Feedback Forum

  • Creator
  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #88519
    Jahna Bobolia

    Hi! I am uploading one track with 2 different takes. My goal is to make both conversational, but with each take my “who” a different person. Questions: How is my pace? Do they both sound conversational? Do the two different tracks sounds as though I am speaking to different people. Thank You!

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    • #88536

      Hi Jahna. I love your voice…very easy to listen to. Your pace is great. My only critique would be that (as a long time Tylenol user) I would like you to really sell me on Advil.

    • #88526
      Krista Andersen

      Hi Jahna, love your voice, easy to listen to. Not sure if I’m catching two different “whos” but definitely different pacing – both are nice and sound conversational.

      • #88561
        Jahna Bobolia

        Hi Krista, Thank you for your feedback!

  • #88503
    Keith Paul

    Hi everyone, I’m Keith Paul I have just uploaded a couple of recordings. I would very much appreciate, some feedback on them, thank you all very much.

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    • #88540

      Hey Keith. I really liked both of your reads, very conversational. I felt compelled to go out and purchase each item. I would like to suggest that you work on pronunciation of some of the words (ex: Tennessee was hard to understand) .

      • #88546
        Keith Paul

        Thank you very much for your feedback your points are well taken.

    • #88525
      Krista Andersen

      Hi Keith, I enjoyed your reads! I feel I can see you smiling & enjoying both of these products. Maybe some more varied tones for the list words like “your boss, a friend, or a brother”.

      • #88547
        Keith Paul

        Thank you very much for your feedback, I do understand what you mean by varying my tone. I am going to be working on that.

    • #88518
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hey! I enjoyed listening to your reads! Your pace was good, and the reads sounded conversational, and engaging! Two things I would work on, with the steak sauce copy I would work on the /mmmm tastes good/. My coach always says we want to be able to taste the food so maybe think of a food you love so much that when you take a bite you actually make that sound. For the whiskey copy I would be sure to pronounce the ing at the end of giving.

      • #88548
        Keith Paul

        Thank you very much for your feedback, I will be working on the MMMM tastes good/on the Whiskey copy, you are absolutely right. Thanks again.

  • #88478

    Hello all – I am submitting two short reads for your feedback. Thanks in advance for your comments.


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    • #88509
      Keith Paul

      Good morning, I listened to both of your recordings, the words are very clear, the scripts are very understandable. I am assuming the fiduciary script is an explainer, You did a great job on that.

      • #88549

        Thanks so much for your comments and for your time in listening. Much appreciated.

  • #88444

    Sorry that it has been some time since I last posted. Here are two new reads I just did, one commercial and one Narration. Please give me some feedback to help be push forward. I will be submitting more reads to get more feedback to see how I am progressing. Thank you for listening.

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  • #88354

    Alright, I’ve got 3 performances today that I need feedback on. Specifically, I need performance feedback, not technical feedback. Thanks very much!

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    • #88409
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hi! I would work on slowing down your pace for both the Dominoes and the H&R block scripts. I also might take a second to write out who you are talking to. Where you are talking with this person, and why you are telling them about this. This helps to make the script sound more conversational. : )

  • #88264
    Michelle Stout

    Hello! This is my first attempt to upload here and was looking for some creative feedback. I’m working on my pacing and diction, while trying to sound natural. Any comments appreciated!

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    • #88334

      Hi Michelle,
      Here are my comments: Nice warm quality to your voice; easy to listen to. There is some sort of noise or pop on the “st” on the word Instagram. I think there is slightly too much time between the end of “help us complete the picture” and the beginning of “direct message us…” The words “direct message us to find out” are smushed together and sound more like “direct message justify”. Can you tamp down or shorten the “f” sound on the word Life at the end of the demo? All in all, good job! Regards, Elizabeth

      • #88511
        Keith Paul

        Hi, the Instagram script, your diction is excellent, the read is very conversational. The timing issues is not so much a problem, as we practice more, it will come into play. Keep up the good work.

        • #88584
          Michelle Stout

          Thank you so much Keith! I appreciate you listening and for the encouragement!

      • #88382
        Michelle Stout

        Thank you for listening! I appreciate the feedback. I can definitely work on the timing issues.

  • #88257

    I’m submitting a short, playful dialogue between a grandmother and grandchild. My question for those who listen is: are the two voices clearly different and don’t sound like they’re being voiced by the same person? Any other feedback is welcomed.

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    • #88408
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hi! The two voices do sound very different and as though they are being voiced by different people.

      • #88506
        Keith Paul

        Hi, the voices do sound very different, most important to me is that the voices are very engaging. Great Job

  • #88220
    Krista Andersen

    Practicing – looking for feedback. I’ve been trying to work on not having glottal stops and sounding more conversational, less “announcer”. Thanks for any suggestions.

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    • #88512
      Keith Paul

      Hi, the tone you used for this script is right on the money. I think you can speed up the script a lit bit more. but all in all it was a good read. Very conversational and you brought out the meaning of the script.

  • #88212
    Jahna Bobolia

    Hello! I am looking for creative feedback for my coaching sessions homework. How is my pacing? Does it sound conversational? Thank you!

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    • #88554
      Keith Paul

      Hi, on the American express, you started of with one pace and then ended much slower. the beginning part had a very good pace.
      I thought the pacing on the Club Med was also very slow, I think you could pick up the pace a bit. I’m thinking this is a 30 second spot. Your recording was 39 secs.
      The diction is perfect, your read is very engaging.

      • #88573
        Jahna Bobolia

        Hey Everyone! I am giving it another try with the take 1 and take 2. Going for conversational in both however my “who” changes. Do you hear a difference in the takes?

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  • #88199

    Hello, Looking for comments on this read — what did you like, what can I do better? Any feedback appreciated. Thank you!

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    • #88206
      Alexander Wright

      I think that sounded really good. Your voice is very good for that type of commercial. I think towards the end the pace was a little different than at the beginning, but I thought it sounded professional. .

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