Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #69779

    Hey guys! This is for my homework, Thanks for taking the time to give me feedback! I’ll try and do the same if you’ve uploaded to the forum too!

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    • #69792

      This isn’t a comment on your reads so much as a comment on sound quality: I know this is “just” homework, but the acoustics sound a bit like you’re recording in a tin can in the next room. If you’re going to be recording yourself for work, you will want a bit more “present” sound quality.

      As far as your reads: the Purina ad is very good. Nice contrast on “good news”/”great news”. In my opinion, “your canary will thank you for it” could use a little more pitch variation.

      The Carnation ad is also very good; very professional sounding, with natural-sounding expressiveness. At the tag line, “because today could change everything,” it sounds a bit like you hit the bottom of your vocal range, so the word “everything” is on a fry that sounds almost whispered. You might want that to come out a little more, so as to be the same volume level as the rest of your (quite good) read.

  • #69772
    Sheila Harris

    Hi everyone. Just sharing a few uploads for my homework. Would appreciate the feedback!

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    • #69801
      Sheila Harris

      Here’s the text as well:

      To begin, make yourself comfortable…it’s best to lie on your back. Put your arms by your sides, not touching your body. Put your feet slightly apart. With each exhalation…let all the tension out of your body. Let the tension just dissolve…and flow out.

      Psalm 29:11:
      The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace. Psalm 29:11. Dear G*d, I seek Your presence in my heart. Please help me to believe in You throughout every season. Allow me to trust in You during the storms. Allow me to lean on You when I am not satisfied with how my day went. Please help me to seek comfort in You so that I can keep my eyes focused on the good. Allow my thoughts to be full of grace for every blessing that You have placed into my life. Lift me with Your righteous hand and keep me faithful in Your Word from morning until night. Amen.

      American Express:
      Thank you for holding. Did you know that you can now receive your American Express statement completely online. No more paper bills! We’ll even send you an e-mail reminder when your statement is ready for viewing. To see if you can take advantage of this free service; log on to Or ask your representative.

      So it’s 2:00 in the morning…and you’re starving. Nothin’ in the fridge, and nothin’ in the cupboards. You don’t even have dog biscuits hangin’ around. You think about cooking…but then you remember the 3-alarm fire you started, last time you tried using the stove. Well, check out 7-11! There’s gotta be one right near ya’. They have everything from burgers to tacos…24 hours a day…7 days a week. 7-11. Think of it as your own personal walk-in kitchen.

  • #69766

    Greetings…looking for some feedback on my homework from my first coaching session – corporate explainer and documentary narration.

    Thanks in advance for your input.

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  • #69750

    Hi all. Uploading my homework assignment from coaching session number 2 for critique. Primarily focusing on emphasizing the right words and avoiding glottal stops. But I’m certainly open to any and all feedback. Thank you all in advance.

      Fish Boil

    Even people who don’t like fish, have been known to like this fish. That’s why a fish boil is a must-do experience when you visit Door County. It all starts with a blazing bonfire under a kettle of salted water. People circle around to warm themselves and take in the crisp smell. When the temperature is just right and the crackle of the fire is just loud enough, the boil master adds a basket of potatoes and onions to the kettle. A few crackles later, the mild whitefish steaks, fresh from Lake Michigan, are delicately lowered in. At just the right moment, kerosene is tossed into the fire, exciting the blaze and causing the water to boil over, dramatically carrying off the fish oil that has collected on top. The fish are pulled out and greeted with a generous drizzling of butter. Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.

      Liquiband Flow

    Developed with the input of clinicians across the globe, Liquiband Flow Control’s innovative design insures precise adhesive placement. The winged applicator packaging facilitates safe and easy activation, along with accuracy and control.
    Liquiband Flow Control can be applied in 3 simple steps:
    Step 1: While holding the container upright, squeeze the applicator wings until a cracking sound is heard.
    Step 2: Ensure that the wound is thoroughly clean and dry prior to closure. Invert the tip and gently squeeze the wings to prime the device. When the tip turns violet, Liquiband Flow Control is ready to use.
    Step 3: While holding the wound edges together, apply an even coat of Liquiband over the length of the wound, and continue to hold the wound edges together for 30 seconds.


    Make yourself comfortable, sitting upright, with a straight spine. With your eyes closed, look at the point midway between the eyebrows on your forehead. Inhale slowly, counting to eight. Hold the breath for the same eight counts while concentrating your attention at the point between the eyebrows. Now exhale slowly to the same count of eight. Repeat three to six times.

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    • #69880

      Great job on these Chris, note your emphasis tells me important words or phrases to pay attention to, and you have nice voice!

    • #69769
      Sheila Harris

      Hi Chris. I enjoyed your submissions–especially the “fish boil.” Your presentation really painted the picture of the sounds and smells of the experience!

    • #69759

      I really enjoyed your performances! Your voice is butter smooth and easy to listen to. Your intonations were natural conversations. And the meditation, was so very good. I can’t believe you’ve just has 2 coaching sessions, you’re one quick study! There’s a future in VO for you! Nice job!

  • #69748
    Don Sack

    Did this one just before going to work; did not mess with it too much as the advice I’ve gotten is to do it and move on! LOL!

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    • #69778

      Great voice, loved the vibe, perhaps when mentioning the name of the product – or the company – try to make it stand out a bit more since it’s the very reason you’re recording in the first place! Something to “wow” the listeners with into paying attention to the company name, but don’t overdo it!

    • #69755

      I like it, great voice, good sound.
      Would suggest to be a bit more excited about the product.

  • #69742

    Hi All,
    I would also appreciate some feedback on these initial reads I did for Narration Demo. These were the reads I was most concerned about so I would appreciate feedback.

    Thanks for the help!

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    • #69777

      Hello Zhenee, I think your voice is very friendly enough to keep the listeners going, however, in your audio recordings, I’ve noticed you cut up some of the audio to allow some space between words in the sentences, perhaps for next time- try to see how it would go if you don’t cut up the audio and let yourself talk, or maybe trim it in a way that isn’t so rough!

      • #69808

        Thank you so much for your feedback.

  • #69738

    Hello All,
    I currently preparing for my Narration Demo and would appreciate some feedback on these practice reads I did for my homework.

    About Horror
    Take a trip back to a time when late night creature features were all the rage and the personalities that presented them were just as popular as the movies.
    Beginning in the 1950s, the horror fest was a staple of regional television. From ghouls to vampires – to werewolves and crypt keepers – every host had a persona to suit their unique personalities.

    Advance Technologies
    Welcome to advance technology incorporated and to the excitement and challenges of a growing business. As a new employee, your job is important to us. Your success is an important factor in the success of this company. This software is designed to offer you accurate information about company policies and procedures, benefit packages, performance reviews, training and education opportunities.

    9 Planets
    About 12 billion years ago, scientists think, from a singular explosion, the universe was born. In those first moments, intensely hot hydrogen and helium raced outward – thinning, cooling, and clumping into vast, organized structures.
    Within a few billion years, countless galaxies had emerged. Each one containing hundreds of billions of stars – constantly changing in cycles of birth, death and rebirth. In one of these galaxies, about 5 billions years ago, one average-sized star, our sun, captured in its gravitational field the gas and dust that would become 9 planets.

    I appreciate the feedback!

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  • #69732

    Hey all! Just doing some practice reads, feedback is always appreciated!!

    Purina Dog Chow Light & Healthy:
    You like to keep your family healthy and fit, and now there’s a new way to do the same for your dog. Introducing new Purina Dog Chow Light and Healthy. It’s a no sacrifices, calorie light way to keep him trim, with the deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend he’ll love…and 22% fewer calories than Dog Chow. Discover the lighter side of strong. New Purina Dog Chow Light and Healthy.

    Disney Cruise Line Vacation:
    Escape on a fantasy unlike anything you’ve ever imagined. A Disney Cruise Line Vacation. Start planning today and set sail on a dream.

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  • #69721

    This is my first song separated into three parts
    I am untrained and need feedback on how I can improve in every aspect
    Don’t be shy to criticize what I did wrong

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by NYTE.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by NYTE.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by NYTE.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by NYTE.
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    • #69747

      Hi NYTE,
      I’m not a professional singer, and I’ve only received minimal training in my life, but I would really suggest strengthening your current vocal range. A lot of people try to perform runs and hit high notes to make their singing appear more impressive when really it isn’t necessary. Having a strong foundation, and singing from your diaphragm is very important. Your chest voice is okay, but performing runs that you aren’t vocally ready for will throw you off-key. Practicing vocal scales will help you strengthen your current range and will help you expand it in the future. Lastly, make sure you’re counting in your head to remain on beat.

  • #69718

    This is my first project and I’m untrained. One day I need to get vocal lessons as well.
    I need some feedback as to what I can improve on to make better music and sing better in the near future.
    I also want to better my vocal technique

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