Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #88181

    Feedback welcome for this read, especially for how conversational it sounds. Thank you!

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    • #88513
      Keith Paul

      If it is critique on how conversational your read sounds, you hit it on the head. The only problem is that your volume is too low.

    • #88219
      Krista Andersen

      I thought it was a good read for sure. Not as “conversational” as maybe commercial sounding, but still a very good read!

  • #88154

    Hello all,
    I have completed my commercial demo!! Whoop Whoop!!! Now I am 3 sessions in on narration. Here are two scripts I have been practicing. Let me know what you think. I am excited to hear from you and listen to your work as well

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    • #88216
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hi! Nice work! For the Dr. Seuss narration, at times I thought the pacing was spot on, and at other times I thought you sped up just a bit. I thought your diction was clear except for one word right after Children still…. I couldn’t quite make out that word. : )

      • #88528

        Thank you so much! Notes taken.

  • #88138

    Hello everyone! I would appreciate any feedback on my VO demo from experienced professionals. Hoping for some feedback on the reads (tone, pacing etc.) as well as the overall quality of the production. Thank you so much in advance!

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  • #88098

    Hello! I’m Paula Lee and working on a homework assignment! I am looking for feedback. How’s my diction? Working on pace – how is it? Anything you may find helpful, please feel free to share. Your feedback is much appreciated! Thank you.

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    • #88101

      Hi Paula..! Seems your pace still needs some work. in the first clip, I would explore adding just a little lift (not really a pause) after ‘Tiffany’, and again before “in this episode…” I think that would tamp down the rushed feel. Also, a short drop in pitch on the last part of ‘Tiffany’ will separate that word from the following phrase. The first name is a first and last name, but Tiffany is just the first name, and the following phrase sounds like it could be a last name, until you realize that ‘with a’ isn’t a name. If you slow things down a bit, feel the flow of the copy, let the inflections and pacing group the words into complete thoughts, it will sound more like a story being told in real time, and not something being read.

      The second clip has a lot of the same things. At the end, there is a list that, as you present it, is two things she loves: “entertaining her potted plants”, and “relaxation.” I am going out on a limb here, and say that there are probably three things: “entertaining”, “her potted plants”, and “relaxation”. Find a way to use inflexation and pace to create some room for each one without chopping it up.

      As for diction, I would say…pretty good…!! Nice and clean!! Not much in the way of glottal stops, as you flow easily into the words that begin with vowels. I think you have a great voice, and am looking forward to hearing your progress. Your environment is a bit echoy, so feel free to step up to the mic a bit, so you can reduce your gain. That way the room won’t be quite as noticeable until you have a chance to treat it.

      All in all a nice job. Again, looking forward to hearing your progress.


      • #88117

        Thank you for the feedback Tim! Extremely helpful! I’ll be sure to incorporate the tips provided. Thanks again!

  • #88096
    Daniel McClintock

    Hi everyone!

    First time on the forum. I’ve uploaded the homework from my first coaching session with Art Bruder. It was supposed to be uploaded last week — but life…

    Here’s the script:

    Great Frame Up

    Clark had always wanted to see Candy and Jake hang. And now, framing them would be easy. The fun-loving couple was just begging to be framed.

    Clark headed straight for The Great Frame Up, the totally unique picture framing shop with a better system, a professional commitment, and an emphasis on fun and satisfaction. Tonight, Candy and Jake would hang… and he’d enjoy doing it… thanks to THE GREAT FRAME UP!

    I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Thanks!

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    • #88102

      Hi Daniel..! First off: Oh G*d what a voice..!

      Now that that’s out of the way….

      For this interpretation, it seems a good read. I think all the inflection points are there, and the pace was pretty good. The first time through, “Candy and Jake hang” was a little hard to hear, but after that, it all sounded good.

      As for the interpretation, the concepts of ‘framing’ and ‘hanging’ are kind of nefarious and sinister. I would try something that would use that, especially for the first and last parts. You would also be able to hold that concept in the middle section by envisioning Clark as using The Great Frame Up as an unwitting conspirator to further his ends. The script reads like 30 seconds of a western novel. I would love to hear what you could do with that.

      Good work, though! For a first post, it’s clear you have been working on your craft already. Can’t wait to hear more.


  • #88073

    Hello all. First time on the forum. I am starting my commercial journey and I am looking for some creative feedback only. Thank you for taking time to listen and critique!

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    • #88217
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hey Eric! One thing that my coach always reminds me to focus on is the 3 W’s (Who are you talking to? Where are you? and Why are you telling them this?) These can really help when it comes to sounding conversational. On the Rocket Money script I would be mindful of micro pauses. Little tiny pauses that we decided to insert but aren’t actually in the script. Thank you for sharing your work! : )

  • #88030
    Jahna Bobolia

    Hi Everyone! Looking for creative feedback on these two reads for my coaching sessions. Thank you!!

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    • #88034

      Your read of the Lego script was very nice! Great energy, nice pace, you were a mom and you sold me on Legos!

  • #87999

    Hi, everyone! I’ve uploaded two commercial practice reads that I’d really appreciate some feedback on! Thanks so very much!

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    • #88123

      Hi! I really liked the energy on the Orajel read. It felt like you were enthusiastic about the product and I liked how you emphasized the “Orajel” at the end.

  • #87990

    Hello there! Feedback welcome on these two commercial scripts. My studio setup was not available when I recorded these, and the audio quality reflects that, but I welcome your thoughts on the reads themselves. Thank you!

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    • #88121

      I really liked your tone and choice of word emphasis on the Lexus read. You may try a slightly faster pace; it feels conversational but a bit slow toward the end. Good luck!

    • #88028
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hi! I think for the Butterball commercial I might play with different ways to deliver the word Thanksgrilling.

  • #87978

    Hi everyone. I am looking to get feedback on my first two narration script readings. How is my pace? Do I sound conversational? All feedback is greatly appreciated.

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