Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #76347

    Hello everyone,
    Below are two reads that I’d be interested in feedback on whether it be processing or technique.


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    • #76377

      Pacing – between words I think it’s already good… but between endings of sentences or phrases, there were times where I thought a bit less pause, or a bit more, would have been more effective.

      • #76404

        Thanks for the feedback, that’s exactly what I’m working on perfecting at the moment.

    • #76363

      Mike, I too liked your readings. Very conversational and easy to listen and understand the message you are trying to get across. Like the comment before me, I would have had more spacing between the sentences, giving the listener a moment to get what you are saying before moving on to the next thought.

      • #76405

        Thanks Joel, I appreciate the listen. I’ll be working on that a little more. I had comments before of choppiness, so I may be over compensating somewhere between delivery and processing.

    • #76359

      You have a really pleasant voice – it’s very soothing and seems well suited for an informative voiceovers like the firefighting one. With both of the recordings, I would say that it would help the listener for you to slow down a bit. Either in the editing or delivery it sounded as if there was no pause between sentences. I would also saw that, particularly with the second recording, you could also infuse a smile into the recording as it came across a bit detached from what you were reading.

      • #76406

        Thanks for the feedback, it’s very helpful.

        If you anyone has a moment if they could listen to the updated ones I’m attaching today.

        firefighter: I added a half beat between full sentences, and a quarter beat in a few spots just to space it better. I’ll think of it to myself as giving the listener time to catch up with writing notes along with the tutorial.

        website greeting: This is a completely new recording. I put more smile into the read as well as slowed down with the same pacing in mind I added to the firefighter read.

        Thanks again for the input.

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  • #76340

    Hello All,

    I have a couple of new recordings and would love to know what y’all think about them.
    Thank you,


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    • #76367

      Rusty, I found that both your readings could have some clarity at the beginning. It sounded like you were off to races from the start, but then in both readings, once you get past that opening, you seemed to settle down into a nice rhythm, despite that some of the text you selected got pretty wordy, nevertheless you handled it well.

    • #76351

      Hey Rusty,

      You have a good level volume when you speak, but I would look at improving the audio quality. I hear electronic feedback during your words and in between, I would check if you hear those sounds after reviewing the raw recording, then listen again between processing steps to see what may be causing it. Sometimes an effect setting work one day, but you may find need adjustment the next time because they’re working too hard under new conditions.
      Also watch for plosives, I caught one soft one at :12 and another at 1:01 in EOB.
      There also appears to be an occasional creak or pop after a word like at :18 of EOB, maybe your chair is making noise.
      You may also want to watch for occasional sibilance on your “S” there was a sharp one at :30 at the end of “scripts.” You can fix these sometimes by either lowering the decibel level on just that S, or sometimes just removing a small section of it and making sure it still sounds natural after. I didn’t hear any other spots that were particularly sibilant.

      Aside from those bits, nice professional tone to your reads.

      • #76353

        Hi Mike,

        Thank you for the detailed feedback. It is very helpful! The audio quality is lower because I’m recording these at my desk (yeah, that’s my chair you hear creaking a bit). The plosives and sibilance is something I will pay closer attention to. Again, thank you for the detailed feedback!


        • #76403

          No problem Rusty. Another thing you may want to try is put something behind you. I also record at a desk and I used to have a slight echo problem and I experimented with an easle, some foam board, and a moving blanket drapped over and it made a big difference. I didn’t realize how much was slap back was getting to the wall behind me.

  • #76297

    Hello Edge Community. I had my first coaching session 3 months ago and then got sidetracked by various events. Back on track only looking forward. Please listen to attached and give feedback. Thanks.

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    • #76376

      Great tone, great highs and lows, etc. I’d just focus on the smooth factor, the spacing between words and phrases seems a bit too long – which comes across as it being a bit too ‘reading’, or ‘precious’. What a warm, friendly voice you have!

      • #76410

        Thank you @indexasp. “Smooth Factor” YES that is what I want 🙂 I will pay extremely close attention to that. Very helpful reviews.

    • #76343

      Hi Kira,
      Your reads have good inflection in them, there is a good variance in pitch making them easy to listen to. In your “Always” read, there was a spot that sounded like you might be over enunciating words just a little. When you say: “…alway designed new multipacks…” there is a pronounced break between always and designed. It’s just my ear, but maybe listen to it and see what you think?

      • #76409

        Thank you so much Rustylj63 for listening. I will definitely pay attention to the points you brought up.

  • #76281

    Hi there,
    I haven’t practiced voice over for a while but am happy to be getting back into it. I have a couple of travel narration reads here. any feedback would be appreciated.

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    • #76344

      Hello Swy,

      I thought your reads sounded great.

    • #76295

      I like your dublin read you have good diction, tone and pace. i would just be mindful of your pauses.
      Your flow at the end of hersey sounds like you’re getting excited for it but maybe that enthusiasm can be brought to the beginning. i would also be mindful of your pronunciation of idyllic.

  • #76266

    Hello! A few more longer narration scripts for feedback.
    Thanks in advance!

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    • #76280

      Hi Lindsay,
      thanks for sharing these scripts. I think your voice is nice and clear and your pace is good on these reads. I think you could vary your pitch a bit more for interest, and I feel like there may have been some issues with flow on the KinderDance script. It almost sounded like there was a period after “movement” in the second sentence, even though it wasn’t the end of the sentence, and the script could have ended on a more conclusive tone. Hope this can be helpful. you’re doing a great job!

    • #76273

      Hello Lindsay. The Children’s Hospital script was presented in a style (pace and tone) that made it easy for me to close my eyes and picture step by step images of what the text was explaining.

  • #76259

    HI Everyone!
    hope everyone is well im going about to have my 2nd coaching session and I would your help community with any pointers you can give me thanks in advance

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by IlikeGlen.
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    • #76454

      You have a great voice, but each sample was pretty fast. I think especially the cool jazz sample should be slowed down emphasis the “cool” in jazz.

      Watch out in the “carnation be” I think you were a little hot on the mic or just need to lower your gain as it created distortion.

      Also listen for mouth clicks, the NY Life had a few.

      Again great voice, just mostly need to take your time.

      • #76481

        Thanks Mikemcgann
        Your feedback is very helpful you have a good ear
        Because thats what my coach
        Told me as well.

    • #76345

      Hi Glen,

      Great voice. A couple of things I heard: in your AMEX read it sounded like you said car instead of card at the beginning. Other than that, your pace is fast. See how it sounds if you slow it down a little. I really think the cool-jazz read could be awesome if you played with the tempo, especially at the beginning. Just late it drag out a little. Just my thoughts…

    • #76272

      Hi Glen,

      You have a nice strong voice, and you hit client’s names really well. I would be careful with over projecting. Also, your pace is a little too fast so just be mindful of that.

  • #76256

    Whoops! Apologies. It was Joel who was kind enough to comment on my recordings. Many thanks for feedback. Brad

  • #76255

    Hi Rusty,
    Many thanks for your thoughtful comments.
    Will need to figure out how to convert to MP3 format.
    As a “Newby” to this challenging field I am impressed and frankly a bit humbled by all of the reads I have heard! All of you are impressive to my ears!

  • #76249

    Hi, everyone! Here are my latest home recordings. Recorded on my iPad, so not studio quality. I’m also just getting over a sinus infection, so my voice is still a little rough at times. I mostly recorded this to check how my voice sounds for today’s coaching session. Thanks to Throat Coat Tea for helping with my voice while getting over this sinus infection! Thank you to everyone for your feedback!

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    • #76346

      Hi Catgirl,
      I agree with Joel about your jazz read. I do think it would benefit from slowing down just a tad. I liked your haunting tale read.

    • #76254

      CatgirlMSU, your third recordings was challenging for sure. In that 21 second recording, you say the word “it” at least five times. While it might seem that that this tiny word would not be so important, but in your recording “it” appears to have greater weight. You might want to see how you are transitioning from phrase to phrase when a word is repeated so often. Documentary on Jazz is wordy too. So, take your time. You have a terrific voice for VO work.

      • #76270

        Thanks! I was starting to struggle a bit with that last recording due to my sinus infection. Now that my coaching session is out of the way, I can baby my voice for a few days until I get over this.

  • #76233

    Hi folks,
    Brad Winston here. Attempting to download 3 audio files recorded from iPhone so kindly forgive recording quality . Would love everyone’s input and advice. Many thanks

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    • #76253

      Brad, you have a natural deep resonance vocal quality. You might want to put a little more energy into your recordings and maybe play and explore with the higher tones in your beautiful voice. I was able to play back your recordings because I am using a MAC (but I am sure any audio program, PC or MAC could open the file), but you might want to try and get an app that will allow you to record in the mp3 format. In addition, it would be helpful if you could name your recordings, so it will make it easier to identify specific recordings.

    • #76243

      Hi Brad,
      I’m not sure if its the way the file is saved but I’m not able to play your recordings

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