Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #62173

    Hi! Daniel here. This is my first time posting. Looking for feedback. Thank you.

    American Express
    Do you know me? Probably not. In my business, recognition is always important, but when I’m buying goods online I prefer a little privacy. With Private Payments from American Express, I get the security of a unique number created for each business transaction I make. Because my private information is my business, and American Express keeps it that way.

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    • #62243

      Hi Daniel, welcome to the forum!

      This was great – you have such a super low voice that is very unique! I liked this read, but you might try for a little more variation in tone as you hit certain words and phrases. Your natural tendency is possibly more monotone(?) This is really good, I want to hear more!


    • #62209
      Bill Anciaux

      Your deep voice and serious tone give this script the gravitas it calls for, but you could be a touch warmer. After all, this character is in a business where recognition is always important. He has to show some people skills while appreciating the security of his personal info. with American Express. You need to be a bit more of a satisfied customer and a bit less the guy in charge of security. Good recording quality. Thanks for sharing. Bill A.

      • #62217

        Thanks very much for this feedback Bill. I’m going to work on making it warmer. I really appreciate your comments. And my son agrees with you. 🙂

    • #62186

      Wow! I really enjoyed the performance. Nice recording quality too. The deep voice really matched the script and added a feel for “the secret agent” type of performance, even though it’s a commercial.

  • #62151

    Hello all! Here is a recording for any and all feedback. Let me know what you think!

    Forest Stewardship Council
    From musical instruments to furniture to flooring–all around the world–just about anything can be made out of independently certified wood that carries the Forest Stewardship Council label. It’s certified wood: wood as good as the forest it comes from. A forest that has been independently certified to meet the highest standards for environmentally and socially responsible forestry.

    A forest that will be there for our children to use and enjoy.
    To protect our forests for future generations, ask for independently certified wood in your new house. Ask for the FSC label. … Make the Forest Stewardship Council a household name. And do our forests a world of good.


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    • #62261
      Robert Broussard

      Nice read Mary, good pace and tone variance. You are progressing nicely.

    • #62235

      Hi Mary! I’ve seen you posting on here often and just want to encourage and affirm your consistency!

      This one does sound like you’re reading a script to me. I wonder if it would help to imagine walking through a forest recording a promotional video for the FSC. Imagine shifting images as you move from what the wood makes, to the “forest” sentences, to the action statement of “to protect”.

      I think your pacing is good on this one! Very clear and your voice fits this piece well.

      • #62240

        Thanks for the feedback KBridges! Yes, I’ve been trying to be consistent and the practice is hopefully helping 🙂

        Thanks for the tips, that is a great idea about visualizing walking through the forests to lighten it up a bit, good idea. Thanks!


    • #62187

      As far as recording quality, I heard a high pitched ringing sound in the background. Most likely, you will want to eliminate that in the future.
      As for the performance, from what I hear, it is supposed to be a commercial. Right? I think there’s supposed to be more of a smile in your voice, cheery. It was a good performance overall though.

      • #62239

        Thanks for the feedback SuperLuke! Yes, the high pitched ringing you hear will soon be a thing of the past once my new equipment gets here, I promise! It bugs me too and hopefully you and others will notice a difference then. I think this was in the Edge library under commercial, but it feel somewhat like narration too, but yes it could use more smile in the delivery. There were some tongue-twisters which I was probably over-focused on getting right. Thank you!!


  • #62143

    I redid this one and am much happier with it now 🙂

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    • #62192

      Hi Katelyn.

      Nice job! Your voice is smooth. It’s not an easy script and you delivered it well. At the pivot mid-script, I really liked hearing your emotion. I think you could bring that emotion into more places. Slowing down a bit might help. Maybe pause between sentences? Finally, I noticed a small pause between “America” and “the beautiful”. I think reading those 3 words all together works better. Great work.

    • #62153

      Hi Katelyn! I listened to both versions and I like the second one better as well. You had a warm and friendly informative tone throughout, and a good smile in your voice with a good pace. I think the second one had more emphasis in certain areas like “that all changed..” which made the read more interesting and also helps the listener get the key points. Very good!


  • #62141

    Hi there! I’m submitting this audition very soon so I’m hoping to receive some feedback! 🙂 the directions are limited but they say they are looking for “pleasant narrator style is needed but we are hoping for something a little different. Let us hear what you can do to make our subject matter leap from the page.” thoughts??

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  • #62128

    I was told by a recording engineer that one of my strike zones is warmth. Does this performance come off as warm and inviting? Also, does my recording setup sound echoey in any way? It hasn’t been that way with my most recent uploads. Thanks for the help.

    When it comes to really great beer, fresh rules. The clean, crisp taste of brewery fresh Budweiser. Fresh beer tastes better.

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    • #62188

      I hear the warmth in your voice. As far as recording quality, it sounds like there’s something making the recording at a low volume. But there’s no echo.

    • #62154

      Hi Tim! It does sound warm, and this was nice. Some of the pauses are making it sound a little bit choppy to me vs. describing how smooth and clean the beer tastes by leaning in to the words, I hope that makes sense? Good read!


    • #62133

      Yeah I mean I definitely think this should be played over a commercial where someone is going fishing or doing something out door like with any sort of camp fire going. The warmth description is very accurate.

  • #62126

    Hey everyone. I’m practicing every day, but that’s no good if I’m the only one listening to it. I’d appreciate any feedback you can give me on this latest read. How was the tone of my performance? The word “it’s” is used a lot so did I do well when bring the lists to life? How about my studio setup? Is it still working great? Thanks for the help.

    Not Just a Glove
    It’s not just a glove, it’s the feel in your hand, it’s the unmistakable smell of the leather, it’s the time, work, and love that went into making it yours, making every opportunity count and getting you to the next level. It’s not just a glove, its passion, its history, it’s you.

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    • #62189

      I really enjoyed this performance. It was energetic, well-paced, and it sounded inviting to the audience. Well done!

    • #62155

      Hi Tim, good read! This sounded authentic and conversational. I liked the pace and the emphasis on the selected words throughout – very nice!


  • #62120

    Tinkering with some documentary reads…

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    • #62156

      Hi Touzet, really nice! It sounds very professionally performed and produced, really good! I can’t think of much to critique here other than kepe it up! I think your voice is really warm and inviting, very good!


    • #62131

      Tinkering with them? You sir sound like you’ve done them all your life! So serious and all knowing, I am instantly hooked and your performance really helps me to imagine the accompanying video. Only thing is, I think you’re pausing too much. Since this is just the recording part, you ought to keep your pauses to no more than a second.

      You’re on the right path. Thanks for sharing!

      • #62179

        Good point about the pauses. I was actually doing it in the same vein as the track with the visuals…as if it were stripped off of the video. I suppose if I were really ambitious, I could have added in some voices, feet shuffling, car doors slamming, sirens, jet plane noises to fill some of the space in between. 😉

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by touzet.
  • #62115

    Hi. I’m just getting back into practicing after a long lay-off and would appreciate any feedback on performance and/or recording quality! Thanks in advance !

    Script: Private Equity Video
    Welcome and thank you for taking the time to learn a little about Private Equity Solutions.
    In this presentation, you’ll learn the basics about Private Equity and the role it can play in your clients’ portfolios, as well as in your practice.
    Your ability to address the needs and goals of clients in these important segments will help you attract new business and build your practice
    Clients have goals related to seven life priorities, with Finance being the connecting point among them all. Understanding these life priorities can help you identify concerns clients may have in the pursuit of their goals.
    For instance, a client in Segments 4 through 9 may want to:
    -Invest according to their values – Save for retirement
    -Enhance returns while lowering risk and Help preserve their original investment.
    For many of these clients, Private Equity can be an important solution to help them pursue their goals.
    Specifically, we’ll discuss how Private Equity Solutions can:
    -Fit into your overall goals-based approach with clients.
    -Help your clients pursue the goals that matter most to them.
    and Help you attract new assets.

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    • #62157

      Hi Solin232, really solid work here! It sounds really well-paced and with great choices on phrases and selected key words to emphasize. Your voice is really nice and very well-suited for this genre. Great job!


      • #62206

        Thanks Mary !

  • #62101

    Hi all! Another practise read below, for a PSA re: Drinking & Driving, from the Edge Library. Comments on any and all aspects are very much appreciated. Toque


    As an emergency room surgeon, I’ve seen things most people never will. I have had to harden myself … so I can do my job.
    But when I see another family ripped apart…because of a d***k driver…that really breaks my heart.
    If you could see the damage done on a daily basis, like I do…You’d never drink and drive again.

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    • #62253

      Toque, really nice job on this recording.
      You have 3 emotions, one for each line of the script.
      My only sugestion is to begin your second emotion with a lead-in, beginning with “harden myself” instead of the start of line 2.
      The third emotion was a homerun. That emotion did have a lead-in beginning with “that really breaks my heart,” and really works.

    • #62158

      Hi Toque, this is great! So believable and sincere. I especially like the emphasis on “see” the damage; it really stops you in your tracks and as the listener we (hopefully) feel instant empathy. This is very well done!


    • #62134

      Your take is fantastic! You sound like a real authority on the subject and I like the words you hit. Your tone is even and polite which is very fitting for a read like this. However, I think the part “because of a d***k driver” could use more differentiation. You should sound as if you’re breaking off from the original read in order to put emphasis on it.

      Good going. Keep up the good work.

  • #62097

    Hi everyone! I’m recording my demo later today and I’m super excited and nervous! Here’s a one take warm-up I did, would love any feedback! I’m not in my recording space so please excuse any noise you may hear.

    Peet’s Coffee

    Meet Marie. She’s a character. She does ballet. Professionally. Because character. That’s what we’re about. Alfred Peet. Now, there was a character. He brought us craft roasted. Us, as in America. You. Me. Diane. Diane’s friend. At Peet’s, we source the best beans. We roast them. We brew them. We make great coffee. We’re Peet’s.

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    • #62159

      Hi Svenbot, great read! I like the emphasis on so many words. There are so many periods in this one, and I like your take on the read, very good! I’m sure your demo went great!


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