Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #70395

    If anyone have time, please review my script and provide feedback. I would like to know your thoughts before I continue with my private sessions. Thanks so much for your time.

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  • #70383
    Titus Nichols

    Hey everybody,

    I just started my training and I would like feedback on a few scripts that I used for practice. I appreciate any feedback you all can give me on what I can do to improve my style.

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    • #70390

      I think you’re off to a good start. Great tone and diction. There is, however, audible room noise impacting your recording. Please ensure you record in an acoustically treated space. If you already have acoustic treatment, it may not be adequate.

  • #70378
    Kyle Kankonde

    Hello! I am working on my narration skills. First time posting here. Would appreciate your feedback! Thank you! (Sorry for the double upload! They are the same take)

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    • #70413

      Really enjoyed your Rattlesnake clip! Great narration, good energy and emotion. Pace is engaging too, enjoyable to listen to!
      The one thing that stood out to me is the pronunciation of your “t’s” There are a couple of words with the “t” sound that are nice and crisp and sharp. For some words it probably makes sense not to annunciate that sound so much judging for formal vs informal. However, the nice crisp “t” sound was great in the couple places you had it and I am wondering if you can bring that more into the rest of your clip?
      Great narration overall!

    • #70387
      Titus Nichols

      I thought that you had a good “reading tone”, but not necessarily a conversational tone. But you were clear and articulate and didn’t stumble over your words.

      • #70407
        Kyle Kankonde

        Thanks for the feedback, Titus! I’ll work more on my conversational tone.

  • #70370

    Greetings! I uploaded my latest training homework…comments/feedback welcome.

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    • #70412

      Listened to your Charlie Chaplin clip a few times. It is really good! Sounds professional and clean in a lot of ways!
      I noticed a few areas where as you went along the pacing and energy seemed to flag a bit. Also clearly pronouncing the “t” sound for certain words.

      For the Hershey clip:
      Volume was consistent throughout. Tone was good overall, could have a little more enthusiasm and emotion. Your starts are strong and impressive. You seem to loose a little steam and sorta settle into a more toned down version as you go along. Also watch out for which words your are emphasizing in the script. Make sure you are getting your message across.

      The creativity clip is great! I can definitely sense your enthusiasm for the subject and that carries throughout the clip. There is a spark and vibrancy in this clip that is not quite there in the other ones. What I noticed in this clip was that some of your pauses between words/phrases seemed a touch too long.
      Great stuff overall! Your voice has some really nice qualities to it and is pleasant and approachable sounding.

  • #70365

    Good Morning/Evening!

    I am replying to the forum thread here for homework purposes, from my instructor.

    It is here that I post a couple of recordings. No specific ‘themes’ with this one, just advertisement commercials.

    Feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated! I’m more than eager to learn, so criticize me where it hurts, lol.

    (Hopefully I did a decent job in hiding the fan; it’s a hot night/day, and thus makes my studio hotter…)

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    • #70417

      For Feel the Clarity:
      Great emotion and energy, you sound upbeat and enthusiastic! Your pace is a little breathless and headlong however. You have confidence, but you’re rushing it. Take time to slow down and let your words have an impact. Imagine that this is for a commercial and you need to give your viewer and listener time to process all the great things you are saying. Give a little more time and spacing to let your message land and have that impact! Off to a great start though 🙂

      For Video-Game:
      Good energy and emotion! Here I would say, watch where you are placing emphasis and which words you are highlighting. Are they the words you want to emphasize for your message? For example in the last sentence, maybe the word you want to emphasize is “learning” instead of “today” at the end of the sentence.

      I didn’t notice any noises of a fan 🙂

      • #70430

        Thank you for your feedback!

        Yes, you’re right in regards to both recordings. I was so focused on hitting the targeted time that I forgot about actually letting the script (or, myself) breathe. Next time I’ll relax a bit more.

        As for the 2nd one, I will definitely take your advice to heart. I must’ve lost focus to what the commercial was aimed at.

  • #70360
    Bill Mahoney

    Couple auditions. making sure I am on the right track. Any comments are much appreciated. Theses are in the 25-35 second range.

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    • #70389

      These were great reads with very good sound quality. My only critique would be to vary your pitch and pace a little more to make it a bit more conversational.

  • #70356

    Hi guys. I am trying to break into voice over for animation and audio books. I am providing a couple of samples and would love to hear your feedback.

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  • #70351

    Hello Forum! Posting my most recent homework here, focusing on the eLearning genre and emphasizing the right words. Thanks for any feedback you provide.

    —Script 1—
    This lesson dedicated to snare drum rudiments introduces the Flams: Flam Accent, Flam Paradiddle, Flamacue and Flam Tap.
    The Flam, in musical theory and writing, doesn’t have a definite value; it can be described as a double stroke made by a first-hand weak stroke closely followed by an accented, stronger second-hand stroke. It’s a grace note, represented in drum charts by a smaller note with a tie put just before the principal note. For a correct execution of a Flam, the stick that plays the weaker stroke starts from about one inch from the drumhead, and the stick that plays the principal stroke starts from a superior height.

    In the exercises of the drum sheet you should play regular figures alternating the right and the left hand, and once you have mastered them, try to insert flams in your free improvisations.

    —Script 2—
    Commonly summarized as “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” (on-TA-jeh-nee re-cah-PIT-you-lates fill-AH-jeh-nee), biogenetic law posits that the embryonic stages in the development of an individual (its ontogeny) repeat the evolutionary history of its ancestors (its phylogeny). A corollary of the biogenetic law is the idea that new evolutionary features are typically added at the end of development, with formerly adult, or “terminal” stages gradually being compressed into progressively earlier stages (or sometimes being eliminated outright).

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    • #70376

      Thank you for posting! You have a really nice, soothing voice. But, I would say to perhaps allow your reads to either breath a little more or a little less because I could feel you running a bit out of breath, especially in the Flams read, since it was a tongue-twister. But, I really appreciated how you would change your tone for your audience. And you have really good pronunciation! Great work!

  • #70347

    Hello everyone! This is my first time posting here and I would really appreciate some feedback on my narration script recordings. Thank you!

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    • #70354

      Welcome to the Forum! Thanks for posting. You have a nice voice. Across the three recordings, I few things I noticed include some breath noises and some unnatural breaks in the sentences. For example, from the Travel-Travelogues recording: “Offering the latest / and greatest…” Not seeing the script, it’s possible the scriptwriter wanted a break there?

      You were able to switch your tone for your audience which was really nice.

  • #70328

    Hey everyone,

    I’m getting to the end of my program and am looking to work on my conversational tone. I would love it if you could give me some feedback regarding these scripts.


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    • #70355

      Hey Mike,
      I think the conversational tone is working for you pretty well, especially the Trendi and Ziploc recordings. I think any critiques I have of those would be nitpick stuff—good job on those! I felt the Atlanta Bread script felt more “read”. There were points in the audio track where it sounded like something was cut out, so I’m thinking you were trying to use lead-ins there? If not, it’s a great tool to use to keep that tone conversational, as if you were standing in front of the Atlanta Bread counter talking to a friend about what’s good there.

      Keep up the great work!

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