Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #89256

    Hello Edge Studio community! I am making a video game demo and would love some feedback on this recording! Thanks in advance!

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    • #89284

      Hi Toria, I’m curious what it would do to try really trying to impact / change the person you’re speaking to with your words. Is it possible to do that without losing your high status? Right now I think that this queen doesn’t seem to really care if the person listening heeds her warning, and I think it could help energize the text and raise the stakes if it did matter to her a bit more.

      Also, this is a little thing, but I think it might sound higher status to say ‘ON-clave’ rather than ‘EN-clave’.

      I hope some of this is useful!

  • #89243
    Krista Andersen

    a couple more practice recordings – working more on the “who” in these since they aren’t quite worded like I’d have a conversation with someone. I know the “p’s” are popping a bit. Will have to come up with a solution for that. Thanks for your feedback!

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    • #89319
      Keith Paul

      Hi, Krista, explainer scripts can sometime be very tricky. your words are very clear, the scripts though, needs to be a bit more conversational.

  • #89209

    Your diction is impeccable and your tone is absolutely lovely. I’ll give the note as it was given to me, find your emotional connection to each bit of text, really visualize who you are talking to about it, and live in it. You find that natural pace at the end of Pilsbury with “let the baking begin!” I would personally love to hear the Aspen piece again. Your sincerity and timbre is suited for it but I want to hear you visualize what you’re selling.

    • #89211

      Sorry y’all. I thought I clicked “reply” specifically on the post I wanted to provide feedback on and cannot figure out why it is posting as a separate comment. Please forgive this elderly millennial for her technological awkwardness.

  • #89204

    Taking a stab at something more character focused. Done on voice memo on iphone, so not looking for technical notes at this time. Thank you in advance!

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    • #89233
      Krista Andersen

      Hi Shelly, Wow! Very impressed by your readings and voice variety. I found Villain and Fairy believable in your characters. I felt the “realness” in the beginning of Heartache but after the emotional start it felt more “read” the 2nd half. Tollbooth was fun and I like the character voice you chose for the little man and the difference between the two voices. Enjoyed listening!

      • #89242

        Thank you for your thoughtful feedback. 🙂

  • #89160

    Hi all. Hoping to get some feedback on some recent practice. Thank you!

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    • #89201

      You have such a naturally bright and playful tone to your voice. This suits really well for the facetious nature of the Durex ad and and child energy of the sesame street ad. I’d recommend playing with as many extremes as you can to match the stark variety of pieces you’ve chosen. Whatever tone you think appropriate for the text, go to whatever is the highest extreme of that and then dial yourself back bit by bit but you may find your perfect read is in that hyperbolized play. On a more technical note, the energy and enthusiasm you bring to each piece is engaging, so definitely keep that and apply as appropriate, but sometimes can sound choppy and like you are reading. And even more technical, I noticed dropping of some of your t sounds at the end of words (maybe a regionalism, but I noticed it specifically in the “vacation” read with the word “out”)

  • #89138

    Hi all! Looking for some feedback on a few reads. I recorded on my phone so ignore the audio quality. Thanks in advance!

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    • #89320
      Keith Paul

      Hi, the volume on your recordings is way too low, could not make out what you were saying.

    • #89167

      Great reads. I liked the first and third the most; the middle one felt like you were reading a bit more.

  • #89084
    Georgia Kosene

    Hi Looking for some feedback. Recordings were done on my phone at home so I’m more interested in creative vs technical feedback. I did three voices, Science, Meditation and Kids educational. I sincerely appreciate any notes 🙂

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    • #89155

      Hi Georgia! These were fun reads and I enjoyed the variety.

      Science: Your first word got kinda scrambled so make sure to start strong right off the bat. Be mindful of articulating since the words are so tricky.

      Meditation: I liked your tone for this one! However, as I was imagining following along, you seemed to be slightly too fast.

      I liked your kids read as well–Your voice was warm and cheery. However, Some parts seemed a bit choppy with unnecessary micropauses.

  • #89079

    Thanks in advance for any feedback that you can provide on the following brief recording regarding digital retail trends.

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    • #89154

      Hi Tracy!

      I like your voice. It’s very strong and compelling! I would say to be careful of overemphasis on certain words like “pushed” and “no” and “true” for example. Also maybe think of who your audience would be for this. What tone are you trying to exude?

  • #89075

    Hello everyone!! I’m brand new to the voiceover community and would appreciate some feedback on some of my recordings. I’d really appreciate if the feedback would focus on my tone, pace and overall flow of my readings. Unfortunately my home studio is not up and running yet so I’m not looking for any technical feedback. I appreciate and look forward to hearing from you!!


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    • #89091


      I wasn’t sure if there was a difference between the two recordings as the both seemed to be on the same topic but with different names. I enjoyed listening to the recordings. I found your tone calming and conversational. I would recommend slowing down just a bit at the ends of your sentences. One in particular I had to go back a few times to understand what you were saying “and back out of it.” Overall a good read.

      • #89101

        Thank you so much for your feedback Tracy! I’ll definitely take your advice about slowing down a bit at the end of my sentences so it can come out clearer 🙂

  • #89053
    Keith Paul

    Hello everyone, can I please get some candid feedback on these two reads, i have uploaded. I would very much appreciate it. Thank you very much. these reads are narrations.

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    • #89070

      Hi Keith. Your reads are technically sound. They were clear and well-paced with decent sound quality. However, they were a bit dry. As a narration, I was expecting to feel the doctor’s emotions. For instance, he was THE ONLY DOCTOR IN THE REGION, treating patients who HAD BEEN TURNED AWAY, working tirelessly DESPITE WARNINGS. (Caps are for emphasis, not me yelling).
      The doctor is telling his story, he had to have felt something from this event.
      Now that you’ve got the words out, lose yourself in the reading and paint us a picture of his emotional journey. (Think James Kirk, overacting in Star Trek)
      Apply this to both reads.
      I think you’re off to a good start.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by edixon310.
      • #89072
        Keith Paul

        Thank you very much for the feedback, that is the kind of feedback I’m looking for.

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