Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #62321

    Hi folks! Here is an audition I submitted for a cookbook audiobook. I was trying to give two reads – the first one more relaxed and the second more upbeat. They were going for a cheerful and informative read. Any feedback is appreciated! I always struggle to come up with 2 reads that are varied from each other.

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    • #62377
      Bill Anciaux

      Hi, Katelyn. The main difference I noticed was a bit more smile in the second version. You wouldn’t need to sustain that for the entire cookbook, really. It’s a great attention-getting tone for the introduction of a new chapter, section, or recipe though. One way to come up with two different reads is to change the emphasis from one key word to a different one. For example, in the first line, you emphasized “intimidating” in both reads. You could keep this emphasis in one read but in the other place the emphasis on “seems.” By emphasizing “seems,” you convey a different meaning: it’s not really intimidating; it only seems to be. You can alter the emphasis in a few other places as well and your second read will be quite different. After all, how can we be completely sure where the emphasis should always fall, unless the script writer underlines such words? More importantly, you want to show that you can, with just a few subtle changes, deliver options to the producer. Perhaps one of you reads, though not what they originally imagined, will be the one they want! Good luck. Bill A.

    • #62354
      Erik B

      Hi Katelyn, I liked both reads, and you can tell the difference which read is informative and which read is upbeat and cheerful. I like the second read better. Cooking is a fun activity which involves food, which we all love. I think a happy/cheerful tone is better suited for the copy. But the audition is for a cookbook in which a constant cheerful read will be hard to maintain, although I’m not certain because i’m still a beginner. Also the recording quality and pace of both reads are very good. Great job.

  • #62308

    Hi all! Here are 2 takes on the same recording. Do you like one better than the other? One has a lead-in (which seems to help me) and one does not. Let me know what you think. Thank you!!


    Domino’s Pesto Crust

    Only from Domino’s, new pesto crust pizza. Sweet basil, parsley and garlic, baked right into the dough. Then sprinkled with romano cheese all around the crust. Call and get a large, one topping, just 9.99. Get the door…it’s Dominos.

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    • #62439

      Hi Mary
      I liked parts of each and maybe a mash-up is the solution. 🙂 Your lead-in for the second made the first line of actual script more energized and enticing. Both ingredient lists were good, containing the requisite changes in pitch to make the entities separate, but I thought the second flowed a little better because the pause at the comma was shorter. “Then” in the next sentence is not the best choice to emphasize; “romano cheese” and “all around” are better candidates and maybe even “sprinkled”. “Crust” in both versions was a little “uptalky”; I think you could make the sentence more impactful by lowering the pitch use3d for “crust”. I agree with the other comments that the overall pace in both could be picked up and the overall flow would also improve if the pauses used at most of the commas were shortened. Would love to hear your next shot at this. All the pieces are there. Chas

      • #62567

        Hi Chas, thanks for the feedback! Lead-ins always help me get to the intended idea / mood faster, so that’s good to hear. I will try again without “then” emphasized – not sure why that happened, actually. I will work on less uptalk and a quicker pace for this one and see where it goes, and also less on the pauses. Thanks again!


    • #62393

      This is a difficult read! I think you captured it much better in the first read, with a better list reading (basil, parsley, garlic). I also think the tempo could be quicker. Imagine this as a :15 spot…that’s a lot of speeding up, but how would it sound then? Would love to hear. 🙂

      • #62566

        Hi Mitch, thanks for the feedback! I will try it faster and see how it goes with that. Pizza commercials do tend to be fast for whatever reason 🙂 Thanks!


    • #62328

      Hi Mary. I like the first one better. In the second one, the inflection on “one topping” seems off, and the “Dominooooos” does something funny at the end. 🙂 On both of them, I don’t think “Then” should be emphasized. Pick one of the higher impact words instead? Overall, I find high energy and wide tonal variation challenging, so I’m not one to comment, however I think that’s what this Domino’s script is looking for. I think you could be even more upbeat, increase the tempo some and pause less at the commas, and really convey the idea of someone dying to dig into one of these pizzas! I hope this helps.

      • #62382

        Thanks for the feedback DKosoy! Good idea on emphasizing different words other than “Then”, I did not notice that I did that until you pointed it out. This script seemed to have lots of commas, moreso than really necessary, I will work on that and also being more upbeat. Thanks again!


  • #62291

    Hey there once again! Uploading some reads for homework. Doing my commercial demo at the end of February. I appreciate any and all comments! Here is one for Allstate. Last one!

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    • #62369

      Okay so I just want to put this out there that myself as well as many others I know hate dealing with or changing insurance companies, but this read with how calming your voice is makes me feel more comfortable in wanting to learn more about all state. I do feel that your pacing was nice to start with but slowed down half way through. I felt also that it picked up near the end again. Very nicely done! 9/10

    • #62355
      Erik B

      Hi docr15,

      I really enjoyed this read. The tone fits the copy perfectly. Also the pacing of your read is great. In addition you hit the key words nicely. Good job.

    • #62341
      John Trape

      Hi Docr15,

      Very good read! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your voice and following your interpretation of the script. Interpretation of a script is one of the many areas that I have to concentrate on.

      Thank you,


    • #62323

      Hi docr15. I listened to all 3 of your posts. First, great voice quality overall. Easy to listen to. Of the 3, this is my favorite. I’m not certain why, however I think your energy level is higher on this one and so it came across more clearly. Perhaps for the more laid back food commercials, keep the same tone you had, but don’t lose the energy that you have in this insurance read. Great work! Good luck with the demo!

      • #62338

        Thanks a bunch!! I appreciate your feedback!

    • #62311

      Hi Docr15, really nice work! It sounds nice and casual and trustworthy, which is great for this script. I don’t have much to critique here. Very good!


      • #62339

        Thank you Mary!

    • #62299

      Loving the rich baritone, docr15. Some comments: Lost the ‘t’ in ‘most’ and ‘costs’, sounding like ‘mose’ and ‘cose’. As with my comment in Butterball, not sure why the emphasis on the word ‘you’. I feel “…coverage you need” and “for a price you can afford” should be more attached. The latter seems like a second thought. Otherwise, you’re doing great. I’m sure your demo will be super. Good luck!

      • #62340

        Thanks Tom!

  • #62289

    Hey there again! Uploading another read for homework. Doing my commercial demo at the end of February. I appreciate any and all comments! Here is one for Butterball Turkey. I’m getting hungry!

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    • #62394

      Hi Docr15! Good read! The first word, Butterball, was lost in translation. Try emphasizing Butterball and Joy in that first line, and I think you’ll be happier with the read. Loved the ending; well done! LOVED your Allstate read–you could be their new voice!

    • #62312

      Hi Docr15, good work! I like this read for you, sounds warm and relaxed with good pacing throughout. I think too that emphasizing “Happy Thanksgrilling” could make the script have a little more humor in it at the end, like you are inventing a new holiday by grilling in the summer or something and you are cracking yourself up about taking about it, just a small suggestion. Very good read!


    • #62298

      Another nice read. Some comments. The choice to emphasize ‘you’ in “Butterball brings YOU the joys of Turkey day” feels odd. I feel like you can play more with the unexpected twist of what seems to be a traditional holiday message turning to the cool novelty of grilling in the summer. A bit more amazement on “surprisingly juicy”, as if you were surprised yourself. Basically, a little more of a “wink” to the listener. The voice is great. Like butter. 🙂 Just have more fun with the text.

  • #62287

    Hey there! Uploading some reads for homework. Doing my commercial demo at the end of February. I appreciate any and all comments! This one is for a Popeye’s Chicken commercial.

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    • #62319

      Nice! I really enjoy the way you are able to include a bit of that New Orleans dialect but still maintaining a clear delivery. Nice script choice!

    • #62313

      Hi Docr15, good read! Your laid back tone and vibe of voice is good for this genre. I think you had the start of an accent at the beginning of the read and you could lean in to the Cajun accent throughout the script a little more for more believability. I heard “come on” instead of “come along”, until the third time, so I would say that word just sounded smushed / shortened a bit. You could try experimenting with stretching out “along” which would go with the accent too. Good work!


    • #62297

      Great voice. I like the down home welcoming sound. The vibe is right, but the energy doesn’t yet match the Popeye’s brand. (Unless you and your coach are working on a more laid back sound.) ‘Come along’ was hard for me to understand. Some mouth noise on New Orleans and elsewhere but otherwise the sound quality was good.

  • #62285

    A more corporate read. Two takes, one more friendly, the other more “tough.”

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    • #62436

      Steve – I liked the first more than the second. It contained more key words being emphasized; better pitch variation and good fluidity. The friendly persona helped to create a much more conversational, more personal message, much easier for this listener to connect with. The “tough” attitude in the second seemed to me to be achieved by the use of a number of monotonal phrases. This made it the second a presentation, unlike the first that was telling an interesting story. Good work ! Chas

    • #62314

      Hi Steve, good read! I preferred the first read, which sounded a little more friendly and pleasantly convincing without needing to be “tough” in the delivery. Good pace and clarity throughout. Very good!


    • #62294

      Great quality recording. Excellent voice. Made me want to ski and rock climb. A little flat on the emotion side of the read but still a good read.

  • #62283

    Hi all – as I buckle in for the approaching nor’easter, I would appreciate all feedback on my latest practice food commercial.
    Thanks, Chas

    Only Pizza Hut gives you sixteen mozzarella bites on a large pizza!
    See kids? Dreams do come true!
    The ultimate 2 for 1!
    The mozzarella poppers pizza!
    Hurry and try it before it’s gone!

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    • #62324

      Hi chas82. Your voice is great for this! Love the enthusiasm and energy. Great vocal quality. If I am being picky, I heard what came across as minor hesitations before certain words. It may have been which words you chose to emphasize that caused that. Also, pronunciation of the word “large” sounded a little off. Really good!

    • #62315

      Hi Chas, good job! I like your energy on this one and the excitement about pizza in general, very good! I like how you varied up the many statements that ended with exclamation points. Very nice!


    • #62301

      Boom! Love your voice! Made me sit up and pay attention. Liked the playfulness with the kids line. Keep exploring that more. Couple of items. Numbers in scripts are importance, so emphasize sixteen. Emphasize does not necessarily mean punch. It means find a reason and a way to make ‘sixteen’ an important point. “Before” does not feel like the right word to emphasize in the last line. Try ways to make this feel like a more urgent call to action. Digging the overall energy. Stay safe, stay warm.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by tomnunes.
    • #62296

      I love food scripts, they always stimulate my appetite. You have a good voice. However, on this one there are a lot of pops/plosives on this recording.

  • #62280

    Haven’t done a real estate read before, so this is a first. Appreciate any thoughts.

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    • #62320

      Hi Steve, really fantastic job on this read. I felt like you were seeing what you were saying and were very engaged with the copy. If I were to nit pick I think the word “birdsong” was lost a little bit. Really really nice work! You had a laid back ease to this read. Very comfortable sounding.

    • #62316

      Hi Steve, really nice! Your voice is very welcoming and reassuring to the listener. You did a good job of painting a picture of the house, and I could imagine this script with the images of the house shown on TV in the background. Very good genre for you! It sounded conversational and approachable.


  • #62277

    Hey there! Would love some critique on this attempt:
    How do you win at business? Stay at La Quinta, where we’re changing with stylish makeovers. Then, at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man! Start winning today; book now at

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    • #62327

      Hi Mitch! Nice read. On the recording quality, I think I hear some hollowness, or a slight echo. Maybe some more sound dampening needed where you are recording? Also, I would shorten or remove the pause after “Then”. Good work!

      • #62387

        Thanks dkosoy! Correct, I do not have an official home recording studio yet; just my office, a decent mic, and a pop filter. I’ll get on it soon! And I hear the pause there…good point.

    • #62317

      Hi Mitch, really good job! I liked your energy and enthusiasm for the La Quinta brand. It was humorous and I could hear the smile in your voice. I especially liked “Bravo, tall meeting man!” which made me chuckle, and I could visualize what the TV ad would look like with the one guy sitting taller than everyone else in the room and probably only him noticing it. I like it!


    • #62282

      Mitch – Nice tempo and pitch. You created energy and got my interest right away. Very good enunciation and a good choice of words and phrases to emphasize. The only change I think would benefit this is more emphasis and a little higher pitch on the “maximum” and less on “level” at end the third sentence so it is not ending with uptalk. It broke up the excellent flow you had going just ahead of the big close.
      Overall, very well done sir!

      • #62388

        Thanks Chas. I see that now on maximum level. Thanks for the thoughts!

  • #62262

    Hi. I really appreciated the feedback on my last post (Amex). Goals for me are achieving more warmth, variation in tone and avoiding a tendency toward monotone. This is a more technical script regarding eye anatomy, so perhaps not the best choice to work on these goals – lol – nevertheless feedback appreciated! Also wondering how it compares to my delivery of the American Express ad, which I’ll repost here solely for comparison. Thanks much!

    Corneal Epithelium
    The corneal epithelium is a thin layer of fast-growing and easily regenerated tissue kept moist by tears. The epithelium absorbs oxygen and cell nutrients from tears, and then distributes these nutrients to the rest of the cornea. The part of the epithelium that serves as the foundation on which the epithelial cells anchor and organize themselves is called the basal membrane. The Bowman’s membrane is a transparent sheet of tissue composed of strong, layered protein fibers called collagen. The corneal stroma accounts for 90% of the cornea’s thickness, consisting primarily of water (78%) and collagen (16%). Collagen gives the cornea its strength, elasticity and form. The collagen’s unique shape, arrangement and spacing are essential in making the cornea transparent. The Descemet’s membrane is a thin, strong sheet of tissue that serves as a protective barrier against infection and injuries.

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    • #62326

      Thanks Mary, Steve and Mitch! Appreciate the feedback!!

    • #62318

      Hi Dkosoy, really good read! I heard AMEX first a couple of days ago (?) and the medical read sounds much warmer and fuller, with more tone variation, so I would say you have really met your goals on that one. Your voice is really well-suited for medical narration! It was interesting to hear and made me want to learn more about a topic I know nothing about. Very good!


    • #62279

      On the medical read, you were aiming for warmth, variation in tone and avoiding a tendency toward monotone. To me, you hit it on all three points. I thought those, in addition to the pacing, were spot on.

    • #62272

      That was fantastic, and a big jump in warmth in relation to AMEX. That was the first time I heard both, and I listened to AMEX first. Put that same warmth and tone from the new read into the AMEX, and you’ve got two winners! I especially liked how you worked with list items and varied your tone (consisting of water % and collagen %)–it’s an area that I’m working on now. Great read!

    • #62266
      Bill Anciaux

      Excellent performance. Your pacing, tone, inflections, and articulation sound entirely appropriate for this script/genre. Well done. My one nitpick: for the line “The collagen’s unique shape, arrangement and spacing” you emphasize shape with your inflection and a pause after the word. I don’t see anything in the script that suggests this word is more important than the other two listed. If you aren’t already, I can see you booking work in this genre. Best, Bill A.

      • #62325

        Thanks Bill! Spot on about emphasizing “shape” and then pausing momentarily. Ironically, I caught myself doing that as I read the sentence. I pre-read the script, but got caught off guard anyway, I think, by what I was reading. I also heard it on playback, but questioned how noticeable it was. Now I know! Thanks!! You have a great ear! Appreciate your feedback. More to come. Thanks again!

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