Hi Barb, really nice work! You sounded very conversational and genuinely excited about the Camry. I could really hear the smile in your voice and it sounded like you were having fun! Really good pacing and variation in key words. Good job!
Have you booked any meditation work? Do you listen to meditations? Are you needing some encouragement? I’d love your feedback on my performance… Thank you! Bill A.
Script: I know that you’re scared, and it’s a good thing to be scared. Because with that fear, you realise that there is a strange adrenaline rush that takes over you, akin to most of the top athletes and singers right before they play and start their performance. As you feel scared, you can begin to you know…use this emotion for the better. Use the rush, use the adrenaline, use all of this nervous energy. You get scared because your mind pictures things not going in your favour, however the mind is creative. One of the scenarios it can create, can come from the space of courage. It’s all a picture in your head at the end of the day. So why don’t you take this opportunity to think of the outcome that you want, the one in which you’ll feel happy, satisfied and excited about this journey that you’re about to take. Yes, use all the nervous energy to imagine a level of euphoria unfathomable so far in your life. It’s bright and vivid. You put aside the negative images you were seeing with these new, beautiful and breathtaking ones. Yes, you can……NOW….BEGIN TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
Hi Bill – really great work! This is a really good fit for you. Your voice is very calming, steady and grounded. I liked the pacing of this and it was really a very encouraging uplifting script. It sounded nice and conversational, as if encouraging a friend. Very good!
Showoff! A+ work on this Bill! Meditation work? I’d take work reading a canned soup label. Have you tried or listened to ASMR? I have a demo of motivational work, this could be considered motivational as well as meditation, performance was awesome, I would get rid of the word unfathomable it can’t be said conversationally without much difficulty,hope that helps.
Hello all!
Have you ever gotten the same note from coach again, and again….and again? Welp, I am trying an exercise to help with my “same note every time” issue. This is the same read, three times, with each read being directed to a different person. These are just on my phone, so sorry for the lower quality. I’m just trying to find the more authentic tone my coach is looking for and have been S T R U G G L I N G with hearing it and/or performing it.
Thanks for any feedback you have!
PS – sorry, I have FAILED at this post, posing mp4s and then forgetting that i had a lead in on one and I can’t figure out how to delete it and start over. Sorry for the sloppy upload, thanks for your grace!
“So much beauty in one place! America is a great country, and we’ve got the best way to see it. Amtrak “Explore America” fares. Round trips from one hundred and seventy nine dollars all across America. It’s a great country at a great price. Call 1-800-USA-RAIL now about Amtrak “Explore America” fares.”
This reply was modified 4 years ago by burdahgirl.
This reply was modified 4 years ago by burdahgirl.
I also like #3. It felt the most conversational and authentic. I’m sure the lead-in helped frame the style you were after big time. It did seem that you had the emphasis reversed for “great price” at end of next to last sentence and I would have also emphasized “great” a little more in the two uses of “great country”. However, you have a fundamentally very good read throughout and it seems the “read it 3 times” suggestion worked well for you. Keep up the good work!
Hi Burdahgirl, on the whole, nice job!
Lead in lines are great!
I like #3, but I would bring in even more excitement about your trip. And I’d think you could get away with “uh-hundred and Seventy-nine” for the trip cost. Makes it more conversational.
There’s something I do, that I hear in you…a precision or carefulness with the script. It’s hard to be brave enough not to be perfect! Try taking it line by line, and MEMORIZE the line, don’t read it. It may help!
Hi Burdahgirl! First of all, I hear you about getting the same note repeatedly from my coach (and others for that matter) – I feel your pain!!!!*?*! I do believe in this case that practice really can make perfect.
So my preference in these 3 reads is the last one. Lead-ins are helping me get to the appropriate tone and it seems like they are for you as well. I still think its great to use them and then just chop them off as needed for later 🙂 All 3 reads were nice, but the third one had a little more variation in tone and sounded very authentic in encouraging someone to take a trip on Amtrak. Really good job here!
So good! Yeah, “canary” should have the accent on the second syllable, but I do love imagining the animated character that might go along with this, making your accent even more effective. Is he a romantic figure, a swashbuckling hero? Maybe imagining it would play up the challenges between the cat and canary more. Just love it!
Only thing, maybe leave a 1/2 second pause at the front of an audition. I don’t know if it’s the Edge player, but the beginning was clipped for me, and often find when listening online (be it here or Voices) if you don’t the first words get clipped.
Hi Maurizio, good job on this! I too love your accent. Also “canary” should have an accent on the second syllable, or it sounds like a different word – “cannery”, simple fix on that. I liked the smile in your voice and the energy you brought it to. Good job!
Oh my, I love this read with your beautiful accent because it makes that cat food made with real chicken sound like the most delectable treat! Great read – super energy and pace. Just double check the syllabic stress on “canary”, but that’s an easy fix!
Hello all! I’m back for any and all feedback. Learning Audacity settings in particular and getting used to the mic. Let me know what you think. Thanks for the help!
Headaches. We all get them. We all wish they would go away. There is a solution. Excedrin. I just take two and there’s no more tension, no more throbbing, no more pain. My headache is completely gone.
Hi Mary, nice job.
You might want to change the tone on the very first word: “Headaches.” To me, you sound a little excited instead of being in constant pain.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the feedback Kevin! I will work on the tone for this one. I was trying to put a lot into “headaches” but I will work on a more pained sound next time instead of excited – no one is excited about headaches hopefully! Thanks!
Hey Mary, Great read! My only feedback would be that when you get to “Excedrin” the first time, maybe there could be a more audible tone shift towards relief. Overall a great tone and pace – wonderful job!
Hi Maurizio, good read! I liked the energy you brought to this script. For the last “Sandals” the tone got really low and dropped off; I would suggest hitting that a little more to make the product you are selling stand out a bit more. Good job!
Hi Mary, I like the pacing on your read and your change in tone on ” Excedrin” was good! It sounds a bit as if you are reading this. Imagine you are speaking to a friend. It may help you sound more connected. I enjoyed it!
Hi, Mary. Less clipping in this recording but still an issue (“We all wish they…”). Levels need to be set so that the loudest part does not clip (exceed 0db). You can always boost volume in Audacity but you can’t effectively repair clipped/distorted audio. I’d turn down the gain setting on your mic a bit more. Or, you could back away from the mic by an inch or two. Or you could bring down your speaking volume, project less. That NT1A is a super sensitive mic and will capture more details in your voice if you speak less forcefully. I like the subtle change in your tone when you introduce the solution to headaches. Nice. Bill A.
Hi Bill! Thanks for the feedback! I will try turning down the gain setting and backing away from the mic separately and together. Yes, at times I feel like I’ve been projecting possibly more than I need to for the script to sound realistic. I’ve been turning up the gain setting to get the halo to register to green (vs. not at all, too low?); I’m not seeing it register otherwise, but like you say there must be a better way, because I don’t want it to sound distorted.
I’m glad you could hear a little bit of a tone change starting with “I just take two…”, seems like it was the pivot in the storyline to propose a solution after the problem. Thanks again for the specificity on what I can do; there seems like so many subtle adjustments and I’m excited to practice and get better. Thanks!
Hi Alicia, again, good read! I listened a few times and kept hearing “…anyone elts” instead of “…..anyone else”; it made the “s” sounds stand out a little sharply the two times that “else” was said. Your tone is very good for this genre, keep up the good work!
Hello all. So far, I’ve only been uploading commercial scripts so I thought I’d try my hand at Narration scripts. Am I narrating it well? Is my recording setup still serving me well, I appreciate any advice.
Partial knee replacement
A partial knee replacement is an alternative to total knee replacement for some patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. This surgery can be done when the damage is confined to a particular compartment of the knee.
In the past, partial knee replacement was reserved for older patients who were involved in few activities. Now, partial knee replacement is often preferred in the younger population as their recovery is quicker and often with much less pain. About 5% to 6% of patients with arthritic knees are estimated to be eligible for partial knee replacement.
Hi Tim! Good job on this one. I liked the pace and tone of the read, and it made me want to learn more about knee replacement. The recording setup sounds good. “osteoarthritis” sounded like “aresteoarthritis” (an extra r?) small detail; medical terms can be difficult to say them with complete confidence / familiarity at least for me. Keep up the good work!
Hey everyone, I’m still practicing and appreciate any feedback I can get. I think this script is unusual for me in that it’s about business. I’m still trying to perfect my strike zone of warmth and friendly. Does it sound like that to you? Is it fitting for this script?
American Express
Do you know me? Probably not. In my business, recognition is always important, but when I’m buying goods online I prefer a little privacy. With Private Payments from American Express, I get the security of a unique number created for each business transaction I make. Because my private information is my business, and American Express keeps it that way.