Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #68550

    Hey! This is 4/H take-2! Thank you Nettipo1! I think this is a little better. I’ve added the script!

    It began with the seed of an idea. In 1902, the heartland needed folks to embrace new advances in agriculture. But leaders with open minds, strong hearts and willing hands weren’t in abundance. Luckily, kids were. By empowering the next generation to lead, 4/H took root. And grew. Grew kids who are confident and strong. Who are curious enough to question. And capable enough to find the answer. True leaders aren’t born. They’re grown. 4/H GROWS HERE

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    • #68609

      Hi suecat, this is a great take 2! I definitely noticed more emotion behind your words. I would try delivering the last three sentences in a different emotion…right now it sounds almost sassy, and perhaps it should be more resolute (I don’t know if this is the right word). I agree with TimDKietzman that your tempo was a bit faster than needed. Keeping in mind that your voice is supporting the visuals on screen might help you slow down. Good job, though! Keep working on your craft!

    • #68573

      To be honest, the recording quality makes it a little hard to listen to. However, I do think you sound very natural in your performance. You are speaking as if telling someone in person and the words you hit were very fitting and not overdone. Aside from the recording quality, I think the only thing you need to work on is your tempo. This is a narration script and you shouldn’t speak too fast. The point of narration is to explain, not sell, so make sure the words are spoken at a reasonable pace.

  • #68544

    Hey fellow VO-ers! Would love some feedback on these commercial scripts. Recorded on my phone, so not looking for sound quality, just feedback on the reads! Thanks a million!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by greta_j.
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    • #68577

      Congratulations, both reads could work for this script. You’ve got great talent if you can pull off more than one type of tone. However, I would say that your reads sound more like narration scripts. I am not getting the impression that you are selling something to me. It sounds more like you’re trying to explain something to your employees… Either way, well done.

    • #68562

      I like both reads. different perspective on each. As Sue mentioned the first one sounded light with personality. The Second read sounded like a defensive personality like “I’m preparing for battle!” LOL! both were really good! Keep it up!

      • #68600

        Thanks for the feedback Chad!

    • #68553

      Hey GretaJ! I liked both reads, the first was light and friendly. In the second read, it felt a little more aggressive. Great voice!

  • #68536

    I need your feedback help, please!
    Thank you!

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    • #68597
      Don Sack

      Hey Cat!
      Sure, you will mess with your audio software and equipment set up and improve the audio, takes time and Edge courses can help. Unless the script was written as we hear it, my suggestion would be to enunciate, be clear with words especially the ending of words; slow down and relax.
      Rock On!

    • #68552

      Hi Suecat, I agree with nettipo1 about the audio quality. A piece of advice that my coach gave me is that when you’re recording you want to keep your voice between -12 and -6 decibels. If you’re using a software like audacity then you can visually see the volume you’re speaking at and try to maintain that throughout your read. I hope that helps, it definitely helped me.

      • #68554

        Thank you so much! I will keep that in mind and watch a little more closely!

    • #68542

      Hi suecat, the audio quality needs to be better (volume, clarity), because it made it difficult to hear your voice clearly. I think you have a smooth and even delivery, which is good. You might want to strengthen the emotions you are choosing to use in this read–and I say emotions because the story has a turning point in it, where there is a problem (a whole list of things that weren’t in abundance) to a solution (luckily, kids were), so there could be two emotions on either side of that turning point. So perhaps focus on bringing out the emotions behind the words more. Would love to hear you to do this one again and see what you can do with it.

      • #68555

        Thank you! I will do another read of this and hopefully it’ll be a little better!

  • #68529

    Hello All,
    I’m a new student here at Edge Studio and my homework was to toy around with audacity and submit a recording of the Hemingway script from the Edge Studio script library. I would appreciate any and all feedback on both my read and my use of audacity.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Zhenee.
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    • #68578

      Your read is well done overall, good tempo, well placed inflections, and you sounded quite conversational. Only problem I can find is that you don’t sound particularly interested in what your reading. If you want people to enjoy what your explaining in your narration script, you need to convince them that you find it interesting too. Also, your inflections at the end of the sentences aren’t natural, try speaking them like statements, that’ll help.

    • #68541

      This is very good -hard to believe you are a new student! I agree with suecat that you have a soothing voice, and I don’t notice any unnecessary pauses, so it flows into the listener’s ear very smoothly. I noticed that you sort of end with the same inflection point or same level at the end of a sentence or at comma, which might make it more monotone than you’d want, so you might want to break from that pattern a bit. Perhaps see how the phrases are more like thoughts, and combine those thoughts as one scene. Or perhaps visualize that you are saying these words to someone beside you. Overall though, this is a great first posting, so keep posting more!

    • #68532

      I liked the inflections in your voice, kept the read interesting. The tempo seemed to have increased in the middle of the read, as it was hard to understand your words. But you have a very soothing voice! Looking forward to hearing more!

  • #68524

    Hey all – finally getting back on track for my Commercial demo reel after a long hiatus. Any feedback on these practice reads greatly appreciated!

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    • #68579

      You have a great voice for commercials, I’d say you’re on the right track as far as tone, tempo, and pitch. You could speak a little louder and I felt that each recording sounded similar. If you want to keep clients listening, it’d really help to ensure that the reads are unique to each other. Hope this helps.

    • #68534

      You have a great voice! On the Nutra System and Invisaline tempo could have been a little slower. Remembering what my Coach said, that the product/company name needs to be heard because they write the check. The Animal read started nice and methodical, then it picked up a bit. Still enjoyable reads.

  • #68519

    Hello, working on narration scripts for my coaching session. Any feedback would be great!

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    • #68580

      I have… nothing to say. Your voice is spot-on for narration and the performance was delightfully soothing. Anyone listening would feel very comfortable with you leading them. Keep going and you will go far.

    • #68535

      The first read was so soothing, I was glad to be an employee! The second read was also soothing, but with a little more energy, I would have been ready to invest! Fabulous voice!

      • #68572

        Thanks suecat for the feedback!

  • #68507

    Hello! Thank you in advance for your feedback!

    Life’s full of compromises. You give up high performance for high capacity. You pass on your favorite foods to fit into your favorite jeans. And with credit cards, find one with a low interest rate and you could give up important services. But now there’s a credit card with no compromises. The low rate OPTIMA card from American Express. Call now. 1-800-4-OPTIMA. Get the savings and the service with no compromises. And no annual fee.

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    • #68581

      You read great! I think each sentence had enough variation and the words you hit were well-picked. Only problem I can see is the end of the sentences. The words with one syllable didn’t roll off like the multiples. (eg: services, compromises) A roll off at the end is key to making the read sound conversational. Avoid hitting the end of a sentence unless it’s a question or an exclaimation. I hope this helps, you are doing well.

    • #68522

      Yes I agree with Erik B. This is a great read. Keep up the great work.

    • #68518
      Erik B

      Hi Nettipo. This read is fantastic. The tone, tempo, pitch, and volume are all on point. The recording quality is great. Sounds very professional. Great job.

      • #68540

        Thank you so much to both of you! I appreciate it.

  • #68505
    [email protected]

    Doing my best to sound like a normal person who is happy about Mitchum making a natural deodorant that actually works. How did I do?

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    • #68514

      Hi! I like your read…it has a kind of light and thoughtful quality to it, sort of like my conscious is speaking to me. This style of read would work well in a commercial where a person is thinking to herself about the product. It’s a very even tempo, and because of that it may not sound as conversational with another person as it could be, so maybe experiment with that in your next take.

  • #68494

    Hello! Just posting some practice script recordings for homework.

    At Freshii you can customize your entree and be your own culinary master. So what’s in your custom bowl? Tex Mex with black beans and a little salsa fresca? Teriyaki twist with a pop of pineapple? Whatever your fresh idea, get any 2 bowls for just $12.99! Freshii – Eat. Energize!

    American Express
    Do you know me? Probably not. In my business, recognition is always important, but when I’m buying goods online I prefer a little privacy. With Private Payments from American Express, I get the security of a unique number created for each business transaction I make. Because my private information is my business, and American Express keeps it that way.

    Ancient Mysteries
    Be it endless fascination with the Bible, or chilling tales of Gothic horror, man has been compelled by the wonders of the unknown since the beginning of time. From the possible existence of Big Foot to the grips of a mummy’s curse. Uncover the truth behind “Ancient Mysteries” tonight on Channel 4…NBC.

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    • #68502
      Erik B

      Hi Tim. I really liked the Freshi read the most out of the three. I feel like the copy naturally fits your voice and style. The tempo of the Freshi read is great, and you hit the key words nicely, great job. For the American Express read you hit the key words nicely, but I feel like the tone of the read didn’t fit the copy. Lastly the Ancient Mysteries read, I dig it, but I don’t think the tone fits with an NBC promo.

    • #68499

      Hello! Your reads have good energy and sound conversational enough to me. I can tell that you are conveying different emotions with each read. for the American Express, which had a slight sound of superiority or haughtiness, maybe explore a different emotion. Also, in the same read, your emphasis on “my” throughout the script was noticeable…perhaps make that emphasis not so much, or see how it sounds if you emphasize phrases and not just certain words.

  • #68484

    Howdy! I’m currently developing my commercial chops with the aim of recording my demo in June. Feel free to have a listen to these samples and let me know what you think. Thanks!

    Commercial 1: Crest
    Introducing the Crest Extender. Gentle Extender fibers clean deep between teeth. Now you
    can floss daily…extend between. Crest Extender. Fits between to get teeth clean.

    Commercial 2: Allegra
    Seasonal allergies can make you feel miserable. Only once-daily Allegra has fexofenadeen,
    for long lasting, non-drowsy allergy relief. So you can feel more like yourself again.
    For people 12 and older. Side effects include headache, upper respiratory tract infection and
    back pain. Call you doctor now for more information.

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    • #68517
      Erik B

      Hey Markos. Great job on both reads. Both have great tone, tempo, and you hit all the key words nicely. Also the recording quality is solid. Good luck with the demo.

    • #68513

      Hey there! Great job on these two spots. You hit all the right notes and nuances in both recordings. I guess I’d suggest that if, for example, these two spots were next to each other on a demo, see if you can vary the emotion–or bring out the emotion more in each spot–so that they contrast more and to also show more of your acting ability, which I can tell you totally have. Also, be aware of not saying the words as written. You added “the” before teeth in the second sentence of Crest, and you said “once-a-day” rather than “once daily” in the Allegra spot. I think you’re pretty much ready for that upcoming demo recording.

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