Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #64853
    Rob Morse

    This is a repeat of a script I uploaded and didn’t receive any comments on, which is feedback in itself.
    Please let me know if this is better, and what I could do to improve.

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    • #64882

      Hey, Rob! I thought this was great! Great pacing, tone, and clear to understand. My only note is that you had a down inflection when you mentioned the brand name Waterpick, which didn’t quite give it the oompf that it needed there. Otherwise totally awesome!

    • #64864

      Very nice! Clean and clear words, your studio sounds really nice and quiet no echos or reverb. And you did a wonderful job sounding conversational. Nice Job!

  • #64850

    I’m submitting another holiday “character” demo and asking for comments from the group. This is supposed to be humorous and involves Mrs. Claus talking about Santa and making a request of the children Santa visits.

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    • #64895
      Robert Broussard

      Nice character, Not sure about gluten free cookies or almond milk for me, lol. Over all a good read. The pace and tone may could have varied a little but otherwise good work.

    • #64883

      Great character work! Love the music clips used as well… really nicely edited. My only thought is that the pacing could be a tick faster throughout. Awesome!

  • #64841

    Putting the finishing touches on the new booth I’m building (pictures soon!) and did my first sound test this morning with the first page of the next audiobook I’m contracted to narrate. Aside from the plosives and the sound of my phone vibrating, how’s the sound quality of the booth to your ears? (Pretty much ignore everything performance-related, this was just a quick read.)


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    • #64897
      Robert Broussard

      Brian the sound was good, I could not find anything that stood out. The reading was good too!!

    • #64884

      Sounds great, Brian! I don’t hear any issues either.

    • #64869

      I’m not hearing any issues. Sounds good to me.

    • #64865

      Congratulations Brian! Your studio sounds great to me! You sound nice and clear, it doesn’t sound like your in an empty room or anything like that! It sounds great!

  • #64835

    Trying to upload a file so you all can just click on it, just like everyone else. The file format is now MP3, and I added the ul tag:

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    • #64886

      Shmuel this is awesome. Clear recording, you nailed the copy. Fabulous!

      • #64965

        Thank you, Sarah

    • #64866

      You have an amazing voice! Blown away!

      • #64966

        Thank you

  • #64833

    This is a Spanish audition. Any feedback is welcome.

    “La unidad de carga principal pesa 160 libras. El instalador debe asegurarse de que la pared y los enchufes puedan soportar ese peso antes de la instalación. Si encuentra que no puede soportar ese peso, el cliente debe considerar comprar un pedestal.

    Para comenzar el montaje en la pared, taladre y golpee cuatro orificios e inserte el tapón o inserto para la fijación en la pared en las posiciones indicadas.”

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    • #64887

      I agree with Brian 100%. Fantastic quality recording and though I don’t speak Spanish I followed along with the text you provided and it was perfectly clear with excellent diction and pacing. Well done!

    • #64875

      Good tone. It is conversational but also with a touch of authority.

    • #64843

      I can’t offer any feedback on the delivery in terms of performance (lo siento mucho, no hablo español) but the tone and diction were excellent, and it sounded like it was recorded in a professional space, so for what that’s worth…great job!

  • #64826

    Hi my name is Wes. It’s my second time on the forum. I’m uploading 3 attachments and hoping to have made some progress since last time here. Thanks for any feedback!

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    • #64908

      Hi Wes, sorry but the proximity to the mic is to close like a pa system sitting next to the speakers, ouch! Your voice is resonate and delivery is ok but not much emotion? Hope that helps.

    • #64878

      Hey, Wes! Great work! You’re voice does have a lovely, deep and luxurious quality. I agree with Liliana about variety in pitch and you can also use emphasis of important descriptive words to help you with changing levels. Also I didn’t notice in the first two clips as much, but your third clip for Ford I could hear a lot of air and some plosive’s coming over your mic. Might have been that you had adjusted how you were sitting and were a tad closer to the mic than the first two so it was picking up more, or to do with any editing that was done. You’re awesome!

    • #64831

      Hi Wes, Your voice has a lovely deep quality and it is overall pleasant to listen to. In general, I could use a bit more enunciation of the words as well as some variety in pitch within each sentence. Sometimes it feels like it’s all at the same level so by varying the pitch a bit it would make the reads more engaging.

      • #64870

        Thank you for the feedback Liliana! That is something my coach has said, and I’ll continue to work on it!

  • #64825

    Hi Danvasq4030,
    I have just a few comments on each of your entries. I really like the warm tone of your voice and pacing. I think you could convey more incredulousness in the first half (before the comma) of the first line of Motel 6. There is a small noise just before the word “save” in the second sentence. In the American Cancer Society commercial, could you dampen down the “th” sound at the end of the word “health”? Since adjectives our are friend and add color to a line, you might want to emphasize, a bit more, the word “lethal” in the second sentence. In the Wall Street Journal piece, there is a small noise at the beginning of the second sentence that begins with “To .” The word information in the third sentence that begins “The journal gives me all the business information…..” the word “information” is sort of fuzzy in the middle. Also, that sentence sounds kind of flat. Since the paper is so important to the character speaking, it probably should be given more emphasis. The only other issue is that there seems to be a little too much space between sentences. I really only heard this on the Wall Street Journal demo.
    Good job,

  • #64818

    Hi. Any feedback welcome on this homework assignment. Thanks!

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    • #64844

      First, very nice, rich tone to your voice.

      Performance wise, two things stand out to me:
      1) Respect the punctuation. The “albeit misconceived” clause kind of lives right on top and bulldozes over the commas that feel like they should be there, and there’s a few other times where it feels like that happens and the message starts to get muddied for me. Give the script room to breathe and tell a story.
      2) It felt like the same emotional note throughout, no real changes in the overall inflection or emotion. Find the beats in the story, and make the changes in tone to reflect that. You have a very rich voice that will match well with a luxury brand, now it’s just about connecting with the material.

      Who are you coaching with, if I may ask?

      • #64896

        Nice copy, Jbach! I second everything Brian has said here, and I would add that I understand the challenge of typing out copy that you hear directly from a commercial. I’m not sure if that’s how you had gotten this copy, but whenever I find copy this way I notice that I add ellipses and punctuation marks based on what the VO Actor has done and then at risk of it being a direct copy I try and go back and write in as complete a sentence as possible to take their emotional read and their choices back out of it. Again, not sure if this applies to you but if so I hear ya and maybe that will help!

      • #64860

        Great feedback. Thanks! I’m coaching with David Goldberg. Second session coming up.

        • #64997

          Awesome…I always feel a little beat up and bruised after a session with David, but in a good way…he’s great at really getting the bad habits out of reads. Good luck!

    • #64832

      Hello Jbach, beautiful read! It was very smooth, well-paced, and engaging.

  • #64815

    Hi folks. please share your feedback on the following. Doing some homework. Thanks!

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  • #64812

    Here is my first upload, please tell me what you think. It’s a PSA about pool safety, here is the text:


    Sometimes there’s no do over
    Somethings you can’t rewind
    That’s when an extra safety step can mean the difference between a close call
    And a call to 911
    Simple steps save lives
    Learn more at PoolSafely dot gov


    Ooof. Just saw that the WAV file was uploaded so you have to download it. How do I upload like the rest of you, so all you have to do is listen to it?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Shmuel. Reason: mistake in uploading
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    • #64868
      Sherry Newell

      Hi Shmuel,
      If you upload it as an mp3 it should work out for ya.

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