Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    Hi! Upload your recordings, and get feedback from your peers!

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  • #65515

    I love your voice and it sounds so natural for all the commercials you’ve posted. I like the pace and how the humor comes across in this one. The only thing I felt was in your sentence “You just might be surprised….’ I think you could have emphasized a bit more on how surprising it might be…

  • #65395

    Geico #02
    We’ve noticed that these days, it seems as if every car insurance company needs a symbol. You’ve seen ‘em. Things like a blanket or a hand. Well, if Geico had a symbol, it would surely be the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. You see…it’s here, deep within the brain, that nerve impulses figure out, “Hey…it’s smarter to buy car insurance from GEICO.” That’s why over 10,000 drivers switch each week! So call for a free rate quote today. You just might be surprised how much you can save on car insurance. Yep, the brain’s a great symbol. We just can’t imagine the medulla oblongata on our stationary. Call 1-800-4-GEICO. GEICO Direct, the sensible alternative. That’s 1-800-4-GEICO. Not available in New Jersey or Massachusetts.

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    • #65562

      Very well done! The humor shone through exactly as intended, and I could most definitely see you voicing this spot. Also props for adding a background track that suited the copy well- it feels like a completed spot ready to air. I will echo the other comment saying you could highlight the surprise of just how much someone could save by switching, but the current version is more than acceptable, so it would come down to what they wanted from you before choosing the final take!

    • #65561

      Hi Bil-Bo,
      Love your Geico commercial. You have a big, warm voice and make great use of it in this demo. I want to point out only 1 thing: the end of the word ten thousand sounds like a “t” than a “d”. Something got a little messed up. Listen to it again and you’ll see what I mean. Other than that, really good job.


    • #65529

      (Sorry -I posted this response incorrectly the first time).
      This is for Bil-Bo
      I love your voice and it sounds so natural for all the commercials you’ve posted. I like the pace and how the humor comes across in this one. The only thing I felt was in your sentence “You just might be surprised….’ I think you could have emphasized a bit more on how surprising it might be…

  • #65393

    Hi all!

    Looking for feedback on performance only. I’m specifically working to make this more conversational and natural. Any and all advice is appreciated! Thanks!

    At Great Wolf Lodge, you can swim, splash, revitalize, cast spells, and be surprised all under one roof. It’s a pretty big roof. Visit today to plan your next summer getaway.

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    • #65557
      Erik B

      Hi, your voice sounds great, and matches well with the copy. You differentiated the words in the series nicely, and the tone of the read was great. My only suggestion would be to maybe slow down the tempo just a little bit. But overall you did a good job.

    • #65527

      Hi – i love your voice – it sounds natural and was conversational until towards the end (….your next summer getaway) where I felt it sort of dropped off a little bit. Also I felt the ‘m’ at the end of swim was a bit long.

  • #65391

    Hi all!

    Looking for feedback on performance only. I’m specifically working to make this more conversational and natural. Any and all advice is appreciated! Thanks!

    Not sure you have the right credit card? Know which one to get? TURN TO THE NERDS. The experts at Nerdwallet make it easy to make smart money-moves. Compare and find the best credit cards for you at

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  • #65388

    Good evening everyone!
    Submitting another commercial read for coaching session, all feedback welcome. Thank you 🙂

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    • #65564

      Very nicely done! The measured pacing and silky smoothness of your voice definitely fit the copy and highlighted the aspects you wanted to sell the product with. There were only a few times that you may have taken a tiny bit too much space in between sentences though, and also the space in the last line (goddess – in you) made it almost two separate sentences. That is an especially important line to nail since it is their catchphrase- but as a whole you’re very close to nailing the entire spot exactly as you intended!

      • #65572

        Thank you so much for your advice! Those are a few tendencies I’m trying to change.

  • #65380

    I’m working to be more conversational and envision the imagery that corresponds to the audio. Any feedback is welcome! Thanks!

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    • #65545

      Great read! It definitely had conversational moments, but I feel like you can be even more specific with your audience of choice.I noticed the echo as well, but thats an easy fix. Good job overall!

    • #65387

      I really loved your phrasing on this read. The way you emphasize the right words really gives a nice flow to the whole piece, very conversational and natural. I would slow your pacing, though, it sounded a little rushed. I also noticed some echo, too. Maybe a few more blankets in the room?

  • #65372

    Hello Mkell755,

    Enjoyed listening to your Sears carpet commercial. Your tone of voice and delivery are very smooth and soothing to the ear. I think you emphasized all the right words and gave a convincing reason to shop at Sears.

    Keep up the good work.

    • #65690

      Thanks for the feedback Elizabeth! I’m glad it sounded smooth, soothing and convincing! Thanks again,


  • #65032

    Hello Everyone!

    I tried a 7-11 script I found online for this one. Any feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thanks!


    So it’s 2:00 in the morning…and you’re starving. Nothin’ in the fridge, and nothin’ in the cupboards. You don’t even have dog biscuits hangin’ around. You think about cooking, but then you remember the 3-alarm fire you started last time you tried using the stove. Well, check out 7-11. There’s gotta be one right near ya’. They have everything from burgers to tacos…24 hours a day…7 days a week. 7-11. Think of it as your own personal walk-in kitchen.

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    • #65383

      Hi Akingsley! I also thought this was very relatable and connected to the audience. I was able to visualize the images throughout. Well done!

    • #65039

      Hi Akingsley, good job! I really liked the pacing and attitude throughout, it was very believable and relatable with just the right amount of neighbor next door vibe. Very good!


  • #65030

    Hi everyone! Here is a script for any and all feedback. Working on sounding relaxed, conversational, and adding some background audio. Let me know what you think. Thanks!


    Miller Genuine Draft
    There’s a secret society, where the night is eternal, the music is essential, and the party is non-stop. You could be the newest member. The Miller Genuine Draft music jet tour. Four parties, four cities, one unforgettable trip. Peel the label, enter the code at and prepare for take-off.

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    • #65377

      I was jamming from the beginnigng Mary! Great song choice paired with your voice. You also kept the energy up through out, and ended on a high note. Well done

      • #65689

        Thanks for the feedback Monibr16! I’ve been having fun selecting music that fits the vibe I was going for, so thank you! Glad the energy sounded good – that has been a struggle in the past for me. Thank you!


    • #65034

      Hi Mary!

      You definitely got the relaxed aspect in there and the background music was a nice touch! You sounded really clear and sounded great, but I definitely feel like a big smile while doing an up beat read like this would make it even better. The happiness and interest felt a little forced. All the best!

      • #65038

        Thanks for the feedback AKingsley! I’m glad it is sounding relaxed, yes a bigger smile while reading would help this one. I was trying to imagine winning this trip and it really does sound like something I would like to do, so I was trying to convey that. Thanks!


  • #65018

    I wanted to practice Slating and narrating a book, “Setting a Trap for G*d”. Please feel free to leave feedback. I’ll include the text here:

    The Word for prayer in Aramaic is “slotha”. It comes from the root word “sla”, which literally means “to trap” or to “set a trap”. Thus, Prayer in its initial sense implies “setting your mind like a trap so that you may catch the thoughts of G*d”-in other words, “to trap the inner guidance and impulses that come from your inner spiritual source.”
    Prayer also means “a state of mind in which we still all personal thoughts and make no attempt to project anything outwardly”. It is an “alert state of total sensitivity and attentiveness.”

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    • #65378

      Great energy Luke. I would just say slow donw a big with transitioning sentences. You smushed a few of the starting words together, like “in other words”. But besides that the pacing was great for a educational read!

      • #65542

        thank you for your comment

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