Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #76888

    Hey folks, it’s been a minute but thought I’d throw this up for some of your awesome feedback.


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  • #76876

    Hello! Would love some feedback on this narrative piece I’m practicing. (just performance… I’m still working on my home studio) Thank you!

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  • #76853
    Mike Reddy

    Hello everyone! Two reads here. Any feedback is always welcome. Thank you!

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    • #78492

      You have a very soothing voice….
      Try not to go up and down in tone so much, a little sing Songy for me.
      Only hilight the right words not as much as you did.

      Overall i thought they were really good.

  • #76832

    Nice post thank you

  • #76816

    Hello everyone! I’m new to the forum and looking for general feedback. Actually I’m new to VO. I am pursuing commercial VO. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

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    • #76893

      Hi Joyce, I think you Macy’s read had fairly good tempo, but as others have said, it came across a bit like an announcer. Imagine you were telling your daughter about this… have a conversation with her.

    • #76870

      Hi Joyce! Great tone and super natural on your Macys read. I think I could use a little more differentiation or build on the list of sales/ percentages. could just be the way my brain works but I tend to glaze over when numbers get involved. keeping the energy up or ramping up may help!

    • #76852

      Welcome Joyce,
      You have a lovely voice. I agree with nicolance your read is coming across in an announcement way but you read both scripts clearly which is a positive. Your second recording once again started off in that announcement read so that would be a good place to start by switching to a more conversational read.

    • #76820

      Hi Joyce – have you taken any voice over classes, training or coaching? You sounded too much like an announcer reading from a script; most voice over work today requires a conversational and realistic tone, rather than the old announcer sound. Coaching and training will help with that. You do have a lovely voice, though I detected a bit of an accent (perhaps the Carolinas?) at times that seemed out of place. Keep at it, and good luck – Lance

  • #76814

    Hello everyone! I’m new to the forum and looking for general feedback. Helpful insight would be greatly appreciated. I am pursuing commercial VO. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

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    • #76894

      Hi Joyce, something I struggled with (and still do at times) is sounding more like I’m having a conversation with someone instead of like I’m telling a whole room full of people. Think about someone you’d naturally tell about Dove SS and then try to just have a conversation with them. See if that helps.

    • #76821

      Hi Joyce – about half way thru this one there were technical issues, perhaps some issues with editing? I do not know if you heard this too? Lance

  • #76803

    Hello everyone! I’m new to the forum and looking for general feedback. Helpful insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

  • #76798

    Hey everyone – First time submission to the Forum. I’m new to VO and excited to learn! Attached are two short reads from the Documentary scripts. I look forward to any and all feedback!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by twstark.
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    • #76895

      Hi Todd, Nice reads! I agree with nicolance aobut the Calloway piece. It was all one tone. I also think you might have hit “resist” and “insist” a little hard. Just my thoughts for what they’re worth.
      I too think your Hawaii piece was really good.

    • #76822

      Hi Todd – both very nice reads. You have a good strong voice and sound sincere and believable. . . I suggest you see if you can find the beginning, middle and end of the Calloway piece, so that when you get to Callaway at the end, it is the solution to the problem – I think it will be a stronger read. As for Hawaii, I was drawn in and followed every word like you were talking to me. You varied your tone, and did a great job with that long list. Keep it up – Lance

      • #76972

        Great feedback on my reads! It’s so helpful to hear what listeners think and feel from an objective perspective. This will definitely help me and I look forward to further notes from everyone. Much appreciated!


  • #76775

    Hello! I’ve attached two scripts that I’m using to practice for my Narrative demo: one for adult e-learning and the other is more biography/documentary. Would love some feedback. Thank you!

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    • #76896

      Hi AJS, I think your voice sounds great. I’m not sure if its the sound quality of if you’ve got a bit of vocal fry going on, but I’ve been told vocal fry can be a bad thing. Just what I’ve heard. I’m working towards my narration demo as well and one thing I’ve been told a couple of times is that we should let the narration “breath” more. I had a habit of rushing through my reads. Once I started slowing down, giving some space and pausing a bit, it started to sound much better. As good as your voice is, I’d bet that if you slowed your tempo just a bit, the reads would sound even better.

  • #76770

    Hello! I’ve attached two scripts that I’m using to practice for my Narrative demo: one for adult e-learning and the other is more biography/documentary. Would love some feedback. Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by AJS10. Reason: My files were too big so I have to make them smaller... stand by!
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