Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #87810
    Brian Witt

    Hey everyone. In advance of my next coaching session, I was hoping to get some feedback on these reads. They’re for working on narrations. Please let me know what you think!


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    • #87819

      Nice read..! The pace and phrasing are really spot on. And they both have a nice one-on-one feel.
      Smooth where it can be, and edgy where it needs to be.


  • #87797

    Hi, I would love to get some feedback on this read, any feedback would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

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    • #87887

      Hi Steve,
      It was a good read. And I think you can make it better with practice.

      • #87925

        Thank you!

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by solin232.
  • #87793

    Hey everyone. Embarrassed….this is my 3rd attempt at uploading my files. Fingers crossed! As part of my training, I would appreciate all feedback. Do I sound conversational? How is my speed, diction, etc. Thanks in advance.

  • #87791

    Hoping I’m able to upload this time! I have just started my journey into narration voice over training. I would appreciate your feedback on my first couple of reads. One is for a travel planning video. The other is an audio voice over for a museum tour. I would love some feedback please. I am working on sounding conversational, slowing my pace and sounding natural vs choppy. Thanks in advance.

  • #87769

    Hi everyone! I have just started my journey into narration voice over training. I would appreciate your feedback on my first couple of reads. One is for a travel planning video. The other is an audio voice over for a museum tour. I would love some feedback please. I am working on sounding conversational, slowing my pace and sounding natural vs choppy. Thanks in advance.

  • #87753

    Hi everyone! I have just started my journey into narration voice over training. I would appreciate your feedback on my first couple of reads. One is for a travel planning video. The other is an audio voice over for a museum tour. I would love some feedback please. I am working on sounding conversational, slowing my pace and sounding natural vs choppy. Thanks in advance.

  • #87750

    Hi Everyone,

    I would love technique feedback on this documentary read. Don’t mind any background noise. Thank you!

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    • #87845

      Grace, you have a really good feel for the material. There are a couple of places where the inflection seems a bit out of place. “Although his wife dees most of the talking….” needs to be an addendum to the previous sentence as they form a single thought.

      Also, your pronunciation of your voiced “th” sounds have a ‘d’ sound. You would have to check with a coach about if/when you would work on that.

      Other than that, it was a nice read…! As I mentioned, you have a nice feel for this kind of material, and a really clear and clean voice. Nice Work…!

  • #87652

    Hello Everyone!
    In advance of my next class, I am posting a couple of reads – one a promo for From History to Words and the other is a short guide to making a mint julep.
    Would welcome feedback re pace, tone and tempo or anything else that catches your ear.


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    • #87757

      You have a good voice and its probably great for promo too. For the first read, try having somebody you’re speaking to and have a reason why you’re speaking to them to help make your words flow better, so it’s not as choppy, especially in the middle and end of the read. Also, don’t be afraid to pause, just as long as the pauses are purposeful and add to the tone and vibe of the message. Pausing in the appropriate places would make the read more exciting and suspenseful. I think especially in promo, the narrator is like a voice of g*d, all knowing and in control of the message. So be purposeful with the pacing, so it doesn’t sound like you’re rushing.

      For the second one, I recommend hitting the action words(like garnish, stir), instead of the nouns like “sprig.” But no need to overemphasize just have a purpose for why you’re saying what you’re saying, who specifically you’re talking to, and with the knowledge of what words to hit. it’ll come naturally. This read could also use more “flow” between the words, just like the first read, so i recommend the same thing for that. Good job!

  • #87632

    Uploading some new files for my VO homework as I work on my new demo. Appreciate any listening and any feedback. Thanks

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    • #87687

      Really like the vocal change-up. A bit more deep smoothness in second VO?

    • #87635
      Erika S

      You have a great voice! Maybe try to play with the tone a little more. At “all inclusive all the time” to really draw in the listener. Really smooth and inviting!

  • #87618

    Hello! I would really appreciate some feedback on these two short practice reads. Thanks in advance!

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    • #87688

      Nice vocal variation, but I was having a hard time hearing non-inflected words.

    • #87629

      I enjoyed hearing the recordings. But there were times in the second recording when I couldn’t hear everything you said about Honest Tea.

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