Hello! Was doing some video recording for work, and thought I’d record some VO for feedback! So here’s some snippets about my day job (or what would be my day job if Hollywood wasn’t so screwy at the moment…). Thoughts, comments, and such much appreciated! (Just on the words, not the audio quality. Just going off a Yeti in my open apartment.)
Your enunciation is very good! There are times when you lose a T but otherwise, it’s pretty clear what words you’re saying. You also have a pleasant, friendly tone that is nice to listen to.
I would say the first five seconds of “colorist” is a bit fast, but really I think these are some good reads. Awesome job!
You definitely have a knack for this style. To get nit-picky because it’s fun to have something to work on, I’d challenge you to vary your phrasing and play with combining phrases into a single breathe. It isn’t choppy but I think you have space to smooth out and elongate some sentences. Also your pronunciation of the word “hand” stuck out to me twice. I don’t have the vocabulary to tell you exactly why, maybe the vowel is brighter/more nasal than the the rest of the read? Perhaps worth paying attention to.
I like the Nissan read the most! It felt like a friend was speaking to me for sure. The Crayola read however, did feel very fast and like it was “put” together. Did you edit it that way? Overall, the clarity is nice and open.
Talia, great job. Very fluent and well-paced delivery. Don’t try to be too perfect, especially with the Crayola read, unless you are specifically asked to. Let your humanity shine through a little. Also, be mindful of your plosives. There’s normally an indicator of the front of your mic. Try to set it more obliquely to the direction of your speaking and, of course, use a pop shield.
Again, great job!
Hi all, I’ve uploaded another practice script. I have been working on clarity and sounding more conversational rather than reading. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It definitely sounds conversational! You nailed that part. I would like to agree with edixon310 with room treatment. Maybe getting closer to the mic would help? But your clarity was also done very well.
I think you sounded great. Your voice is strong and commanding. Be sure to watch micro pauses that aren’t needed between phrases and the flow as well as overemphasizing words like “Lifesaving” and “Everyday” and “No.”
Debbyc, nicely done. You sounded very authoritative in your read, like you knew your material. My suggestion would be to check your rooms acoustics. Make sure you have as much treatment as you can to absorb the sound. It also sounds like you are standing off from your mic.
Hi Krista. I love your voice..very clear and your pronunciation of the words and your pace is great. I would work on making it conversational. Who are you talking to about New York and Hudson Yard?
Hi to all. Submitting two practice scripts. Any feedback will be appreciated (text included):
Many people quickly assume that being a good leader means you’re a good manager and vice versa. The two concepts are actually quite distinct, and understanding that distinction can help you understand what it means to be good at either or good at both.
Leadership is setting the tone of an organization; the broad objectives and long term goals will come from the leader, and then managers need to execute on a plan to attain them. Leadership is not necessarily getting caught up in all the details, but rather setting the plan and inspiring people to follow them.
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by ScottCarr.
Hi there, this script felt as though you were reading rather than sharing information. I do like your tone and the pace in which you read a script is wonderful.
The Singularity
We are the masters of our planet. And for 200,000 years our intelligence has allowed us to rule unchallenged. But those days are drawing to a close. A new intelligence is rising … Artificial Intelligence. Our greatest scientists are on the verge of creating machines capable of independent thought. With intellects that could one day surpass our own. A singular event that will dramatically change life as we know it. What would a world dominated by super intelligent machines be like for us? Paradise? Or a nightmare?! Will it mean immortality … or extinction? One thing we do know. The process has already begun. The Singularity is near. And there’s no turning back.
Hello, I tried listening for flaws, could not hear any. I read was very conversational, diction was right on point. the tone and delivery would keep the audience interested in the topic. Great Job.
Greetings fellow awesome voice actors, brand new to this so don’t be too critical. it took me a while to submit from nervousness but in any event here we go! I’m working on my pace, how was it? did I sound engaging? Was it conversational? how was my breathing?
Great voice! I believe you have the potential to do very well. The more you practice those scripts, the more natural and conversational you will become. Keep up the good work!
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by ScottCarr.