Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #76448

    Practicing for my narration demo – any feedback is appreciated!

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    • #76709

      Hi Ashley! I liked your reads, both sound natural. My note for you on Primanti Bros one, I’m noticing each sentence seems to end on the same pitch. Maybe you could try varying the tone / pitch of the last word of each sentence, to keep the listener engaged.

    • #76460

      Hi Ashley,

      Thanks for the feedback on my Allure read. I listened to both of yours and feel you did a really good job, especially with the Bob Ross one. One note I had on the Primanti brothers is about timing… I might put a small pause, maybe another heartbeat, between “…strip district” and “an area.” Try it and let me know what you think… I felt like they were both good reads!

      • #76469

        Hi Rusty! Great feedback, thank you. I’ll give the small pause a try.

    • #76451

      Bob Ross was pretty good to me, just watch for plosives and background shuffling. I may suggest to inflect up a little more at the question at the end.

      Primanti Bros was pretty good, but you may want to slow down a little bit on the reading to enforce the idea of nostalgia in the story telling and allow a beat between sentences as well.

      Overall, I thought both were done well.

      • #76470

        Thank you for the feedback! Very helpful. I often get the “slow down” note 😛

  • #76444

    Buy handicrafts online at The Bombay Store. Our products showcase a perfect blend of art and tradition with a contemporary touch. The broad categories that we deal in are: Artefacts, Home Décor, Souvenirs, Gifts, Pashmina’s and Fashion Accessories. Visit:

  • #76433

    Hey Everyone,

    Sooo… Same drill as my last posting. I’ve got two recordings… same read. Hoping for feedback on the read, but also which voice is preferred.



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    • #76452

      Nice job on the reads as well as eliminating more background noise since the other samples.

      I would just suggest to either lower your gain a little or make a little more distance on the mic, not by much though, as you’re doing well isolating your voice in the room. It seems like it’s picking up some nasal pops, just between the 17 to 20 sec on allure 1.
      I used to get these a lot more often, but if you lower your head just a little more you may find it will reduce the appearance of them. I think of it like treading water with your head on the surface, you realize how much air makes it out your nose and creates pops.

      Besides that, you did great matching the voice to the feel of the scripts.

      • #76462


        I continue to appreciate the detailed feedback. I am really learning to hate nasal pops. I contracted pneumonia back in October and haven’t been able to shake all the congestion yet. I HATE it!

        • #76467

          Yeah, those nasal pops are a pain. They can even make you sound stuffed up when you’re not! I was dumbfounded where the pops were coming from in my recordings early on until I stumbled upon it. A little head tilt down and speaking from the diaphragm made a big difference. Hope you feel better.

    • #76445

      I love Allure 1! So smooth. I like how you take your time to savor each phrase.

  • #76431

    Hi Folks! I would love some feedback on this B****r documentary take. Things I’m working on are diction, and pitching down consistently at the end of sentences. Any input is welcome! Thanks. – Chloe

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    • #76495

      Chole, your read is really engaging, I wanted to hear more. I think you did a great job changing your flow.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Gill.
    • #76446

      Your annunciation is on point!

  • #76421

    Here’s a spot for Chevy Truck Month.

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    • #76447

      Wow, sounds like it’s ready for the radio! The word “boulder” and “month” were slightly garbled but it sounded more like a recording issue than a pronunciation issue.

    • #76436

      hello, your recording sounded great! Strong voice, good tempo, good pitch variation. The only thing I could make note on is that the word “Bolder” wasn’t very clear to me. Otherwise, really good job in my opinion!

  • #76413

    Hey Folks, I’ve got a couple of files I’m posting. They are the same read, but different voices. Could I please not only get feedback on how the read went, but also, which voice is preferred?

    Thank you so much!


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    • #76427

      Hi, I went through both reads a couple times. The first read has more energy in it. I did notice some plosives during the read. The second read was much clearer but could use some energy. They both have some general background noise but that can be edited out. In terms of preference, I think I would enjoy hearing the second reading more. Its a deeper voice voice with more clarity. Maybe you could try different tone or changing tempo. Hope this helped.

  • #76411

    Hi Everyone, looking for feedback on another read. All advice and tips are welcome. Really appreciate specific feedback. Thanks in advance.

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    • #76416

      Hey Man, is it Walter or Curtis? Which do you prefer?

      I liked your voice, tempo, and changes in tone… but to me it did sound chunky, like you were reading independent clauses.

      • #76428

        Hi, either is fine. Appreciate the feedback. I went to listen to it again later in the night. You’re right about the chunky sound. I think I edited my audio too much and it gave it a weird sound.

  • #76392
    Roman Saienni

    Hi Everyone,
    I’d appreciate your feedback on these two reads. As always, specific comments are most valuable.


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    • #76430


      I really liked the cirque de soleil one. For the Acura one, I didn’t think the list was flat. I could hear you inflecting but it wasn’t very noticeable.

    • #76417

      Hi Roman,

      As I listened to both recordings the one thing that hit me was your lists sounded flat. In the first read all three items sounded the same as far as pitch and tone. There was no variation. The same thing for the first list in the second read. The the second list in the second read you changed the pitch on the last two items and it made a HUGE difference in how they sounded.

      Also, I know some of us aren’t as worried about audio quality as we are specificially working on how our read sounds, but the audio quality in the second recording made it difficult for me to listen to. It was like the signal would cut out and then you’d talk again.

      • #76426
        Roman Saienni

        Thanks Rusty,
        I appreciate the feedback, and thanks for the technical note about the second file. I don’t know what happened… they both sounded right when I uploaded. Gotta do some checking.

  • #76369

    Hi everyone! I’m hoping to get some feedback on my homework assignment for an upcoming narration demo. Editing correctly has been a past issue, and I feel I’ve addressed those issues in this assignment. I appreciate the constructive criticism that I’ve received in the past. Thank you! It has made me better.

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    • #76418

      Hi Wes,

      I just listened to all three recordings and they sounded the same. Yes, the words were different, but the tone, pitch, and tempo were the same and there was very little range. You share something with me that I’m working very h*****n as well… over enunciating words.

    • #76375

      For all three clips I have similar feedback. To me, your voice conveys authority, wisdom, and authenticity – but the reads also feel somewhat flat. By this I mean that the dynamic range (highs, lows, variation) is fairly small, and the emotion you’re putting into the reads feels somewhat limited. I want to HEAR that you FEEL more strongly about these topics… so the old ‘tell a friend’ saw applies here.. picture yourself telling a good friend about this stuff! 🙂

      • #76380

        Thank you very much! I appreciate that, and will work to put more heart felt emotion in my reads.

  • #76364

    Hi everyone, may I have some feedback as to the conversational tone and flow of my readings. So helpful to get constructive criticism from you all.

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    • #76419

      Hi Joel,

      I agree with some of what Roman says. I think that if you raised the pitch just a little bit in some areas it would make a lot of difference. On the USO read, the first lines about coming home being a battle… I would read that close to the way you did… it’s sad, but as soon as you start talking about the USO I’d put some happiness in it. As a Veteran who’s used the USO while traveling, I’ll tell ya… it’s a happy thing for us. Also, for a lot of those passengers going to Rome, it may be there holiday or vacation… some joy and happiness here would be really good too. Hope that helps.

      • #76423

        Thank you Rusty for your comments, very helpful!

    • #76397
      Roman Saienni

      Hi Joel,
      You have a very authoritative and serious tone to your voice, which is a strong trait. But I think both of these reads need to deliver a more friendly tone. Especially the pre-boarding announcemen. Try striking a balance between serious and fun. Flying is still an adventure (in a way) and the pre-board announcement could convey a bit of excitement of the adventure the passengers are about to go on. In the case of the USO read your purpose is to create awareness and maybe inspire listeners to donate to the USO. The read, while being respectful of the USO’s mission, could be more welcoming, rather than instructional, to the audience. Hope this helps. You’re on the right track, keep at it.

      • #76424

        Roman, thank you for taking the time to listen to my recording and giving me feedback. Much appreciated!

    • #76386
      The Bombay Store

      Buy handicrafts online at The Bombay Store. Our products showcase a perfect blend of art and tradition with a contemporary touch. The broad categories that we deal in are: Artefacts, Home Décor, Souvenirs, Gifts, Pashmina’s and Fashion Accessories. Visit:

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