Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #67703

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m working on scripts for my narration demo and would love some feedback.

    Script 1: Music is a language just like you would read aloud from a book. The symbols you will see on pages of sheet music have been used for hundreds of years. They represent the pitch, speed, and rhythm of the song they convey, as well as expression and techniques used by a musician to play the piece. Think of the notes as the letters, the measures as the words, the phrases as the sentences and so forth. In the following video, we will explore the basics of learning to read music, first by going through the staff and the two clefs, and then the notes on the staff.

    Script 2: The Battle of Gettysburg was a significant Union victory considered by many to be the turning point of the Civil War. In the summer of 1863, Confederate General Robert E. Lee launched his second invasion of the Northern states, hoping to capitalize on recent Confederate victories and defeat the Union army on Northern soil. Union Major Generals Joseph H****r and George Meade pursued Lee, colliding at the crossroads town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the morning of July 1. The battle lasted 3 days, ending with the failure of Lee’s second invasion of the North. Said to be the bloodiest single battle of the entire Civil War, there were an estimated 51,000 casualties on both sides.


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  • #67696

    Hi all! I’m looking for any and all feedback on this narration piece, 3 takes on the same script. Let me know which one you prefer. I’m going for conversational and authentic. Thanks!


    Gertrude Käsebier was an American photographer who was known for her images of motherhood and her portraits of Native Americans; her portraits of the Sioux focused more on the expression and individuality of the person than their costumes and customs. She helped establish the Women’s Professional Photographers Association of America and promoted photography as a career for women.

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    • #67718

      Mary, your voice is just right for Narration and the way you hit the words really kept my attention. You do sound authentic in your tone and as if your giving a tour to museum goers, though it does sound a little mechanical. Your tempo was also well paced, but it still sounded choppy due to your pausing in the middle of a sentence. You should only pause at full stops, commas, and semicolons. Also, some words like “career” sounded more like “creer.” I think the first one was best, but I would recommend you do the script again.

      • #67777

        Thanks for the feedback Tim! Very helpful. Yes I think I was running out of breath to pause where I did; I will try again. Thanks for the detailed comments!


  • #67690
    [email protected]

    Hi everyone. I’m practicing some commercial reads before recording my demo. How did I do on this one? Was going for a conversational tone.

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    • #67717

      I am loving the tone you adopted. It sounds very fitting to a script like this. However, I’m with others in how it sounds awful choppy, more like your reading. Try pretending that you’re talking to someone and make it flow. Also, don’t overemphasize because that’s not something we do in a conversation. (Unless your eccentric, but most folks aren’t)

    • #67700

      Hi Sarah – I like it! Your voice is very nice and light, and good for this genre of script. I could hear the smile in your voice. It sounded almost like a marching rhyme (“send them to sleep”) in spots; you might try just reading it a little more straightforward / smoother manner to make it sound more conversational, just a few less pauses. Great job on this!


    • #67694

      Hi Sarah. This read sounds a bit choppy which is affecting the pacing. I would try this read and think about telling your best friend (or have someone in mind), which may help pick up the pace and make it sound more conversational.

  • #67686

    These are a couple of higher energy commericial reads. Bass Pro store, And A1 steak sauce.
    Your feedback would be appreciated.

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    • #67716

      You have a great voice for these type of reads and for the target audience. I love the way you brought them to life and I would definitely consider the product. Only problem I have is that the Bass Pro shop read sounds like an announcer and I can clearly hear you breathing in the A1 commercial. In addition to performing, we need to know basic audio editing. Breaths are not what people should hear.

    • #67701

      Hi Schmuel! Great job! I like them both and the fact that they sounded different from one another. Good energy on both. A-1 sounded nice and warm and with good emphasis on key words. Very good!


    • #67695

      Hi Shmuel. Great reads! I only have one note on your second recording. Is there a comma in between “…bite count”? The pause in between those two words kind of sounds like two separate sentences, and I would try without the pause. Other than that, great work.

  • #67656
    Don Sack

    Two more for homework

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    • #67702

      Hi Don! Good reads. For Jaguar, it seemed a bit rushed in spots. I think the script has a lot of statements within it, so I would just let it breathe a little more. By pausing after the statements you are giving the listener time to catch up with what you are telling them, and it becomes more believable. I liked the tone of the Denali piece, good variation in tone and pacing. Good job!


  • #67647

    I’ve offered some feedback on this forum before, but this is my first time posting a VO sample. Hope I’m doing it right. This narration script for the Martin Guitar Factory Tour may be a script for my demo; we’ll see. I’m posting two slightly-different versions. I’m not sure, on the phrase “visual appointments,” whether I want to stress”visual” or “appointments.” See what you think. (I know the acoustics are less than ideal; when the time comes for the “real deal,” I’ll record in a less live space.)
    Exquisite taste, structural integrity, and adherence to high Martin quality are standard in every Custom Martin.
    The Martin D-45 is the top-of-the-line dreadnought, using premium tone woods and visual appointments.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by JustJohn.
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    • #67714

      Hey John, I listened to both of them and I have to say they are both very good. I think the second read was best. My experience tells me you should generally avoid emphasizing the last word in a sentence unless it’s a question or an exclaimation. If I were you, I’d emphasis visual and the first half of “appointments.” They’re both important words for the script. Your tempo and tone worked well, but I think the way you read: “using” was a little forced or too quick.
      (On a side note, don’t make your sound file any longer than it has to be. I found it confusing and even with the script written out, feedback people may take a pass on your upload, because they don’t want to critique such a long read.)

      • #67745

        Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I had a little trouble with the ProTools file. I think I know why it turned out with a minute of blank space after the read. So, next time, I’ll be able to cut it to size. Thanks again!

  • #67650

    Hey please help me become part of the family. Feedback is welcomed.

  • #67644

    Hi! Please let me know which script sound more animated and not pitching down, thank you!

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    • #67715

      Well, I think both sound as animated as they should be for the types of reads they are. You hit good words and were mostly succinct in your pronunciation. Your tempo on the other hand needs work. I haven’t done promos, but I’m sure you need to consider the attention span of the viewers. Be quick but clear, as if they’re only stopping to catch their breath.
      As for the tone, I think you need to be more interested in what your talking about. In promos and commercials, your trying to sell something to the listener, convince them to come by and sample your product. They won’t trust someone who doesn’t seem all that sure of herslef…

  • #67639

    Here are two to check out and let me know what your thoughts are.


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  • #67623

    My Homework for Art

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    • #67631

      Read 1: Need to work on the audio. I hear some echos and sibilance. Otherwise, good.
      Read 2: Audio a bit better. But add the wonder in your read.
      Read 3: Again, some echo. Add some tempo and tone changes, but don’t go overboard. Say “Shakespeare and Company” in a normal way.

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