Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #61088

    Hi Hi! Here is a cute little narration about animal heroes. I was really trying to focus on varying my lists and trying to sound spontaneous. By all means come at me hard if you notice anything off.

    Not all heroes are human.
    Sometimes heroes bark, meow, or even grunt.
    They may be covered with fur, have curly tails, or live in an alley.
    We’re about to meet some real-life animal heroes..
    Each one of these heroes has performed an amazing rescue.
    Sometimes they even put themselves in danger to help others.
    We’ll meet a dog who rescues stray cats.
    A brave cat who saved her five kittens from a fire.
    A pig who got help for her owner who was having a heart attack.
    And a guide dog who led his owner down 71 flights of stairs when the World Trade Center was attacked.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by katelyndawnvo.
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    • #61171

      Thanks ladies! Trying to find how to approach things “spontaneously”. not sure I get what does or doesn’t sound spontaneous

    • #61116
      Eunice LaLanne

      Greetings Katelyn! I really liked your tone and pacing like Mary mentioned, and I liked the sound of your voice too. The only spontaneity I noticed is when you read “71 flights of stairs” (because it’s an amazing fact). So it would be nice if you can have that same energy for the other cool facts like for “a pig who got help for her owner who was having a heart attack” and a “cat who saved five kittens from a fire”. I hope that made sense. Thanks for posting!

    • #61093

      Hi Katelyn, good job! Nice pacing throughout and variation in tone, very good! I did not get a spontaneous vibe from it, but I liked it!


  • #61077
    Erik B

    Hello everybody. Please feel free to provide feedback on my performance and recording quality. Thank you.

    Campbells Chunky Chili

    Introducing Campbell’s Chunky Chili with Beans – four delicious, hearty varieties loaded with succulent, seasoned meat. It’s the perfect pre-game warm-up.

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    • #61202

      Wow! Very rich, beautiful quality to your read! No tech issues (though maybe a plosive on “perfect” and “pregame”). I would agree with the others that the pause is just a bit too long at the comma after “four delicious”, but otherwise I’m ready for a delicious bowl of Campbell’s chili! Well done!

    • #61141

      Well done ! Recording quality sounded just fine to me. You used a very nice combo of tone, tempo and pitch. If I had to find one thing to suggest, and it’s a small thing, I thought the pause between “delicious” and ”hearty” could be shortened a tiny bit to match the timing you used for “succulent, seasoned meat”.

    • #61094

      Hi Erik. Very nice! Good energy, nice warm tone and enunciation. I’m not fully set up with a home studio yet, but the sound was good on my end.


      • #61102

        Great job with the commercial performance, energy, pace, and more

    • #61086

      Dang I want chunky soup now. Really nice read!! I thought it was very well-fitting for your voice. There were just a couple things that popped out to me. I thought the pause was a little too long between “delicious, hearty” it felt like if you were having a conversation with your peeps you wouldn’t pause that long. And the “t” on “meat” was lost. Other than that this was great! 🙂


  • #61075
    Erik B

    Hello everybody. Please feel free to provide feedback on my performance and recording quality. Thank you.

    2020 Ford Explorer

    To be the greatest exploration vehicle of all time…you need intelligent 4 wheel drive…
    An active terrain management system…and the most available driver assist technology of any vehicle in it’s class…
    The completely redesigned 2020 Ford Explorer…built Ford proud.

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    • #61095

      Hi Erik, good read! This sounded good and authoritative with a lot of decisive statements, perfect for selling a car. Good genre for you. Good job!


    • #61087

      Hey Erik! For some reason, I feel like the Campbells read sounds like how you normally sound, super conversational and natural, and this one felt like you were “putting on” a voice. Not sure if you know what I mean? I had the ability to listen to one read right after the other so I wonder what impression I would have had if I listened to this one on its own but that popped out to me after I listened to the first one.

    • #61080

      Hey Erik!
      I like the energy that you bring to this. You have a lot of popping plosives in your read, and it sounds like it might just be because of how close your mouth is to the mic. There are also a few moments where the volume is inconsistent, are you moving your head a lot when you’re reading? Other than those minor mechanical things I think that you’re definitely on the right track!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by FCabral.
  • #61073
    Erik B

    Hello everybody. Please feel free to provide feedback on my performance and recording quality. Thank you.

    Florida’s Natural

    Florida’s Natural Premium Brand orange juice is made just from our fresh oranges, not from concentrate. And it’s the only leading brand owned by a small co-op of growers, so only our personal best goes into every carton. We own the land, we own the trees, and we own the company. Florida’s Natural. It’s as close to the grove as you can get.

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    • #61143

      I agree with Mary about emphasizing “just” in first sentence because it is one of the defining brand distinctions. I’d also suggest de-emphasizing “made”. It also sounded that the tempo for “not from concentrate” picked up as did the pitch a little bit. Nothing else I’d suggest be changed after the first sentence and very nice job on the land-trees-company list.

    • #61096

      Hi Erik, very good! Your voice is nice and clear and believable for this commercial. I would think that “just” should be emphasized a little more to show the contrast between using fresh oranges vs. concentrate in the first sentence. Good job!


    • #61082

      I like this one a lot!
      Your tone is consistent, believable, and honest. The nit pick that I have would be your first p in ‘premium’. It’s popping the sound out, and you have to be careful with letters like ‘p’ that require a fast expulsion of air because they have a nasty tendency to distort sound depending on distance to mic, force of air, volume, ect. In this read that was the only one that broke my immersion, whatever you did on all of the other plosives worked very well and I suggest finding a method that can work those kinks out. Other than that, great job!

  • #61070

    I am still working on my editing abilities but I would great appreciate feedback on my Cosmic Origins read.

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    • #61097

      Hi Eric! I really like your very deep tone, very nice! I agree that there is an echo in the background that makes it hard to understand all of the words. You have a good story-tellling voice and I want to hear more! Keep it up!


    • #61083

      First off, I think that your tone is great for this read. I rather enjoy the style, and I think that this recording only suffers in the quality and pacing. It’s a little difficult to listen to, it seems like there might be some reverb, or echo, or something that’s distorting your voice and detracts from what you’re saying. I would slow down just a little bit. Let some ideas saturate, leave your listener some room to breathe and think about these ideas that you’re putting forward for them.
      Great core sound, I look forward to hearing more from you!

  • #61066

    Practice Reads – Commercial

    Apple (1997)
    McGraw-Hill Co.

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    • #61098

      Hi Thomas, very good! I liked both reads. Your voice is soothing and pleasant to listen to. The second read caught my attention a little more, I think because it seemed to have a little more variation and enthusiasm in tone throughout the script. Great work!


    • #61072

      Both reads were great. The first read you seem to drag your “S’s” a bit. Other than that again they both were great.

  • #61060

    When dining formally, in order to avoid an embarrassing utensil faux pas, observe the following protocol: Begin by locating your seafood fork. Grasping this fork between thumb and forefinger, proceed to shove it into the ear of the person directly to your left. SFX: Yeouch!! Next, to impress business associates, stick your soup spoon up your nose and exclaim, “Look at me, I’m a bowl of soup.” When the entree arrives, use the butter spreader to catapult particularly juicy portions onto the balding heads of nearby diners. SFX: Splat! And finally, quietly finish with your dessert utensils, all the while, of course, making odd gurgling noises SFX: Gurgling! and clucking like a chicken. SFX: Clucking Chicken! This lesson in table etiquette has been brought to you by Linguini and Bob, who invite you to enjoy serious Italian food in a not-so-serious atmosphere. Linguini and Bob, now open at Butler Square in Minneapolis.

    Pendleton Whiskey

    Pendleton Whiskey is born of the rich tradition of the Pendleton Round-Up. Each bottle prominently features the Pendleton Rodeo’s famous bucking horse symbol and Let’er Buck slogan. Oak barrel-aged, with uncommonly smooth taste and a rich, complex flavor, Pendleton Whiskey is made using glacier-fed spring water from Mt. Hood…Oregon’s highest peak. Pendleton Whiskey. Bottled by Hood River Distillers.

    Winn Dixie

    It never ceases to amaze me, get sick and everybody has a
    home remedy. My Aunt Emma’s cure all is crushed garlic and
    Limburger cheese in a sock tied around her neck. “ I never get
    sick” she says. That’s, cause nobody can get within 50 yards of
    the woman. Then there’s my cousin Moon Beam from
    California. Swears by frozen Tofu Daiquiris. And my mother –
    anytime she hears me sneeze wants to give me a oil and vinegar
    rub down. Great – if you wanna smell like a salad bar for a
    week. Me, I just go down to Winn Dixie. Their low prices alone
    make me feel better, and by the time I go pick up some chicken
    my prescription is ready. That’s because they have a computer
    back there with a file with my name on it. They know my
    Doctors name, my allergies, and never once did they ask me to
    gargle with guacamole!

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    • #61099

      Hi Bil-Bo! All 3 reads were very well done and produced, and sound like they are already out there! I liked the pacing and energy and casualness for all three, and the character voices were great too! It seemed like there should have been a micro pause after “…rub down.” and before “Great”, but that’s being nit-picky. Great job!


  • #61049

    Hello all! Here is a recording for any and all feedback. Thank you! Working on lead-ins, and sounding natural and enthusiastic. Thanks!
    (P.S. Uploaded an older recording first by mistake, feel free to comment on that one too, but the Glock commercial is the second recording).


    Glock is more than a name – it’s a way of life! Where you leave behind the mundane and enter a world full of adventure. Where passion meets possibility, and a lifetime of memories are made. Whatever your lifestyle, no matter where the road takes you. Experience Glock perfection with a G44. Your adventure awaits!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by mkell755. Reason: Wrong file uploaded the first time
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by mkell755.
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    • #61190

      Hi Mary! Good read.

      It was clear, but I felt the pacing could of been a little faster in spots, or maybe don’t pause too long after commas.

      Maybe it is me, but this didn’t sound like a pistol commercial. Perhaps it’s the script I am having an issue with, because this sounded more suited for an RV read.

      I hope this helps!

      • #61258

        Hi Kathy, thanks for the feedback! Yes now that I am hearing it again it does sound a little slow.

        There is not much to suggest the commercial is for a Glock G44 gun, but that’s what it was for. I agree that the words could have been for a variety of outdoor products like an RV! It reminded me of those Levi’s ads that I have seen over the years that have almost no mention of jeans or jean jackets, but you finally know in the final scene by them showing you one Levi label for a split second. This one was like that too, only it had one target practice shot and one more quick glace at the gun in someone’s hands. Ahhh – advertising! 🙂 Thanks!


  • #61047

    Hi all, here is an intro for a how-to video on shucking oysters that I put together. Let me know what you think. I am aware of mouth clicks (not hydrated enough today), and some background noise that I could not figure how to edit out. Thank you again for any feedback.

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    • #61055

      Hi Kathy, good read! It sounded nice and conversational, and you had a nice smile in your voice. Good pace and enunciation, did not hear mouth clicks on my end. Good job!


  • #61035

    Missed last month’s contest, so here’s my Nissan spot for feedback.


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    • #61058

      Hi Tom, really nice! Your voice is really warm and deep and well-suited for this genre. Nice variation in tone and pitch. Very good!


      • #61085

        Thanks for the feedback. Like many, I’m getting my home studio up and running.

        • #61103

          great vocal quality and recording so far! Great performance.

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