Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #88821

    Hi, everyone! I would appreciate your comments on two short commercial practice reads. Thanks for your time!

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    • #88897
      Keith Paul

      Hello, I tried listening for flaws, could not hear any. I read was very conversational, diction was right on point. the tone and delivery would keep the audience interested in the topic. Great Job.

      • #88966

        I really appreciate the feedback-thank you so much!

    • #88833

      I like the “smile” in your reads. You make both scripts sound like a fun experience, which is a good thing!

      • #88967

        Thank you for taking the time to listen. I appreciate the feedback!

  • #88796
    Stephanie Bowens

    Greetings fellow awesome voice actors, brand new to this so don’t be too critical. it took me a while to submit from nervousness but in any event here we go! I’m working on my pace, how was it? did I sound engaging? Was it conversational? how was my breathing?

    thank you 🙂

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    • #88824
      Michelle Stout

      I think the pacing is a little too fast, which made some of the words a little hard to hear. Lovely voice. Keep up the good work!

      • #89045
        Stephanie Bowens

        Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m going to work on that pace!

  • #88792

    Greetings fellow voicers. Just looking for feedback on a couple of recordings. Any pointers are welcome.

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    • #88896
      Keith Paul

      Hi, your tone on the commercials is very warm, but the script was not conversational enough, it sounded like you are reading.

    • #88838

      Great voice! I believe you have the potential to do very well. The more you practice those scripts, the more natural and conversational you will become. Keep up the good work!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by ScottCarr.
  • #88777
    Keith Paul

    Hello everyone, I’m back again looking for your feedback. I have uploaded two reads, please be as candid as possible. I really do appreciate your feedback

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    • #88856
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hey Keith, I thought the Campbells copy was right on point. Pacing was good, warm. It sounded lovely. My only suggestion would be to take the pause out after Introducing at the beginning of the piece.

      • #88895
        Keith Paul

        Thank you very much for your feedback, your point is well taken.

  • #88698

    Hi all! I have uploaded a couple of narration reads and would appreciate any feedback that you have. I am hoping to sound conversational and sincere on the Allstate Insurance read. The pre boarding read…any and all feedback is appreaciated. Thanks in advance!

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    • #88781
      Keith Paul

      Hi, the All state read, the volume was low and it made it difficult to understand some of the words, The Boarding pass volume waa better and was able to hear all of the words. The boarding pass matched what is heard when boarding at the airport.

      • #88900

        Thank you Keith Paul. I appreciate your feedback!

  • #88632
    Talia Hankin

    Hi! I would be eager to hear any and all feedback on these two commercial reads. Thank you in advance!

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    • #88697

      Hi Talia, the beginning of the Spotify read was chopped off. Maybe take a beat before starting. I really loved the end…conversational and loved the tone of your voice. The Philips read was really nice!

    • #88675
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hey Talia, These both sound great! Great pace, clear diction, nice and conversational! My only suggestion would be for the Phillips commercial there is a pause at the beginning right after you say At Phillips. Maybe you could play with how the line would sound if you took out the pause. Great work! I have a Tilex commercial on here that I am working on my take 1 and take 2’s. Would love your feedback if you have a chance.

  • #88623

    Hi, everyone! I’d really appreciate some feedback on these two short commercial reads. Thanks in advance!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Artist7.
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    • #90173

      Both reads were beautifully done! I feel like the Cheerios read had some long pauses but overall it was really nice to hear. I also forgot that there was also a berry cheerios version haha. The American cancer society read was really informative! You’re voice sits at a nice place for all your reads.

    • #88819

      Hi, Thanks for taking the time to listen. I appreciate your feedback!

    • #88631
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hi! Lovely voice! both commercials sounded strong with pacing, diction, delivery. My only suggestion, I would be careful of pauses after periods. I think maybe in the Cheerios commercial your pacing was lovely then a period would hit and a pause would occur.

      • #88783
        Keith Paul

        Hi, nice read, on both. On the American cancer, there were two words that were difficult to pick up “Ask” and the word before “habit” i could not recognize that word at all.

  • #88577

    Coors Beer

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    • #88784
      Keith Paul

      Hi, great read, I love the tone and interpretation of the script. I would have to agree with the “D” at the end of cold, it does need some attention.

    • #88607
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hi! I agree great read! Very conversational and easy going. I also agree with Michelle just gives those /d/s a little attention at the end of cold.

    • #88586
      Michelle Stout

      Love your voice on this read! Very soothing. My only critique is a few times on the word “cold” I couldn’t hear the “d” come through. Nice pacing and overall great job!

  • #88575
    Jahna Bobolia

    Hey Everyone! I am giving it another try with the take 1 and take 2. Going for conversational in both however my “who” changes. Do you hear a difference in the takes?

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    • #88919
      Krista Andersen

      Hi Jahna – definitely hear the difference on these reads! Great job with changing it up!

    • #88820

      Hi, I do hear a difference between the takes, and prefer the second one. It’s a much smoother read and sounds more conversational. Nice job!

  • #88537

    Hi Everyone, I am looking for feedback on two narration scripts. The first is a Real Estate Home Tour. I am attempting to sell a prospective buyer on this wonderful home. How do I sound? Am I convincing? How is my pace? Am I descriptive in my attempt to sell you! The second script is a narration piece about a badger family in Yellowstone Park. My visual is that I am narrating a documentary on Yellowstone Park. How do I sound? I would love some constructive criticism on this one. Thanks in advance.

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    • #88571
      Keith Paul

      Hi, on the home tour narration, sometimes your volume goes down very low that the meaning is lost.
      On the Yellow stone narration, the read was really good and inviting.

      • #88695

        Thank you, Keith Paul. I appreciate your feedback!

    • #88562
      Jahna Bobolia

      Hi! I really enjoyed the Yellowstone read. I thought the pacing was good. I found it warm and informational which felt right on point for the piece.

      • #88696

        Jahna Bobolia thank you. I appreciate your feedback.

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