Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #67906
    [email protected]

    Trying to practice more with narration! All feedback welcome, thanks!

    Tesla Motors App

    The Tesla Motors App puts Tesla owners in direct communication with their cars anytime, anywhere. Once downloaded from your phone app store, login to gain access to your vehicle. Once logged in, on the home screen you’ll be shown the overall status of your vehicle. This includes your vehicle’s name, any open doors, front trunk, trunk, or sunroof, and the current estimated range of your vehicle. If you have “Summon” enabled and within range, you’ll see a “Summon” button above the car. To use this feature, touch “Summon” and then press and hold “Forward” or “Reverse” to engage “Summon”.

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    • #67948

      Very smooth sounding voice, great job! It could sound a bit more conversational but it rocks.

    • #67914

      excellent tone and pacing.sounded very professional!

  • #67903

    This is homework. Im working on Narration. Please give me feedback. Thank you

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    • #67947

      Hello your voice is very nice! I did hear library and librarian mispronounced, I have run into this a few times and now i make sure that I m pronouncing the words accordingly. A few glottal stops also but nothing that can’t be fixed quickly. Great Job overall.

  • #67891
    Scott Bross


    First time ever recording and posting anything. Would love your feedback. The backing track may be too much, but I wanted to add something to it.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Scott Bross.
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    • #67953
      [email protected]

      I thought the music worked really well and your voice was warm, friendly, but still professional. I think perhaps it was a touch rushed, though, I was struggling to keep up with your read, especially in the second half when you named the product. Still, I was really impressed!

      • #67969
        Scott Bross

        Thanks. Appreciate the feedback. This is all new to me so I plan on working at it and learning.

    • #67902

      Scott I like the music. That sounded really great. I’m no pro but keep practicing.

  • #67872

    Hi all,
    As always thank you for your feedback and kepp those awesome demos and snippets coming! I love listening to you all!

    This is a script for an HR type narration. I am looking to hear your thoughts specifically on the read, but as always I am open to more than that.

    Thank you.


    Script: Let’s get started with an overview of conflicts of interest. The simplest way to understand conflicts of interests, is to remember that we all have a duty to always act in the interests of the company, and NOT for our own personal benefit. Do not enter into situations where your actions might create a conflict, either actual OR potential, between personal gain, and company obligations. These are called ‘Conflicts of Interest.” If a conflict of interest arises, please disclose it immediately and let others decide how to proceed.

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    • #67915

      you have a beautiful soothing voice, well suited for narration. my one piece of feedback would be to keep the same energy throughout the read–it seemed like you were rushing a bit at the end, you got a little quieter and the tone got a bit less dynamic. other that that, excellent work!

    • #67886

      Greetings! This text is well-suited to your voice. I find that the first sentence of your read sounds the best, probably because it has a natural-sounding variation in pitch. You articulate very clearly, which is good, but I have the feeling that your attention to articulation is sometimes working against the goal of a natural feel to the read. I wonder if you could just assume that your articulation is naturally good, and try reading with a little more focus on flow. For instance, “conflicts of interest” in the first sentence sounds maybe slightly over-articulated, with the glottal stops at the beginning of both “of” and “interest.” It gives the read a bit of a choppy feel. I hear some of that throughout the read. Your pacing overall is good, but I think some of your pauses could be shorter, or eliminated altogether. For example, at “…the interests of the company, and NOT for our own…” the pitch drops off at the comma at the end of the word “company,” and the pause is very long (similar to the comma at “between personal gain, and company obligations,” et al.). Going back to that first sentence: if you could make the rest of the read sound as personal and natural as the first five or so words of the first sentence, I think it would be a substantial improvement. By the end of the read, it sounds to my ear less like I’m being advised or instructed, and more like I’m being scolded or admonished. Maybe the rather assertive articulation has something to do with this? But I think it would also be good to be attentive to pitch variation, and to maintain the sense that you’re talking to someone — maybe someone you know. It’s a serious text, but I think it’s still OK for the read to be friendly and relatable. I hope this is helpful! Keep up the good work!

  • #67865
    Don Sack

    Two submissions, might use these for homework.

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    • #67874

      Hi Don! I love your voice. The first clip was very up and down in terms of pitch which made it sound sing-song like, but your second one wasn’t, which is great! Also, it sounds like you are from the tri-state area, which I am too, and we both have that issue with the vowels being very NY or New England sounding! Other than that, your choices are awesome!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by taylorn.quinn.
  • #67864
    Don Sack

    Hey 81!
    Wow! You seemed to have mastered diction in that first track!! By chance are you using a “pop” filter? The p’s and t’s make me jump! LOL!

  • #67855

    Homework for my session with Art

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    • #67952
      [email protected]

      I really like the tone of your voice – you sound warm, professional, and easy to understand. If I could offer one piece of feedback it would be that it sounds as though you’re over-enunciating and over-emphasizing a lot of words. It definitely helps with clarity, but at the expense of sounding natural and relaxed. I think maybe focusing on the sentence thought as a whole rather than word by word may help you add some flow. Great work!!

  • #67851
    Libby Ronon

    Hi! I’m looking for feedback on anything and everything except recording quality, as I do not yet have a home studio. Let me know what you think!

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    • #67900

      Hey Libby. Your Voice is very calming and makes me think I forgot to take my Clartin. Keep up the good work.

  • #67833

    Hello All! This audio is not edited at all I am just looking for feedback on the following:
    -Valuing supporting words
    -Avoiding Glottal stops
    -Conversational sounding
    -Look for lists and their flow
    -Joined inflected words

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    • #67850
      Libby Ronon

      Incredible job! I thought all of them were great (particularly Cancun and Podium). If I’m being picky, I would say that that the first 10 seconds of Annie E. Casey could be a little more conversational and with less gaps between each list item. I think you’re valuing the right words, but I wasn’t quite sure how the sentence was structured until I saw the script. Otherwise, they were wonderful!

      • #67868

        Thank you so much Libby I will take note of that and practice those scripts line for line again, maybe I’m getting caught up on some of those glottals. And thank you so much for the feedback!

    • #67847

      I like your Podium read, good delivery on lists and variations! Delivery has a tone of excitement to it that can excite The Listener interest!

    • #67843

      Tours & Travelogues: Cancun

      Rulers of the ancient Mayan civilizations came here to see the beauty of this land … a place where the turquoise Caribbean Sea caresses the beautiful sandy beaches. They came to partake a view reserved then only for royalty. Today, more than 1,500 years later, this same spot is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. This is Cancun. Located at the northeast tip of the Yucatan Peninsula, Cancun is easily accessible from major gateway cities in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Just under a 2-hour flight from Houston or Miami. Visitors will find an abundance of sports in Cancun. Jet skiing and water skiing are popular for the novice and pro alike.

      Documentaries: Hemingway
      For over twenty years, Ernest Hemingway spent virtually every fall and winter at Sun Valley, Idaho. Although his legendary haunts were Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain and Cuba, Idaho was his true home. The wild mountain crags, the sunny meadows were his nirvana. The hunting and fishing were always good there. The canoe trip down the Silver Creek or a trek up a pass of the Pahsimeroi (Paw-sim-er-roy) Range unfailingly yielded fresh game for the table. Papa and his fiction thrived on the alternating sessions of high adventure and novel writing. He presented himself to the world as a man’s man, and in both his published work and his very public behavior he established a heroic image of himself as an athlete and a sportsman, a worldly-wise reporter, a battle-scarred soldier, an aficionado of the Spanish bullfight, and a hard-drinking, hard-living man, who in fact, was a terribly tortured soul. This is the story of Hemingway.

      Non-Profit: Annie E. Casey Foundation
      Every child deserves to grow up with opportunities to learn and thrive. With his skills, her talents, each is a potential leader, a contributor, a productive citizen. How kids grow up will determine their success as adults. But sadly, more than one in five children in America are growing up in poor families and poor neighborhoods, where the chance to thrive is anything but a given. The Annie E. Casey Foundation is dedicated to changing that.

      Corporate-Explainer and Training: Podium 60s
      At Podium, we work with over fifty-five thousand local businesses. And while they range from tire shops to jewelry stores and medical practices, every Podium customer has one thing in common: they solve problems.
      These new challenges are no exception. They’ve used Podium’s suite of messaging tools to continue to do everything they do great. They’ve stayed in touch through text, connected remotely with website visitors through text, collected contactless payments through text, and even started video chats through text.
      And they’ve been doing it all with messaging tools—tools that work just as well from six feet as they do from sixty miles. They’ve maintained a personal touch, even when they can’t be in-person.
      See for yourself how over fifty-five thousand businesses have been able to adapt with Podium. Go to Podium dot com slash starter to get started for free. That’s podium dot com slash starter.

      E-Learning and Education: Biogenetic Law
      Commonly summarized as “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” (on-TA-jeh-nee re-cah-PIT-you-lates fill-AH-jeh-nee), biogenetic law posits that the embryonic stages in the development of an individual (its ontogeny) repeat the evolutionary history of its ancestors (its phylogeny). A corollary of the biogenetic law is the idea that new evolutionary features are typically added at the end of development, with formerly adult, or “terminal” stages gradually being compressed into progressively earlier stages (or sometimes being eliminated outright).

  • #67830

    Hey guys please critique my ipod voiceover? Thanks

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    • #67846

      I like your voice, but you probably want to work on slowing down while keeping the same energy in tandem with taking time to differentiate between each aspect of the sunglasses.
      Hd vision lenses that cut through the glare and give you high definition color and


      . At edge we also de-emphasis the salesman voice when possible. Statistically people now currently respond to a down to earth neighborly tone more than a high energy sales pitch. There’s always exceptions, but learning how to do a normative voice will be essential.

      I don’t know what sales market you’ll be shooting for, but if it’s in the US you might consider the Accent elimination course Edge offers, if nothing else to just be aware of what people will notice about your voice.

      Keep at it if it’s what feeds you though. You’re not bad.

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