I recorded the Advil script from the Edge Studio Library for practice. Any feedback is welcome! And any tips as well! I admittedly ran out of breath halfway through, but I felt like this was one of my better takes.
Muscle aches? Nothing is proven more effective or longer lasting than Advil. For long-lasting relief of muscle aches, count on Advil. In a recent clinical study, Advil was found to work better than Tylenol in relieving the pain of sore muscles the day after exercise. No wonder doctors recommend Advil for muscle aches more than any other non-prescription brand. ADVIL — Advanced medicine for pain.
Nice work- there are moments of this that really work, like the way you emphasized “the day after exercise.” For the rest I would keep working to build your breath support and as you continue working on scripts, the flow of your read will get smoother. Something that may help is focusing on a clear image of a person you are relating the info to- that way it will sound more natural/have fewer micropauses and will connect with the audience better as well. Keep it up!
Would love feedback on my emotional connection to this script. Thanks all!
After clicking the button, you will be redirected to a landing page. A pop-up will appear that reads “We are processing your registration and creating your digital experience.”
A Successful Registration notification will appear. Select Sign In to complete the registration process.
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Hi Artyom!
First and I am sure I have said this before, your voice is great. I love the deep resonance that you have. If you were looking for an emotional connection on this- I got bit more of a robotic vibe on the first sentence. I think it is specially when you are saying “page” and reads” that you are really drawing those words out so it feels a bit forced and more robotic. I would recommend trying to smooth that out just a bit. You are extremely clear and appropriately crisp throughout the rest of the read though!
Hey everybody! I’m new here; just started my VO Commercial training and am recording from my home studio. I would love to hear your feedback on the quality of both the read and the audio. Let me know what you think, thanks! (Accidentally uploaded the same audio file twice, sorry!)
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by sarahtranchina.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by sarahtranchina.
I agree with Monibr16 that I do hear some echo in the room, but your mic sounds awesome with your voice! I would also recommend slowing down just a bit. It feels as if you were rushing a bit during the last third of the read. Best of luck to you on your journey!
Working on some more assorted copy! Any comments are appreciated, especially those focused on performance. Thanks!
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The touchscreen is your control panel for accessing functions, features and apps in your Tesla. The camera allows you to display what the high-definition rear view camera sees at any time when in Reverse. Guidelines appear and move with the steering wheel to show your trajectory. Always be sure to check your surroundings and to use your mirrors. The camera is an aid and should not be relied upon for rear view. If you are in need of additional assistance, you can reach Tesla support at eight-four-four two-four-eight-three-seven-five-two.
great read and articulation with great mini pauses and pitch variation. I would suggest something that I struggle with right now is more of an emotional connection to the text. Pretending you are very interested in the material and what are the stakes of you delivering this information to someone? WHY do they need to know this? Keep it up!
Would love feedback on my read, my character and connection to script. Thanks all!
“Let’s face it. Planning for disruption is the new ‘business as usual’.
And the businesses that will thrive are the ones taking an integrated approach to getting the most value from weather data.
Leading companies are employing advanced analytics and intelligent workflows to better predict how weather will impact their assets, employees and customers.
Industries you might not expect are quickly pivoting from “blaming the weather” to harnessing it.”
You’ve got really solid voice work, your annunciation is crisp and you really take care with each word. You provide a good pitch range which gives it variance, but I think its missing an emotional range. I would read that first line a little more conversational, it came off a little robotic for what looks like the read trying to “level with” its audience.
also upon a second listen, “Workflows” sounded off but otherwise your annunciation is quite good.
In this training, we’ll explore our Crisis Management program, its structure, and how it works to protect Synopsys by effectively identifying and responding to incidents that pose a threat.Let’s start by taking a closer look at Crisis Management.
great voice, great pause at the end and change of direction into a good call to action. echoing the rushing, use those commas as pauses for mood/tone shifts.
What a great voice. It commands your attention. Overall, a very nice read. Clear delivery with a good pace. A couple of items you could work on. The first first word was rushed. Almost sounded “n’THIS training.” Give more emphasis/time to “In”. In “how it works to protect Synopsys”, I would make “protect” the important word. Nice work!
Here is a little vignette on Ellis Island. Please provide feedback on all aspects of this attempt. Thanks!!! Scott
Ellis Island may not appear large on a map, but it is an unparalleled destination in United States history.
From 1892 to 1954, over twelve million immigrants entered the United States through this portal ; a small island in New York Harbor. Ellis Island is located in the upper bay, just off the New Jersey coast, within the shadow of the Statue of Liberty. Through the years, this gateway to the new world was enlarged from its original 3.3 acres to 27.5 acres by landfill –supposedly obtained from the ballast of ships, excess earth from the construction of the New York City subway system and elsewhere. Ellis Island is now a poetic symbol of the American Dream.
I really enjoy the tone of your voice. That being said, I think that it was a nice read, but be careful of those plosives. Especially whenever you make a ‘p’ sound. A pop screen on your mic will do wonders for that! Also, really work on enunciating every word like ‘New Jersey.’ Great work!!
Hi, Scott. I love the storytelling quality of your voice. A wise, kind, and avuncular sound. Perfect for these kind of narrations. Some comments on the read. I think you can slow down the first line. It felt very rushed. Take your time. You’re introducing us to the story with this interesting contrast. There’s quite a bit of up-speak on “landfill”. Like you were reading live for the first time and you were shocked by the word. I believe the phrasing should be thought of as: “Ellis Island was enlarged by landfill, excess earth from construction of the New York City subway system, and elsewhere.” with “supposedly obtained from the ballast of ships” as an aside. Thanks for sharing
Hello Tom: Sorry for such a late response. I will not be surprised if you don’t see this. But,I did want to thank you for this feedback. The comments on pace and ‘speak-up’ were insightful and most helpful.
I’ve mainly done commercial scripts, but I also want to work on Narration. What do you think? Did I come off as serious and fascinated? Is my recording setup still working well?
Welcome to the planet earth. A place of blue nitrogen skies, oceans of liquid water, cool forests, soft meadows; A world positively rippling with life. From the cosmic perspective, it is, for the moment, unique. The only world on which we know with certainty that the matter of the cosmos has become alive, and aware. There must be many such worlds scattered through space, but our search for them begins here, with the accumulated wisdom of the men and women of our species, acquired at great cost, over a million years.
It’s a good start, especially with your choice of emphasized words, but I think you could benefit from two things- having a more conversational tone/pacing to the read and also tapping more into the emotional message of the copy. Even though we are familiar with all of the things in the script, staying true to the awe and reverence that the only planet that supports life inspires will help charge the script and make the entire read stronger as a whole (and keep the audience glued to the documentary they are watching)!