Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #68644

    Feedback PLEASE! I appreciate suggestions, advice, and all words of wisdom you’d like to share!

    The script: Purina One Special Formula For Cats is made with real chicken. Good news for your cat. Great news for your canary. For a complete adult diet for your cat and the real chicken he wants, give him Purina One Special Formula. Your canary will thank you for it. Purina One. Second to none.

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    • #68655
      Erik B

      HI Sue. The tone and tempo of your read were good. You also hit key words nicely, i.e. real in the first sentence. Watch out for pauses, I noticed one between “cat and” in the fourth sentence. Overall good job.

      • #68742

        Thank you Erik! I will work on the pauses — It’s just soooo hard! Thanks again!

  • #68639

    Hey everyone,

    Here’s some practice scripts I tried to tackle. Let me know what you think. I love any and all feedback.


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    • #68643

      O*G! Great reads! I loved the kids — you nailed the ‘no’! Loved the inflections there. The Sandals, well that sounded a little dark. Try a lighter tone for a more inviting sound. Keep it up!

      • #68665

        Great job with the Six Flags commercial read. The second recording sounds like you are advertising the hotel resort with your deeper/ lower register. The second performance seemed like it needed more energy and cheer in your voice. I’m hearing your lower register, not bad for the commercial, but you need to sound inviting to the audience to go to the hotel you are advertising.

  • #68622

    Please take a listen and give me some feedback.

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    • #68642

      Nice voice!

    • #68628

      Both reads feel a little rushed, especially the second one. I think you might want to subtract some of the pauses you make (“friends and family” in the first reading, for example, doesn’t really require a pause). Varying inflection a bit more could be useful — “A pay raise?” and “your dream house?” for instance, are using the exact same inflection twice in a row, which makes it sound less like you’re talking conversationally and more like you’re reading a to-do list. The second read sounds particularly choppy. Again, smoothing out some of those pauses could help. You’re treating some commas almost like periods. (For example, “About 12 billion years ago, scientists think, from a singular explosion, the universe was born” sounds almost like four unrelated statements right now.) “Thinning, cooling, and clumping” could use more variety of pitch and inflection, in order to sound like you’re genuinely interested in the text and really trying to convey an idea to the listener. “…the gas and dust that would become nine planets” could also be smoother. In general, the second read would benefit from a bit more relaxed approached. The fundamentals are there. Now, it’s just a question of sounding a little more natural about it, as though you’re speaking your own thoughts.

      • #68638

        Hey Bev,
        I agree with JustJohn that the reads seem a bit fast paced with kinda the same tone, and volume. You have a fantastic voice so just keep on truckin’.

  • #68618

    Hello everyone,
    I’m working on a narration demo, I would like comments on my read and also my recording quality.
    Thanks in advance for listening.

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    • #68778

      Hi Bev, Wow. Very impressed with your Dickinson read. A very complex script that you’re able to delivery clearly, crisply, and naturally. Authoritative while still intriguing listeners with the emotion you infuse in what—in another performer’s hands—might’ve been a rather dull script.

      Your Aetna read is equally pleasant to the ears, though it sounds a bit rushed (says the fellow voice talent who always seems to be in a race to finish a sentence 🙂) Maybe try a bit more relaxed pace with future takes. Keep up the great work!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by rogue1.
    • #68629

      Hey Bev,

      I thought your pacing was good and I liked the tone. Up and down in the right places and it sounded good for the piece, too. One possible suggestion would be to try to keep an eye on your soft “s” sounds. Like when you say “sketch” in the first piece is distinctly different from how you pronounced the “s” in “selection” earlier in the piece, with the former being a bit raspier. I have the same problem (if you can really even call it that), and have found that minding where my tongue rests in relation to the back of my top teeth can reduce this a bit.

      As far as the recording quality is concerned, there is quite a bit of mouth-popping going on. Not sure if you’re using a pop filter or not, but if not that could help. Also make sure you have a steady supply of water nearby if you don’t already. If you already do/have both of those, you might consider looking into some plugins for you DAW that could manage that, as well.

      Overall, I thought you sounded great from an acting POV. Great work!


  • #68590

    Hi everyone,

    I have two commercial readings and would be very grateful for any feedback. It’s my first homework assignment using some new equipment. My set-up is in a walk-in closet w/ a USB mic and pop filter.

    Thanks so much,

    New York Life
    Peace of mind is waiting to meet you all across the country. In towns big and small, there’s a New York Life agent who can help you to secure your future and protect your family. New York Life–The Company You Keep.

    Atlanta Bread Company
    When you think of Atlanta Bread Company, don’t just think ‘bread’. Think of an entire breakfast menu – fresh-baked pastries, hot breakfast sandwiches and specialty coffees. Think of our Cafe with savory sandwiches, daily soups and crisp salads. And don’t forget…we can cater your next special event or meeting! Atlanta Bread Company – more than just bread.

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    • #68615

      Hi H Harris,
      The New York Life, I though your pacing was good. The last phrase “The company you keep” you seemed to drop the p on keep I heard kee. Good choice with the walk in closet, but I would add more sound absorption, there’s a little echo.

      Your read for the Atlanta Bread Company, the pacing was good for me, however your volume was too low, maybe play with your gain, I turned up my volume on the playback as high as it could go and you still were very soft.

      Good luck learning how to use your new equipment.

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      • #68637

        Hey HHarris,
        Super silky voice! I’d just say that the name of the company – the one that writes the check – should be solid! The names of both companies flew by pretty fast. Yes, Atl Bread Co –was low. But I have issues with the volume as well, so I can only suggest that you turn up the volume on the computer. New equipment is tricky — can’t wait to hear more!

    • #68595
      Don Sack

      Hey Hh!
      Hmmm, what do I know….check your work before you submit it, NY Life cut out; the volume on Atlanta was too low. Whatever soft ware you use, play with it and learn it; Edge offers courses in several soft wares.
      Slow way down and relax. As my instructor hammers into me, find the lists in the piece and differentiate them via tone. Talk naturally and try to imagine another person speaking the words to you.
      Rock On!

  • #68585
    John Trape

    Hi everyone,

    I have three commercial readings and would be very grateful for any and all feedback.



    Eating Disorder

    You notice your friend has been throwing away her lunch. She’s started wearing baggy clothes – all the time. She seems tired. These are warnings of an eating disorder, the deadliest mental illness we know. But early treatment is the key to recovery. And as a friend you can be the difference.

    Meet Ricky

    Meet Ricky, this is his neighborhood. Creating a brighter future for Ricky and many other kids like him starts with giving them a safe place to play. At Edison, we are partnering with nonprofits to build parks in our communities that need them. Life powered by Edison.


    I was born fast. Faster than those who would challenge me. I was born strong. Quiet in confidence. And blessed with might. I was born with instinctive quickness. Quick to recognize. To adapt. To respond. Quick to be quick. I was born to be seen by everything but the wind. I was born at the beginning of the last century, but I am undoubtedly of the next century. I am Jaguar. Born to perform.

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    • #68596
      Don Sack

      Hey John!
      Are you kidding me!! Your accent and Jaguar!! Sold! But; I did this piece as well, my take on your read would be to be a bit more driven (no pun intended), tougher perhaps? A Jag is performance and speed as well as luxury.
      The other two, nice, a little less “stiff upper lip” and those p’s and consonants are popping out.
      Rock On!

      • #68602
        John Trape

        Hi Don,

        Thank you very much for your constructive feedback. Yes, I know what you mean about the more forceful approach to the Jaguar read. And my p’s and consonants – yes, I have to watch that.

        Again, much appreciated.


  • #68582

    Hey everyone, I just finished a Telephony audition and was hoping for some feedback. Do I sound calming and able to keep customers enthusiastic and less likely to hang up? Am I pursuading you to purchase LG products?

    LG Summer Rebate
    A representative will be with you shortly. Summer is already here at LG! Time to enjoy a new air conditioner. Ask your representative for more details.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by TimDKietzman.
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    • #68613

      Hello! Your voice is pleasant and friendly and clear…very suitable for this kind of script. The tone, energy level, and pacing are good, but I think the commercial portion of the script needs to be more differentiated from the telephony part, and more conversational. To test the conversational part, I usually ask myself if it sounds like someone next to me in line at a store talking to me, or me talking to them… Since it’s almost like an aside that calls your attention to something else for a brief moment, you might want consider using a slightly different energy or pacing with the commercial part; again, to differentiate from the telephony part a little.

  • #68569

    All comments welcome!

    Coors Banquet Beer
    Hardwork has it’s rewards and since 1873, Coors Banquet has rewarded efforts like yours with a beer made the hard way. Only using rocky mountain water and the best country barley found, the beer is an uncompromising stance that shares several distinctions that hard workers do. So for those like-minded, Coors Banquet beer may be an excellent choice for those that enjoy reaping the rewards of hard work. So roll up your sleeves we’ve got a banquet waiting for you! Coors the Banquet Beer.

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    • #68667

      Thanks for your inputs all, much appreciated!

    • #68631

      Firstly, your voice is amazing for this type of read. Calm and crystal clear. But I echo the statements of the previous 2 posters that it sounds a LITTLE too read-y and not quite conversational enough. When you say “the hard way”, it sounds like there should be more, but the sentence ends and the next one begins. When you say “the best country barley”, try to actually imagine that you believe its the best country barley you’ve ever experienced and you’re trying to convince someone who’s a little reluctant to believe you of that fact.

      Pacing is great. The recording itself sounds great, too.

    • #68621

      Hi Tim,
      Your voice is indeed suited for this type of ad, but you do need to make it conversational, maybe think of this, you just met me, I’m scheduling an event, and looking to provide some great beer for my guests, don’t tell to me about your product, talk to me about it, what makes it so great, why would I want to choose Coors banquet Beer. Your pacing was great.
      Good luck!

    • #68576

      Your voice is very fitting for this type of script and I think you pulled off a fitting tempo and hit the right words. Your read doesn’t sound too natural though. To pull off a conversational read, you need to speak each sentence like a statement whenever it doesn’t have a question mark or an exclaimation. Your read doesn’t match the words either, made the strangeness all the more obvious. I hope this helps.

  • #68564

    Hi VO Community, I am practicing various energy levels, volume…and well, just about everything! I am open to any feedback you can provide. Thank you!

    Allstate Insurance – Agent
    Go ahead… Make a wish… Now call your Allstate agent. Because today, planning makes wishes come true. And your Allstate agent can help make sure that “family security”, “college funding”, and even a “healthy retirement” are in the stars for you. Your Allstate agent wants to be your agent for life. You’re in good hands with Allstate Life Insurance.

    Sesame Place
    Sesame Place is the theme park where Sesame Street comes to life! New in 2018 is our biggest, most exciting roller coaster ever – Oscar’s Wacky Taxi™! Bring the entire family to whirl on rides, splash down slides and hug everyone’s favorite furry friends. So before little kids become big kids, bring them to meet their Sesame Street friends at Sesame Place® theme park!

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    • #68575

      WOW! You’ve nailed the tone, tempo, and pitch from beginning to end. Your reads both sound super conversational and your voice is a perfect fit for Sesame Place. You don’t go over-the-top and you have a fantastic recording setup. Only thing I have to point out is you paused in between some sentences. It may have been for barely more than half a second, but I noticed. Pauses should always be left for periods, commas and other full stops. All in all, I think your reads are fantastic.

      • #68605

        Thank you so much! And yes, I hear the pauses in the middle of my sentences now, so I will try to tighten them up!

  • #68558

    Hello Everyone! Working on a commercial script. I would love to hear feedback on delivery. I will also attach the script for your convenience:

    Introducing SRX, Cadillac’s all-new performance utility that raises the bar inside and out. Inside: SRX offers seating for seven and the UltraView roof, which gives first- and second-row passengers an unprecedented open-air riding experience. Outside: SRX has available Magnetic Ride Control, the world’s fastest-reacting suspension system. The result is maximized road contact that allows the driver to feel every S-curve and the thrill of every straightaway. The praise is high. So is the bar.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Chad4674.
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    • #68574

      Well, I think you have a great voice and your enunciation of words was well placed. I don’t think you sound conversational though, that’s because you’re stopping abruptly and at one point in the middle of a sentence. To sound conversational, you have to say it like a statement. Also, the tone doesn’t sound much like a car commercial. Most every car commercial is the same so try listening to some for inspiration.

    • #68571

      Hi, I would move toward a more connected delivery, it seemed a little disconnected? Your voice is very smooth though, you may want to change inflections,(up and down), a bit to sound more conversational, good job on this, keep it up!

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