Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #64201


    This is a bit of practice for my coaching sessions. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for listening

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by West.
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    • #64207

      Hi West. Volume is coming through extremely low, making it hard to hear. Toque

  • #64198

    Trying out some of these Americana – Southern-ish spots…

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    • #64251

      Very believable accent at a great pace. Good job

    • #64208

      Sounds great Touzet. Well done! Toque

    • #64200
      Robert Broussard

      Good read and background music compliments as well. Voice is well suited for this as well. 👍

  • #64193
    Robert Broussard

    Any feedback is well appreciated. Thanks

    Justin Boots (Pecos Red)
    Hi, I’m Pecos Red, for Justin Boots. Ever heard the term: “All Hat and no cattle”? That’s the problem with a lot of boots – I know. Sounds weird; but the thing of it is that most boots don’t do the same things your feet do, like expand – and – contract when you take a step.
    Most boots are rigid, which is why your “dawgs commence to barkin’” and get all swole up, from yer boot-heels
    a wanderin’….
    At Justin Boots, our technology is a simple i.d. (idea) that comes right out of the way your foot works.
    It’s how we build ever’ boot we make.
    So’s it expands – and flexes the way your foot does when it’s out riding the range, or just boot-scootin’ out at Billy Bob’s.
    For Justin Boots, I’m Pecos Red, remindin’ ya:
    Justin Boots Quality – It’s a DANG good thing.
    – And, never kick a cow chip on a hot day!

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    • #64212

      I thought this was a good read Robert! Pacing seemed good. Voice and style are well matched to the product. Closing my eyes and not looking at the script, I could understand everything you were saying, so good on enunciation. Toque

  • #64191

    Hello everyone! Here’s another practice read for my coaching sessions, please let me know what you think!Thank you!

    Kids Activity TV
    Every day is an adventure with Activity TV. It’s the place to be for hundreds of Awesome activities in dozens of categories! Cartooning to magic to cooking and more – ready for you day or night. This month learn some gross out magic. Watch closely as Ryan teaches you to perform the severed finger trick!

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    • #64246

      Loved it! I really liked the way you changed tones to create different images. Well done!

    • #64226
      Tiffany Desrosiers

      Loved it!! Great read!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    • #64213

      I thought this was great as well. Can really hear the smile and excitement/anticipation in your voice. Great job! Toque

    • #64195
      Robert Broussard

      That was good. Very conversational changing tones. Good job!!

  • #64188

    After falling down a tutorial fx rabbit hole… I’m back with my voice, compression and a little music… any thoughts welcome audio quality, delivery etc… esp the pause at “it is, for the moment”. Too William shatner-ish???

    Welcome to the planet earth. A place of blue nitrogen skies, oceans of liquid water, cool forests, soft meadows; A world positively rippling with life. From the cosmic perspective, it is, for the moment, unique. The only world on which we know with certainty that the matter of the cosmos has become alive, and aware. There must be many such worlds scattered through space, but our search for them begins here, with the accumulated wisdom of the men and women of our species, acquired at great cost, over a million years.

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    • #64217

      Great voice, I’m sure you’ve heard that one before! The only thing I would do is slow down and lower the music slightly, nice work on this!

      • #64227
        Tiffany Desrosiers

        Wow what a soothing voice! I loved it! I think the music was a bit loud kind of overpowering you… not a lot. I agree with a few other replies that a little less pausing would give your read more “smoothness”, but I disagree that it should be conversational… I like how you “presented” it!
        Awesome job!

    • #64215

      You have a great voice for this type of narration. Nice articulation and changes in tone and pitch throughout. I would suggest trying more of a conversational style than a “presenting” style. The length of the pauses caused a choppiness that made it difficult to appreciate the complete story by the time you were heading into the big finish. Smoothing this out will draw fuller attention from the listener. Chas

    • #64214

      There do feel like quite a few micro-pauses in there. To my ear anyway, it felt like it slowed the read down a bit too much and made it feel choppy. Of course, it depends too on what the read is for – If this is a narration and you’re pausing to wait for something changing on the screen or something like that, then maybe it’s OK? I do love your voice for this…very well suited. Toque

  • #64186

    Hello everyone, just practicing once more for my coaching sessions, I’ll be greatly thankful for your feedback!

    When Starbucks creamer meets your morning coffee, your favorite Starbucks flavors come to life. Smooth, bold, creamy. Inspired by the Starbucks Caramel Macchiato you love. Mornings just got better. This changes everything. New Starbucks creamer. Now at home.

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    • #64196
      Robert Broussard

      Daniel, Good job! Nice pace and consistent tone.

  • #64181

    Any feedback is most welcome!
    Our welcome mat is this original cobblestone street. From here, together, we’ll explore the sights, sounds, and flavors only found in one place: right here in Charleston, South Carolina. And you’ll learn that the stories you’ve heard about our legendary hospitality are true.

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    • #64183

      The music caught me by surprise but I thought it was a great add-on, your enunciation on each of the words were great and it didn’t seem like you skipped on any of them, however, I do believe that you should slow down a bit, especially when you start mentioning “the sights, sounds, and flavors…” Other than that, great job, your voice truly catches attention.

  • #64163

    Hello everyone! Working on commercial work for coaching sessions. Don’t have a home studio, so mainly focusing on my delivery. Feedback is appreciated, thank you!
    – Monique

    American Express
    Do you know me? Probably not. In my business, recognition is always important, but when I’m buying goods online I prefer a little privacy. With Private Payments from American Express, I get the security of a unique number created for each business transaction I make. Because my private information is my business, and American Express keeps it that way.

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    • #64216

      Hi Monique
      Nicely done! I thought the tone, pace and attitude you brought was perfect for this particular message. I did hear two words where I thought the pronunciation needed tweaked but I can’t tell if it is my equipment or not. They are both in the fourth sentence.

      Get – sounded like G*T
      Transaction – sounded like TRUNSACTION

      Keep up the good work —Chas

    • #64184

      I thought it was a really good read, the lead-in was also a nice touch!

      • #64190

        Thank you Daniel!

  • #64136

    Continued practice! Trying out some more narration, all comments are appreciated- especially those focused on performance! The author’s name is pronounced a little strangely so I looked it up before making my recording to make sure it is correct.

    What Makes You Happy?

    What makes you happier? A pay rise? Your dream house? According to happiness experts, we now know more than ever about what can make us happier and what can’t. “Most of us think that having millions or a sports car would make us happy,” says Dr. Nick Powdthavee, author of The Happiness Equation, “but we’ve found the things that brought people the most happiness were those they had already, such as friends and family.”

    Some of us are born with personality traits that keep us on a natural high. Psychologists have now identified over 130 traits that corelate to being naturally happy or glum. Not naturally joyful? Try and work on these: You’re naturally happy if you are: Extroverted, understanding, self-confident, creative, assertive and practical. You’re naturally unhappy, if you anger easily, are self-conscious, anxious and almost always feel stressed. So, what is it, that makes you happy or glum?

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    • #64180

      Hi CYeschenko, I like the flow of your narration and the list in the second paragraph is very good. My only critique would be the last sentence should have more heartfelt emotion to it, it seemed a bit rushed, otherwise sounded great!

  • #64121
    Christy Spadafore

    Hi everyone! Just doing some practice on commercial work. Any feedback is appreciate – thanks!

    My child has quite an imagination. His teachers say that some day he’ll be doing great things. Right now, he’s already an architect, a designer, an engineer … I think he’s a creative genius … and thanks to Legos, the creative building toy, there’s just no limit to what he can do. LEGOS … the creative diversion that helps develop a child’s potential.

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    • #64300

      Hey Christy – great work! So good to see you here! Great work here! Your voice is so nice and warm, and it fits this genre so well! Keep up the good work. Very good!


    • #64172

      Nice Job Christy
      I enjoy the lite fry in your voice a few times in the read…The s in things is diffidently lost.
      Solid on floor noise ..sounds great

    • #64138

      Very nice work! I’ll echo the other comment that you could lean more into the build up to “I think he’s a creative genius” before flipping and revealing the humor written into the script that it’s really Legos that are being referenced. A slightly more clear distinction between the parts would help the humor shine and give your already great read the extra bump to broadcast ready in my eyes!

    • #64134

      Christy. Really nice read. A conversational sound with nice moments. I could hear the proud mother coming through. What’s a bit lost, as I hear it, is the twist in the copy: going from “an architect, a designer, an engineer” seeming literal (albeit incredulous) to, “Ah, I get it! Legos!” I’m can’t pinpoint what’s off, though. It may be that the ellipses are treated more like periods. As a suggestion, don’t complete the thought at “an engineer”, rather make the list sound as if it could go on and on but you stop yourself. On a technical note, at the end of “great things” much of the ‘s’ was lost. It sounded more like an editing issue than technique. But, overall, well done!

      • #64135
        Christy Spadafore

        Thank you Tom, those are great suggestions! I think those will improve the read a lot, I appreciate the feedback!

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