Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #66310

    Just re-uploading for additional feedback and upcoming coaching session

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by carynbell.
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    • #66637

      I love your voice! It’s got a beautiful sound to it! I did the Words recording as well but yours sounds so on point and I like how the emotions in your voice change with that read. The pace and your varying pitch is also great – although I felt you dropped off a little at the end of your sentences making it sound a bit like you were reading.

  • #66304


    Any feedback is appreciated. Working towards that conversational feel while maintaining a clear voice.

    So what is the fate of the universe? how will it all end? Cosmologists have thought about this for a long time. Many have come to the conclusion that the end will come in more of a wimper then a bang. it is known as the heat death. and it begins with a decrease in the rate of star formation. looking up in the southern sky allows us to see a hint of this process.

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    • #66638

      Hi Jason – your voice is clear and words are well enunciated. My only comment is that for me, the first two questions don’t sound like questions in your read – they sound more like statements and therefore sounding like you’re reading. It also sounded like you relaxed more as the read went on ending more conversational than you started.

  • #66302

    Hi Everyone. This is my take on an Edge library script. I welcome your feedback. Thank you!

  • #66284

    Chello! I’m Vicky and with any success you’ll find two practice scripts submitted for your feedback as I work toward the development of my commercial demo. These scripts were obviously not recorded in a professional (or even quasi professional)studio, but your constructive critique is welcomed. Thanks for giving me a listen!

    ~Atlanta Bread Company
    When you think of Atlanta Bread Company, don’t just think “bread”. Think of an entire breakfast menu – fresh-baked pastries, hot breakfast sandwiches and specialty coffees. Think of our Café with savory sandwiches, daily soups, and crisp salads. And don’t forget…we can cater your next special event or meeting! Atlanta Bread Company – more than just bread.

    Muscle Aches? Nothing is proven more effective or longer lasting than Advil. For long-lasting relief of muscle aches, count on Advil. In a recent clinical study, Advil was found to work better than Tylenol in relieving the pain of sore muscles the day after exercise. No wonder doctors recommend Advil for muscle aches more than any other non-prescription brand. ADVIL—-Advanced medicine for pain.

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    • #66303

      Hey Vicky,

      Great voice! I enjoyed both of these reads and think your voice fits them. For the Advil one, I think you could hit Muscle Aches with a little more of an inquisitive tone.

      The recording quality on Atlanta Bread Company came through better for sure, not sure what you did differently recording wise, but you should try to replicate that level in your recordings. The background noise sounds like it could be a computer fan? If so, just relocating your microphone might help you.

      Good stuff !!

      • #66306

        Great suggestion re: using a more inquisitive tone for that “muscle ache” line, thanks! Yes, you’re absolutely right about the sound quality difference between the reads. I’m pretty sure I recorded them on 2 different devices-smh. I was just happy to finally get something posted. For me it was quite the ordeal! I’ll be working to have future posts with better quality. Thanks again for your feedback!!

  • #66280

    Hello good people! Here is a recording for any and all feedback. Working on sounding conversational, energized and appropriate for the topic of Tae Bo, which I used to do and love! Let me know what you think. Thank you!


    Tae Bo
    Energizing, explosive, powerful, uplifting…That’s how superstar athletes, Hollywood celebrities and thousands of people just like you describe TAE BO, “the hottest workout in America”. Personally developed by 7-time World Martial Arts Champion Billy Blanks, TAE BO blends your own hidden strength with the ancient arts of self-defense, dance, and boxing combined with today’s greatest music. TAE BO is unlike any workout program you’ve ever tried before! Order now and you’ll receive 2 videos–an instructional video in which Billy Blanks clearly and simply teaches you the fundamental movements, and a second video in which Billy Blanks leads you through the TAE BO basics.

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    • #66639

      Hi Mary, I really like your read and I thought it had a good energy! One suggestion is that since the script is about Tae Bo, make sure that every time you say the words “Tae Bo” it sounds clear and strong.

    • #66635
      [email protected]

      Hi Mary, What a great recording, good match for your voice! I liked your conversational and energetic tone, your pacing and sound was really good too!

      And I found your comments on sound equipment, so helpful to know what you’ve been using and will check out Sweetwater too. And I will definitely sign up for the equipment class! Thank you!!! 🙂

  • #66268
    [email protected]

    Here’s my homework for your review, comments/suggestions always appreciated! 🙂

    NO!-Six Flags
    Kids hate the word no. As in no you can’t stay up late, no you can’t have more ice cream and no, you may not paint the cat. No, no, NO! Well isn’t it time for a yes? We think so. Six Flags Great Adventure. Yes!

    Dove Sensitive Skin Commercial
    There are products made for sensitive skin. But there’s nothing quite like sensitive skin dove – It’s the mildest, perfume free sensitive skin bar ever made. No wonder, Doves the one that dermatologists recommend most to keep your skin looking healthy and feeling soft. Dove. For the beauty that’s already there.

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    • #66282

      Hi Julie, good recordings! I liked your energy and inflections for both, and the contrast between the two. Good job and they really fit your voice!

      Also, I commented on your comment to my comment on sound equipment from about a week ago, just check back about 4 pages and you should be able to find it. Let me know if you have more questions! I’m definitely just learning this myself. Thanks!


  • #66258
    Tommy Fahrner

    Hi everyone! Uploading two contrasting ads. I am on a commercial demo track. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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    • #66754

      Good reads. Beyond the other comments, I have nothing to add. This is my virtual like button.

    • #66283

      Hi Tommy, great job! I like both recordings, and you have good contrast in tone between the two. I liked the second one better for you. The first one seemed a bit rushed but was also good. Thanks,


    • #66265
      Don Sack

      Hey Tom! My humble thoughts? Enunciation and clarity of words; popping p’s? Perhaps slow the pace to allow for clarity of some words? Fresh voice!!
      Don S.

  • #66255


    Any and all feedback appreciated. Tried to keep this conversational.

    We are the masters of our planet. And for 200,000 years our intelligence has allowed us to rule unchallenged. But those days are drawing to a close. A new intelligence is rising … Artificial Intelligence. Our greatest scientists are on the verge of creating machines capable of independent thought. With intellects that could one day surpass our own. A singular event that will dramatically change life as we know it. What would a world dominated by super intelligent machines be like for us ? Paradise ? Or a nightmare ! Will it mean immortality … or extinction ? One thing we do know. The process has already begun. The Singularity is near. And there’s no turning back.

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  • #66247

    Hey everyone, I’m working on an audition for the contest. What do you think? Did I pull off their request for a classic narrator that is smooth, easy, relaxed? Thanks for your help

    Amelia Earhart
    Amelia Earhart dared to go where no one had gone before. The public adored the pioneering pilot. And news reels of the day captured her every move. Yet the private side of Amelia would always remain an enigma.

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    • #66254

      Hey Tim,

      This does feel smooth, easy and relaxed. You have a good voice for this type of read. I’m not sure if you’re looking for feedback on the recording quality/editing but it sounds like there’s a cut before the “Yet the private side”. I like to keep a separate track of room noise for this purpose. You can fade out the vocal track right after the word “move” and with the room track running in tandem, it will keep it sounding like one take.

  • #66240

    Some people have said that my recent uploads sound like I’m reading and not speaking. In this take, I tried only glancing at the script and speaking to someone imaginary. Do you think I pulled it off? Any other feedback on my tone, tempo and pitch will be appreciated.

    Butterball brings you the joys of turkey day. Friends and family drop in to bask in the warmth of the season. Celebrate this summer with Butterball turkey on the grill. Tender, juicy, surprisingly simple. HAPPY THANKSGRILLING from Butterball.

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