Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #65582

    Hi all,
    Last week I posted a few character demos using my “normal” senior voice. Today I’m submitting a toddler/school age voice character demo. Any feedback I get from the community will be appreciated.


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    • #65587

      Hi Elizabeth!

      Excellent work! I love the cutesy tone you use in your read. You have a lovely light airy tone at the beginning of your sentences but I hear at the end of certain sentences and words your pitch drops a little bit. Try and focus on keeping that light head voice all the way through. Awesome work!

      • #65589

        Thanks for the kind words forceonature. I completely agree with you regarding the pitch drop. It’s a problem I have sometimes even when I’m using my normal, very low-pitched voice.


  • #65570

    Hello everyone,
    Another read for coaching session, all feedback welcome, thank you!

    Mr. Coffee Elite Plus
    Now when you stumble out of bed with a million things to do, at least the coffee’s ready. Mr. Coffee Elite Plus coffeemaker starts brewing whenever you say. You decide the night before, push a few buttons and go to bed. You’ll wake up to a fresh, hot p*t of steaming salvation. Now that’s what we call a real eye-opener.

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    • #65588

      Hi Monique!

      Excellent read! I love how smooth your tone of voice is. It really works on the last line “steaming salvation” I really liked your “and go to bed” line as well! Your inflection really highlighted how easy it is to get your coffee going! You have a great conversational tone, but on the “Mr Coffee elite plus coffeemaker” line I feel that you lose this a little bit. Long product names are always tough for me, I Try and think of it as if I’m recommending the product to a friend: “Oh my G*D Mr coffee elite plus coffeemaker starts brewing WHENEVER you say :o”.

      Hope this helps! You did an excellent job 🙂

  • #65565

    Continued practice! All comments are appreciated, especially those focused on performance. Thanks!

    Breyer’s Double-Churned Ice Cream

    At Breyer’s, we’re churning out an amazing new ice cream- one with double the woah, double the wow. New double churned from Breyer’s, the richest, creamiest tasting Breyer’s ice cream ever. Amazing! New double churned- only from Bryer’s, the new taste of ice cream.

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    • #65598


      I think this was a nice take! My only note would be to have a vision of what that ice cream looks like. Be specific with it and I think that’ll come through in your reading. Great job!

  • #65548
    Rob Morse

    This is a Lender’s Bagel ad for Homework. Please let me know what I can improve.
    Thanks, Rob

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    • #65569

      Rob this was right on the money. Accent was great. Pacing and pronunciation was good. I’m not sure if you should say the brand name with the accent, however I would have made the same choice you did. Good read!

  • #65526

    Hi Jeff Guerette,
    Just listened and enjoyed your Home Depot submission. It was really well paced and delivered with an appropriate amount of “selling” emotion. The only thing I noticed in the first sentence was that the word “replaced” is missing the “d” at the end of the word. Other than that, well done!


  • #65521
    Jeff Guerrette

    I just Realized I attached the same file twice in my last post. Here is the other for Home Depot.

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    • #65558
      Erik B

      Hi Jeff, wow this read was fantastic. The tone, tempo, pitch, and volume were all on point. The recording quality was very good. The only negative I noticed, as monibr16 pointed out, some of the endings of words were dropped. But overall this was a great read, and sounded very professional. Great job.

    • #65547

      Wow! This was so good! So believable, I feel like you worked there and could completely help me find what I need. You did drop some of the endings of words. But great job overall!

  • #65517
    Jeff Guerrette

    Hello, Hope everyone is having a great day! Looking for some feed back on the attached. Thank you

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  • #65515

    I love your voice and it sounds so natural for all the commercials you’ve posted. I like the pace and how the humor comes across in this one. The only thing I felt was in your sentence “You just might be surprised….’ I think you could have emphasized a bit more on how surprising it might be…

  • #65395

    Geico #02
    We’ve noticed that these days, it seems as if every car insurance company needs a symbol. You’ve seen ‘em. Things like a blanket or a hand. Well, if Geico had a symbol, it would surely be the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. You see…it’s here, deep within the brain, that nerve impulses figure out, “Hey…it’s smarter to buy car insurance from GEICO.” That’s why over 10,000 drivers switch each week! So call for a free rate quote today. You just might be surprised how much you can save on car insurance. Yep, the brain’s a great symbol. We just can’t imagine the medulla oblongata on our stationary. Call 1-800-4-GEICO. GEICO Direct, the sensible alternative. That’s 1-800-4-GEICO. Not available in New Jersey or Massachusetts.

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    • #65562

      Very well done! The humor shone through exactly as intended, and I could most definitely see you voicing this spot. Also props for adding a background track that suited the copy well- it feels like a completed spot ready to air. I will echo the other comment saying you could highlight the surprise of just how much someone could save by switching, but the current version is more than acceptable, so it would come down to what they wanted from you before choosing the final take!

    • #65561

      Hi Bil-Bo,
      Love your Geico commercial. You have a big, warm voice and make great use of it in this demo. I want to point out only 1 thing: the end of the word ten thousand sounds like a “t” than a “d”. Something got a little messed up. Listen to it again and you’ll see what I mean. Other than that, really good job.


    • #65529

      (Sorry -I posted this response incorrectly the first time).
      This is for Bil-Bo
      I love your voice and it sounds so natural for all the commercials you’ve posted. I like the pace and how the humor comes across in this one. The only thing I felt was in your sentence “You just might be surprised….’ I think you could have emphasized a bit more on how surprising it might be…

  • #65393

    Hi all!

    Looking for feedback on performance only. I’m specifically working to make this more conversational and natural. Any and all advice is appreciated! Thanks!

    At Great Wolf Lodge, you can swim, splash, revitalize, cast spells, and be surprised all under one roof. It’s a pretty big roof. Visit today to plan your next summer getaway.

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    • #65557
      Erik B

      Hi, your voice sounds great, and matches well with the copy. You differentiated the words in the series nicely, and the tone of the read was great. My only suggestion would be to maybe slow down the tempo just a little bit. But overall you did a good job.

    • #65527

      Hi – i love your voice – it sounds natural and was conversational until towards the end (….your next summer getaway) where I felt it sort of dropped off a little bit. Also I felt the ‘m’ at the end of swim was a bit long.

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