Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #63502

    Hi! Looking for some more feedback on technique and performance. Thanks in advance!

    “Dead battery at your rustic rental? Must be nature’s way of telling you it’s switching time. Make the switch to up to 12 hours of battery life. Switch to Chromebook.”

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    • #63528

      Hi Adrothfield, good read! I heard a bit of choppiness as well, you might try just re-reading it over and over again until it’s memorized (this one is short enough for that) and then it will sound smoother once you record it. Also I noticed that some of your “to”s sound like “tuh”s like on “switch to up to”. I do that too and it can sound a little unnatural but better to slow down on those parts so you can hear the full word more clearly. I like your voice! Keep it up.


    • #63515

      it sounded pretty choppy, and maybe a bit fast. I could hear mouth clicks and breaths very easily (though idk if that’s something you’re worried about at this point). It also sounds like you might have an after effect that fades out some of your words (‘life’ in ‘batterylife’). Maybe a noise gate problem. “Must be nature’s way…” – the ‘M’ in ‘Must’ was kinda chopped off. I think your voice is good, but slowing down and enunciating while visualizing an audience, will make it a great read.

    • #63508
      Robert Broussard

      Hello. Your audio sounded fine. But your performance was not real conversational. Try to vary you tone on key words. Good effort. Hope this may help.

  • #63500

    Hi! Looking for feedback on technique and performance. Thanks in advance!

    “Taste the awesomeness of 7-Eleven with our new classic chicken sandwich. 100% white meat chicken with barbecue-honey-mustard sauce for only a dollar 99.… can I have a bite?
    7-Eleven. Awesomeness guaranteed.”

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    • #63529

      Hi Adrothfield, really good! Great energy and nice tone variation and excitement throughout. I like how you delivered “taste the awesomeness” – really drew me in! Good work.


    • #63517

      You started out with great energy and ended with it too! but the middle sagged a bit imo. eg; ‘new’ ‘classic’ ‘chicken sandwhich’ all need a small pepper of variety from each other. Or like “100% white meat chicken with barbecue honey mustard sauce” every one of those words, should be spoken to evoke a distinct flavor. like, the mentality is that you’re not just excited that it’s a sandwich, but it’s THE sandwich with the BEST sauces! or to put it another way, every detail that you add should be more astonishing than the one before. Your enthusiasm for this VERY specific sandwich (that you can only get at 7-11 for $2) needs to be contagious (pardon the phrasing).

      “Can I have a bite?” I really liked the way you read it. good work.

      Also, overall, mind the plosives. You might be a little too close to the mic.

  • #63498

    My take on the currently airing Celebrity Cruises: “Ready for Takeoff” spot. There’s a bit of irony here as I used to be a software application engineer for Royal/Celebrity until the pandemic emptied the ships of passengers – and revenue.

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    • #63538

      Yes, nicely done! You have a very smooth delivery. Again, I can see the imagery when I listen to your read. I have a couple of technical questions, what is your hardware set-up? DAW? Do you have a set of editing touches that you do to these (noise reduction, normalization, etc.)?

    • #63530

      Hi Touzet, really nice read and production! I Like the smoothness and flow of it, sounds really relaxed and welcoming.


    • #63504

      I love your smooth delivery for this cruise spot! You’ve captured the relaxing vibe really well. However, I wonder if you can add a little more urgency/excitement into the mix? There are moments that you’re so smooth I start to zone out. Otherwise, you’ve done a nice job with this!

      • #63511

        I believe the actual one that’s airing is a bit more perky. 😉

  • #63491

    Sort of a mellow track.

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    • #63531

      Hi Touzet, really nice! Your voice is really warm and perfect for this script, and your pacing made it really inviting, it was unrushed. Good job!


    • #63509
      Robert Broussard

      That was good your voice is really nice for this. The only thing I would recommend is lower the background music volume. It overtakes you voice some.

    • #63493

      This is really smooth! I can see images of vineyards and glistening grapes in the sun. The only sort of negative I would say is the possible balance of the background music and your voice. However, I am stretching to come up with anything critical to say. I’d be interested in hearing what others say of the mix. Nicely done.

  • #63488

    Here’s my third of 3 homework assignments. Looking forward to doing my commercial demo session next week. Thanks in advance for any comments on any part of my reads.

    It’s right in your own backyard.

    While it may be hard to believe, roughly five million Americans don’t even know where their next meal will come from.

    In communities just like yours, there are many who need help.

    Join people across the country who are coming together with AARP Create the Good, to end hunger.

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    So get involved. Go to

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    • #63546

      Killed it! This sounds great all around. Well done on a pretty long read. 🙂

      • #63555

        Thanks Mitch!

    • #63532

      Hi Docr15 – really nice! I like the warmth and directness in your voice, and the genre is a really good fit for you. Good luck on your demo! You’ll do great.


    • #63512

      Very nicely done! The pacing and tone fit the copy perfectly for me, and as far a choosing copy you picked one that your voice suits well and would likely give you a solid shot at booking the job. Good luck on the demo!

      • #63516


  • #63486

    Next is my second of three homework reads in prep for my commercial demo session next week. I appreciate comments of any kind!

    “It’s not just another mind-numbing family road trip to Grandma’s. It’s a tongue-biting, seat-wetting ride with GAME BOY ADVANCED ! Now with wider screen, enhanced graphics, and multi-player options. Game boy…ride with it.”

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    • #63533

      Hi Docr15, really good! I think you could really lean into and have fun with this one, and emphasize “GAME BOY ADVANCED!” like your hair is on fire, I mean really get excited!!!! I agree too that some of the listed items could be a little more varied in tone – you are trying to convince grade and middle school kids and are trying to get their attention – you have permission to cut loose! 🙂


    • #63505

      Love the throwback to Game Boy Advanced! Your tone is great for this, but I think you can capture more of the fun elements in this copy (tongue-biting, wider screen, etc.). Think of the images/sounds that will match this commercial: are they relaxed or action-packed? Nice work!

  • #63484

    Happy Saturday! Recording my commercial demo next week. I am posting some practice script reads for homework. I always appreciate any and all comments.

    First one is on Invisalign:

    “Your smile says a lot about you. If you let it. When you’re uncomfortable about your teeth, it’s easy to hold back your smile. Invisalign’s advanced technology now lets you straighten your teeth invisibly – so you can express yourself fully. And because they’re invisible, no one has to know about it. Hundreds of thousands of people already have discovered Invisalign. Maybe it’s time you were one of them.”

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    • #63534

      Hi Docr15, really good! This is a great genre for you. You sounded warm, approachable and informative, but still conversational. Good job!!


  • #63466

    Hey everyone, here is a biography narration for Beyonce! It is similar to the T Swift biography going on my narration demo. Just working on similar scripts for practice. ALl feedback is appreciated.

    Beyoncé Knowles is a founding member and chief songwriter of Destiny’s Child, one of the biggest selling female acts of all time. With many of the group’s***t songs co-written and co-produced by Beyoncé, Destiny’s Child has sold more than 33 million records worldwide. When Beyoncé won the 2001 ASCAP Pop Songwriter Of The Year Award, she became the first African-American woman — and the second woman ever — to receive that honor.

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    • #63510
      Robert Broussard

      Katelyn, your pace and tone are really good. You do really well on this type of reads. Very good work!

    • #63482

      Hi Katelyn, really nice! Your voice sounds really good for this and the script flows nicely. You might consider spelling out the award letters ” A – S – C – A – P” instead of making it into a word (ASCAP). Maybe that’s how they announce the winners when they award them, as in “and the GRAMMY goes to…” I love pop music but am out of the loop for this award, so I could be wrong on that, just a suggestion. Really solid work!


    • #63472

      Katelyn, this is great. Your voice is very clear and lovely to listen to. You have a nice youthful quality. You applied just the right amount of billboarding to the opening ‘Beyonce Knowles’. Your admiration and, in some places, awe of Beyonce comes through nicely, especially in the last line talking about her ASCAP honor. Nothing much technical to mention. “She became the first” felt a little rushed, but the words were clear to me. One thing to pay attention to: listening just to pitch and tempo, there is a repeated melody pattern that occurs with the start of each sentence. This can take away from a conversational quality if that is something you’re going for. Nonetheless, well done, Katelyn.

      • #63646

        Thank you! I appreciate you pointing out the repeated melody. Makes total sense to my music brain 🙂

  • #63453

    CNN Promo piece : American Dynasties – The Kennedys

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    • #63481

      Hi Touzet, really good! Your voice is really perfect for this, sounds like it is already out there. Good job!


    • #63468

      Gorgeous I mean really.. what is there to say? lol 🙂 Well done!

  • #63449

    Here’s a practice script I tried. Thanks for any feedback!

    Like many other philosophers, who greatly extended our knowledge of nature, Galileo had a remarkable aptitude for the invention of instruments designed for philosophical research. To facilitate his practical work, we find that in 1599, he had engaged a skilled workman, who was to live in his house, and be constantly at hand to try the devices, which were forever springing from Galileo’s fertile brain.

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    • #63654

      Hi Tina. Great read. Your words were clear and diction was good. There was one section that sounded muddled which was pointed out above (“to try”). There is also emphasis on “designed” that stood out among that sentence. The pace is a bit slow for me but I am one of those people who speeds up playback on videos. Nice voice and good work. Best, Kristen

    • #63480

      Hi Tina, very good read! I liked the clarity and pacing and tone for the script. “at hand to try the devices” sounded like “at hand t’ try the devices” the “to” sounded like “t'”. I smush my to’s and for’s also, which is why I tend to notice them. I too heard a bit of a pause or noise of some sort right before “…Galileo’s fertile brain.” Overall really good! These are little things. Good job!


    • #63470

      Hey Tina, really nice work on this script, I love your voice for this copy. I think you could have paced this a bit quicker as it would make it sound more conversational, particularly the sentence “Galileo had a remarkable aptitude for the invention of instruments designed for philosophical research” I think there was too much attention given to each word here and it sounded like you were reading. Between the words “springing from” there was a but of a glottal stop or pause that took me out from what you were saying, so I think if you smooth that out it would be even better. Really nice work Tina!

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