any of the 50 million Americans who continue to puff away, even though they know the toll it takes on health and longevity. When it comes to breaking this lethal habit, the most effective tool is willpower. The American Cancer Society now offers a free video for those smokers who feel they can’t quit alone. Call the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY today, at 1-800-575-2424.

      As we enjoy the beauty of the winter season, and the snow gently falls. Something else happens. Temperatures drastically drop. And so do the chances for survival, for an animal who’s trapped without protection. The unlucky ones won’t make it until spring. These abused and neglected animals are shivering in the cold and desperately trying to stay alive, but for many of them, time is running out. And that’s why we urgently need your help today.

      I Am Anxiety
      I’ve been expecting you. Why? Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me? Oh! You still don’t know who I am. Let me try and help you with that. I am the ill ease that you feel when you walk into a crowded room. You know. The hot and cold flushes that confuse you when you are already confused enough. I am the one that raises the whip to your already raising heart. I am the tightening of your chest. The s*********g worries that feel like they might become an avalanche and they can just bury you in an instant. My friend I am the obsessive and the compulsive. I’m the voice. You know the one. Always questioning, questioning, questioning, everything you do, everything you think. And I am every, single staring eye that watches you. So, now that we have become acquainted, what are you going to do about it?

      1 in 4 people experience anxiety. And most don’t know about it. You need to know anxiety to be free from it.
      Visit or call 1300 22 4636.

      National MS Society
      One of the few times we are aware of movement is when it suddenly stops. Multiple Sclerosis stops people from moving. We exist to make sure it doesn’t. With the help of people like you, the National MS Society addresses the challenges of each person whose life is affected by MS…and helps them stay connected to the great big moving world. Join the movement at

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      • #59920

        ANNNND I nested this under the wrong post. My apologies to Bil-Bo.

        But while I’m here – Bil-Bo, I love your voice! It is perfect for this copy. Great diction, nice pacing, and if that’s your natural accent it works wonderfully. And if it’s not – dang, that’s a great accent you can do! Nice job. I loved the music underneath as well. I can definitely envision hearing this on the radio.

    • #59896

      I thought it sounded great Bil-Bo. Awesome strong, deep voice. Great enunciation and variance in intonation where appropriate. Sounds very professional to me, like a community/family man who owns a tractor. Toque

  • #59884

    I’ve got two for you tonight. I am trying to pick what Biography I want to include on my demo. Actually, I pretty much already decided, but curious to see the choice you all think.

    It’s Maureen O’Hara vs. Grace Kelly … which is funny, because if you ever saw the made for TV movie with Ms. O’Hara, Cab to Canada — one of her last acting roles, by the way — Ms. Kelly plays a “supporting” role in the plot.

    Anyway, both great actresses, and among my all-time favorites. The delivery is different for each one — and I am still working to nail it down, as well as the audio.

    Which classic actress will it be?

    Any tips, and all feedback, is appreciated!


    Biography: Maureen O’Hara

    Irish-born actress, Maureen O’Hara, was billed alongside Hollywood’s leading men in many features of the 1940s. O’Hara went on to further fame starring in the Christmas classic, Miracle on 34th Street, in 1947. In 1961, she appeared in one of her most famous films, The Parent Trap, alongside a young Hayley Mills.

    Biography: Grace Kelly

    Grace Kelly was an award-winning American film actress of the 1950’s, turned Princess, and forever style icon.

    In April 1956, Grace would leave Hollywood behind to become Princess Grace of Monaco.

    Tragically killed in a car crash in September 1982, the Grace Kelly style — white-gloved ingénue, elegant goddess, and passionate s****l romantic — is everlasting, and still inspires fashions to this day.

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    • #59958

      Hi Kathy! Both reads are good, but I prefer Grace Kelly too – felt smoother and more natural and relaxed, and the tone seemed a touch softer too. Very good!


      • #59960

        Thanks, Mary! Grace was my pick from the beginning. 🙂


        • #59988

          Well cool! But the original Parent Trap movie, I mean you can’t go wrong talking about Maureen O’Hara in that movie! 🙂

        • #60000

          You can’t! I love the original Parent Trap! 🙂

          Although, I did like Natasha in the remake… and seeing the cameo of “Aunt Vicky”. 🙂

        • #60005

          Yes! That’s awesome. I love it when they do those subtle cameos for those of us who have seen both versions!

    • #59921

      I agree with the others who say that the Grace Kelly read was better – very smooth, and measured while keeping the listener’s interest. Nice work! The Maureen O’Hara one was a bit stiffer, and made the copy feel a bit dry, but I think if you relaxed a little more it would translate better and be just as engaging as the Grace Kelly copy.

      • #59941

        Thanks reeyab! I am trying to practice lowering my voice. The first read is closer to my natural sound. Appreciate the feedback!


    • #59897

      I agree with Robert. Second one sounded much better, both in terms of your voice and the overall audio quality. Great job! Toque

      • #59942

        Thanks for the feedback, Toque — especially the audio! I was closer to the mic in this read, so I am making a note of that.


    • #59889
      Robert Broussard

      The second recording was better in my opinion. Both had good pacing etc. But your voice was much better in the Grace Kelly recording. Hope this helps.

      • #59892

        Thanks, Robert! I agree.

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