Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #68084

    Hey everyone,

    I’d love to get some feedback for my practice commercial scripts. Just starting out so any positive or negative feedback would be huge.

    Thanks so much!

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    • #68140

      Considering how you perform in the 1st recording: you have good enunciation. But you could probably work on adding more enthusiasm to your voice. Show the listener that you enjoy what you’re advertising.
      The second and third commercial reads were great. You sounded energetIc, happy, and excited about the store and the product you were advertising.

    • #68129
      Isaac M.

      Hey Mike, the sound quality is great and the tone works well, especially in the first one. The tone and tempo you used in the second are also excellent, I might tone it down just a little bit, especially at the beginning, and maybe lower the pitch as well, but just a tab. The third one on the other hand I think is perfect, strangely, the only thing I’d nitpick in that one is the quality of the recording, which for some reason seemed better in the previous two.

    • #68106

      Well Mike, I’d say you had a good tone for each of them, each recording sounded very unique though you could sound a little more excited on the first two. Your pitch range was well placed too, I like the words you hit. However, I think your tempo may be too fast and some words like “Hut” get lost in the read. Try to relax a little and remember that this is an art, not a task.

    • #68092

      Hi Mike,

      I liked the tone in the first one and the energy in the third one.
      In the second one, I think you should avoid the ending inflections on “entree” and “master”, take out the pause after “entree” and sound a bit more excited up to “master”. You could also use a slightly different pitch for each of the two questions.
      Keep up the good work!

  • #68077
    Isaac M.

    Hey Community,

    And here’s one last recording I need feedback on, a bit longer than the others. Once again, I used a Blue Yeti microphone, a wardrobe with the inner walls covered in blankets and cushions, and Logic Studio to record. Looking forward to your feedback!

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    • #68107

      Wow, you sound like a real authority. Your tone was well chosen and the words you hit are very fitting. I also think your recording setup is well established and the mic has NO static. How big is your wardrobe? I hope you’re not cramped in there. Only thing I would say is your tone should probably vary throughout the script, you sound too serious and I think it would help if you felt for Hemingway at certain places. Finally, your tempo is too fast for a documentary script. Your read needs a moderate tempo to ensure listeners have a chance to grasp the information you’re sharing.

      • #68124
        Isaac M.

        Hey Tim,

        Thanks a lot for the feedback. Very helpful. Sadly, I AM indeed cramped in that wardrobe so I’m looking for a better setup that won’t cost thousands of dollars. Thanks again for the tips.

  • #68072
    Isaac M.

    Hey Community,

    I’m uploading 4 homemade recordings I did for feedback. I used a Blue Yeti microphone, a wardrobe with the inner walls covered in blankets and cushions, and Logic Studio to record. For each clip, I say the name of the script before reading it. Looking forward to giving and receiving some feedback for the first time on this platform!

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  • #68062

    Thanks everyone for your comments. They really make a difference, so take a listen and PLEASE help me with your feedback!

    Headaches. We all get them. We all wish they would go away. There is a solution. Excedrin. I just take two and there’s no more tension, no more throbbing, no more pain. My headache is completely gone.

    Honey Bunches of Oats
    It’s amazing! I never thought one cereal would make my whole family stay for breakfast. HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS. There’s never been a cereal like it. With big corn flakes and crunchy bunches of oats. Finally … a cereal my whole family loves.

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  • #68058
    [email protected]

    Hi All,

    I’m just working on some narrative reads. Would love any feedback! Thanks!

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  • #68036

    Hello everyone! I am uploading some homework for the forums for my upcoming Narration Demo. This is not a script I am using for my Demo but just practice so any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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    • #68045

      sounds good for a documentary. Your voice is very calm.

  • #68016

    Hello everyone! I am uploading a few takes here for commercial practice, and am grateful for any comments or suggestions.

    Thank you kindly!


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    • #68040

      Hey John, I really loved your reads. I am about to begin my own Commercial Demo classes shortly after completing my Narration Demo so listening to you work on your commercial reads was really a pleasure. From what I hear in your reads I feel as if you might be putting a tad too much emphasis on certain words rather than keeping it more conversational. However, I can tell that your thrilled to be reading these scripts and can sense that you are smiling while reading with the exception of your last read as that is more of softer tone to it. All three reads are really nice and as I said maybe try again to see what you think without the emphasis on words like “reeeaaaalllly” “ooonly” and in the 2nd read I feel you punch a bit on the word “best” these words seemed to overpower and draw my attention away from the rest of the scripts. Best of luck looking forward to hearing more!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by jay.triggs.
  • #68013

    A few practice scripts.


    I don’t know about you, but I like our planet a lot! And one of the easiest ways we can help protect the Earth is by recycling. That’s where instead of throwing things like plastic in the trash, you put them in a special bin so they go to a kind of factory to be reused. You’ve probably recycled things like plastic bottles before. There might even be a recycling bin in the room you’re in right now! Recycling is important because it helps keep the Earth clean, especially from trash made of plastic.


    There is no perfect running shoe, partly because no two feet are alike, even on the same person. Still, top brands can be comfortable, safe, and effective running mates — if you know what to look for. This video gives you some practical guidelines to help you find shoes that will serve you well in the long run. If in doubt, don’t buy. Shoes should feel just right in the store. Don’t count on improvements after they’re “broken in.” Take your time to buy. Try to shop when business is slow so you won’t feel embarrassed about trying on many pairs of shoes. Buying in haste is a good way to end up with poorly fitting shoes that can cause injuries.

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    • #68028
      John Trape

      Hi Caryn,

      I listened several times to your recordings, both of which I thought were excellent. I felt that you had spent some considerable time interpreting the scripts and that the consequent adjustment of your pitch, pace, and tone to suit each one, ensured not only that the readings sounded sincere but also that your voice remained natural, warm, and conversational throughout.

      You seemed to me to have put your personal stamp on both readings, and the chuckle accompanying ‘..trying on many pairs of shoes.’ was especially effective. It brought a smile to my face.

      Thank you for sharing.



  • #68009

    I auditioned for the lead character in a TV show cartoon called “Bit War”. I followed all of their instructions on how to sound and what to say; slating, performing the dialogue for the character as a sympathetic yet cold tough guy, and making a sound for when I punch, have a special attack, and so on.

    I even auditioned for a robot named Jitter as well.

    Please feel free to listen to my audition, make a comment, and let me know how well I performed.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by SuperLuke.
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  • #67993

    hello all,
    Would you be so kind to give me some feedback on this reading…how is my tone?
    how is my energy?
    What should I be working on?

    here is the script-
    Coyote In New York
    This is a true story. See, that’s a photograph of me, coyote, in the newspaper, after I had been shot down in Central Park. Hey, don’t worry, I wasn’t dead though. Just in for a long, soft sleep at the Bronx Zoo! Never had I seen so many animals in one place! And just exactly how did I get into this mess? Well . . . I had a dream – to go where no coyote had gone before…New York City!

    thank you!

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    • #68005

      So, in the beginning I hear a pre-life of “Mmm’ or “Hmm” Might want to take that part out. As far as the commercial, try to sound more conversational with your performance, “See, that’s me in the newspaper”. As far as tone, your mood sounds the same throughout. Add some energy and more excitement, “where nobody has gone before”.
      What I would do is review the acting beats and see what you are aiming for. Anyway, that’s just my opinion.
      hope this was helpful

      • #68038

        thanks for the feedback

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