Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #64113
    Robert Broussard

    I redid this taking some advice from peers. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks
    Life insurance.
    Life Insurance: It isn’t for the people who die, it’s for the people who live.
    Are you prepared?
    Without insurance, your financial plan may be just a savings and investment program that dies when you do.
    What will your family do then?
    An insurance agent or other financial professional can help you create a plan that will provide for the people you love after you’re gone.
    To learn more, call 1-800-LIFE-777 or visit our website at

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    • #64173

      Hey Robert,
      I like your voice tone ..I think a little rushed as well..
      Noticed your volume changed in the last quarter of read. May want to watch your meter for consistency.
      Just trying to be helpful here..
      not sure if the funeral music works maybe a bit more life in the read and volume on music via ducking

    • #64132
      Christy Spadafore

      Hi Robert, I really enjoy listening to your voice. It has a very nice quality to it! The read feels a little rushed to me. What would you think about the briefest of pauses after the questions? Or maybe it’s just a change in tone from the question to the sentence that follows it. I think I would feel as if you were really asking me the question. Nice work overall!

  • #64108
    [email protected]

    First crack at doing a commercial geared towards kids. Does this sound believable?

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    • #64115
      Robert Broussard

      I like. Your voice sounds to me something that would draw a kids interest. good job.

  • #64078

    Charleston, SC

    Discover the Charleston area- America’s most beautifully preserved historic and resort destination. Stately plantations, sun-drenched beaches, nationally acclaimed restaurants, and world-class golf offer something for everyone.

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    • #64104

      Hey Wes, you have a great voice for VO! Good read, but I did hear choppiness with the pauses. Wasnt a clear pause between sentences,then also there were added pauses in a few areas that made the read sound choppy. And I agree about bringing up the energy. But nice job!

    • #64096

      Hi Wes – You have a great voice! I did feel like the beginning of the read sounded a big robotic and that you could lift up the energy a bit. Maybe even try doing it with a bit more of a smile on your face. The transitions between the sentences were a bit choppy as well, but I am thinking that may just be editing. The words are so beautiful so imagine you are really describing those to someone – like the way you said “sun-drenched beaches”. I think this is a really great script for you!

      • #64099

        Thank you for the feedback! It is useful and informative. My very first time on the forum.

    • #64085

      Hi, Wes. Great voice with a deep and warm resonance. The words were crisp and clear. Nice read. Some things to pay attention to. As this is about Charleston, emphasize the name. You chose to emphasize “area” instead. Watch unneeded pauses: “preserved historic (pause) and resort destination”; “world-class golf (pause) offer something (pause) for everyone.” Try it without the pauses and see how it feels. Let the list in the last line drive to the key point: something for everyone.

      • #64101

        Hi Tom, thanks for the feedback too! I see what you’re saying with the pauses. I will work on that on my next recording.

  • #64071
    Robert Broussard

    Hello, I recorded twice in a little different tone. I appreciate all feedback. Thanks!

    Life Insurance.
    Life insurance. It isn’t for the people who die, it’s for the people who live. Are you prepared? Without insurance, your financial plan may be just a savings and investment program that dies when you do. What will your family do then? An insurance agent or other financial professional can help you create a plan that will provide for the people you love after you’re gone. To learn more, call 1-800-LIFE-777 or visit our website at

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    • #64097

      Hi Roert –
      You have a great reassuring tone to your voice. I’m not sure I heard a great deal of difference between each of the reads (I’ve received the same feedback here) so can’t say I have a preference of one over the other. I really like the pace of this so I don’t know how you get it in at 26 seconds!? One element to think about is that when you are talking about death you are really taking your pitch up and it feels more positive than I think the script is trying for. I would recommend taking an approach that you are talking to your best friend and maybe not lecturing him but giving him a stern warning that he may not be setting up his family in the best way. This may give you another variety to compare the reads. Articulation and clarity were great!

      • #64111
        Robert Broussard

        Thanks, I am going to try this and do again. But not rush it either. I appreciate it.

    • #64083

      I think the first take was better, though I do think you may be rushing throught the script a little. Also you sound like your pausing in the middle of a sentence and you must never do that. Remember to behave as if you’re talking to someone. Also, when reading the Phone number, you sounded as if you had concluded it after saying LIFE and 777 was more of a postscript. I hope this helps.

      • #64088
        Robert Broussard

        Thanks Tim for the feeback. Using the rate calculator that should have been on average 26 seconds. I was squeezing it in trying to get under 30 secs and failed. 32 seconds was my best time. If I would have read it properly for me it would have been more like 40s. I try to speed things up to work on talking faster. I am generally a slow talker. I appreciate your feedback.

  • #64066

    Here is a little Narration piece I was working on today. Looking for any feedback thanks.

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    • #64098

      Jay – I could see the intro “flyover the ocean… birds flapping…approaching a desolate island”. Your voice really set me up for that visual. This is a great one for you. I felt as if you were running out of breath on “…wilderness” so just something to keep an ear out for. I would also recommend connecting “6 billion” more and distressing the “6”. It sounds a little harsh. I enjoy how it sounds like you are whispering in the mic! If you are looking for another way to read – pretend like you are speaking to a children’s classroom. I often find if I read in 2 completely different ways I can find a good balance between the 2. Have fun!

    • #64081

      You have a great voice for this script and I like how serious you sound. However, the tempo is little too choppy and some pronunciations were a little off like “wildernesses.”

    • #64076
      Robert Broussard

      That was good! Your voice and tone was just right for this read. 👍

  • #64064
    Mark Jones

    Here’s another shot at a non-feedback read. Appreciate the critiques for success.

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  • #64041

    Hi everyone! Here is a read for any and all feedback. It is the same read for all 3 but with different music in the background. I’m working to get the sound levels right and also on making this one sound like it has a “call to arms” vibe. Let me know what you think! Thanks,


    Think Different – Apple Commercial (1997)
    Here’s to the crazy ones.
    The misfits.
    The rebels.
    The troublemakers.
    The round pegs in the square holes.
    The ones who see things differently.
    They’re not fond of rules.
    And they have no respect for the status quo.
    You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
    Because they change things.
    They push the human race forward.
    And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
    Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

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    • #64084

      Hi Mary
      I agree with Robert that the music on #1 is too loud. However, I thought #2 and 3 were both at good levels and were both good choices for background given the message.

      • #64087

        Thanks for the feedback Chas! Glad that the music worked for 2 and 3. I actually saved 5 versions with different backgrounds; there was a lot that seemed to fit that script. Thanks for listening and giving input on that! I was trying to imagine what visuals would be in the background with each of them, so many ideas of what that would look like. Thanks again!


    • #64054
      Robert Broussard

      Hello Mary, I think the 2nd one music may fit better since is abstract and goes along with dialog. The music was a tad to loud in the background. 3 came in a close second and music was a little too loud. The first ones music was most offbeat to me for the dialog and this volume was way too loud. Good job at contrasting the music. What software are you using to record? I use Audacity because it is priced very well. lol. Hope my opinion helps.

      • #64086

        Thanks for the feedback Robert! Appreciate the noise level info; sometimes it’s hard to know what sounds too loud. For the first one I wanted to pick something really different musically (to me at least) which you don’t hear every day and which sounds like its stirring the p*t musically. Definitely did not want it to be too distracting.

        I use Audacity too! The price is right 🙂 I download background music from – sooo much stuff and it is also free! Then I googled how to add music to my recordings, and it’s actually very simple. First, do the recording and get it how you want it, then go to File – import – audio, select the music and it adds as a second track. I then adjust the gain to -14 db for the audio track at least (varies, depending on the track). You can cut and paste the loop as long as you need to match the length of the recording. If that does not make sense, Google can show you much better than my written description. Good luck and I’ll be waiting to hear a background from you! Thanks,


  • #64033

    Hi everyone, I am working on two more commercial reads and would welcome your feedback. Thank you, Ed

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    • #64038

      Hi, Ed. You have a nice, distinctive voice. It is a folksy, friendly sound that makes me feel like everything is going to be alright. I think you could leverage that more with these reads. It’s not yet clear to me what you want me as the listener to do or think. For instance, each item listed after “Baltimore” felt the same and I couldn’t tell how you felt about each of them. I think if you connect more with that, and feed it with that voice of calm and reason, these will be stellar. Note on #2) there is a pause between “when everyone has access” and “to the best financial tools” which is really a single phrase. It felt like a catch breath, so see if you can give yourself a bigger breath beforehand.

      • #64058

        Hey Tom, thank you for your very specific comments on my reads. Yes, “the call to action” is a technique that I am continuing to work on. Yes, the need to be very specific is a central part of my training as I am preparing to record a commercial demo. On #2 – yes I hear that pause. Thanks again for your comments. They are very helpful.

  • #64018

    Hi – I am focusing on short form commercials, a few sentences max and requiring more energy and personality. I would appreciate your feedback. Still working on my recording space so quality won’t be the best. Thanks

    Cap/n Crunch
    Welcome aboard my museum of crunch history… A crunchy mammoth! A crunch-a-dactyl! Cap’n crunch cereals, a prehistoric part of this balanced breakfast.

    Danimals Yogurt
    Danimals is the fruity-tasting snack all kids will agree on. It’s a good source of calcium, protein, vitamin D, and it tastes great too! Danimals. Better every day!

    —– Local commercial, fast read, high energy—- Summer’s really heating up! Get into Zellers for our biggest event under the sun. Save up to 70 percent on a great selection of men’s, kid’s and ladies’ apparel and footwear. So hurry into Zellers – because savings like these don’t last forever.

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    • #64112

      Great reads. I feel like you could have had a little more fun with the first two. Then the third flowed so well. I think you nailed that one!

    • #64069

      Appreciate it Robert!

    • #64055
      Robert Broussard

      Good effort. I think 2 & 3 were more conversational. But all were good.

    • #64051

      I Appreciate the feedback Artyom – yes, I hear it – very helpful

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by chas82.
    • #64031

      Great read and emotion. a few things I noticed that are pretty simple fixes. On some words- especially operative main words, your tone went down. you can clearly hear it when you say Hurry in to ZELLERS. Im not referencing uptalk like you hear on tv, but more of just a level pitch. I hope that helps! Good luck mate.

  • #64014
    Mark Jones

    Howdy all. First read first use of a home studio. Compliments to the right, critique to the left.

    Thank you.

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    • #64049

      Hi Mark! I don’t know if it was intentional, but there is a major echo throughout which made it really hard to hear what you were saying, as it was almost like there were 2 mics recording, a similar effect when you join a conference call with your phone and also are speaking into a headset that are next to each other. I started out just using a free app on my phone, just a suggestion. I hope that helps. Keep it up!


      • #64063
        Mark Jones

        Wow. I am using Garage Band (for now) and on playback it was fine. Uploading it seemed to change it. YIKES!

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