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  • #63140

    Hello everyone, these are my Submissions for a HW assignment for a Self Direction and Cold Read class. Your input and honest critique is greatly appreciated. These scripts were all gathered from the VO Library.

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    • #63210

      Hello, My favorite was the haunting. You took it way down at slower pace and your read was good. For the Sandals I felt it too rush, maybe work on pacing. The JCPenny script did not seem like regular JCPenny script. Did you write it? the lottery was good, liked your energy. Overall great work!

    • #63166

      It does seem like the room sound/noise is an issue. Maybe room echo? I use my clothes closet with sound panels on the bare walls and a cargo blankets on the open areas. There are many different options on studio set ups. Depends on money. Again, I use my clothes closet. It works for me. And I use Audacity with the many plug-ins to clean the recording up. But I have been told that Adobe Audition is better although I have not looked into that yet. Voice is great though and engaging.

    • #63157

      Hi! I am in the workshop as well and thought I would provide some feedback. I listened to the JCPenny read. It sounds like you were more casual and comfortable toward the end of the read. Your energy was higher and there was more variation in your voice. Excited even! If you start with that same energy, this would make me want to go to the sale as a listener. Great work!

    • #63147

      I need to work more with my home studio as I know there are some abrupt cut off spots

  • #63134

    Better late than never. This is for the Self Direction and Cold Read class. Let me know what you think if you can. Thanks, Mark

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    • #63179

      Hi Mark. I’m in this class too. I liked your pacing and timbre in all of these. Don’t rush the company name “Jack in the Box.” Hearing an “um or “mm” just before “Jack.”

      “Has Been Toys” is read loudly and clearly!

      • #63191

        I really enjoyed all of your performances Mark. The music and sound effects were nice too. You did a great job pacing yourself and being the characters in each recording, staying in the moment.

    • #63158

      Hi Mark! Fellow workshop attendee here… I listened to all three of your reads and I must say your voice has great range. I especially thought the third read for the toy was the best. If i were listening on the radio without seeing what you were selling, i would want to look it up when i got home especially if i were a kid. Great work! The only feedback I would give would be on the background music. It’s a nice touch but i had a hard time hearing you over some parts of it. Best, Kristen

    • #63145

      All of these are great and I’m loving the music/ sound effects incorporated as well. #1 really made me want to go to Jack N The Box
      On the second one, I personally would’ve went more down on my voice in the “I would take them there” Kind of like real evil/ menacing but the way you went was good as well. They all are really good

  • #63127

    Hello Everyone! Hope you all had a pleasant weekend. I uploaded two narration scripts. I would greatly appreciate any feedback! Have a great day.

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    • #63261

      Thank you both for your feedback!

    • #63192

      Nice voice for the read. However, the volume level is a problem, I could barely hear you in your performance.

    • #63163

      Volume was off a bit. But the read sounded nice, especially the second one. Smooth voice,nice.

  • #63113

    My homework for my narration coaching session. Any thoughts or comments?

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    • #63131

      Flam-Rudiements review:
      I learned something new it makes me interested in learning more about drum play. Informative, smooth and good energy. I thought it had good pacing. One thing I noticed is towards the final seconds ‘try…in your free improvisation’ It’s a little choppy. Overall well done.

  • #63105

    Hello everyone! I’ve uploaded two spots here, one of which I created the original copy. It was really interesting to begin placing technique and body motion into the read in order to get an authentic recording. Let me know what you think, am I on the right track?

    Thank you

    Words. They can do anything.

    1 Words. They can do anything. They can call in a dog at night. They
    2 can bring comfort to an old friend. They can say happy birthday to a
    3 girl whose balloons are slowly sinking. But sometimes, words can
    4 get you into trouble. Like the human rights activist who was
    5 kidnapped for standing up to Government corruption. Or the
    6 journalist sentenced to 10 years in prison for sending an email. Or
    7 the thousands of men and women who are arrested and tortured
    8 just for demanding fair election. Now we need your words, to
    9 demand justice; to take a stand. To offer hope, to people around the
    10 world, who are silenced for simply speaking their minds. Write a
    11 letter or speak out today. Your words can lead to their freedom.
    12 Words. They can do anything.

    American Health Imaging: Safe Imaging

    1 Need Medical Imaging? There’s no need to wait for an MRI, CT or
    2 Ultrasound. American Health Imaging is a safe and smart
    3 alternative to hospitals. Our clean and safe free standing
    4 facilities offer high quality imaging at 75 percent less. All
    5 customers are screened for signs of illness and our staff are
    6 always wearing masks and other protective equipment.
    7 You can also safely check in from your car. Our touch less
    8 experience goes above and beyond CDC guidelines. All high-touch
    9 surfaces are sanitized after each patient and our centers are
    10 disinfected every night. Our one of a kind Concierge Experience
    11 guides you through every step of your visit. American Health
    12 Imaging, Now More Than Ever.

    • #63108

      Re-Uploaded these spots here.

      • #63132
        Edge Studio Staff

        Hi Ndehru,

        Please make sure that you are uploading mp3s. Our website doesn’t like any other file type.


      • #63126

        I’m not seeing the audio anywhere?

  • #63093

    I’m gonna regret this, But here it is Bil-bo!

    Disney character intro
    Howdy folks, I’m Ray the firefly, how y’all doing. Don’t make me light my b**t now! Now folks, I’d like to introduce you to my beautiful wife, there she is the most beautiful firefly of all, Evangeline. Look how she lights up the sky. Hey there Ray, mind if I but in for a minute to say hi? Don’t see why not, everyone else is going to in a couple of seconds. Hi everyone, hi there poo boy, was going to give my introduction, how are you anyway? I’m good I wish I had some honey, don’t look now but here comes eeore. Hi every body, Eeore, why the long face there buddy? I lost my tail again. I’ll help you find it this time but don’t try to loose it again would ya buddy. Hi everyone, oh look it’s Mickey, how are you Mickey? I’m fine, how are you I’m good, say uhhh where’s Minnie? She is is right here, hi everyone, hiya Minnie great to see ya , oh me too. Looks like this is going to be a luvy dovey fest, so folks let’s get this how on the road.

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    • #63198

      Hey Rich
      Ya gotta stretch every once in a while! I liked it. You do a great Mickey & Minnie! That was a lotta different voices under one roof. If I tried it, would probably take me a month to do each voice and another month to put ’em all together. Good work as always!

    • #63133

      That was fun! Nice job switching between characters. I could hear the distinctions clearly. script is engaging and interesting to hear what happens next. Pacing is good and giving you time to hear each character introducing themselves.

  • #63070
    Robert Broussard

    I put together a new script as possible on my Demo. Any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks

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    • #63146

      This was a great read. Very welcoming and demo worthy

    • #63116

      Sounded very friendly and it was very well paced! Good job!

    • #63109

      I agree. Would be good for the demo. Nice voice and read.

    • #63106

      Hi Robert, your client would love you because that was a fun, folksy read…and I actually remembered the product you were ‘selling’ because of it!

      • #63399
        Robert Broussard

        I appreciate the feedback. I like Budweiser. I worked my way through college at a Budweiser Distributorship.

    • #63073

      Hi Robert, good read! I think this would be great for your demo – it was very conversational and authentic, and laid back. Good job!


      • #63074
        Robert Broussard

        Thanks Mary, I should be getting close to do a demo.

  • #63058
    Robert Broussard

    Attached is my first read in a while. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions. Thanks

    Franklin Disability
    You grow up looking to your parents as your providers and protectors. Then one day, sometimes quite suddenly, the shoe’s on the other foot. As you yourself grow older, how can you be assured that you won’t be forced to depend on your own children for your care and security? It’s simple. We’re the Franklin Disability Insurance Company. We’re continually looking toward the future, so you’ll be prepared when it gets here. For more information, contact your broker. Here’s to a long life.

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    • #63296
      D M Ulmer

      Hi Robert,
      very relaxed. Sound as if you could be one of my neighbors inviting us over. Good pacing. And I could tell you the product and company.


    • #63111

      Again, great voice. I agree there are a few spots with pacing like between disability…insurance. And I think it is called “up-speak”. I tend to do this on some reads. Where you say “older, children, care and security” it sounds like it should vary more up and down? But I love the voice, I agree with the Tom Bodett comparison.

    • #63090

      You have like a signature Motel 6 (We’ll leave the light on for you) kind of voice. Very nice tone. For me, there are some flow issues. One at “…own children….for your care..” , also “…Disability….Insurance Company..”, and “…prepared….when it gets here.” IMHO, those lines should flow more straight through. You might want to shoot for making “We’re” sound more like weer instead of were. Nice work.
      – touzet –

    • #63065

      Hi Robert, really good job on this one! Excellent production too. The tone and pacing were spot on – really good work here, not much that I can think of to critique!


      • #63069
        Robert Broussard

        Thanks Mary, I have been out of the loop on my day job for a while. Just started up again today. Appreciate it.

  • #63050

    Hi Everyone, I’ve uploaded three scripts to get feedback for a homework assignment. This is my first time on the forum and I would appreciate brutal assessments…I figure it’s the best way to improve my reads and learn how a casting agent might hear my voice. Don’t worry, I’ve got a thick skin! ;). Thanks in advance!!

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    • #63301
      D M Ulmer

      I also agree with Touzet. He has some good technical help there. Your modulations were well done. I found the reads engaging and the pacing appropriate. The last read showed the promise that corporate training videos could be interesting to listen to. Agree with the comment about smoothing things out.

      keep up the good work!

    • #63112

      I agree with Touzet’s assessment. All easily fixed. Nice voice. Friendly, warm, smart. I liked No. 3 the best on the scale, but they were all nice reads.

    • #63092

      Very nice voice. At around :19 secs in the first track, you hit “Business” pretty hard.
      In track 3, around :11 “…need to know….to produce a…” The gap between “know” and “to” stuck out a little for me. (An easy edit fix).
      There are some minor plosive issues…I mean minor but I think could still be mitigated some.
      In track 1 “….Buying goods on line…” That B in buying. Sounds like it may be high-passed a bit which saves it some but I’m thinking more could be done with pop screens or mic position. Might be better to have more low end in your track and physically avoid the plosives.
      I am also hearing some sibilance issues throughout. Again, back to the first time “Business” is read in track 1. Both S’s in that word.
      A de-esser may help with that and possibly some EQ adjustments.
      I pretty much like the performance throughout.

      – touzet –

      • #63101

        Wow, touzet, thank you so much for the detailed feedback…editing is not my strong point (obviously!). I didn’t do any editing other than deleting breaths, so I have to get up to speed on making EQ adjustments. Also, I’m going to have to play with mic position, because I did use a pop screen and wasn’t talking directly into the mic. I’ve gotten some really important things to work on through this forum so far! Thanks everyone!

    • #63086

      Good work!

      You do sound like a knowledgeable, trusted friend. I think #3 worked out the best, but the other two were also good fits.

      Overall, I’d just work on smoothing it out a bit. You could try looking at the script, memorizing the line, and then speaking it without reading.

      Nice job!


    • #63064

      Hi S3! First of all, welcome!

      Good job on these 3 scripts. Your voice is nice and friendly and your tone feels approachable. I liked the third script the best for you, seemed like the best fit of the 3 for your voice. Good pacing and variation in tone for all of them – good job on these!


      • #63095

        Thank you Mary and Barb for your feedback!! I really appreciate you both listening to all three scripts and it’s really beneficial to me to hear that you both chose the third one as the best fit for my voice!! And I’ll definitely try Barb’s idea for smoothing out my reads. I’ve learned so much already with just my first post. Now, to continue with my homework, I’m to provide feedback to help train my ear (which I obviously need!). 🙂

  • #63035

    Hi all! Here are some practice scripts for any and all feedback. How do they sound? Which one do you like best for my voice? Is the tone right? Trying also to work on getting the correct recording levels. Thank you for listening and commenting!!!


    Liberty Mutual Insurance
    Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your home insurance, here’s one that will really take you back…

    Ancient Mysteries
    Be it endless fascination with the Bible, or chilling tales of Gothic horror, man has been compelled by the wonders of the unknown since the beginning of time. From the possible existence of Big Foot to the grips of a mummy’s curse. Uncover the truth behind “Ancient Mysteries” tonight on Channel 4…NBC.

    Mailboxes Etcetera
    Everybody can use a little help when they’re out on the road- and that’s where MailBoxes Etcetera comes in. We get it done, and we get it done right. Mailboxes Etcetera.

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    • #63159

      Hi Mary. Great work. I liked the third read best out of all three. As a fellow southerner, I can hear a bit of an accent on certain words. For example, “right” and “back” in the script are drawn out. I tend to do this as well at the end of a sentence. Otherwise, you were convincing and friendly at the same time. Very authentic. I hope this feedback helps. Best, Kristen

      • #63169

        Hi Kristen, thanks for the feedback! Yes some of those words show my accent for sure! 🙂 Thanks for listening and the nice comments – it is appreciated!


    • #63104

      Hi Mary, I liked your reads on 1 and 3 for your voice, too. Your voice has a warm, friendly quality-easy to listen to! As I’ve proven, I’m not much of a tech person, but I had sound that low a couple of times when I forgot to switch from my laptop speakers/mic to my interface speakers/mic.

      • #63168

        Hi S3, thanks for the feedback! 1 and 3 felt the most comfortable for me too, so that’s good. I will try to adjust for sound – it was too loud recently and is now too soft – looking for the middle ground – it will happen hopefully soon! Thanks!


    • #63098

      There seems to be some punching of words and/or syllables that are puzzling. Track 1 line 1: REsearch shows people reMEMber… Also, “So to help YOU remember…” seemed a bit overdone. For me, it needs to flow more with less punching ..or at least more nuanced punching or inflection. Track 2 seems to be an NBC show promo which I believe should be pretty fast and high energy.
      Audacity has a decent compressor (I believe the default settings will work ok). After compressing, you can use the normalization tool to set the highest peak to whatever you want. I believe -3 was suggested. The compressor will help even out high and low volume sections of your track.
      – touzet –

      • #63167

        Thanks for the feedback Touzet! I will watch my emphasis on certain syllables, did not know it was coming across in a weird way. In the past I have not hit things enough, so maybe I’m getting tot he point where I can work on making it more natural. Thanks for the tip on normalization. I took Art’s class on Audacity recently but am really just learning the software – thanks!


    • #63076

      Hi Mary, I’m not a big Tech Guy but I wanted to comment on increasing the volume of your recordings If you’re using Audacity you can “normalize” it to -3.0 db before exporting it. While in Audacity “Highlight your recording – click on Effect, look for Normalize and click on … in the pop up window make sure the number in the db box is -3.0 if it is Not, change it then click OK — this will increase the volume of your recordings to the accepted industry standard. Hope this helps !

      • This reply was modified 4 years ago by solin232.
      • This reply was modified 4 years ago by solin232.
      • #63164

        Thanks for the feedback Solin! I will try normalizing the recording, thanks for the tip! I have been racking my brain for how to adjust to a -3 db level either during or after the recording, this is very helpful, thanks!


        • #63171

          You’re welcome Mary !

    • #63060
      Robert Broussard

      I had to agree with Darlene. 1 and 3 are better reads that go with you voice. Good job varying your tones. It seems like your voice volume is lower than it should be. Hope that helps.

      • #63063

        Thanks for the feedback Robert! Glad that 1 and 3 sound ok and with a decent amount of tone variation. I will work on the volume, it’s one of my first recordings with a mic and interface and have a ways to go. Thanks!


    • #63048

      Hi Mary! I really liked the commercial reads for Liberty Mutual and Mailbox Etcetera. Very good use of tone and inflection on those. Also, not sure if this helps in regards to you trying to find the right volume levels for your recordings, but I had to turn my computer volume up fairly high to hear. Again, not sure if that’s helpful but figured I’d add in case it is.

      • #63062

        Hi Darlene, thanks for the feedback! The Ancient Mysteries was a different sort of read for me and it sounds like it needs some work. Thanks for the note also about the volume, that is helpful. Thanks again!


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