Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #89892

    Guys – when applying to join a VO work site, or maybe start a freelancer gig, I find it really difficult to describe my own voice – can you do it for me please? If you could reply with three words I could use as descriptors, I’d be most grateful.

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    • #90210
      Alexander Wright

      Pleasant, engaging, solid.

    • #90056
      Brian Evans

      Hi James. I agree with Andrea and I would add confident and friendly.

    • #89970
      Andrea Williams

      HI, James. I would say deep, warm and engaging.

  • #89848

    Hi Everyone! I’d love any non-technical feedback on these submissions, particularly on my diction, pacing, and, conversational tone. Thanks so much for your time!

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    • #89880
      Andrea Williams

      Hi, Danielle. Your diction, pace, and conversational tone were very good. Both reads sounded and felt very authentic and your voice is very easy to listen to.

      • #89925

        Very nice read. Conversational and confident.

      • #89909

        Thanks so much for the feedback, Andrea!

  • #89824
    Brian Evans

    Hello Everyone!
    Would love your feedback on these practice commercials.

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    • #89879
      Andrea Williams

      Fantastic voice and tone, Brian. I agree with Chris on the pauses. There were fewer in the Invesco read, which sounded more natural.

    • #89864
      Chris Neil

      Hi, I like the tone of your voice and what I was told when I had my evaluation is I was pausing too much, and I think you are also pausing too often. But other than that it sounds great!

  • #89819
    Andrea Williams

    Greetings! Thank you in advance for feedback on these two narration reads. I am working on being conversational so would like feedback on that aspect, as well as pacing and over-emphasis of minor words like “and”.

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    • #89853

      Hi Andrea. I thought both of your submissions were great. Good diction and pace, there was variation in your pitch, and the reads felt very friendly and conversational. I listened for an overemphasis of the word “and” but it didn’t seem to pop out to me. Hope that helps! Good job!

  • #89748

    Hello everyone…this is my 1st submission to the forum!

    Creative feedback only please! No technical feedback please!

    How is my diction? How is my pace? Do my reads sound conversational?

    Please let me know…thank you!

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    • #90165

      I would say to just take your time when reading. It felt rushed for Revlon especially. It seems to me you started to get in the groove when doing the Toyota spot though! I could hear the rise and falls of where you wanted to bring the audiences’ attention.

    • #89781
      Stephen Winburn

      Hi Jacqueline!
      I listened to both recordings and i think the Toyota recording is spot on for pace and diction. I’m still learning what it means to sound conversational so no notes from me there!
      The Revlon recording i do think the pace is a little hurried though the diction is fine. Listening to the two pieces back to back the Revlon piece just doesn’t carry the same energy as the Toyota one– each line drops at the end, if that makes sense? I’d suggest, as they say, having an opinion about the product and see how that informs your delivery!

  • #89719
    Michele Martin

    Submitting this narration read here for my coach to listen to.

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    • #89782
      Stephen Winburn

      Hi Michele!
      I just listened to all 3 recordings and i gotta say to my untrained ear they all hinged on perfection! Very hard to come up with any meaningful notes!
      What i will say is,having listened to all 3 back to back, the tone strikes me as the same even though the pieces are for 3 different narration styles. It’s especially noticeable in the Hudson Valley piece where it seems like the text depicts the narrator as a proud New Yorker, the tone that was spot on for 4H– and maybe slighty out of place for Manufacturing if I’m really being nitpicky– feels like it’s at odds with the text for Hudsom Valley.
      I hope that’s helpful!

      • #89883
        Michele Martin

        Thank you Stephen! I appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback! My coach had similar comments about my tone needing to change based upon the context – so you have a good ear and instincts :). I’m going to work on that!

  • #89716
    Michele Martin

    Hi everyone,
    Submitting a narration read for feedback. I think I am guilty of using uptalk in the middle section talking about “kids who are curious enough to question”. I’m not fixing it because I want to confirm that it is indeed uptalk. Trying to learn to “hear” it when I do it.
    Thank you 🙂

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  • #89712
    Michele Martin

    Hi All!
    Here is my first narration read; Trying to get the hang of it after working on commercial scripts in the past. I’m appreciative of any feedback.(I know I need to better articulate the “P” at the end of “looking up” in the first sentence ;).
    Thank you,

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    • #89855

      Hi Michele. I love the quality of your voice throughout this read, I find it very exciting, engaging and enticing. I thought your diction and pace were good. One pattern I did notice throughout the read was regarding your phrasing: specifically, your pitch tends to go up at the beginning of your sentences and then down at the end of each sentence in a similar manner, so maybe some variation there would be something to think about. Good job!

  • #89709

    Hi everyone! This is my first submission and I’d some feedback about my pace, as I tend to read a little fast, and if the tone is anywhere in the ballpark! The first one is a biography narration and the second is a commercial. Thank you!

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    • #90166

      For the Gertude Bell read, it felt a little too monotoned for me? Intriguing nonetheless! Maybe changing the tone on a few words to bring some spark to it? Especially if it’s about the adventure of someone’s life. The clarity though was fantastic! I hope Steve makes a lot of money on Chownow because I was pretty invested!

    • #89788
      Stephen Winburn

      Hi Jenn!
      I think your pacing and tone for Chow Now work great for that piece, well done!
      As for the Gertrude Bell piece, i think the pacing for its current tone works well, but I think the tone might be more somber than the reading calls for. The text talks about Gertrude’s “passion” and “defiant independence”, and says her life was ultimately a great adventure! I think the tone should reflect more of that vitality that Gertrude’s autobiography is supposed to inspire in its potential readers.

    • #89751

      Hi! I think your tone was great & your pace was nice & steady! Great job!

  • #89705
    Chris Neil

    Hello everyone, Please listen to a recent audition I did, any feedback would be appreciated, Thanks.

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    • #89789
      Stephen Winburn

      Hi Chris!

      I thought this was a great read and that the tone and pace were great and it sounded conversational! There was just a wee diction issue on “opportunity” where the last few syllables got jumbled.

      • #89798
        Chris Neil

        Thanks for the feedback, it’s amazing that I never heard that when listening to it back, a second set of ears is so helpful Thanks again

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