Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #70991

    Homework for Art Bruder Session 9.28.2021

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    • #71122

      very nice voice for documentaries narration… I would suggest you to start hearing (and paying attention) to the narrations of David Attenborough. Where does he makes emphasis? how does he describes things? which words is he stressing? how does he uses the pauses in his reads? the prosody? etc… It’s not a matter of becoming a double that imitates him, but to learn a little big more from what he does. His documentaries are beautiful, so I would suggest that if you can’t concentrate on the voice, minimize the video and just hear him narrating.
      Have a great day.

  • #70979

    Hi everyone! I have attached my narration script recordings below. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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    • #71129

      Hi Salma,
      Thank you for posting so many samples! I listened to the Hershey spot. My overall suggestion is try to be more relaxed when you read – right now it sounds like you are being very careful with reading each sentence. There are quite a lot of pauses throughout, so try to imagine saying the words to one person, and see if that makes it flow more and sound more natural. This ia a good start! Nice job.

  • #70972


    Another script from the library, I chose for practice.

    This one is A Priest in World War 2, in the Film & TV category.

    Any Feedback is much appreciated!

    All the best,


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  • #70964

    Hi everyone! This is my first upload for my Commercial VO homework. I would appreciate any and all feedback!

    There is a little bit of background noise, unfortunately the computer I use at the moment is a PC, not a laptop, so the fans do come through. Working on getting a good VO laptop to work off of. Sorry about that, but thank you for listening!

    Harvey Home Theatre:
    He has a 160 IQ, performs cardiac surgery for a living. And now, he can even operate his home entertainment system. Introducing Harvey Home Theater. It’s so sophisticated, it’s simple. Dimensions of sight and sound unheard of, until now. All at your fingertips. Now, if he could only operate the microwave. Home Theater from Harvey, not your ordinary electronics store. Call for the Harvey near you.

    Carnation Breakfast Essentials:
    Kids can change minds. They can even change the world around us. Packed with protein plus 21 vitamins and minerals, we nourish them with Carnation Breakfast Essentials. Because today could change everything.

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    • #71183

      Hi bnielsen15. I like your voice for these. My take is slow down a bit on Harvey, and it seems both could use a little “punch” like…”your fingertips”, “Packed” with protein. A little more emotion. Great job on your first upload!

  • #70962

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m attaching a narration script on Ernest Hemingway from the Edge library,

    that I selected, to practice.

    Any feedback is very much appreciated.

    Thank you and all the best,


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  • #70954

    Greetings- My last homework before demo prep…any feedback is welcome!

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  • #70952

    Giving the Sandals thing another whirl…

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  • #70947

    Hi everyone,
    I’m attaching two narration scripts that I recorded for my narration homework. Please take a listen; any and all feedback appreciated.


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  • #70939
    Erik B

    Hello everybody. Attached are three Narration reads for my latest homework assignment. I would appreciate any feedback in regards to the performances and recording quality. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

    Ethan Allen

    Fashion you relish. Quality you expect. Service you can depend on. Furnishings you can afford. Choices galore. This is the colorful image of Ethan Allen we want consumers to know. The wide spectrum of our image is expressed in many ways: through our galleries, our advertising, and our team of professionals who represent Ethan Allen. But is our image clearly visible to consumers? How can we ensure that Ethan Allen’s true colors shine through? Building a strong image that withstands the test of time takes imagination, innovation, and participation. Those who have succeeded in maintaining a colorful, appealing image have followed a simple rule.

    The Maya

    The Maya, an ancient South American culture, predicted that time would end in a violent apocalypse on December 21, 2012. They created an elaborate astronomical calendar called “The Long Count,” which stops abruptly in 2012. This date, which is also the winter equinox, coincides with an incredibly rare galactic alignment that happens once every 26,000 years. What did the Mayans think would happen when their calendar ended? And were they joined by other cultures–from different parts of the world and in different centuries–all pointing to 2012 as a calamitous end time?

    Georgia O’Keeffe

    Georgia O’Keeffe revolutionized modern art, both in her time and in the present. And if we understand O’Keeffe’s emotional response to nature and her need to create an equivalent in art, we hold the key to her work. In the 1920s she explored this theme in her magnified paintings of flowers, meant to convey that Nature, in all its beauty, was as powerful as the widespread industrialization of the period. After spending her first summer in New Mexico, she began to paint the colorful yet barren landscape, expansive skies and bleached bones that would capture her imagination, and her heart, for the rest of her life.

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    • #70944

      Hey Erik!

      You have a very soothing, professional sounding tone which is consistent across all three reads. Your articulation is also very nice and each word sounds very clear.

      I’ve copied some feedback about each pieces below as it sounded to me, hope this helps!



      Ethan Allen

      It does sound like you’re reading and I think part of that is every sentence ends on a ‘down’ tone except the question (How can we ensure that Ethan Allen’s true colors shine through?). This makes it seems a little less conversational to me. I might also add a little more space between sentences.

      The Maya

      Better spacing between sentences, I feel like a little more emphasis on word/phrases like ‘violent apocalypse’ and ‘rare galactic alignment’ might make listeners a little more engaged.

      Georgia O’Keeffe

      Loved the line ‘in her magnified paintings of flowers, meant to convey that Nature, in all its beauty, was as powerful…’ This was my favorite of your three examples.

  • #70936

    Good Morning Everyone:
    Here are three Edge Studio library scripts recorded as part of my Narration homework and I would greatly appreciate any feedback to assist me improving my VO skills… thank you very much for taking the time to listen!

    Advance Technologies
    Welcome to Advance Technology Incorporated and to the excitement and challenges of a growing business. As a new employee, your job is important to us. Your success is an important factor in the success of this company. This software is designed to offer you accurate information about company policies and procedures, benefit packages, performance reviews, training and education opportunities

    Educational Explainer- Real Estate
    Would you like to buy a house? Maybe its your first house, or even your 2nd and you just think that MAYBE you didn’t think hard enough about the last one.
    Listen I love Real Estate. And in most cases, even a bad deal can work to your advantage in the very long run

    Financial Engines
    Financial Engines provides investors with honest, personalized advice and portfolio management. Available online, on paper, and by phone, our advice is accessible to all and unique to each investor’s goals and circumstances

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    • #70945

      Good afternoon Steve,

      Thanks for sharing! I would upload each file separately so it’s easier to listen to specific portions or to repeat a single read and I’ve copied some feedback about each script below as it sounded to me.




      Advance Technologies

      Well paced but I feel like you sped up a little in the ‘This software is designed to offer you accurate informaiton about company policies and procedures’ part. I would also try to make the ‘your job is important to us’ especially soothing and reassuring


      Educational Explainer- Real Estate

      This was my favorite of the three, I thought this was much more conversational than the first one, and I like the emphasis on MAYBE like is in the script.


      Financial Engines

      Maybe a little fast, especially near the end.

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