Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #69156

    Looking for feedback. I didn’t provide the scripts for the last two.
    A Haunting Title
    In this world, there is real evil.
    In the darkest shadows and in the most ordinary places.
    These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable.
    Between the things we see and the things we fear, there are doors.
    When they are opened,

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    • #69179

      I love your voice! I agree with Mary you sound awesome there was some type of noise in the background that could be easily edited out.

    • #69162

      Hi Bev, very nice! I really like the texture in your voice – so rich and interesting! I liked all 3 scripts, and I think you were the most believable and dramatic in the first one “A Haunting Title”. I’m hearing a little bit of background noise like paper rustling but overall it’s very good!


  • #69151

    Hi Official81,
    I am no editor but I did listen to both your edited and unedited versions, I actually liked the unedited, again it’s just me, but I found the edited version sharp sounding.

    • #69153

      Thank you Bev I will take that into account.

  • #69148

    Hey everyone, I had an idea regarding my recording setup and put it to the test. What do you think of these two samples? The first one features my usual recording setup with the detachable roof, while the second one features me recording with the roof more elevated. Which do you think sounds better? Any advice on my performance is appreciated too. Thanks.

    Carnation Breakfast Essentials (Booth Test)
    Kids can change minds. They can even change the world around us. Packed with protein plus 21 vitamins and minerals, we nourish them with Carnation Breakfast Essentials. Because today could change everything.

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    • #69163

      Hi Tim, good job! I liked the first recording slightly better, although I did not hear a big difference between the two. I think the first one performance-wise sounded clearer to me as well. Thanks!


  • #69144

    Hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend, got some homework to share:

    The US Postal Service wants to remind everyone this year to protect themselves from becoming victims of identity theft. Promptly remove incoming mail from your mailbox – and don’t give out passwords, pin numbers, or account numbers. To learn more, visit

    In Lynchburg, Tennessee, you can park in the middle of the road to talk with a neighbor about taxes or the weather. You can pick enough wild blackberries to fill a tin bucket. And you can see a distillery where Jack Daniel made whiskey way back in 1866. We still make it in a slow, deliberate fashion, much as he did. One sip, and you’ll be glad to know we don’t ever plan to stop. Jack Daniel’s … smooth sippin’ Tennessee whiskey.

    Your smile says a lot about you. If you let it. When you’re uncomfortable about your teeth, it’s easy to hold back your smile. Invisalign’s advanced technology now lets you straighten your teeth invisibly – so you can express yourself fully. And because they’re invisible, no one has to know about it. Hundreds of thousands of people already have discovered Invisalign. Maybe it’s time you were one of them.

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    • #69164

      Hi Ed, good job! Very clear and well-paced throughout. I liked all 3 of these for you with USPS bring my favorite. I think you could slow down Jack Daniels a little and really lean into what is being said. It sounded like the words were a little smushed together in “We still make it in a slow, deliberate fashion…” I’d like to hear this one again, and I give you permission to act it out this time, like you are actually chatting with a neighbor in the middle of the road, like you have all day to talk about the weather! Good work!


      • #69192

        Thank you for the feedback! Speed is something that I’m struggling with a little as I have a tendency to talk and read fast. This is going to sound odd, but I worry so much about going too fast that it feels like I’m losing something in the read, though that is likely a case of overthinking things. In any event here’s a second take where I’m trying to go a little slower than the first one. Thanks again!

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by EdSoliz.
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        • #69200

          Hi Ed, you are welcome for the feedback. Good job on the second take! I could tell you slowed it down some in the first half, but then it sped up again a little on the last sentence. The pauses were good, it makes it interesting to listen to, like what’s coming next? Give the listener a little time to hang on your last words. “slow, deliberate fashion” could be even further stretched out and emphasized. Unlike the US Postal Service script (people want their mail delivered really fast!) you are describing a process by which whiskey is made, and so people will assume that taking a long time to cure the whiskey is a good thing, like it indicates quality. I noticed that both of your recordings were 26 seconds long, you might even try it with the goal of having the recording last 30 seconds, which is a typical commercial script length. I too speak too fast sometimes, like I need to deliver the message and be efficient, so this is not uncommon to have to work on the speed of a particular script. Thanks for trying again! Mary

  • #69136

    Hey All!

    I’m new to this forum and to voice over, so I thought I’d stop by to say “hi” and also drop a few real estate commercial scripts I’ve tried out in my garage studio. I appreciate your feedback, and it’s so cool to hear others’ voice overs here – you all are doing so well!

    Thanks a bunch!

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    • #69165

      Hi Jen, really nice! You are a natural and your voice is well-suited for these genres. I like the recording production too. You have a very clear and confident sound which is great for real estate. I likes your delivery of the last sentence in the first recording “How’s this weekend for you?”, really kept my attention throughout. Great job!


      • #69234

        Thanks so much, Mary! I appreciate the feedback and always looking to improve on style or anything really. 😉

  • #69134

    Hey All!

    I’m new to this forum and to voice over, so I thought I’d stop by to say “hi” and also drop a few real estate commercial scripts I’ve tried out in my garage studio. I appreciate your feedback, and it’s so cool to hear others’ voice overs here – you all are doing so well!

    Thanks a bunch!

  • #69122

    I would love some feedback on this one. I’m working on sounding conversational rather than presentational, so let me know what you think!

    At Chewy, you can shop America’s number one pet pharmacy anytime, anywhere. It’s so simple. You can order on a walk, at the beach, even over breakfast. And with fast, free delivery, there’s more time for the good stuff. Shop America’s number one pet pharmacy. Visit today.

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    • #69166

      Hi D_tonguet, good job! I too like your conversational style on this one, it had a nice energy to it and felt very approachable and natural for this script. Good variation in tone as well. Keep it up!


    • #69135

      Hello there!

      I really enjoyed your conversational style in this voice over. It sounded natural and held my attention. The only things I noticed were a few things that could be edited out easily, such as when taking breaths and any mouth noises that may happen in between the lines you speak. Otherwise, it was an awesome job doing conversational rather than presentational! I especially liked the part, “there’s more time for the good stuff.”

  • #69113

    Hello again all. I am back and this time I thought it would be a great idea to let you all listen to the unedited version and the edited version for feedback on sound quality and how I did on editing the vocals.

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    • #69168

      Hi Official81, good job! I liked the edited version better, good job on the editing! It just sounded clearer and easier to understand. The pacing and enunciation was good and you had a nice natural delivery. Very good!


      • #69178

        Thank you so much for your feedback!

        • #69187

          You are welcome! 🙂


  • #69098

    Hello everyone I am looking for some feedback on my editing in this recording. Please let me know how I did.

    Welcome to advance technology incorporated and to the excitement and challenges of a growing business. As a new employee, your job is important to us. Your success is an important factor in the success of this company. This software is designed to offer you accurate information about company policies and procedures, benefit packages, performance reviews, training and education opportunities.

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    • #69169

      Hi Official81, good job! I like your voice for an on-boarding script such as this one. I liked the variation in the lists of items, it kept my attention. I think the enthusiasm was good for the script, good job!


  • #69095

    Hey everyone,

    I have some more scripts I’d love for you to review.

    Any advice is always greatly appreciated.


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    • #69116

      Hi Mike!

      Your voice is nice and clear and crisp. You may want to try using more fluctuations and intonations in the Lender’s Bagel read. ANd in the Asthma read you sound great there are a few glottals and pauses that can easily be edited out. And correcting those glottals will help you sound more conversational.

    • #69101

      You have some great energy “you can trust a New Yorker” that comes through I’d love to hear it come through throughout the entire recording.

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