Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #63710

    Hi everyone! Here is a kid’s eLearning practice read. so much fun! Any feedback is appreciated 🙂


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    • #63784

      Katelyn – Very nice read ! While I agree that the last sentence could have used a little energy tweak, the conversational approach to the end-to-end read was well done and the list of three, on-planet activities was on-point with the varying pitch and tone decisions you made. And….I didn’t hear even one accidental glottal stop 
      Keep up the good work – Chas

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by chas82.
    • #63733

      You have such a great voice! I love your tone! The only thing I noticed would be the last line. I think you can make that more exciting for sure. just have fun with it!

    • #63722

      very nice read, very friendly and engaging. my only suggestions would be to do everything the same but take it to a higher level.. more enthusiasm and vocal range and amazement.. and “LETS BLAST OFF” I hope that helps

  • #63688

    Hey everyone. I’ve been mainly uploading commercials so I wanted to see how I did with an Audiobook script. Does my performance keep you hooked? Does my reading wind up dry anywhere? Do I have a good recording environment? Any comments are appreciated.

    To Build a Fire
    He worked slowly and carefully, keenly aware of his danger. Gradually, as the flame grew stronger, he increased the size of the twigs with which he fed it. He squatted in the snow, pulling the twigs out from their entanglement in the brush and feeding directly to the flame. He knew there must be no failure. When it is seventy- five below zero, a man must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire–that is, if his feet are wet. If his feet are dry, and he fails, he can run along the trail for half a mile and restore his circulation. But the circulation of wet and freezing feet cannot be restored by running when it is seventy-five below. No matter how fast he runs, the wet feet will freeze the harder.

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    • #63723

      great work, it kept me engaged and interested. my only suggestion would be that throughout the text you went little fast. I would love to hear little .2 second pauses after some words.

    • #63719

      Katelyn, I like your tone, energy and the enthusiasm you bring to this read. There is not much I would do differently. Youre articulation is also really good. Great Job!

  • #63686

    This is the first time I’ve done a commercial for an Airline company. I wanted to work on performing a list and this script seemed like a great one to practice with. How’s my performance? In particular, my diversification of the list? Is my recording setup still working? Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Legend Airlines

    We’re not a four-star restaurant, but we do serve peppercorn-crusted beef tenderloin in a rich port sauce. We’re not a furniture store, but we do offer an impressive collection of leather recliners. We’re not a luxury hotel, but we do provide valet parking. We’re not an Internet Service Provider, but we do guarantee immediate Internet access. We’re not a movie theater complex, but we do have 56 screens with surround sound. …We’re not what you think….We’re Legend Airlines

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    • #63774

      Great take! I think you do a good job changing up the list. I do think that it lacks just bit on energy. It is a lot of repetition so just make sure your energy is there to keep us interested until the end.

    • #63724

      very nice read, great articulation and emotion. each phrase had its own character. what if you add a story telling element to this read and see where that takes you.

  • #63667


    I did a 2nd take on the Venice script. I naturally speak fast so I am trying to work on my pacing and enunciation. Please I welcome any feedback. Thank you for listening.

    Venice has more than a thousand years of history behind it, but no one has ever seen it in exactly the same light or colors. Each hour, each minute, it changes its apparel of water and clouds, dazzling light and reflections. Venice…an ever-lasting, and ever-changing vacation.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Elvie.
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    • #63675
      D M Ulmer

      Hi Elvie,
      Nice. I thought the pacing was improved from the first read. There is emphasis now on the things which make Venice unique. Your words are clear. Liked “each hour, each minute.” Keep it up!

  • #63666

    Elvie, your voice and tone are a perfect match for this piece of copy. I think you can take more time with your pacing, you don’t need to rush it. Imagine you are seeing all these images in your mind. Really good job!

  • #63665

    Hi Rogue1, thank you for yourcomments, I really appreciate all of them.They are spot on!

  • #63663

    Hi everyone. I am working on another commercial read and would welcome your comments.
    Thank you!

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    • #63712

      Hi! I really liked this read I feel like you’re almost right on the money. The first line was a little mumbled however “it wasn’t a good time at work to go away”. I had to replay that part and listen closely. So if you could just make sure your pronunciation is clear here (especially as this is the first line) – you’re golden! Nice work.


      • #63718

        Katelyn, thanks for your comments. yes, the beginning is a little garbled. I will work on it.

    • #63676
      D M Ulmer

      Hi EP,
      Felt as if you were speaking just to me. Like we are sitting at a table having a cup of coffee. You are remembering how you now see the value of taking time off. Don’t feel like you are selling. It’s a meaningful memory. Something which stood out to me was the very slight pause between “travelers” and “find”. Would have felt more natural to flow into one another. Just the thing I need to work on too.

      • #63729

        Dawn, thank you for your comments. wow! it really helps to get the feedback from others. It seems very challengidng at times to hear for myself what I am “voicing” really sounds like. Yes, I am still working on pausing at the wrong moment.

  • #63656

    Adrian Ashby homework assignment due February 25th

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by ASHBYMAN.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by ASHBYMAN.
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    • #63753

      Hi Adrian, If you didn’t notice your recording is only coming thru on the left channel most likely you need to record in mono on your software because the interface usually records left channel leaving the right channel for an instrument. Other wise your voice is very smooth and realistic so I would try not to rush your reads like in the second read. The last recording was really nice and explanatory and flowed with all the right inflections except the last word “strong” should have an even or downward inflection, good luck!

  • #63643
    D M Ulmer

    Another practice at an ad. Does it sound enough as if I am encouraging my friend to try the paint service?
    Thank you!

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    • #63662

      Very nice read. Every word was crystal clear. Great job with that. I can certainly hear the enthusiasm in your voice. A couple of things you could try to make it sound even more like you’re talking to your friend. First, try to connect phrases together more. There are a lot of pauses that can be shortened or removed entirely (I’m especially guilty myself of adding the unnecessary dramatic pause. 🙂 ) At one point there’s a pause followed by a very emphasized “AND”. It feels to me those two phrases are connected. It’s back to the “Confidence and free shipping” rationale that starts it all. Try it with no pauses (except at periods but keep those short) and see how that feels to you. Another thing to try is: what did your friend just ask or say to you to make you say “Confidence and free shipping”? What are those words responding to? Connect that with your enthusiasm and I think you’ll nail this. (no Home Depot pun intended)

      • #63674
        D M Ulmer

        Hi Tom,
        ThanK you very much for your feedback. I appreciate your attention to the pauses. It is frustrating to me that I continue to do that. I will work on speaking with better flow. Pausing only at the periods. Thanks to for taking me back to the place of what my friend has just said to which I am responding.
        Again, thanks so much.

  • #63631

    Here’s just a few commercial reads I’m practicing with:

    At Freshii you can customize your entree and be your own culinary master. So what’s in your custom bowl? Tex Mex with black beans and a little salsa fresca? Teriyaki twist with a pop of pineapple? Whatever your fresh idea, get any 2 bowls for just $12.99! Freshii – Eat. Energize!

    Sesame Place is the theme park where Sesame Street comes to life! New in 2018 is our biggest, most exciting roller coaster ever – Oscar’s Wacky Taxi™! Bring the entire family to whirl on rides, splash down slides and hug everyone’s favorite furry friends. So before little kids become big kids, bring them to meet their Sesame Street friends at Sesame Place® theme park!

    The familiar Square bottle. The Label at an angle of precisely 24 degrees. The iconic sketch of a striding Edwardian Dandy. Red, Black, Green, Gold. And now, the grandest of them all. The Blue Label. Johnnie Walker. Keep Walking.

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