Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #64808

    Hey Everyone! I’m back at it again with some more VO HW, working towards my first commercial demo! If anyone has any comments and suggestions I would greatly appreciate! And tips and tricks too would be awesome! Hope everyone out there is staying safe!!

    Motel 6 Do-Over

    I’ve just been hearing about this trendy new hairstyle called a man bun. I mean what’s next the hee hive? Well Motel 6 recently got a new updo of sorts too with renovations nationwide and even with our fresh modern look you’ll still find rooms at the lowest price of any national chain so you can save up enough money to get yourself a haircut or maybe a hat.
    We’ll leave the light on for you, at Motel6

    American Cancer Society

    It’s tough to quit smoking. Just ask any of the 50 million Americans who continue to puff away, even though they know the toll it takes on health and longevity. When it comes to breaking this lethal habit, the most effective tool is willpower. The American Cancer Society now offers a free video for those smokers who feel they can’t quit alone. Call the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY today, at 1-800-123-4567

    Wall Street Journal

    Between my breakfast and the Wall Street Journal, I get all my daily requirements. To start my day, I need a good balanced breakfast. But, to start my business day, I need my copy of the Wall Street Journal. The Journal gives me all the business information and background I need. So, every morning I read the Wall Street Journal. That way, when I get my daily business information, I’m sure to get a full serving!

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    • #64867

      Hi. Nice work. On the first one, I’m wondering how you feel about the man bun. Since its the first thing you what happens just before you say that? Do you have lead in?
      On the second one, I’d play with being even more conversational than you already are. Who is the one person you’re talking to?
      On the third, the first line seems slightly rushed. I’d emphasize breakfast and Wall Street Journal more. Again, what’s happening before your first line?

  • #64804
    Dante M.

    Hello everyone! I’m back once again asking for criticism on these three scripts. Cheers!

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    • #64899
      Dante M.

      Thank you everyone for the valuable feedback. I was in fact playing around with my mic placement and background noise reduction, so Sarah’s tidbit on my volume was VERY useful.

    • #64898

      Hey Dante! Yes yes yes that voice of yours is fabulous! I would double check your gain level because I found the volume was loud on all three… also I think you’ve got the announcer style down pat. I would play with your second copy, the Excedrin, and try it in a more casual friend to friend conversational style. Just to play and to give yourself a little more variety in the style of read. The announcer style worked well for the type of spot the first and third would be. Great job!

    • #64845

      You’ve got a great voice. All three reads, though, were essentially the same tone/emotion (let’s hear some range, I know you have it) and all three felt “announcery”, as opposed to the more conversational tone that casting directors are looking for right now. Reel in the energy (the tone in these would be perfect for a sports commercial) and let’s hear what you can do. Looking forward to hearing more!

    • #64820

      Hi Dante. Great voice. On the first one it flows nicely. I hear a hint of maybe a New York accent on the word exercise. Thats not a bad thing of course. It just seemed slightly different from the overall neutral accent you were using. The second one: perfect. Wouldn’t touch it. The third seems to get a little clunky on “athletes, stars and trainers”. Like it was edited with “stars and trainers” added after. At any rate that part seems like it could flow a little more, give each one their moment in the spotlight so to speak.

      • #64823
        Dante M.

        I did in fact edit it because I took massive breaths in between those words that sounded awful.

  • #64798

    Hi Everyone! This is commercial script homework #2, and I greatly appreciate the feedback!

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  • #64793

    Hi, I have a couple of practice VO commercial clips (recorded on my phone). Would appreciate feedback, thanks!

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  • #64785
    Rob Morse

    Here is a script for homework. Please let me know what I could improve on. Thanks!

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    • #64797
      Sherry Newell

      Good job, Rob. Your words are very clear, but I felt like the delivery was almost a little too slow to be engaging. It’s a fine line that I am working on too. Try it out with picking up the pace a little bit and I think it will come together for you great.

  • #64782

    Here’s another script. What do you think of my tone? Did I achieve my goal of sounding confident, genteel, and excited?

    Jonny Craig
    For a common sense approach to weight loss, call Jonny Craig. Our new carb option lets you eat out. You can even eat pasta and potatoes. Join now and lose 20 pounds plus the cost of food. Call 1-800-51-Jonny.

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    • #64796

      I think it sounds confident and excited, but I think it would be good to sound a little more relaxed and at ease especially towards the end. The ending sounds a bit forced. I would relax more but keep the friendliness.

  • #64771

    Hello. This is my first time posting any of my recordings here. I greatly appreciate any feedback. Thank you!

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    • #64779

      Welcome aboard Ryan. You have a great voice and the tempo you read at was very well-paced. However, I’m not so sure about the words you were hitting and the tone for both of your reads sounds like you’re either reading off a page or just not that interested in the product your selling… When reading a script, imagine you are speaking to the audience face-to-face, or pretend someone’s in front of you and the script is your actual speech. One the most important hurdles a Voice Actor has to overcome is not sounding like a reader. VO is primarily conversational. Hope this helps.

  • #64769
    Robert Broussard

    Redo of Popeyes. All feedback appreciated. Thanks

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    • #64780

      I am not sure that this is your real voice… I’m sure listeners would spot a phoney and be turned off. You brought the script to life very well, but you have to use your own voice in voice acting, especially for commercials. You’re offering production companies a service only you can provide.

      • #64789
        Robert Broussard


        That is my own voice. That is a Character type accent. Through the years I have worked with a many a Cajuns and can do a decent one. I ran across that script in the library. I disagree about just using your own natural voice for acting. I think it shows a range in what you can do. thanks

  • #64762
    Rob Morse

    Hi–here are two demos for commercial spots using Edge scripts I had for homework. Any feedback is appreciated.

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  • #64757

    I’m working on some “character” demos and would appreciate feedback from the group. The demos are “Cranky old lady”, supposed to be humorous, and “The Evil Queen”, hopefully not humorous.
    Thanks for comments.

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    • #64781

      I love both of your takes. Neither sound too over-the-top and I could easily see them coming from other characters. Well done.

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